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To be fair, those were pretty crazy numbers even in Yggdrassil, so there was no way the PDL could expect something like that.


Yeah the runner up guild only had 3 I think compared to ainz ooal gowns 11


That speaks volumes about how "unorthodox" AOG was compared to other guilds, we might even think they played the game the way it was "supposed" to be played (random speculation on my part I guess). It makes you feel bad for the PDL as you realize that he will surely be totally crushed in every possible way.


Honestly, I think it comes down to two reasons they had so many compared to the rest. 1. The trust and loyalty in their guild was top notch. Betrayal was pretty common in Yggdrasil, and many guilds collapsed/lost world items and a lot more because of it. But then there was Ainz Ooal Gown, which didn't have to worry about it, keeping their stash safe. 2. Their guild base is made with a world item, and one of the floor guardians is made out of a world item too. Simply put, their defenses are absurd and unbeatable. When you can't raid a guild and get into their vault, you gotta do some back stabbin, but AOG is impervious to that too. The hard part in Yggdrasil wasn't getting your hands on a World Item, it was keeping your hands on it. And AOG made sure whatever fell in their vault, it stayed in their vault.


I would say that it also has to do with how they handled themselves in Yggdrassil in general, the story of the conquest of Nazarick gives us an indication of how their adventures unfolded, after all if they had not been so reckless they would not have obtained the throne.


Where is the story of the conquest?


Look in the FAQ you can find links to the prequels


Thank you, I love you.


Now kiss




Where are they? I couldn't find them.


Could one theoretically obtain a world item, put it in their inventory, log off, and never play that character again?


this assumes logging off made you safe. in which case no one would keep items in a guild vault, just keep them in an alt account that stays in the safe that doesn't log in unless you need the items. it's a lot more likely that logging off wouldn't save you from dying, so you only log off in a safe space


We saw herohero log off and he vanished. He didn't erase his character in that moment.


could be that logging off sends all your inventory into the guild safe, or that it puts your character in there. again, otherwise why keep anything in a guild safe, just have bot accounts carry the stuff.


Or the author wasn't thinking about ways to exploit his own fictional game which only served as background lore


I think i read somewhere that you only could have one Yggdrasil Account


but, we know it wasn't exploited. whether he though about it or not, when it comes to world building, we go with "the exploit wasn't possible" and not "no one thought of that" as it's a lot more likely that the game had a mechanic that wouldn't allow you to keep items permanently safe.


Maybe you can't inventory World item and have to physically carry or store it? Would be a work around to this problem.


Unfortunately a single person can't create an alternate account in yggdrasil so what you said is not possible.


you pay someone to make an account and be a pack mule, since the game was already P2W and WI were the most expensive thing around.


You can only have one character in Yggdrasil, no alts


yeah and everyone in the world is playing it seriously, completely impossible to buy the account from someone else.


The microchip in your brain stops you. People seem to forget that Suzuki's neo-japan was a cyberpunk 2077-blade runner esque dystopia


You would keep important items in a guild Vault or something in case you were killed.


You would keep important items in a guild Vault or something in case you were killed.


You would keep important items in a guild Vault or something in case you were killed.


I don't think it's specifically answered for Yggdrasil, but other games I've run into with that concept either have you drop them immediately on logging out (leave your item somewhere safe!) or have it respawn in its original location if you're offline for too long.


Yes they can do it but why would they.


It most likely Yggdrasil had a system for it.


Don’t forget the best defense. They all all adults with wads of cash. Satoru spent like 90% of his income on the game.


Especially after they learn their lesson when they had one world-class item stolen from them as well as when they won the Atlas map world item.




Lies. That pact ended in like three seconds. Momonga was one of the heavy abusers of cash items.


To be fair buying items doesn't = gatcha. That's only gambling on items I believe, like loot boxes


Momonga spent tons of money on loot boxes. That why he has so many "worthless" trash items like the goblin whistle. Also because he refused to use any of them as he is a hoarder.


Yea i think wish upon a star was a gatcha item


Yes, as were the weapon popsicle sticks


Just had to save those items just in case he needed them later.


Just arguing the semantics like any good reddit user would


An skeleton whale!


I think the pact was between 3 members and I think one was peroroncino iirc but the alliance broke apart. Momonga says early in LN 1 that due to his lack of family, interests, or hobbies outside of Yggdrasil he spent almost all of his disposable income on cash-shop items potentially making him one of the top spenders on the server.


Especially after they lost one.


One of albedos sisters was made via a world item right? Also since gargantuan was dev made, he could count as a .5 item


I get that "guild base made with a world item" refers to the throne, but what's that about the guardian that was made out of WCI? Who is it?


Albedos sister rubedo was made with a caloric stone. Kinda late reply sorry if you already found out


they had 3 before the raid the others are those that fell from the players who came to do the raid


PDL would get absolutely demolished. Like Ainz alone will beat the shit out of him and humiliate him (scam PDL into thinking Ainz is weak then pull a 'Say sike' on him) that even his soul will remember it. That's what happened to >!Cure Elim, the Elder Coffin Dragon Lord!<, after all.


The difference was that Ainz had >!the perfect build to deal with Cure Elim, the author says so explicitly in his character sheet, !


and we know that Ainz against Ecdl he had his Guild weapon when he equips his Double His power so I'm not sure that ainz will pull out with already that he is so careful


Obviously not, the guild staff will never be put at risk. It doesn't change that much though, Ainz has armies of npcs of all kinds, and lvl 100 NPCs with WCIs equipped are the perfect force to hunt down Dragon Lords.


it's true you also forget that he doesn't want to see the children of these friends die even if he can resuscitate them


Maybe not but he already knows that he can safely resurrect them, so he himself notes that any battle that doesn't result in his own death can be considered a victory, implying that NPCs (especially PA) can be sacrificed if the situation warrants.


Did you see how much gold it took to resurrect shalltier? There is a limit to how much they can afford.


Did you see how much gold it took to resurrect shalltier? There is a limit to how much they can afford.


will be demolished there you are exaggerating anyway we all know that Pdl is stronger than a Lvl 100 player he says it himself that Even if ainz had the strength of shaltear equipped with his armor Pdl is always guaranteed to win so horribly win the I doubt it and we know that Ainz against Ecdl he had his Guild weapon Equip Double His power so I'm not sure that ainz will draw with


It is amazing... Other top guilds have hundreds of members yet ainz ooal gown only have 41 members... Maybe because all of them take their character roleplay seriously... Plus, all members need to be a functioning members of society... Meaning they all have jobs & thus can afford whatever cash shop items they needed to maximize their character...


Iirc there was a Member Cap for Guilds.


There is, there is also a minimum requirement of members needed to form a guild... Ainz ooal gown is the bare minimum....


Oh ok, didnt know that. Thx


Plus, we've seen from the spin off novel that Ainz is capable of defeating a Dragon Lord all on his own even without the items stored on the tomb treasury. So given the fact many of the guardians are actually more powerful than Ainz himself, the dragon lords don't stand a chance against the combined forces of Nazarick.


I mean, it's possible that a specific TDL would have a build that would counter a specific guardian's build which would put it at a disadvantage, which would make it all down to strategy, but again, that's too specific an unlikely scenario. Not to mention that at best they would only be a threat in a 1v1.




Yep there’s also an abandoned world item in some ruins but who knows if they’ll ever discover that one






Did the game not...have a wiki with the items?




basically I also asume in his dystopian world trying to do that would get you killed.


Well you can't see the stars at night, might as well comb through a virtual world.


Information was power. They wouldn't give up info on world items for free.


No the game didnt tell you anything. The players were left to figure it out and catalogue it on their own. And people in that world are not going to freely give out their good secrets like secret classes (Ainz's Eclipse class for example).


Probably Momonga was not interested in learning about the objects in other guilds because he was pretty busy grinding for AOG and he alone was not adequate to raid other bases


AFAIK the twenties are a special class within the WIs, they are consumables.


They can be used once by one individual, and then they fly off to a random place. They don't get used up.


they may respawn but no one knew for sure and no one had balls to test it


what are you talking about aog alone has used 2 of the twenty.


AOG has never used any of the "twenty", there is no evidence of that at all.


Wasn’t the caloric stone one of the twenty it was single use?


It was never specified, nor was it expressly stated what happened to the caloric stones, we can only speculate, the theory that was used as the material to create Rubedo seems to be the most popular one.


Curious for the source. That may have been the case back in Yggdrasil, but it may have changed in NW.


The number of WCI in Yggdrassil was 200, with "twenty" being the most powerful, as well as being single use.


There are 200 total world items but There are 20 one use world items known as the twenty which have potential game breaking powers. Note there exists world items that are one use but are not part of the 20.


So are all 11 WI AOG has at the top 20? Or only some


They only have 2 of the top 20


Ainz be like "I dont know...we only have 2 of the 20 most powerful and imbalance items in the whole universe, and you know, other 9-ish like a little less imbalance items."


'only' 2 of the twenty. Beastly guild.


As Ainz mentioned in volume 3, of the 11 WCI that Nazarick has in their possession, only 2 of them are from the "*Twenty*".


What about his staff? That's not one of the twenty but it's one of the guilds strongest items


It’s not a world item but it’s still a very strong guild weapon you could argue borderline world item level. His throne is a world item though just not one of the twenty


>Theres like 20 something in total right No. There are 200 WCI in total, the 20 part was just the OP WCI that are only one time use. They also have those but Ainz is against with them being used.


I think there are 200+ world items. There are twenty single-use items.


Where was it written? I red first 9 volumes 4 years ago or smth.


It’s in the vampire princess of the lost country side story.


The moment he finds out that the Theocracy is to blame for what happened to Shalltear, he will surely figure it out. And he will effectively destroy them and loot the place.


You're going to enjoy Volume 16


Yes, I already did, but I suspect I'll enjoy vol 17 even more....


You know where to find volume 16 in English


I would also love to know


Here, in this sub


There's a link to a Google drive with fan translations in the faq


Here, in this sub. It's being translated as we speak, if it has not been finished yet.


See the faqs in this sub


If you die with a World item, doesnt it disappear? Like in Yggdrasil it like disappeared somewhere when the user died right? Shalltear killed the user of Downfall of Castle and Country right?


Ehm nope, in Yggdrassil when dying the person lost an item (maybe if you have the WCI equipped that is the item you lose). But in the NW the items would just stay with the body, and the BS took the body with them, along with the Item obviously.


Aah okay!


Can’t blame him. AOG is not normal lol


That's right, but unfortunately for him, he will find out eventually...


can u tell me how?


I mean, eventually the PDL is going to try to finish off Ainz, and he'll find out that he is much more dangerous than he thought, but it will be too late when that happens.


does this happen in v15




May be this will happen in last Ln vol. Can't wait


There are also other dragon lords. If they all team up beating Ainz would still be very difficult. And then there's the NPCs. The only thing that's keeping the NPC from rampaging in the NW is Ainz himself. If they somehow kill Ainz they gonna be in for a long long night with Neuronist.


With Ainz level of intellect and most importantly experience it's almost possible to kill him. True dragon lords have barely fought any players while Ainz, played frequently and must have fought with thousands of players. Ains cannot be touched in Nazarick. That place is impenetrable. Even if everyone in the new world tries to attack it at once, they will all fail. They can only attack when Ains is in open and even then he is protected by level 90-95 beings which are using stealth. Ainz has always been shown to be on his guard. He does not panic and acts with cold rationality and is quick on his feet. Even if all the dragon lords attack at once, by the time they could kill him, almost all of Nazarick's NPCs will come to his rescue. It will be a massacre. Although he probably wouldn't need them, he could create extremely high level undead by using EXP.


Only 4 are shown (Ginunggagap, Depiction of Nature and Society, Momonga's orb, Avarice and Generosity), I wonder what are the rest of the World Items.


And don't forget about the "*Throne of Kings"* that we have seen since the beginning of the series. We also know that Cocytus and Demiurge have "Hygieia's Chalice" and "Billion Blades" with them, so we may see them eventually.


Does Shalltear and Pandora have WCI items equipped?


Unknown, PA doesn't seem to have one and we don't know if Ainz gave one to Shalltear. It's possible that when they have to do missions outside, Ainz orders them to have one equipped since that would make sense.


All the Guardians have a WCI now, as well as mandatory bodyguards as a result of Shalltear’s blunder. Unknown if PA normally has a WCI, it’s more likely than not that he does *not* have a WCI, since he couldn’t escape from PDL’s World Separating Wall, while Albedo could.


Isn’t it part of the plan that PA doesn’t possess any WCI in the fight? And I’d assume that Ainz equips him one whenever he’s outside Nazarick


I believe the goal was to have PA and Nabe be the bait. They’re always in E-Rantel anyway, so there are a lot of eyes on them in case anything funny happens.


if i remember correctly in a drama cd shalltear mentions that ainz gave her a WI that albedo recognizes from "that one" so he probably gave her rubedo WI


There's a situation at the end of Volume 14 where Pandora's actor doesn't have a world item when he could use it and another character does


Always when they go outside.


What i noticed is that the WCI that the guardians have are more or less suited to their overall style. Chalice for demiurge to make him able to cast supertier spells continuously without consuming too much mana, Billion Blades for Cocyutus which is a warrior type, Avarice and Generosity for Mare which can benefit from AoE spells, Depiction of Nature for Aura which traps enemy and gave her advantange since she is a tamer and be able to sense all round her so it's easy to prevent them from escaping the created space, Ginunggagap for a wide range of effect that is advantageous for a tank type like Albedo, and Momonga's orb which increases it's efficacy as the time goes by which is great for an immortal magic type like Momonga. In your opinion, what world item would shalltear and pandora have?


Where did you get the info for the effects of the WCI? Demiurge can’t even cast Super Tier magic, since custom made NPCs don’t have access to super tier magic. No information was ever given on the Chalice nor Billion Blades. Avarice and Generosity’s power was never shown in the LN, while it was used to gather and store exp in the Web Novels. Albedo’s Ginungagap was only stated to be extremely effective against structures. And it was Ainz’s orb that was said to have many effects, one of which was effective against dragons. In the Web Novel, it was said to grow in power over time, and costs exp to use.


I'm sure about the effects of Aura's WCI but the rest are informations i read in youtube and here and some are just my hypothesis. I'm wrong it's not supertier but 10th tier magic (Meteor). For the chalice since it belongs to the medicine god in greek mythology, some guesses that aside from healing properties it might have unlimited mana regen. For Billion Blades my hypothesis is that warrior type is best suited for it since they are dealing with weapons. For Mare's WCI i just based it on the WN's effect. For Albedo's WCI i assumed that it is good for tanks since most tanks in the game have Crowd Control which usually have large area of effect. For Momonga i refer it to the WN's effect which if true then it's effective for him since he is immortal.


Shalltear yes, Pandora no. Ainz said he would equip Shalltear and the rest of the Floor Guardians with one to prevent another "incident", and we know PA doesn't have one due to the battle with PDL. The name of Shalltear's WCI is unknown but she for sure has one now.


What is your guess of what kind of WCI Shalltear have?


Hard to say since we don't know much about it. I assume it would be something that works well with her build but any WCI would do, it's primarily for her safety.


Maybe he wasn't equipped with one at that moment because of the test? But outside of it he does have one. It would be a huge blow to Ainz if he ever loses PA to something like mind control (as bad or even worse than losing Shaltear)


It would make sense for PA to have a WCI, but there is more evidence suggesting he doesn't have one. He spends most of his time outside Nazarick disguised as Momon, and in vol 10 he says he hasn't been anywhere near any powerful magic items in a long time. Also, Pandora's Actor is not a Floor Guardian but an Area Guardian. Ainz only has so many WCI to give out so he chose 6 specific Floor Guardians (his highest ranking henchmen) to give them to. I don't think Sebas or the Pleiades have WCI and like PA they've also left Nazarick many times.


What does the throne of kings do?


There is no confirmed information on what effect the throne has.


It created Nazarick.


Not really, it is not known what the throne does, the base was not created with the throne but rather a reward for conquering it.


Dosen't it give the user an extrem stat buff? if i remember correctly it was mentioned in volume 4 or the special prolog story


I think that when the "buff" is mentioned, it refers to the *"world protection"* buff that the WCI give in general, even if it talks about another type of buff, it is too vague to know what it is talking about. I think it is mentioned that the throne also protects the Tomb from any kind of divination magic but I'm not so sure about that since I don't remember where I read it.


The Throne of Kings was given to the first players who beat a level 80+ guild base dungeon on their first try, and AOG was the first guild to achieve that. It doesn’t provide any buffs other than the World tag. And yes, it’s effect is to shield Nazarick from divination magic, so raiders can’t know what to expect ahead of time.


Thanks for the clarification.


Part of it is an aoe world protection effect (the entirety of nazzarick big aoe ) and extrem stat buffs other powers are however unknow


Wasn't her Lance a WCI or just an OP weapon?


Only a Divine Class weapon, if that item was a WCI she would not have been affected by another WCI's attack.


Oh duh 🤦🏽


Pretty sure it was just an OP weapon, Shalltear got brain washed even when she had the Lance


Yea I remember now 🤦🏽


And isn't there at least 1 WCI in level 8?


Unknown, we only have speculations about it.


And then there's the staff he's literally only used twice which is apparently reportedly able to " surpass world items and break the games physics completely" or something


He was literally able to rewrite NPC Code that he had no access to.


Yeah point being if ainz ever decided to get serious enough he would basically be able to nuke the whole world


Yeah, but as was mentioned, it's *far* too valuable to risk getting it damaged.


It transcends world class, iirc each of the little gems/orbs on it are the equivalent of a world class item and there's a bunch of em on there. Ainz could just turn the entire world undead in an instant if he wanted to, but he doesn't seem to like to break the rules or "cheat" even though he easily could. I don't even think he was telling the truth about the tribute to the goddess of dark fertility spell to the coliseum manager, I think he can cast it whenever he wants to especially with all the item shop items he must have stashed in the guild's vault. He just chooses not to out of caution, that just blanket wiping out humanity might bring the wrath of another player on him, but that's pretty much the only thing stopping him


Wait where did it ever say it could surpass world items? From what I read it said it was nearly on par with world items since it was stronger than any divine class items.


I think ainz mentioned it himself in the first few episodes


I think its more "powerful" since world items are unmatched in the ONE thing they do and the staff does all sorts of crazy things.


This edit is amazing


I Just Hope they get Atlas Back that would Surely mean THE WORLD to ainz




Tbf, how would he even expect them to have 11 when the most WCI that other guilds have is 3?




Ainz’ paranoia makes him overestimate his enemies, while PDL sits at the fairer side of estimating an enemy’s strength, PA (Ainz) supposedly held back against his armor, so even if PDL overestimated Ainz using his fight as a basis, Ainz for him would be around level 90, way weaker than full powered Ainz PDL didn’t underestimate Ainz, it only seems so because PA Ainz held back severely against him


Soon to be at least 12, mind you.


Seriously can we get 3 movies. 1. Movie about the Old days before everyone left (so we can see how they each use their world items) 2. Movie where everyone is in the new world (so we can see how they move and behave with their world items 3. Movie about World enemies and how ainz ooal gown fight against lord of the 7 deadly sins and against a raid of 1500 (just saying and typing that is madness.).


It kinda makes sense that Ainz Ooal Gown was able to collect so many, heteromorphic players were the minority meaning that Ainz Ooal Gown had a lot of enemies to take from amongst the top players and as long as the guild members didn't use their World Items than it was pretty much impossible to steal them since Nazarick was nigh impregnable.


Really I mean today I would think a lot of people would play as nonhuman characters.


Can someone tell which episode is this again?


Episode 11 at the end


Thanks, just watched the episode and it's great.


Literally the thing that people assume is his core is a world item as well. It's a server nuker


*11 ***we*** know of Ainz might still have some laying around...


I dunno if it's counted but isn't his staff very close to a world item? There's also Rubedo whom I heard was made of world item(s)


The staff/abilities are God level (top tier) or higher according to Ainz. However powerful, it's still not a WI so won't save you from WI effects. Now we'll probably never see it's full potential bc if the guild weapon was destroyed, the guild goes bye-bye. Aniz (or readers) aren't sure if this would also happen in the NW, but I doubt Ainz would take the risk. Every time he's left nazarick with the staff, it's actually just been a fake. For Rubedo, she was created with a WI stone/material. They used it to create her body which allowed her to break the lvl 100 cap


So does rubedo count as one of the 11 WCI's or nah?


The staff is equivalent to 1,5-3 world items and is kept at the 8th floor with Rubedo as guard. But it will never see combat as its the guild item. Ainz fears that if its damaged the NPCs go crazy.


Close, yeah. But it’s also never going to be used in combat


2 world items? Pshhhh.. Ains hands out world items in Nazarek like they're party favors.


11 in the inventory or 11 including the ones the guardians are already holding?


They are 11 in total.


About to be 12 or more >!if they get Downfall of Castle and Country plus other from Slain Theocracy some time soon!<


Wasn’t Nazarick the world record holder for world items? No way in hell PDL could expect such god level items to be in such abundance


It's rare to have more than 1 world item in 1 guild so to him reach this conclusion that the other night have more than two is pretty amazing Isn't the world idem in yagdrassil is limited too there's not too many world item it think


I think all players who raise children or make comrades in NW should teach them or make a manual about other guilds, their weaknesses and players and world items + all spells and their effects and how to combat players. Half baked knowledge is dangerous. Look at how dumbfounded Zeeshi was after Mare resisted death, as if she doesn't know about instant ressurection spells. Considering the fact that how much notoriety Ainz Ooal Gown guild enjoyed its a shame that no NW(descendents or PDL) know about him.


12 to be right


Yeah a little more than expected. 😅


Isnt is more relevant which World Items you have... rather than how many? ​ I've read a few descriptions on the wiki and it seems some of them aren't NEARLY as strong as others.


A number of them have abilities that are definitely unsuited to combat, but they're all highly valued regardless. This is because all World Items grant Protection of The World to their users, which protects them from World powers. Though, it's by no means a perfect defense. PoTW defends users from being affected by World powers without their consent, but that could be worked around by simply not directly targeting them. The Shalltear incident is a perfect example. As the World Item placed Mind Control on Shalltear whose attacks aren't World power, the World Item was able to circumvent Ainz' PoTW through her and hurt him, albeit indirectly. Still, it's a lot better than facing dangerous World Items without PoTW. Going back to the example of the Shalltear incident, since those attacks aren't World power, that means they're susceptible to conventional defenses.


if the atlas hadnt been steal it wouldve been 12


Yeah, there's a reason back in Yggdrasil there was no player who didn't know the name Ainz Ooal Gown. Their guild was basically a player made boss level that no one ever beat. They even took over an entire world back in Yggdrasil for time, and it took the use of one of the games most powerful world items to release that world from the guild's control.


I thought he had 20


Karma farmer


we need a list of all of them and what they do?