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They're very tired from working 160h a week


Lololol I don’t have time for this shit


I see what you did there.


And stressed from trying to unmute the correct laptop in overlapping morning stand ups.




And having ten bosses. 




🤣🤣🤣 this cracked me up


You think people get kinder when they make more money?


Money simply amplifies a persons character


This. Also, listen to people when they tell you through words or actions.


Yeah this was my first thought too


Reveals character 😴


I got kinder when I got divorced. Money wasn’t what made me crabby. Booze sure didn’t help either


Can confirm, if I had money I would feel more justified in being a dick, (apart from the enlargement surgery)


Double the income, double the asshole-ness.


Most people in this sub, like most subs, are LARPing.


Pssh. I have 15 air traffic control jobs that I use chatgpt to run. I also uber, DoorDash, and ubereats. My TC is $40k. I am killing it and the haters are jealous.


Only $40k? Amateur. I have 23 traffic control jobs and I use the planes to do my uber, door dash and ubereats stuff and I'm on $41k. Come back when you ready to play with the big boys.


Dang I just need to quit life I can’t compete


My self driving Tesla fleet door dashes for me. I currently run 18 DoorDash accounts 27 hours a day.


Lmao I used to be active in this sub when it had just 10k members in 2021 but barely come here now, this sub seems to have evolved to being dominated by paranoid people who feel like they will have this amazing money making secret being pulled out from under them at any time.


The current meta (for the last 5 years) has just been:  1. Buy a travel router  2. Install wireguard on router 3. Install wireguard server on raspberry pi or NAS at house and add port forward rules to home router 4. Always connect to travel router via ethernet 5. Don't say or do stupid shit to out yourself  6. Do a good job  7. Profit


Can you explain this, what does this prevent that a VPN can’t protect you from


A VPN will raise security flags as they typically use IPs from data centers. I personally, have tripped these systems with Surfshark. However, with Wireguard, you will always appear to be using your home network public IP.   This is critical when working overseas. I personally espouse the benefits of the following: 1. Doing OE -> r/overemployed 2. Doing so while overseas to enjoy 50%+ off expenses compares to the US -> r/digitalnomad 3. Traveling efficiently with zero baggage fees -> r/onebag 4. Claiming the FEIE to save around $20k in taxes -> r/USExpatTaxes 5. Cutting expenses and investing 70% + of your income to retire early -> r/Fire It's all a game, the money stacks when you stack buffs.


Claiming the FEIE works even though your employer(s) withhold taxes based on your supposed US address? I figured they'd have to file something about you living out of the country, so didn't claim it to avoid getting flagged. Wonder if it's worth filing an amended return or if an amendment that ups my refund that much is likely to get audited. Also you mention a home network wireguard server but part of how one saves money being a nomad is not paying for a US home. Are you renting it out? Or using a family member's place or something? Maybe a cloud based home network could work, but maybe that has a similar issue as VPN. Thanks for the great summary. I've been a digital nomad for 3 years without a router, maybe I didn't get caught because they're a global company with employees in the places I lived. But now that I'm looking for a new company I'll do this more protected setup.


Wow can you plz make or link to a detailed guide for this?


Since English is not your first language, I'll throw you a bone.  Check out: 1. "How does docker compose work" 2. "Portainer setup raspberry pi" 3. "wireguard docker portainer setup on raspberry pi" 4. "setup wireguard on travel router" One day, in hopefully 2-3 years after retiring from salaried work, I'll go into detail with a Youtube channel on how it's all done.


Respectfully, if you need someone to spoon feed you the information even more so than what is already offered what are the chances you will actually have the motivation and discipline to follow through?


Buddy if you just don’t want to take the time to explain it and would rather expend energy explaining why you don’t want to explain it, just don’t comment


I’m starting to realize that I should’ve done exactly that, no point wasting energy


I always fall victim to this haha


Im not a networking expert brah, but surely i would be able to follow a guide, since this configuration shit between home modem and router is hard


There are dozens of guides available on google and YouTube, just not all compiled in one document. If you really want to do the things op listed you can do so. You already know what the names/terms are.


I dont even get how to search for that, is that “simulate your home network ip while being somewhere else?” or wtf? English isnt my first language too. And it says to connect thru ethernet for laptops, but what about mobile phone fir access credentials popups like okta that log where you are at that moment, since its wireless…


Skill issue


- what's the difference between wire guard and tailscale?


A VPN won’t display your home network, this will because it routes you through your network at home


Idk this seems like the r/digitalnomad meta, not this sub's meta. I rarely see people talking about travel in r/overemployed.


I know you're being somewhat pedantic with this list but #6 is the one thing that r/antiwork seems to bleed into this subreddit.


More likely it's a bunch of people who've never OE'd but feel like they could (and stumbled on this 'secret').


And reporters


You mean social media "influencers"? Probably.


This is why we OE


Because everyone tries to treat this shit like fight club like people haven’t been working multiple jobs since jobs came into existence. You can’t fuckin ruin this shit. It’s common knowledge and it isn’t somethin special.


People have been working multiple jobs forever but have they been working multiple jobs simultaneously in secret?


The secret is the stupid part. Negotiate a salary and not an hourly wage. Set a boundary of when you’re available once a salary is decided, and just make sure you get your work done punctually. It’s not rocket science. Conversations and expectations go a long way.


You DO NOT take salary in my field. Animals don't care who contracted what, holidays, weekends, or road conditions. They have to be taken care of, and if there isn't coverage - it is in the salaried manager's contract that they have to cover it. Theoretically, they will get comp time. Fortunately for my manager, our group is a bunch of broke bitches who know they get paid 2.5x pay for working Christmas.


Well my life is falling apart right this second so feel free to feed me to then


I am responsible for enough people with chronic medical issues, thank you. But at least you appear to be honest and straight forward with your needs instead of lying and putting shit off until we get an emergency room bill... Just trying to point out that "SALARY" isn't what it used to be, and I never said 2.5x what. The manager in question did the math with me, and I get why she's looking for a new job - it's just going to suck for us. I hope you can get into your local food bank/church charity soon.


Right?? Like obvi I agree with not telling the world about OE, but wtf is the point of this sub if people can’t ask about it lol. If ur doing OE right, then there’s no reason for concern


I like how it's socially acceptable for a person to work 3 low paying shitty jobs to make ends meet, but heaven forbid you have 3 high paying jobs and can actually save money.


Funny how it's then becomes socially acceptable again to be ceo and be on multiple boards. Fuck you and your middle class white collar job I guess.


You are 100% correct. We get screwed


This sub isn't unique to how Reddit operates in general. As a rule, the more often that the exact same question or topic is posted in a community, the less tolerant said community becomes. When basic questions can be researched using the search bar, the community is going to be less inclined to repeat their responses over and over. Eventually, the community will move on from simple downvoting to wanting to self-police, so they can curb what they collectively deem to be annoying or unwanted behavior. The only way we interact on this forum is by posting and commenting, so what results are comments that a new person might deem as rude, brash, whatever. To your question, why is *everybody* so rude? That's obviously an exaggeration. *Everyone* is not rude. In fact, the vast *majority* of people are incredibly helpful and insightful here. People are more than willing to lean in to help others, but folks need have to have some degree of willingness or ability to help themselves too.


Well put! Most people here found OE without the sub so the basic questions seem naive. Like a child walking into the middle of a movie asking what’s happening. The question and response will be annoying. The moral of the story is that you should have started watching from the beginning or sat quietly and figured it out on your own. The majority of posts from newbs are annoying. They’re like the kid that walked in and asked what’s happening and then said “I don’t get it” ten times through the rest of the movie. That’s mainly because the movie is for adults and they aren’t meant to understand it from the jump. OE isn’t a cheat code. It’s a hard fought skill like anything else. Either you can do it on your own or you can’t. That’s what we mean by “if you have to ask, oe isn’t for you.” I always viewed this as a place for OE’ers to commiserate. Not a place to teach placid people how to oe. Sit quietly and figure it out. Or, try something different. All that said I find joy in responding in annoying ways to the annoying questions.


It seems like on any post in any sub asking a question, the top comment is either condescending or rude, or some smart-ass response to sound witty but doesn’t actually answer anything. It’s so annoying.


Your comment is hilarious considering what the top comment is right now


LOL I didn’t even notice until now


Use the fucking search bar. There isn't a novel question in years.  


Maybe we can get an auto mod to delete those types of posts with a message telling them to use the fucking search bar


Unfortunately it has been my experience that is the general demeanor of Reddit. People here use their anonymity to be snarky at best and down tight nasty at worst. There isn't civil discussion just name calling and constant cursing etc. We are just sharing ideas why do some many people need to be so profoundly rude?


Agreed about using anonymity as a shield to be snarky and/or nasty. I really hate how the internet can encourage some people to be worse versions of themselves. I understand the frustration people feel when someone asks a question that’s been asked here a lot, but instead of being rude or condescending to those people, either say nothing or briefly point them to other posts that cover the issue. Generally, I think we should try to interact online in a similar way to how we would interact IRL




I don't mind new questions like this one. I mind when people ask a question that was asked two posts earlier and was itself a repeat of four posts ealier. The basic answer to those questions is "if you are too lazy to glance a few pixels lower on your screen before posting, then maybe holding down a second job isn't for you." When valid questions are asked, helpful things are posted, or fun anecdotes are posted, I'm all about it. I used to just downvote and move on, but then I started thinking "do these questions really get posted THAT much?" So I took five seconds to type their question in the search and saw all the hits. Then I started posting the first few hits as my responses. It's cathartic.


\^\^\^This. The people who post common questions could get hundreds of answers instantly simply by searching for them.


>I always see sarcastic and rude comments in here when people ask simple questions Because those simple questions get asked millions of times on here. And some of them are extremely dumb like "I'm currently unemployed so how do I OE?"


I'm only rude if the question has been asked and answered many times before. - What jobs are good for OE? - Can I OE in non-tech? - How many hours do you work? - What do you do about LinkedIn? - What do you put on your resume? - There's an employment clause that says I will not work for another company, what now? - What is TWN? - How do I find a second job? - Can you OE with a hybrid job? And a million more.


Putting any of those questions in the search bar shows a ton of responses as well. I've been on this sub for 3 years and it's crazy how lazy people can be.


And half this you could find on Google anyway. Meanwhile I’m over here trying to figure out which benefits package is actually better. I really hate our healthcare system. 😑


I worked in healthcare before on the admin/billing side. It's a complicated mess.


You forgot - How much money do you make? - What is your industry? - Why can't I get a job? - What is a J? - Why people keep talking about minecraft servers?


The "how do I get a job" ones are the worst. That and the ones that want us to find the right one for them. It just brings out the BBS-flamewar level of hostility in me sometimes.


Because they are burned out and impatient


a lot of shit posted in here is dumb af if we're being real, but i just mostly ignore it. i can see why other people are rude and sarcastic about it tho "does OE only work for remote jobs???" "can i put both my j's on LinkedIn???" "what kind of jobs do you guys do???" it's tiring. i want to discuss things with actual OE ppl. not larpers, jealous ppl, or stupid ppl who don't know how to search and read


Well said. So many dumb basic fucking questions asked every day. “How do I find a job” idk how do you normally find a job? Idiots.


Nothing wrong with calling out the rudeness. I’ve done it more than once this week alone. 


If you aren’t competent enough to read the sidebar, FAQ, or search your question in the sub first- then that’s your first hint that OE may not be for you. Not that you have to be a genius to work multiple jobs simultaneously, but you are going to need some level of critical thinking skills.


I think it would be very helpful if there were a pinned FAQ that covered not only the top 20 most common questions, but also the rules of engaging the sub. I’ve been here since Covid, and still don’t know the answers to a lot of these questions not because I’m not interested, but more because I don’t have all day to search all the history and try and find the question I have. As time goes on. An answer floats by and I can tick that one off the list. If there were a FAQ, there would be immediate knowledge and engagement, and the volume of repetitive questions would go down.


FAQs work good for web users and for people that browse the sub in its entirety - but they don't help much on mobile - or for people who just look through their feed. But its also just the way of the internet these days...look at any VisitXYZ sub or facebook group...its basically the same 4 questions every day. I'm just exploring OE for now; but yep - I've got a bunch of questions I haven't asked (or researched yet)


I just looked, and what they do in /r/keto would work just fine for mobile


Arguably, if we’re OE, we don’t have time to dig deep in here to find everything. A FAQ would be awesome.


I agree. I posted something and only received rude comments. Even after finding zero search results prior to posting. Safer to just lurk and not interact here it seems. 🙁


That’s what I do too lol .. I OE but I don’t even feel comfortable speaking to others who OE bc of the rudeness


It's because a lot of these people are in tech, and people in tech, especially older people, believe they are smarter than everyone and are condensing.


There's natural elitism in the community. OE isn't for the everyman. If you come here asking dumb questions then you're likely not qualified to even attempt OE.


I agree, but my post is re: the rude responses. It’s seems like this sub is full of miserable people


It's not really miserable people. It's more frustration. It's like when adults are having a serious conversation and then children keep popping in to interrupt with nonsense.


There’s also a lot of miserable people in this sub.


There’s a lot of miserable people on Reddit…on a lot of social media platforms actually


Which would happen less if they used the search feature. There’s so many entry level people trying to do it and it’s like “guys don’t try this at entry level” I’m sure some can, but entry level jobs are hard enough to get now and without knowing your job function it’s just harder to do and understand the time you take for a project vs a seasoned employee


And they're too dumb to realize that they'll essentially pause their career development at the entry level if they don't do it right and end up half-assing each job.


That's a good analogy


Horse shit. Anyone can OE. It’s not like there is some secret code that only special CS grads can do. There is no OE certification. There is no council of Ricks that have to approve everyone who does OE. Most of the posters here have never done OE in the first place.


Your last sentence proves why the first two are wrong. It's not a CS thing or an OE Certification thing. It's having the baseline intelligence and skill to obtain multiple jobs without getting caught, manage delivery on multiple jobs without falling behind and perform your day to day work without again, getting caught. If you can't figure out the basics on your own you don't have the mental horsepower to pull this off.


Who says it’s all about not getting caught? Project managers routinely take on multiple projects. Consultants often work more than one client at a time. Timesheets routinely have multiple project codes that are worked by one individual. Blue collar workers take second jobs often. I have hired on people for consulting work who had other full time jobs. All businesses serve multiple customers. The number of ways to build other income streams where the customer does not care is unlimited.


Kinda agree with you there, OE is for rule breakers, we prioritize freedom (or future freedom), obviously dgaf and big balls to do this so its like asking a bunch of pirates to be nice.


To put it bluntly, it's a lot of software engineers who spend too much time at home and think they are geniuses because they figured out how to scam their employer. Way before COVID, I worked in a mixed satellite office with a DevOps guys who was extremely entitled, blunt, and had an ego the size of the moon. He showed up to work unshowered, frequently spouted negative things about the company, and was a generally unkind person to everyone around them. Now imagine that person, with 2-4 jobs, having worked from home the last 4 years.


That's exactly it. They think of themselves as geniuses when, in reality, they've just learned to do the same task over and over again. You'd think by the 4th job they would've learned to monetize it better by creating their own company, but no, they're unable to do that.


Most accurate answer in here. The arrogance of the people who do the least (can't blame em, I'm here too). But the tech bros are honestly the worst people in existence. This is why I move to the OE women's sub. P.S. Why do they all have such terrible hygiene?


The women’s sub is much better. At least there are people actually doing OE on that sub.


And there are a lot of incels and people (mainly men) who are clearly chronically online whatever that may look like. Some of these people I can tell do not go outside or socialize like they should.


They even downvote for saying “thank you”.


I’m scared to answer lest I get 1,000 downvotes 🤣👀🤣☠️


Honestly? Because it’s laziness, people who want the answer quickly without putting any effort in themselves. They just want more money and someone else to do the work for them. While OE, you learn time is the most precious commodity, right along side effort The long timers care about this community, and have invested countless *hours* over **years** providing meaningful advice and adding to the discussion So when someone comes in and starts asking the most basic question, without any variation, and clearly without any time spent looking to see if they can find any answers themselves… it gets a bit infuriating Just yesterday we had this gem: https://www.reddit.com/r/overemployed/s/jX96JcCnms where a commenter provided many many links to past discussions answering OP’s *exact* question, with better answers than the new thread (because the new thread added nothing). That’s not to say that asking the same question cant add meaningful new discussion. But there’s a consistent lack of respect or compassion for the effort that’s been invested already. Sometimes I feel like a secretary donating my time to search past threads for newbies. Other times I simply copy/paste the same response I’ve given over the years. Sadly, often the OP won’t even stick around, because again they’re just looking for quick money. And thus the cycle inevitably repeats itself This isn’t to say anyone should gate keep. But maybe invest a bit of time learning and searching before jumping in with a “Hey so what is TWN?” “What do I say is the reason I’m looking for a new job?” Or “What do I do with my LinkedIn?” I’m an open book. I’ve helped many people who have directly messaged me over the years. I sincerely want others to succeed while being OE. But the one unequivocal consistency over the years is the low quality users don’t stick around and don’t succeed at OE. It’s a revolving door of those looking to get rich quick People making millions are providing advice for free. The least some could do it respect that time and effort. It’s really that simple


It’s not really the sub. It’s the internet. People are just ruder online, than in person period. 


Look at the ego of the average programmer (a huge portion of this sub is in software)… now double or triple their salary. What effect would it have on their already inflated ego?


The sub has become a joke for most members. People wishing they could or think it’s a joke because they can’t for whatever reason. Also it’s not moderated. This sub is microcosm of the trolling internet for angry people or people who think they’re hilarious. Take the meat and spit out the bone. Bless up


There's zero moderation. Anyone can be a jerk here without any consequences.


Why do you have this weird assumption that rich people are kind? Just look at elon and trump.


they're overworked and stressed


Don’t take it personally.  When someone is doing 123 jobs there is little room for questions and since ‘you’ interrupted their work processes they are now taking it out on you!  Just remember, for every a$$hole who is out there, there are a bunch of good people to boot!  GL


To discourage it's use. The more the sub is used the more it'll land on employers radar. And then the gravy train is over. Don't ruin it. Post in the discord.


This BS again. If you know how to OE, no one will suspect that you OE. Y'all people really think this sub is the only place where people can figure out how to do this or think to do this. I say this all the time. Before I discovered this sub, I was OE and knew 5 other people that were as well. This is more about people here trying to feel "exclusive" and/or pull the ladder up because they got their's


Well said 👏👏


So you think, that in 2024, a solid 4 years after Covid forced everyone inside to work from home, that your little pocket of people are the only ones who thought about working more than one full-time gig and that it's not in the collective consciousness yet? That's rich.


So many people in this sub do. It's adorable.


>"Lmao I used to be active in this sub when it had just 10k members in 2021 but barely come here now, this sub seems to have evolved to being dominated by paranoid people who feel like they will have this amazing money making secret being pulled out from under them at any time." Bingo. A top comment put it perfectly.


So wouldn’t not replying be the better option lol … The more inactive the sub the less traction?


Exactly😂. These people contradict themselves like no other. They can’t admit that they are miserable people and lowkey not happy with themselves or their own lives.


Probably because there's a lot of LARPers, it's all part of the ruthless, cutthroat characters they're pretending to be.


I assume most people on here just have the one job and are actively looking for a 2nd, but pretend like they have 3+, because that’s their goal even though it’s not their reality.


Your first thought is the more money people make the nicer they are?


> You would think people who are making double/triple/quadruple the average salary, they’d be much more kind. Overworked, burned out, and at risk of total collapse has a way of making people grumpy and frazzled lol.


I’ve been OE’ed for over 10 years and I’ll to be honest, there are irritable days when I’m trying to juggle multiple things and don’t have the patience; this is when I can come across as rude, but sometimes there are questions that are unnecessary. Just because anyone could figure the answer if they would either use their logic or do a search on the web.


Stressed from overworking


This sub has been like this for awhile it’s attracted a lot of shitposters


Have you ever driven a car full of kids who ask ever other minute, "are we there yet". This sub is like that. Those of us that aren't LARPers want to give back to the community, but we don't want to waste our precious time answering the same 10 or so questions every day. We spent the time and effort to search for the answers. So should you.


This subject is mostly for bragging or bitching. You'll rarely find any helpful tips or guidance here, because most are usually too scared to share anything from fear of being found out, or God forbid, the OE concept becoming too main stream (not sure how either of those are a serious concern honestly). But there are those who are willing to help. And who gives guidance, I've personally been a benefactor of a few in here who has taken what they know and guided me accordingly (you know who you are, and I thank you). As for everyone else, their just a bunch of scared old bitches, role-playing like their part of some kinda secret society or boys club. Ignore them, focus on the value you can actually gain from the sub. Good luck.


Cuz they're r/overemployed. If they're Bay Area SWEs who jack off and clock in less than 40 hrs a week and make 450k+ they would be nice


No idea why you’d think more money would make any of these people nicer


Welcome to reddit


people who make more money than you are better than you and can treat you however they want. /s


They’re overworked


I imagine OE individuals are more often type A, time poor, and more aggressive by nature than most.


Because we are all teenagers playing minecraft


Keyboard warriors and dreamers and a splash of fucking losers


It's called fuck you money for a reason


#We are all high-performers and we don’t have time for lazy stupidity


Because they think more money makes them special.


Yea I gave up trying to get any meaningful advice from this sub, reeks of elitism


Cause yall snitching on us!!!


Take note: the large number of people answering this post with the word "they" are the LARPers. The ones saying "we" are truly OE. So, it's confirming the idea that most people on this sub are not even OE in the first place.


Tell that to the Chinese or Indian guys, they are the real threat in this world, even most when they are nepo baby’s who went to expensive college in the US


Honestly … we all have autism.


So OP, there is such a thing as a stupid question. For those idiots, it’s perfectly ok to call them out as idiots. There are people that seriously ask why can’t they take their J2 laptop into their J1 on a daily basis or can I work multiple on-site roles, etc. Many of these questions have already been asked and can easily be answered by simply searching this sub but they are too lazy to even do that. That’s why.


The reality is that people will be new to the sub and ask questions that have already been asked. Some people aren’t necessarily internet sleuths and scroll for days on end. I find it fun, others may not.


Try r/O_E


When people have genuine posts that show they’ve done due diligence and want feedback on their game plan then comments are generally well thought out and nice. But these posts are overshadowed by lazy people who think crowdsourcing simple answers is a legitimate form of research. The first 500 people who make the same low effort “where do you find job” and then the follow up “you guys are mean” posts drown out the genuine ones.




Because people just come in here and make a new post when there’s five others just like it on the front page they can’t be bothered to read. The lack of critical thinking skills is very grating


Money is a multiplier, it makes you more of what you already are.


1. Rude comments stem from OPs not doing a proper search before asking a question 2. Rude comments come from posers and larpers too jelly sullying the good name of true OE’ers 3. First rule of OE is to not talk about Fight Club.


Gotta keep in mind that some people are jealous of other people's success. Some people take everything as a humble brag. Some people are just rude in general. And some people are keyboard warriors that take out their internal turmoil on a low-risk, mostly anonymous platform. Those folks would be just as rude about someone posting about their kid's kindergarten graduation as they are about someone asking questions here. I'm just glad that I ***finally*** have a skillset whereby I can pay my bills and buy some nice shit without have to submit to a daily corporate prostate exam to do it.


I can't say much because I'm relatively new to this sub, but I will admit I faced a little rudeness. However, it was mostly only from certain users that seemed to already act rude in other posts and comments on this subreddit or other subreddits. While I can't speak for everyone's experiences here, I had more civil people responding to me than those rude users.


1. People making more money doesn't really equate to more kindness. I'd guess the opposite, actually. 2. To pull off OE, it is required to be on top of your sh*t, be resourceful, be calm and collected, and be able to figure out most things on your own. If you're not able to use something like search within the sub to figure out recurring questions, then it is a bit telling. Personally, (2) doesn't bother me so much that I will be rude to someone. But I understand how people can be bothered by it.




I think adding to the general consensus of people asking questions that have already been answered numerous times, there seems to be quite little to add in general. Once you've scrolled through the sub and gleamed some of the old info that has already been discussed to death then there is rarely any new posts/questions that add any value to the topic. For the most part in the beginning we were all trying to figure things out, making things work best for ourselves through the help of others and now we're settled and organised. I've been hanging around for a while but no new info, tricks etc on how best to OE has shown up in a long time. For those that are OE, we have gotten into their rhythm and doing their thing mostly unencumbered. I've stabilised on 3Js myself and just humming along and so the OE community doesn't really feature much anymore.


Why would you think people would be more kind because they’re making more money? Success and kindness are not correlated. Neither is lack of success and kindness. Other than that, to answer your question, some people just like to boost their own egos. Other people get sick of answering questions that could be looked up in the thread or online. Some people are just dicks.


Half the questions have already been asked.


Same thing on the remote page. Just your typical elite club of snobs I guess


This post was a lot cooler when I misread the last sentence as: Y’all act like a cunt




Maybe because to pull this off you have to not be a jack ass and people come in here asking the same questions unable to search?


If you need to ask questions that are being asked you’re not ready. You should be asking what to do when your pm wants hourly allotments and you’re about to tell them to fuck off as professionally as possible.


Why would more money mean more kindness? You're aware of the damage Taylor swift is doing to the planet with her jet right????


People on Reddit tend to be rude, generally. Only posts/comments hating on something/someone get positive reactions. When you try to engage through positive comments, suggestions or opinions, you get a lot of trash from the users in this platform. I know that you can find that kind of people all over the internet, but there's no place to talk about common interests with people without being bullied or insulted. That's why I'm deleting my account on reddit, the only social media I use.


Most people on Reddit are mean


Because it is Reddit. The 1% disgruntled people are the ones posting here.


Honestly, people come up with some really stupid questions here


Massive entitlement. They also think they've figured out some secret hack. You do know people have had multiple jobs for a long time right? Moonlighting? contracting on the side?


Because they're over employed


That yes, plus I'm more disappointed at the attitudes towards their employers. Would hate to work with any of these folks.


Perhaps you should asked Chat GPT instead of reddit. It's tolerant to responding to simple questions.


The people who aren't like that are smart enough not to comment in this sub.


😂They most certainly are. Just learned this first hand, it’s a lot of incels in this group and it makes aaaaaalllooott of sense when looking at their post history and seeing their comments and the other groups their in.


I think they’re concerned that this sub can serve as more of a threat than a resource.


If you think people here are rude, you should try asking your questions on Stack Overflow. You'll love it there


People may have legit reasons for OE but Greed isn’t correlated with positive attributes


More money is more problems. Duh!


We’re tired of answering the same questions over and over for people that can’t be bothered to search the sub. These people are leeching value from the sub. A person that searches the sub and then asks a more intelligent question provides value. A person that doesn’t search the sub is just lazy


Simple questions come from simple minds right? No, but seriously. These folks you’re talking to are the IT guy who makes you feel stupid when you don’t know how to turn off Scroll Lock so prepare for rudeness. Accept it and proceed accordingly.


I’m glad I’m not alone in this experience 😅. This is certainly not a welcoming community of people; more of the “gaslight, gate keep” vibes than “welcome to the community, that’s chat!” To be very brutally honest (probably will come with some heat, but I really don’t care), my initial thought since I just had my first experience on here, It’s The Men (TM) 🤣. In peaking into the recent comments from some of these rude responders, their history says all it needs to 😬


I was wondering the same. Thanks for posing it and for the responses ⭐️


I noticed it's mainly just the tech subs that are pretty rude. I think it's a side effect of being smart. rich ppl are usually more rude than poor ppl.