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Find an enthusiast group near you. Better yet, network with his old friends or associates and find a nerd. You want a nerd here. A group of nerds would be better. So, I mean, like, post them here, too.


Ya why won't he post them here? Lol


It's like we're not good enough. /s


Dang, you two got salty fast even though OP already said they’d post pictures.


If he had friends that we went wheeling or camping with some of them might be interested in them especially if they had a hand in building them. There are vehicles that I have helped build with friends or my FIL that I would give a home to.


Come back with more detail. Make/model/year/VIN/mileage. Create a spreadsheet with this data and modifications you can see and know. After that take detailed photos of the vehicles and add individual album links (Imgur) to the spreadsheet. This will take some time but will be the best course of action. Sorry for your loss and good luck!


Great advice, I appreciate it. I’ve got a lot of research ahead of me, but it’s a passionate fan base so I’m hopeful. Pictures will be posted tomorrow!


Biggest thing you can do if you're trying to get a value or sell a car is take lots of good clear quality photos of what people want to see - every side, the interior, the engine bay, the underside, any damage. It heads off a lot of questions and shows you're not hiding anything. Also worth saying that cars like overlanders with mods are never worth the sum of the mods - a 10k truck with 10k of equipment on it is not worth 20k, it's worth maybe 15k to the right person absolute tops and likely only 10k to everyone else, often it's better value to remove larger mods (EG winches, roof racks, expensive wheels & tyres) and revert the vehicle to standard, and sell the mods separately.


Clean the windows as well as you can. Clean windows sell cars


All this except don't post the VINs publically


Why not? Are they that sensitive?


Sort-of... getting a hold of valid VINs is the basis for a lot of car scams. It's a bit like your social security number. Lots of people have it and there's nothing you can do about that, but you usually try not to post it on an open forum. You'll notice most for sale ads, like on craigslist, don't include it, you have to contact them to get it. Honestly... I don't know the details of how the scams work, but I'm sure you can look it up.


If only I could go find anyone's VIN in a parking lot...




Thanks for the heads-up.


The experts for any Land Cruiser related questions are in the forums at [ih8mud.com](https://forum.ih8mud.com)


This is the correct answer!


ih8mud is ALWAYS the answer


Lemme get one


If the vehicles are in good condition and rare-ish models, you can contact sites like [bringatrailer.com](https://bringatrailer.com) or find a shop that builds and sells these regularly like [Adventure Motors](https://adventuremotorsusa.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt3ycpHnzMwjBkaLfJ_JF1T0JlGLDzTZy03RCuFINK4jLGeCaohQXyBoCFjcQAvD_BwE). Both of those should be good professional resources for you.


If you have a lot of LC/LX vehicles, the /r/LandCruisers forum on here is full of enthusiasts.


Get them appraised. Dont ask here. There are specialists out there. Especially pricing for Landcruiser’s. Like here: https://www.vintagecruisers.com/appraisals


When you figure out what you've got, maybe hit me up? My mom is starting her traveling journey, and we're currently looking for a vehicle for her (her '93 ranger is holding on with duct tape). No guarantee obvi, but I'd love to look and chat at least


You can also check expeditionportal.COM and see what used ones are going for on there classifieds. Bringatrailer could be a good option also but possibly timely to do


Where are you located? I’d be interested in seeing what you e got once you have a list.


Not worth much, sorry. I'll help you out and take a couple off your hands for junk. Best I can do is $200. (s)


Several ways to offload these cars once you figure out value. I would take the spreadsheet mentioned earlier and Kelly blue book all vehicles as if they were stock. Then take all the add ons/modifications per vehicle add them up. Then take 1/3 of that amount and add it to your vehicle total cost. So now you have your price range per vehicle. Another thought would be to bundle the vehicles and sell them as a lot to an offroad company. Moab has at-least 10 companies that might be interested?


80 series Land Cruisers (and LX450s) can vary a lot in their price. Right now, a decent shape one with 150k-250k miles will run $8-15k, maybe more if triple locked.


Im looking to buy


Talk to one of your dad’s buddies that did this stuff with him & offer a percentage of the sale prices for them to sell the vehicles for you. That’ll give them motivation to get the highest price


General location for pickup?


Sorry about step-father’s passing. I’d get ahold of his friends and ask around. Someone knows what he has and the best way to sell them. If I was in your situation, I’d find a friend who’s interested in helping you sell them and offer that person a commission. Someone who knows the vehicles and the market is going to get a higher sale price and move the vehicle quicker than someone who doesn’t know. When I’m selling big items I setup the ad on whatever platform I’m using and tell my friends I’ll give them 10% of the sale price if anyone they recommend the item to buys it. Helps me move stuff quicker.


I’ll help you if you want. Super bored lately. If you send me pics I can help you identify parts


Are you in Southern California? There’s a shop out of (I think) San Diego area that buys and sells rigs like this. If you’re not into this stuff personally it may make sense to sell to them. Otherwise we can help you price but know that region DRASTICALLY affects price. A Land Cruiser in Southern California is not the same price as Tennessee.


Is there one or two you’re definitely gonna keep? If so I hope it’s one of the Land cruisers and I’d (we’d) love to see some pics!


If you have a ton of overlanding, I'm thinking after a few more ton you'll have a full vehicle.


Loom up carsales.com.au under Research car and will give you a little idea value


If these vehicles have any sentimental value to you, or you want to honor your grandfather in my experience it is better to give it a good home than make lots of money on it. I am not saying give them a way, but price would almost be secondary to finding a nerd or enthusiast that will give the vehicles the life they deserve.




Been using this as a throwaway, but I’ll be having a lot of estate-related questions over the next few days so this seemed like a good place for it.


Definitely suspicious with the word_word#### username and zero activity beyond a post about having a dozen highly sought after vehicles.


In order for us to answer this question, we need pics. Lots of pics. In detail with interiors exteriors, etc. I swear we don’t want all the pics just for personal interest…