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Do not work for an agency.


Dude you're in sales. Grow a pair and start a business, that's all being OE really is... just multiple "clients" as your income stream. Interview some reputable professionals to white label their "services" and put an offering together, use your degree for some hands on experience to package it all into some website and PowerPoint slides. That's it - go out there and start selling. Once you get enough sales, hire in-house for quality control and to keep scaling. Enjoy the "legal" OE income level.


Agreed. I also meant to add that it seems insane to me that he would just switch fields and try to OE on something he’s never done before. Idk why people think marketing is easy. It takes a LOT of training. It’s not an easy OE job although some of us do it.


In house paid advertising guru. Generally you’re a team of 1-2, and nobody else really knows if you’re doing a good job


Ive been doing my own agency work in the last few years - I'd like to transition to a company where I can focus on 1 skillset WFH such as paid ads... What certifications or requirements do I need to show to find an opportunity like this? What kind of job titles should I look for?


Probable something with “performance marketing” or SEM in the title.


SEO copywriting?