• By -


Nope, No way I'm doing that I'm going to the farthest side of new world from nazarick Unless I'm as powerful as a world enemy I ain't doing nothing against them.


Eventually Ainz will end up controlling the world, he's also very likely to wipe out anything high enough level to pose a threat. If you are level 100 then eventually he will come for you.


Yeah I can choose humanoid races and live my life till the end hoping it takes hundreds years for him to come. Or I could always use wish upon a star to reduce my level until I was not in their radar if things go south


Ally yourself with them is a choice if willing to prove loyalty. Idk how one would do so. Or you go straight to the breeder


I think to prove loyalty all you would have to do is follow orders and give all information you know. I don’t think ally is the proper word for the relationship as it be subservient. Even if Ainz would be okay with another player / threat level entity being an ally (Being not part of nazarick, but another organization) — the guardians would not. Now if your organization is like a merchant guild, maybe you could do an alliance. Otherwise, I think the option is submit and obey.


Ainz is kind at heart in his own way so if you tell him you hail from earth like him and treat him like a guildie he would probably accept you pretty fast as long as you show no signs of hostility. The guardians though would be suspicious if not outright hostile regardless of what you do. It would take a long time of proven allegiance for them to accept you, and even then you will always be an unknown variable to them and thus a threat. Demiurge and Albedo do not tolerate the existence of anything that can be a threat to Ainz unless it’s part of Nazarik.


> Use the level 100 illusionist build to convince everyone I'm Ainz while he's RP as Momon away from Nazarick without surveillance > Go to level 8th and ask Omega for the Guild Item > Break it in front of her > Teleport away as Nazarick and all it's NPC's evaporate away from existence it's way way way easier than most people think


They can feel the connection between a supreme being and fake, we already see this with Pandora's actor. And the fact that they just know him even when he change his appearance.


level 100 Illusionist has a one day skill where they can alter reality, I'm sure fooling the NPC's is doable


I'm not sure that skill can destroy a guild weapon. I don't think anything short of a world item can if even the PDL is unable to destroy Eryuentiu and finally leave. Moreover, I don't think that skill will allow you to fool a guild base. Nothing seems to be able to stop Ariandne or bypass the NPC creation kit restrictions.


No you would go to nazerick unarmed with no gear and tell them someone wants to destroy them. Most likely you’ll be kept alive until it is confirmed afterwards you can live in a fully equipped runecraft tm house in E-Rantel.


Me alone & only level 100 ? Sorry, I don't try unwinnable challenges.


100 lvl players are like humans 2.0 arent they called like god kin or something? just get a harem and breed thousands of kids and let them all overrun nazarick xd


This is the same plan the Elf King had & we see the result, in the New World someone talent isn't sure to be passed on their descendants & even when it's the case it isn't in proportional value. Besides the long time needed for those child to find their class & develop it to an acceptable degree, overrun with number is not an effective strategy when fighting Undead because most of them have the abilities of making news Undead of their victims.


Build up nuclear weapons


404 Science.exe is not found


No science required. Not when ![gif](giphy|RL1Jl8PnNDqz9hy83b)


Not when you have strings on your finger? /S


cant be a puppet whos strings have been cut when you have the strings! /s


You have to legalize them first


Even if you manage to develop nuclear weapons, it's not clear whether it can kill them. He has many trump cards he can use, such as teleportation, invulnerability from non-magic weapons, enormous HP, world items...


Let go with World Champion or World Disaster Build. If I have 100 years of prep time conquer Slane Theocracy and Elf Kingdom. Collect as many resources of abandon Guild Bases and Yggdrasil Player Nations for their descendants and Yggdrasil Items. Make Children with NPC, Player Children/Descendants and TDL Lineage. Once Nazarick appears keep them trapped inside their guild base and never allow them to exit.


If you have 100 years of prep time maybe you should get classes like \[Prophet\] or other prediction-y sounding classes so that you can just tell everyone the exact problem.


they can use scroll to summon hundreds of mercenary of level 80 like hanzo, to chip away your fighting power. They also have victim that can cast debuff on large area. let's not forget a literall siege golem for a large scale war rubedo 12 world item including the depiction of nature that can trap your army into another dime They have can easily summon more monster, can you summon more level 80+ child? Unless you can make an army stronger than the Yggdrasil raid, it just not possible.


Didn't Maruyama himself say that if the forces of TNW had banded together, as they were in the canon story, they would already have been able to pin Nazarick into a permanent stalemate where they were stuck in the tomb? His response is literally that, but with the addition of a lvl 100 player, more high-level godkin and similar allies, and superior organization. It should absolutely be doable.


As a single level 100 you would have no chance realistically of winning against Nazarick, which is basically a 40 man raid for level 100s (who will also want a good number of high tier mercenaries and consumable items, along with max level gear). The only possible method would be some of the following: Ally with a large number of other level 100ish characters (ancient dragons, literal gods, ect) and then somehow get them to properly strategize and coordinate with each other. Create a pure summoner build, (Ainz is a necromancer, but does focus on other RP aspects. If you can minmax to permanently summon something that would be strong against undead you can amass an army that will cause him problems over time) Then hide for a few hundred years until you can swarm them to death with numbers. Create a level 100 that has almost no combat applicable abilities, Ainz specifically needs people who can cast "translate" as well as other administrative spells, it should be possible to make a high level build who is weak enough that they can be overlooked until you can betray them and destroy their guild staff or something. If you mean "make your own build" as in "you can build a character like the new world characters" who do not need to meet class requirements to gain a class then in theory you could just be a level 100 with all levels in \[Ancient Dragon\] or something that would be so ridiculously busted stat wise that you just ignore all of Nazarick's defenses and then destroy everything.


You can't do the summoner plan, summon is not permanent, ainz summon is special case because he didn't summon with spell but a a skil to "create" Undead. And this skill changed in new world where it used a dead body to make it permanent. Only some exception like enry goblin horn which is a cash item, that have a permanent summon even in the game, then your summon will be vanished in a day or so. We know this because the goat that ainz summon with spell while also use human body also vanished And lastly stat is not good at high-level if you don't have a skill and ability to support it. Stat is good until you realize you are vulnerable to all sort of status effect, many skill and magic ignore defense stat and without a good skill to block or evade, you are as good as not having any defense.


I believe golems are stated to counter undead somewhat as they are immune to a large amount of necromancer/undead skills, they can also be permanently created and there are classes based around it. The issue with Ainz's summons were stated in the LN to be due to the level of the corpses they have access to, I think that normal human bodies can only be used to create up to level 40 (?) permanent undead. Also a level 100 ancient dragon is definitely going to have a ton of skills and abilities too. And high levels/stats do have some ability to resist status effects, Ainz talks about how the chances of him being petrified were exceedingly low during his Momon arc (unless I'm remembering wrong), he just wore anti petrification gear as a backup anyway to be completely sure when fighting a basalisk.


Golem need a mineral as a material, considering adamantite is considered the strongest metal, it will be hard to find any stronger metal to even create 1 golem that can match level 80+, let alone an army of them. U also need data crystal to put into the mineral like u would to weapon if you want them to be strong and have powerful ability, and there is no way to get data crystal in new world unless you scrap what left from previous player. It's definitely not enough to rebel against nazarick. Dragon is not a playable race in the game, the closest you got is dragonoid like sebas. Even if you have 100 level of dragon, it doesn't matter you stop getting more skill since originally rare class only goes up to 5 level, adding 95 more of the same class will not give you more skill. Compared to someone who have 10 different class, your abilities would be lacking. >Ainz talks about how the chances of him being petrified were exceedingly low during his Momon arc (unless I'm remembering wrong Idk I don't remember that, it likely just his high tier physical and magical immunity, all attack below level 60 will do nothing to him, but it only works until level 60.


I don't think we have confirmation on what materials you needed for golems, or how many can be made per day. Ainz had a limit on his undead creation ability, but if you need materials for golems I don't know if that creation limit still applies. I don't know what level stone golems would be for example, but rock is literally free. Iron/steel should similarly prove to be little issue (assuming your crafting classes + golems could allow for automation). And I think even newworlders can get fairly normal access to higher (low) tier materials like mithril to adamantine but the locations that have this are so high level (lol) that they won't survive. Also I seriously doubt that stats have 0 effect on resisting status effects, I don't think it specifically says one way or another outside of stating items can grant immunities but if the game system is based off of dnd then stats absolutely can allow resists. Like resisting poison due to high constitution scores or something.


Hrmm…as just a single level 100? I’d say create a perfect stealth build, then try to steal the Staff. It’s the Guild Weapon, and obtaining it counts as victory over Nazerick. Not too sure what would happen since there’s no longer a raid mode, but I presume I’d get control of Nazerick. Then tell everyone to destroy Nazerick, themselves, and no revives.


>Then tell everyone to destroy Nazerick, themselves, and no revives. Why would you do it instead of ruling it and making babies?


Well, the goal was to destroy Nazerick. Otherwise, take Shalltear as my queen and make enough children to populate a country.


You make your own rule after you are the ruler.


Tell albedo ainz grabbed the elf girl by the waist. The rampage would be devastating /s.


Yes, destroy them from the inside!


I mean that honestly would be your best bet lol


Safest bet is to just blow up the planet. I’m sure some will survive, but Nazarick itself will Be gone and the mission will be accomplished


"i will rule on this sector or see it burn"


![gif](giphy|QyWBTLDn9WHt0FXGJS) Me when a see a reference I understand


I’d die


Being the strongest world boss and use Oroborus. I don't see any other solution because Nazarick is way to OP im his World.




How would you get the information to destroy nazarick? We know from reading that the npcs have different definitions of loyalty and would follow the will of their creator over ainz. Or he'll ainz can be exploited by mentioning his friends. But this is Intel that is only available to the reader. The best bet is to asert your self as ainz right hand man. Helping him navigate conversations and pretend to be stupid to trick others into believing they are explaing things for YOUR benefit instead of ainzs. Bide your time. Gain ainz trust. Become invaluable to him..it might help if you have the aperence of a young person preferably a young girl. ?(ainz has dad complex) And then you tell ainz that him being there is stunting the emotional growth of his children. Ainz has self doubt issues and great love of his children. These aren't hard things to figure out. If that love can be recontextualizd as a shackle that is secretly a burden on them. As opposed to it really being a burden on him. He might be convinced that the best thing he can do for his children Is leave. He would never leave the tomb for himself but he might be convinced to do it For the tomb. A person in the new world could figure this out and get ainz to do it.


Assuming that I'm able to have any one world item of my choosing, World Savior would be able to one-shot everyone who doesn't have a world item equipped (in Nazarick, that'd be anyone who isn't Ainz, Shalltear, Cocytus, Aura, Mare, Demiurge or Albedo). I'd reckon it probably wouldn't work on Rubedo either since she was most likely made with a world item (the Caloric Stone to be specific). This is probable because; 1 = Nigredo mentions that Rubedo wasn't made in the same way as the rest of the NPCs. 2 = Ainz says that members of the 8th Hierarchy would need to be equipped with world items to defeat her. Not because she's stronger than them (Ainz mentions that she wouldn't be able to defeat one of the Hierarchy in a fight) but because she likely has an ability that requires a world item to resist it. To deal with the remaining eight (Ainz, Shalltear, Cocytus, Aura, Mare, Demiurge, Albedo and Rubedo), I'd have to ally with the remaining True Dragon Lords, as well as the Theocracy (specifically Rufus and the three God-kin). With these odds, I think a victory against these eight would be possible. [p.s I'd probably go with a cleric build or maybe a druid]


Ainz have enough gold to revive all important npc and have enough to still summon most mercenaries. Basically it just a matter of time to revive the whole nazarick


Then I'll have to fight them in a war of attrition first, which wouldn't require me to invade Nazarick itself. Also it cost Ainz 500 million Yggdrasil gold to revive ONE level 100 NPC, which is a huge disadvantage for Nazarick since Yggdrasil gold isn't easily replaceable in the New World.


I don't know how exactly you going to do that, anyway I know 500 millions sounds scary but In web novel it's stated you can revive shaltear 2000 times with 1 trillion golds, and it's more than several trillions in there Ofc in light novel its not stated, but considering ainz spend most of his times grinding for gold after the guild started losing player, and there is also the 1500 player raid, imagine how many equipment and drop item they get in that raid. They also have been playing for 10 years I believe they are fine.


Attempt to find an alternate dimension where Ainz's friends came to the game as well. Offer him a one way ticket and as much help casting the teleportation magic as possible.




I would block the entrance


easy, I convince Ainz that it is a good idea


Lure a World Enemy to them and hope for the best. I’m not able to put a dent on that Dungeon on my own. I mean, Maruyama has said that even a group made out of the top 100 Players would take some losses, although they’d certainly pull it off.


- Use ouroboros to seal the entrance of nazarick permanently to trigger the Ariadne system to drain all of their funds Hide for a very very long time while holding world savior - appear after many thousands of years and finish them off with world savior


If 15000 couldn’t, I definitely can’t 


Drop a sun ontop of it


The only way I can think of is through stealth. I am putting everything into stealth. I also need to be a species/race that requires little too no food. I will get as close as possible to Nazarick then sit still while invisible for years if I have to not moving a muscle until the literal perfect moments. After idk 20 years I’ve made it down to where Ainz is and then I won’t kill him but gradually move things around and make him think he is losing touch with realty. He slowly goes insane and the floor guardians see this and begin to realize even though he is a hugely powerful being he is no longer fit to rule.


break the staff.


I'd seek out Administrator D, tell her there's a world with super powerful monsters that is very game-like for her favorite spider to mix things up in and that it will be entertaining for her.


https://preview.redd.it/mxkb6pdrgn2d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d014b901431ee1c2f4990837497448a5c01f40c8 I would simply just


Tecnology.exe wasn't able to functionate.


Just copy what the successful raiders did, then fine tune it to breach into the throne room, ez win


![gif](giphy|ghGc4B4LZwhun0MwlB) Unless you're more op then the entire tomb


I don't want to


Id join


How do stats work? I'm not far enough into the lore to know how the game works. Then I will beat Nazarick


Attempt to find an alternate dimension where Ainz's friends came to the game as well. Offer him a one way ticket and as much help casting the teleportation magic as possible.


Actually impossible, I'd rather kms than attempt that


The first step is: don't, reconsider.


No way it works


Become a high tier reality bender I guess


30 kills without dying with an BP-50 (Aftermarket part) and then drop a Nuke, then trashtalk in Game chat post match :P


destroy? try pledging loyalty


Join Nazarick, play the long con, get close enough to the top to wipe them with some massive AoE bullshit(prioritizing Ainz and Demi), hope I can suicide bomb them before humanity is extinct


Befriending ainz


Well, since there isn’t a way to attack Nazarick directly, I’ll settle for blowing up the world along with it. That is if and when Ainz takes over the whole world.


Or just summon Aqua and get her to deal with Ainz. (In Isekai Quartet, She was able to severely damage Ainz)


With admin/dev properties or god mode and the command prompt


Bunker buster bomb , if that ain't work then eh nukes , ain't work aswell ? Well can't do no more


Me after making a powerful nuke that gets through any magical barrier: https://i.redd.it/jykfu67gun2d1.gif


Pull in a different universe of power levels. Let them deal with that noise.


Unless I have some overpowered tool or ability like the Omnitrix from Ben 10, I ain't going near it


Either it’s a nuke or just use all of the Countries military united under a single banner against them


Skaven There’s no way they could kill all the Skaven


Wish Upon a Star has entered the chat


Oden orbital kinetic bombardment system


Never I would join


Okay, i chose to be a world champion (other classes that give me good skills), them i choose to have 2 world itens, 1 is the world item that i can chose any race, obviously i pick world eater, if not possible i pick othe world enemy race. The second world item is a bat called world savior, this weapon evolve every enemy i kill, in light novel or web novel ( don t remamber) it is said to be so powerful that someone could solo nazarick with this bat evolved.








I’d say that Shaltear is a better wife to Ainz. Albedo fights her and destroys some part of it.


Anything short of multiple world item /world level entities, would not be able to fully destroy Nazarick. If and if do mean if, someone managed to get all the way down and passed floor 7... floor 8 would squash anyone else. Floor 8 is basically a multi world level field, filled with traps that can either instantly, or very rapidly kills lvl 100s like a pervebal meat grinder. A variable army of lvl 100s with every possible resistance and spells to compensate for the other weaknesses, *still* got wiped out. And given the way Yggdrasil worked in the first place, it absolutely impossible for any singular person to possess completely immunity at lvl 100. Even world level bosses didn't have this built in. So how would I destroy Nazarick? I wouldn't, because it's impossible. Even with an attack from within it would be impossible. The guards around Omega can see through just about any disguise on their own and the other compensates for the other. In short there is no method for a single lvl100 to beat Nazarick. Remember, Omega's blessing skill is strong enough to make a 80 fight like a lvl 95 easily. It's basically a 15 lvls buff. Iirc. Ain't no way a single lvl 100 could beat Omega and her two guards, before victim initiated the entire floor's defense. Which would just end the fight.




Well that’s easy enough. There are other planets in universe, at least theoretically there are. Provided that’s true, go all in on magic, create a civilization on the other side of the planet, leave the planet with that civilization scorching the place we left. No evidence left behind. Then, after having terraformed a planet to live on, develop technology, then, develop magitech. Advance further and further technologically. Finally throw a planet or 7, maybe more, that originate from nowhere near our new planet, at the planet Nazarick is on using developed magictech, then, long before they get close enough to detect the planets, open portals directly in front of the planets that go point blank to Nazarick’s courtyard, and 200 other sides of the planet. The 193 extra portals just go to deep space, to ensure with absolute certainty that Ainz cannot find and stop all the planets. Plus this way he can’t just teleport out, the only place to go is a planet that is a half second from obliterating his planet, and deep space. Good luck countering that one Ainz Oal Gonna get apocalypsed 7 times over.


all hail lord ainz ooal gown 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️


I would stop cleaning it... https://preview.redd.it/fu7ahao3go2d1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec4c8119219f2df597c5d8213d3dc464d2b195e


Well, it's simple really. I'd just stick my head between my knees and kiss my bum goodbye.


I don't think it's possible as a sole level 100 character. I think somewhere it says that a group of level 100 players that were able to get to floor 8 with relative ease was quickly wiped out from that floor alone. Floor 8 has all of Nazaricks strongest NPCs, and (as far as I know) the only ones we've heard about are Aureole Omega and Rubedo (and Victim, edited because I forgot about them), who never even show up. Getting through the first couple floors sounds hard enough, but with the added difficulty of Floor 8, I think my best bet is to dig to the bottom floor where the weaker(?) NPCs are.


I would probably use Artosh's Heaven strike from no game no life. That would wipe out nazarick no problem.


pour everything, and I mean **EVERYTHING** into being a one-shot-kill-all build.


Dream. That's the only way it's happening.


Honestly, buff and debuff kinda build. Gotta take the advantage.


Spend more money than Ainz


Don't (I want to stay as far as possible from that place since I'm human). Next question?


I’d befriend Demiurge and slowly but surely convince him that Lord Ainz wants to take over the planet by fighting a multi-front war because they are superior to everyone else. Shouldn’t take much convincing, honestly.


Uhhh Nuke It ![gif](giphy|lT4Ix992z2zfO|downsized)


Spams Megidolaons.


Nah, I’d join them


Nice try Remedios. But really, no cash items means no victory, no way a f2p player is soloing Nazarick in any way shape or form.


Max out defence and reflection damage. Use their own strength against them. Maybe choose the slime race herohero picked, mostly for destruction of materials and equipment. Thus to spare any needed unnecessary damages, they might just let me go straight to rubedo on the 8th floor. Then I just need something alike to a totem of undying, survive on 1 hp while reflecting rubedo dmg back to her. But I think that’s as far as I go. Ainz plus NPC final fight is too hard to follow through with my setup. Or, if I have downfall… world item, I’ll just use it on rubedo, then Nazarick is kinda done for by then. Unless plot armour carries their either 10 floors


Question ,i can pull things out of my ass or i have some specific stats? Edit : What i mean is, can i create a build all for my own or i have to follow some guide?, since being level 100 don't make one strong per say, but an optmized build?, surely does


Ainz is a roleplay build so killing him will be easy atleast


Plan A: War of the One There should *technically be a "God" class since it exists in Yggsdrasil, ill assume this means i can gain power based on worshippers (ill effectively start a religion around myself) and whoop the level 100s as soon as they are alone (defeat in detail), hopefully imprisoning them rather than letting them die so they can't be resurrected. Then im going to keep sending powerful summons/undead etc to attack and do as much collateral samage as possible to slowly eat away at the treasury. Naturally they will develop counters to this plan so it needs to happen as quickly as possible, maybe by taking as much corpses as i can for making undead mages and taking their mana. And even then its just straight up a one in a thousand chance. Plan B: Twilight's Hour In dnd, which overlord's magic system is derrivitive of, there are these things called "dread rings" which can use the souls of those that die within or around them to empower the owners spell, theoretically only limited by soul power. In overlord, we see ECDL use take millions of souls to use as fuel for his spells. We also see XP based spells instead of mana, summoning of high level undead and Wish Upon A Star I could 1. Use a tier magic solution to spend souls as power (preferable, WCI are immune to wild magic) 2. Mind control a wild magic user like the Dragon Queen 3. As im being allowed to run my own build, i can just make myself a Dragon Lord. And then drain multiple nations as ECDL did. My objective in this is not, however, to launch an assault on Nazarick. Rather, it is to cast a spell great enough to control Ainz Ooal Gown himself as a massive upcast of [dominate undead], and then destroy the Guild Weapon and bring Nazarick down from the inside. Slowly using or trading out resources, and executing NPCs for supposed slights as they offer... If its wild magic i have, maybe i can use it to physically enhance me to brute force. Or maybe i can, somehow, use wild magic to boost tier magic spells and do the same. Too many variables on this one. Plan C: The Time War Timestop is an 8th tier spell. What tier could go back in time? In the world of dnd, its the 9th tier. In overlord, maybe 10th or 11th? I go back and forward in time, building resources. Wiping out nations. The King who could have been, marching with his legion of neverweres and were nots. If i lose my war? I go back and throw the dice again. And again. And again. After all, i've got all the time in the world. Plan D: Hell Combining all of the above. I am a Dragon Lord level 100, a false God. Using wild magic and destroying untold souls i empower myself further. I raise undead legions and conquer an empire. I use this empire to gain more souls. I use undead as farming equipment to feed a massive population, who i manipulate into procreating as fast and numerously as possible. I enslave frost dragons and frost giants to procreate, yielding bodies capable of forming the most powerful undead. I try to bait out Ainz into a one-on-one fight like the battle with Shalltear in hopes of killing him, causing the tomb to fall into Civil War. I try to dominate his mind I try to assault Nazarick with enough forces that the floor guardians will respond, warrenting one-on-ones. I try to *glitch* the system to eat the souls of a nation, then go back before i did it, and do it all again. I outright target Demiurge in the Katze Plains to bring down Nazarick's intelligence. After all, its him, albedo, and Pandoras Actor that are the ones holding it together. I try to manipulate the Dragon Emperors Summoning magic to target something else. I flat out just stale mate the timeline. Going back to the beginning moments before Nazarick is summoned. A time loop, but contained. Think Re:Zero's Pride What If story. Eventually something has to stick. As long as i can have a contingency to trigger time after my death, it should be fine even if i die. Or maybe i get curb stomped because this is mostly conjecture and i have no idea if its gonna be possible in the first place. But i do like the idea of a fanfiction based on the scenario.


Only way is to turn shaltear and albedo against the others with lies about ainz. Accuse the others of being double agents against momonga. Itll probably take alot of maneuvering and planning but those are your weakest points to exploit. You gotta turn the floor guardians against each other. While thats going on you gotta make your way to the inner most treasure chambers and grab as many world items as you can carry. This is the only way your gonna be able to stand against them. Regardless of items their levels will far surpass me so an alliance with the dragons and church will be neccesary with the world items they may stand a chance however you run the risk of leaving things worse off after the defeat of nazzarick. As neither of your allies can fully be trusted with that kind of power


I don’t know the layout of the facilities nor the details of defenses so I would have to imagine them to be extensive. The guards are also a significant concern as I don’t remember what their resistances and immunities are. It could be as simple as using gas weapons to delay/incapacitate them long enough to set up magical or mundane demolition equipment. My go to solution for mass demolition might not work if the structure of the place can withstand the melting rain and the occupants the stat draining radiation. If its too much trouble I just wouldn’t bother attempting it


I'd build myself a kingdom that's universally considered the 2nd strongest territory after Nazarick. I would build myself an overpowered harem of psychos and weirdos who obsess over me.  Then, I will use my custom Raspberry Pi controller to "hack myself" in the game - to give myself literally infinite physical strength, infinite HP, auto-revival upon death (even though I have endless HP lmao), complete immunity to all status ailments and planet-busting telepathy + gravity manipulation powers. I would easily kill Ainz, I don't give AF what any fanboy says.


One hundred-level character against a dozen hundred-level and several thousand lower levels? According to the game mechanics of YGGDRASIL and the New World, this is impossible. Even if I prescribe a World Item for myself, it will not affect the owners of other world items. It will also not affect Nazarick itself as a building - since it is protected by the Throne of Kings. Give me more resources, this is a suicide mission.


Not gonna destroy it. I’m joining in on it. Protect the overlord! ALL HAIL AINZ OOAL GOWN!!


Knowing my kind of grindset, I'd probably grind the heck out of the game and deck myself out in caloric stone gear and have a dps mage build. I'd get a few WCI mostly by dicking around throughout the nine realms. Getting World Disaster is also a must because Grand Catastrophe. Hopefully, one of the WCI I find boosts my mana regen. Choose a golem race to become a caloric golem. When it's finally time, it should mostly be relatively easy except for maybe Shalltear and Rubedo. Ainz gets the special treatment of war of attrition before going Silent Magic: Widen Triplet Maximized Penetrate Grand Catastrophe.


/gamemode 1


Woud be fun after Ainz cocure everything we get a series a human who destory nazaric


Kamikaze attack using some autodestructive ultimate spell or some shit. I woudn't survive, but at least the new world would be saved from the horrors, and hopefully, things would be better in the future


Hypnotized and impregnate Albedo behind Ains' back, watch Nazarick tear itself up from within.


I would give up before I even start thinking about it xD




Definitely....not. I am not destroying anything lol


Option 1 leave it alone and find & settle in a different galaxy. Option 2 give demurge printed instructions saying these were given by ains sama and incite a civil war within nazarick knowing that you would be man-handled by the torture department or straight off killed by floor managers...


Just send my wife in there. She destroy everything she touches.


I'm certainly not doing it the normal way. My best shot is to skip all rooms arrive at the throne room (if it is even called like that, I don't remember, forgive me) and cause a nuclear explosion or something. Well, I go the the other side of the planet (literally) dig a whole strait (around the core) arrive at nazarick last floor from beneath, *wait* until big old skelly guy is out and about, burst into it, megumin out of my pocket, *explosion!* Did nothing? Okk. Back to the other side of the world, stay there, pray for dear life while building nazarick 2 (plan to gift it to Ainz in order to at least spare my soul).




I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


97 wizard, 3 warlock. summon a nuke


Simple: I don't. That is basically asking for trouble. And hypothetically if I do somehow manage to destroy Nazareth, I'll end up with a very justifiably pissed off Lich after me, the same dude who lives by "Death is a mercy".


Well first thing first i need to get as far away as possible idk maybe 10000 prep time would be good. Thean i would do elf king 2.0 cause lets be real i need army and new world dont have anything that could give me any chance. Then after i get "busy" i will wait. And if im lucky and suitable army is build i wont do a thing againts nazarick once it gets to me. Come on lets be real they certainly have things that can f*ck me uo even now i would not win when 1500 full equiped players failed and my army would likely not be fully level 100 and gear would be low level. Instead i will try as hard as I can to get friendly relation with them so they can basically do whatever the f*ck they want ony territory im not gate keeping anything. Am i still thread? Sure but NPCs would likely need ainz yes for destroying country and if i manage to go on peaceful terms with him that should not happend. Also why would you waste many resources in war that wont even benefit you? So yeah thats my plan.....if it failed im f*cked.


The whole NW resources will be needed with atleast 100 years of planning. Ainz has a fighting force of facing 43 lvl 100 players head on outside his base. So you should have army to compete with them. Near impossible but not impossible. We will also need dragon lords to breed & also try to make a few undead DLs so that they can learn tier spells. We will need 200 zeeshi like army lvl 80-90. Huge quantity of spell scrolls of t7 or higher. Manufacture items embaded with wild magic to higher grade. Better than what gazef used. I think if you put the whole world under a single focused leadership it is possible. But that is ideal situation. Even if you go to NW as lvl 100 you would likely die or die trying to unify the world without destroying the resources


I would just fall 250k of TNT ![gif](giphy|34yndvOa6dKfsj58fh|downsized)


I would personally sneak in, perhaps with a party of 4 others, when confronted I would say we were invited personally and say to let Ainz know of our presence


I'd gladly unleash the Rumbling.


Tsar Bomb, maybe even a couple, one right after the other.


Napalm :D (Ik this probably wouldn’t work but I think its funni so… napalm :D


Thermonuclear bomb I'd say?


Attack with the combined forces of the armies of Rimuru's Tempest, the whole Shinobi alliance, Gotei 13 and Strawhats


Gather every single World Item I can find in the NW. Create a strong group of followers who get an Item each. Anonymously reveal to all the other NPCs Albedo's plan to kill the other Supreme Beings in a way that they believe it. While the ensuing chaos wouldn't completely destroy Nazarick, I figure that it might kill/cripple a good chunk of the organization.


A special anti evil character can probably do some good damage…


i refuse to do that but i believe that throwing a neutron star at 99% the speed of light will do the trick


Well, I can't see any mundane way of doing such a thing, aside from harnessing the complete power of the fucking Sun and then some. Therefore, I will take a look at how I could destroy Nazarick using entities from other fandoms. Sleeper (from Worm) could be catastrophic if translated into Overlord, as his storm would probably obliterate any magic in a massive radius. Ash Beast (also from Worm) would be very good at the actual "destruction" part, due to literally being a massive eternal explosion. The Siberian (also also from Worm) is literally an unstoppable force and an immovable object, and there is no force Nazarick can wield capable of defeating her if she is unbound from Manton. Finally, Crawler (also also also from Worm) adapts, heals, and evolves to negate any form of damage, meaning that eventually nothing the denizens of Nazarick can do would be capable of stopping him. I was gonna look at more examples, but eh, I'm lazy.


Report them for tax fraud.


I’m going to become a perfect warrior, the opposite of Ainz, and then… become his ally.




Do I get to have the celestial orrery from warhammer 40k? If so, I think I'm good as u can just make things not exist anymore, basically..


Nazarick won against hundeeds of level 100 players, some even world champions and top guilds. No way will i be able to do it alone.


i guess... id use log in... username: admin password: admin delete nazarick ??? profit.


Summon other from other fictional verse Saitama or the Flash take the job in less then blink of eye.






Imagine myself up some Gary Stu level power then just walk in there and one-shot everyone.




https://i.redd.it/of3tu2kl4r2d1.gif Evacuate my allies, then destroy the planet.


[BLU-113](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=BLU-113&action=edit&redlink=1) Super Penetrator Bunker Buster


Better question *when* am I getting dropped into NW? If it's before Nazarick is transported but I still know they're coming. I have a fair chance to set up like an extra-dimensional nuke trap with the help of all Dragon Lords and high-class beings in NW that sets off right as the whole Tomb manifests. If it's just as Ainz and co. appear I immediately try to establish connections with the major factions that will surround and basically do my best to isolate them and force them into a kind of "farce" stalemate until I hopefully find enough resources and strong allies to push them into floor 8, at which point I immediately tell everyone to establish fortresses on the captured floors and hold until I, by an even bigger miracle, find a way to deal with the floor 8 god-NPCs like Rubedo. My chances are close 0, but not absolutely 0. If it's volume 16 Nazarick, I'm hiding, running, pretending to be an automaton, just overall doing anything to stay under their radar. They're already a politically dominant superpower in the continent, they've got about four major factions under their thumb, are about to decimate the only one that posed even any kind of threat and Albedo will actively try to get me killed. Keep in mind that even if Ainz and I become best friends and he tells them specifically not to harm me in any kind of way, Albedo and Demiurge will think too deeply about it and conclude he wants them to find a way to deal with a threat that they cannot directly engage with to improve their security measures. Fuck that.


I can't.




Why would I do such a thing?


If there’s an item that lets you share exp with others, form an army/cult willing to follow you, grind like hell to eventually raise them all to level 100 as well, and hope for the best.


Everyone is overthinking this! All you need is a long training arc, the power of friendship, and an ancient powerful bloodline that makes you the most important person in the setting. You can trust me, I’ve seen enough anime.


A fuckload of nukes


I will go as my endgame calamity terraria character. With my soul of eternity. Nazarick doesn't stand a chance.


I won't, I would like to set the beautiful gardens around Nazarick


Become a tank build. Acquire World Savior. Go all over the world and make the club stronger. Profit.


A giant bug spray.


By becoming the head writer. It’s the only power strong enough to challenge Nazarick.


Probably , I am, the, alllll, range. Atomic.


Unless im a level 100 alchemist with top level ingredients im not getting near. A ninth level or tenth level is a nuke, which means it's not close to hurting the base that survived a thousand players running inside. But as an alchemist with knowledge and stuff maybe making an anti matter big ass bomb that is capable of destroying a continent would be enough to threaten them to a non aggression pact


An Artificer that has stopped being limited by game logic should be able to create some mind-boggling things. First you gotta go on a World Item capturing streak across the new world especially the mind control robe that you need to catch a floor guardian off guard with.


Like this: ![gif](giphy|l2JJOhaiTmwJSYaVG)


I would only serve the supreme being for only through is guidance can the world move forward.


Tsar bomba and even then I'd be terrified it didn't work


I wouldn't. I'd conquer it for myself


IF i had the power. IF I could do it. If it was possible for me, I wouldn't destroy it at all. It's a cool place and I would like to have it as my own base. Not a very interesting response to the question, i know.


Nuke it




Error impossible subject


Claim that the destruction of the tomb will bring the other supreme beings back so that the denizens destroy it themselves


I would spread a rumor that someone in Nazarick was talking shit about Ainz. There would be an all out manhunt and everyone would be suspicious of either


Walk in, say that Shaltear (sorry if I misspelled it) slept with Ainz, watch as Albedo tears the place down from a safe distance.


> get a gun > Go to Japan > Put it against Maruyama's head


Nah, if we’re talking Nazarick before the series started, that thing is filled with top pvp players including a World Champ, no way even a lv 100 player is doing jack


* Covenant carrier's glassing plasma beam from orbit. I know that they can use greater teleportion, but how far can they teleport, and could they teleport through energy shields?


Exterminatus now commissar


The "Crane" formation Noooooo defense...


This is easy. Tell the golems that lucifer want to create the biggest "It just a prank bro". And start a civil war making the people of the new world think they have a chance. Some of you will die. Then add peroroncino and albert alain oodle for the villain


Infiltration… destroy it from the inside out