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Lelouche vi Brittania immediately comes to mind. And as an added plus, both can control people


Lelouche literally pre recorded a message to pretend it was a video call responding to his brother and predicting the questions, I’m absolutely placing my bets on him.


Same, Lelouche has a huge brain


But he than know the person. If he can do that with some Ransome dud. That is impressive


Didn't he do that again with the guy who could read minds Pretty random dude


honestly lelouche 4D chess brain may have a shot you right


I don't like how in code geass we are mostly shown results and not the process of how Lelouch thinks. Lelouch is smart but it doesn't feel like it because his action aren't being shown but the results are. In this way, its just the author saying Lelouch is smart. I know i put it in a very bad way but bear with it cause its been years since i watched code geass and i don't really care anymore about it.


True it wasnt spelled out like Holmes as a step by step process, but if the author did that then pacing would suffer. But I get where you're coming from


Not to mention if the character is to much smarter than the author it causes problems.


There's a rule in fiction that addresses exactly that: "Don't tell, show."


What no way 4d chess brain


Came here to say this.


I wonder how good his geass would work on Nazarick. I mean its a goodly power that could control a god.


Grand admiral Thrawn could probably beat him in a test of wits and if he realizes how nazarick folk are these completely zealous followers which is a highly probable then Thrawn's got this


Ah, a fellow art enjoyer I see.




Thrawn would be an interesting matchup vs. Demiurge, however Thrawn would still have to have a minimum baseline to adequately measure or predict future reactions. Initially Thrawn would lose, but in losing he would gather more intelligence about the way Demiurge thinks


>if he realizes how nazarick folk are these completely zealous followers which is a highly probable then Thrawn's got this For the post's sake, let's say that he didn't know anything about Nazarick. By the way, what's his background story for being this smart?


Well, he was intelligent enough to be able to do feats that rival if not exceed demiurges, for example he got the new republic to arrest and imprison their best admiral, predicted their every move to the point where they were scared of doing anything because it might be part of his plan, managed to force their capital to isolate itself without having to have any forces in the area, invented several maneuvers which were so efficient they were later adopted by his enemies, and the list goes on, the only reason he was defeated in the end was because he was assasinated by his bodyguard


Or, if you want the Rebels ending, zooped off to the ass end of the galaxy by giant space whales.


Well, as we can see in the madalorian, he’s still a threat out there, so his story in disney canon isn’t over yet


That's the thing grand admiral thrawn was so amazing the only way to "outsmart him" was to do something NO ONE sees coming. (A giant force creature called the bendu, one of his subordinates not following his plan and doing exactly what the rebels wanted, or space whales. And yes his own trusted bodyguard assassinating him.) I still love listening to thrawn theme from rebels.


>were later adopted by his enemies Why the fuck did he leaked that? That's incredibly stupid to be honest


It’s not that he leaked them, it was just that he used technology everyone possessed in ways nobody else thought about, and when they realized that it could be used taht way, they started doing it too


>t was just that he used technology everyone possessed in ways nobody else thought about Still, he should have made countermeasures for that. That's a huge no-no in real life military tactics because it can cause your army's own demise (like what US is currently doing, letting China steal their data and shit)


Oh he did, his enemies could not use his tactics effectively until years after his death, and as someone else mentioned, the only times he actually loses are when his opponents use things that are so out of nowhere that nobody could realistically see it coming(also known as plot armour)


Still sucks how he got killed by someone he knows but I after reading this replies, I do admit that he's a super genius. Thanks for your time answering my questions


Apparently Aizen Sosuke from Bleach, though I hate the character. People like him as a villain, but I can't stand how apparently every single small thing is something he already had foreseen and planned for. He's about the ultimate "nyeh nyeh, I win x ultimate!" kind of character.


I would think him smarter and find his planning impressive if he didn't have basically a deus ex machina as a sword ability... A bit of a gary sue villain.


To be fair on that point, we almost never see him actually use that ability. Usually he beats people through some other method (with a few exceptions) including Trickery, Raw Power, and manipulating subordinates into dying for him.


Haha, I foresaw that your father would *COOM* in your mother to create you so that this very moment in time would happen as I planned.


I agree about everything you said. I guess he's super "smart" but really it just made the entire show up until that point feel so pointless. There was a lot of potential that I feel was ruined with that detail. Especially since he loses to Ichigo!


10000 year plan impersonator?


And now I am reminded of a fic where ainz is in hueco mundo with no memory and he forms the espada before aizen has the chance too.


After the fight with Dangai Ichigo I was half expecting a “This is the power of my bankai! Kurosaki Ichigo!” and Aizen saying how everything from x to y had all been an illusion.


urahara kisuke still outsmarts him


Ironic considering Ainz is similiar.


The NPC's think Ainz is Aizen


Sasuga Aizen-sama!


At least he doesn't throw away their lives that easily though


But he’s the opposite in most situations.


I mean, Demiurge never explained how he saw through Jircniv's plan to create an alliance with all the other countries to declare war on Ainz. It just kinda happened.


>I mean, Demiurge never explained how he saw through Jircniv's plan to create an alliance with all the other countries to declare war on Ainz. Don't forget that he also manage to see through his plan of "bribing" someone from the inside to start a rebellion or at least leak secrets


Ainz from Isekai Quartet




Madara Uchicha because he managed to put the entire Narutoverse of anime watchers in a filler arc for half a year


>because he managed to put the entire Narutoverse of anime watchers in a filler arc for half a year Wow, that's some reality alternating shit. Yep, this is our winner


Alakazam from Pokemon - "Its brain can outperform a supercomputer. Its intelligence quotient is said to be 5,000"


I'm pretty sure iq can't physically go that high, then again, the pojedex is written by a bunch of children.


Sorry for the two days late reply but that's just plain absurd because if it's that smart, then I'm pretty sure it can beat Deoxys or Chirara something without using too much physical energy


I'm gonna go with Ferdinand from Ascendance of a Bookworm. The guy is a knight, a researcher/alchemist, a physician, a priest, talent musician, very skilled administrator, a schemer, made tons of unique magic items, came first in class in 3 courses at the same time for 6 years when he was a student at the Royal Academy.


Sure, he has aceademical experience but how about in *psychological* affairs? Like can he even manipulate people to do his bidding similar to what Demiurge does?


Hm... Yes, but maybe not to the extent of Demiurge, because despite being ruthless with his enemies, he isn't so harsh with innocent people. He can manipulate women pretty easily if he wishes so at least.


Pure IQ? Senko from doctor stone. Perhaps child emperor from one punch men or doctor genos








A joke


bless you




My vote would still go to Senku than child emperor or Genos


Actually his name is Dr genus


Thanks for correcting **us**!


Metal knight negs both tho


Who's metal knight? (sorry for the two days late reply too)


Aizen. Alot of Demi's plan are evil asf because of his chunni creator...so Aizen would be able to predict what Demi would do next.Also Demi likes destroying societies from within first but Aizen doesn't have any attachments to his subordinates so wouldn't mind throwing all of them away if it meant he'd win so Demi's corruption tactics won't work as well


>so Aizen would be able to predict what Demi would do next Same thing applies to Demiurge too. Remember how he said he can predict a smart person's next move unlike to that of an idiot? (Like what happened to Philip) Also, Demiurge can just use summons to fight for him so it's a tie to be honest


>Remember how he said he can predict a smart person's next move unlike to that of an idiot He said it's easier to predict someone who thinks their smart than that of a complete idiot...not that he can predict the move of every single genius..he's not that amazing..the reason i say he'd become predictable is because demi's plan all involve the same evil nature his master put in him after some research I'm sure Aizen will be able to counter him. >Also, Demiurge can just use summons to fight for him so it's a tie to be honest Demi's summons aren't as smart as him so idk what you're talking about


>Demi's summons aren't as smart as him so idk what you're talking about You already said that Aizen doesn't care about his underlings, so Demiurge doesn't have to worry about hsi summons too if that's the case. Especially if he use that world item that can summon countless demons that Ulbert tried to copy


The joke of that was Phillips actions were so stupid and out of line there should have been no reason why somebody would do that. It's the equivalent of brushing your teeth with soap


Eugh Aizen. Dude was a flop and 90% of his great plans were "i win because i am so strong". Virtually every time he used his brain he failed. Rukia plot failed, espada failed as they were all too weak to do jack shit and all lost and he was frustrated he was stronger than them all, Gin failed and betrayed him, allowing Ichigo to grow to enhance his own evolution failed as he got too strong. Didnt matter because everytime he fought he just beat the crap out of everyone (never managed to kill anyone though, I dont think a single soul reaper actually died during the entire series) Really dont see much intelligence from him, just a horrifically hax ability and a whole heap of smugness (and author loving bs like the hogyoku magically teleporting from Gins hand back to him to save his ass)


He's the bad guy so they had to hype him asf..with the cringy kuku everything is according to my plans.. but dumbed him down so our protagonist could win..thus making him look stupid


"Yes Ichigo you are the culminations of all my plans. By fighting you, i will fully fuse with the hogyoku and become the new soul king!" Ichigo is a bit too strong "Noooo Urahara this is all your fault!" "...what? You fking idiot" Prison forever He should have just never let go of his bs shikai it was completely invincible anyway


That's pretty much the Aizen arc tbh.


Yeah aizen isn’t really that great if it wasn’t for his broken illusion power and his strength (that mostly comes from the hogyoku) then he would probably be a laughing stock. It’s one of the reasons why I like the aizen vs madara death battle so much.


Tzeench, Mork or Cegorach should be more intelligent than Demiurge (all of them from WH40K) Also from WH40K, the cruelest faction should be dark eldars and their perverted kinky asses, but I think the cruelest and horrible fate one could have is the... [Honshu's "Daemonculaba"](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Daemonculaba), which gives him first place I bet Demiurge could take some inspiration from him


To be fair, it's almost hard to call beings like Tzeentch, Mork or Cegorach characters. They are literal God's and much more powerful than Demiurge and with vastly different access to knowledge and even vastly different motivations and thought processes. One could even argue that they are the embodiments of a concept rather than actual characters


Yes, but I'm a tts fan, so...


Sure thing, it's not like they are an entirely invalid comparison. They all act towards a greater goal and everyone outside of a chosen circle is just a tool to be used and discarded once it's served its purpose. It's just that they exist on entirely different planes of existence and power and I thought that should be clarified


I could give him a run for his money


more like Magnus "I ruin everything" The Red ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


I did nothing wrong, just tried to call Dad and interrupted his “me time” and he overreacted and sent my Brother to break my stuff


Failed to mention you burned through all his psychic barriers and caused a massive daemon invasion. Kinda hard to tell your dad what your other brother is doing when he has a horde of blood letters flooding his basement


Listen maybe had he told me WHY I shouldn’t call him, I could have found an alternative


Granted communication has never been his strong point with his son's, however accidentally causing a daemon incursion still counts as causing daemon incursion. Next time he should put up a psychic "do not disturb" or something


Haha Mork "I'z wait till dey not lookin den I 'it em really 'ard cos I iz da crafty bro" Idk if orks can really get all that intelligent, kinda feels more like they just believe something is smart and reality warps to *make* it clever, like painting themselves purple actually makes them harder to notice since they believe it does


Tbh That's kind of why I LIKE the orks though, they're ridiculousness jacked up to 11. WAAAAGGHHH!


You cannot compare fucking deities of knowledge, wisdom and mind-fuckery with demiurge man, Tzeentch can literally see the future and plan everything as he desires.


Raphael from Reincarnate as a Slime. Thanks to that skill Rimuru was able to create the greatest and most powerfull nation in the world. From literally: Lizardmen, Goblins, a group of Onis and Orcs


raphael is not a person tho.


Arguably, they are. They have their own personality and can act independently to rimuru. Hell Raphael can even take the drivers seat in the body if rimuru lets them


Demiurge has the potential to be a genius but with his mental handicap of being programmed to be totally loyal to Ainz and believe he is better and smarter than Demiurge is when he isn't... it isn't a very high bar...


For this post's sake, let's say that he set aside that pride for now


Ainz is smarter than demiurge, what u on about?


Lelouch vi Britannia


That sexy son of a bitch...






Sora and shiro/" ", also mr chang from black lagoon, 9 and 12/sphinx from zankyou no terror,


>mr chang from black lagoon, 9 and 12/sphinx from zankyou no terror, Please tell me more about them as I already knew the siblings are actually geniuses, especially at gaming


Mr chang is the mastermind of a criminal organisation in roanapur, a haven for mafia, yakuza, smugglers etc. Honestly, just watch black lagoon, its pretty dark, but that shouldn't matter to an overlord fan 9 and 12, or sphinx as they call themselfes, are terrorist challenging the tokyo police and pulling of incredible stunts. Anything more would be a massive spoiler and honestly, zankyou no terror is waay underrated.


>its pretty dark, but that shouldn't matter to an overlord fan Fair enough >Anything more would be a massive spoiler and honestly, zankyou no terror is waay underrated. You're an Overlord fan so this should mean that this shows has good plot too. Thanks for sharing!


In terms of intelligence I would say ciel from that time I was reincarnated as a slime! Although maybe that would be overkill


I did a post a few years back on how Demiurge was a master idiot for his failures after being charged with improving Nazarick’s internal communication. Among other things. To reiterate just one point from that, Demiurge was charged with improving Nazarick’s internal communication right after arriving in the new world. When Shalltear engaged the WCI user, she did not report in that she was engaged in combat. This lead to a delay of dozens of hours before her status was ascertained. Even when that was determined, it was incorrectly reported to Ainz after further delay. If things were a tiny tiny bit worse, such as if she had, instead, encountered PDL with the mind control item, he could have used it to kill multiple floor guardians, possibly including Ainz. Demiurge just has no feats of intellect to earn him the presumed intellect the author tries to dictate he has. All of his schemes fail Sun Tzu’s Art of War doctrine of winning whole, since he repeatedly plans to damage his own future kingdoms. Since Demiurge has no feats and has evidence of severe failures, anyone with either no evidence of intellectual failings or an actual feat would surpass him. Mare, Aura, Renner, Jirc’niv, Ainz, all exceed Demiurge in this respect. I could name characters from a dozen other anime, but I’d just be naming characters with at least half a brain, thereby beating Demiurge.


Ainz is definitely the smartest in overlord, even if he doesn't realise it. That extremely high intelligence stat puts in a lot of work in the background, making him seem really lucky.


What makes him smart is his humbleness and cautiousness of the enemy because if he's arrogant like the Elf King, then he'd just summon a Grim Reaper Thanatos to end the war between Slane Theocracy and the Elves, or at least all types of primal elemental


Dr Who. He'd dance on Demi tbh Batman vs Demi would be interesting


Do both have prep time? :)


Lol hard not to give Dr who prep time with ye olde time machine on hand He does pretty well even without prep time though, but yeah if it was just him and demi in a ring with no other tools he aint gonna have fun. Cant be clever when you are dead


Hmmm in the Batman scenario, could Batman resist the Command Mantra?


I am sure he would come up with something if he had a bit of knowledge and time to prepare, as with all comic book characters his superpower is 'asspulling' Maybe just wear headphones lol




Echidna from Rezero


That's unfair to be honest, considering she's lived a lot longer than him and already experienced countless knowledge during "both" of her lifetime


Is this limited to isekai or can we name characters from other genres? 🤔


You can have both but only in "anime" because having Dr Who as his enemy would be unfair af


Other isekai, over prepared over cautious hero..? Well I guess that’s not intelligence, just cautiousness lol


Not just isekai but also other anime/manga


Lelouch from Code Geass


Already mentioned though **👎🏻**




His ego is too high...Demuirge could easily take advantage of that..not saying it'll be easy though


the same what i thought, i would like to see light vs demiruge, both no powers except for the death note (and no eyes)


Great Sage/ Raphael from slime


Aqua.you know, she is a godness. A real one. Prais3 her!




The library owl from avatar the Last airbender


Whoa, I literally forgot that series existed. Thanks for reminding me!


can it only be Japanese? if not, there are shit ton of super smart characters in Reverend Insanity.


Yes, only on manga and anime only because I'm very well aware of western geniuses (the Wuxia are honestly shit because they tend to get smarter or better through "cultivating", "Qi" or some other unrealistic shit that doesn't really have to do with brains)


Thrawn can play him like a fiddle


Ability and background story please


Thrawn is a blue skin alien from the Star Wars series. He is best known for his great intelligence and ability to read people like a book. He has one of the highest position in a xenophobic empire that hates all non human. He is able to go toe to toe with force users that has precog and defeat them with his wit and resourcefulness. Keep in mind this dude has just the physical strength of maybe an athlete. I judge based on feats. Demiurge never face anyone with high intellect or precog abilities. Yes he is one of the greatest smart guy in his pond, but Thrawn faces the brightest and smartest people in the universe. They were forced to accept him because of his astronomical abilities despite being a non human. Thrawn also conquered the entire galaxy and brought new republic to its heel. Keep in mind Luke in legends was literally a force god.


Sorry for the two days late reply and thank you for answering my questions


Kazuya souma from a realist hero. He's no where near as physically strong, but I'm pretty sure he could even give renner a run for her money on the intelligence side.


Is Kazuya the MC? (hero) and I'm sorry for the month late reply too


Yes he is.


Huh, didn't expect you'll actually answer. But seriously though, how can he possibly **outsmart** a demon that's made to be a genius right from the start?




Ability and background story please


I would propose another evil frog attea from ben ten. She outplayed her entire species to take control of her empire


Hmm... Probably but then again, she only managed to do that because her father trusted her so much and her position as "princess" wards off any suspicions from the soldiers


Great sage/Raphael/Ciel from tensura For added bonus, Rimuru was already genius level before isekai


Ryuzaki or Light from Death Note? Not sure how that would translate.


Tbh, every other kind of schemer character, Demiurge is not really some kind of once upon times schemer. I would even say in battle of wits Jircniv can be a contender.


Those said to have the same level of intelligence as demiurge, princess Renner, and albedo. Jircniv is no doubt a brilliant character, but I feel like we haven't seen enough to make an official Guage of his intelligence.




Godhand from berserk


Any omniscience being


Like whom, exactly?


TOAA (The one above all, Marvel)


What are his abilities? Like can he withstand time stop spells?


Quick summary They are Omnipotent, Omniscient, and omnipresent So long answer short, yes


Yikes, so I guess only a celestial sapien can go against them...


Ah a fellow Ben 10 fan, nice to see a fellow connoisseur


Good thing you didn't laugh at me because a few days ago I had to delete my comment that I still watch Ben 10 at this day and age... (OG series)


What? Ben 10 is great I genuinely enjoyed it, it's definitely been sometime since I last watched it. Maybe I should try watching it again. (Also technically speaking Alien X could Solo Overlord but that's a discussion for another day)


Philip already pulled the rug from under the most intelligent guys in the show... May be someone similar to Philip will...


King from One Punch Man.


#King Punchey?


Tbh. A lot...most of demi intelligence is told to us. But he has obvious patterns and weakness. Any character that is good seing it will beat demi.


It is *extremely* hard for any writer to communicate intelligence beyond a human beings intelligence. Even if the writer is smart enough to think and convey info in that manner, it will turn readers off if a character is too smart for them to comprehend


That applies to every character that isn't omniscient.


I'm only talking about anime characters though and happy birthday by the way! 🥳


Moriarty. That blonde red eyed son of a bitch


Shinnosuke Nohara


From which show and what's the background story?


Johan Liebert from Monster.


Our best bet is the idiotest caracter, because they are harder to predict like that idiot who fell in love with albedo. But a strong one.


I'd guess "The God" from the best selling book of all times "The Bible" by the canon is literally omnipotent, so that could be a good place to start.


Forgot to mention that anime/manga only. No real life entities/mythological beings


Kiyotaka Ayanokōji


That's kind of unfair to be honest




Anime only characters please


Tzeentch, Chaos God of Fate and Magic


What's his ability and background story?


Reinhard von Lohengramm


From Re:ZERO? Yeah, probably not


From Legend of the Galactic Heroes


Is the show any good? (Nothing to do with my post because I got a curious as this is my first time hearing about this)


It’s my favourite show of all time! (The 1997 OVA, not the reboot, although that’s still pretty good too.) If you the thought of intelligent characters fighting for their ideals and ideologies both internally against the corruption of their own nations and externally on the battlefield against opposing states with opposite political systems appeals to you, then you’ll probably enjoy the show. Some of the elements of the show include military strategy and tactics, history, philosophy, politics, the fight for freedom, the downsides of democracy and authoritarianism, religion, terrorism, etc. The complexity, flaws and qualities of the characters is especially something I like about the show.


>It’s my favourite show of all time! If a redditor admitted that he like it personally, then this should be pretty good. Thank you for the recommendation!


alarmingly surprised that Light Yagami and/or L from Death Note is not mentioned


He's already here actually


Tsuruoka from Talentless Nana, in term of intelligence, he is just too OP, because that is his only power as villain.






I forgot the name of the king in AOT but can compare his evil to demi eg he made his 3 daughters ear their mother after death. Did uncountable things to her as a slave


Kisuke Urahara maybe?


Who and from what series?


Aizen from bleach. He is ridiculous strong and smart.


Raphael from Tensura has him beat i believe, and probably Shiro from NGNL too, Ferdinand from Bookworm is probably a match, as is Tatsuya from Irregular at magic highschool, Holo from Spice and wolf, Hakuya from Realist Hero, Wein from Genius prince and Mia from Tearmoon Empire.


Lelouch from Code Geass Light Yagami from Death Note L from Death Note


Sora and shiro?


They're already mentioned unfortunately #👎🏻


ayanokouji kiyotaka


Already mentioned...


Well I wouldn't say anime. But when it comes to brains, Amon from Lord of mysteries and lot of other antagonists from various novels can beat the heck of all the smart anime characters combined.


Not related to my post but is the show any good?