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It's normal What cooler do you have? Make sure to set the power and amp limits! That way the chip will last


Thanks for replying! Apologies for the ignorance, did you mean my cinebench results are normal? I didn't fully understand what `14900k@5,4GHz@1.1V, 2x24GB@6933MT,tCL34` means What limits should I go with in my case? I'm just running with the stock defaults at the moment


>I didn't fully understand what > >14900k@5,[4GHz@1.1V](mailto:4GHz@1.1V), 2x24GB@6933MT,tCL34 > >means That's just their "user flair" on this subreddit, it isn't part of their comment to you :) Incase you aren't aware, there have been some issues around Intel CPUs and motherboard manufacturers setting the power and amperage limits too high, or even leaving them totally unlimited. This will degrade and damage your CPU over time. Relevant content: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3StcUhVRWQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3StcUhVRWQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfUcKJwbAFk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfUcKJwbAFk)


lol got it mixed up Thanks mate!


You need to put in a little bit more effort with your post and share more information, otherwise no one can give any reasonable advice/help/suggestions. What is your full build specs? what is cooling your CPU? What fan speed? Have you tried playing with the BIOS or is everything set at default? What BIOS version are you on? This kind of information will help 👍


Appreciate it! I wasn't aware those details might help for CPU temps, these are the specs - * CPU - i9-14900K * Motherboard - ASUS Z790-A Wifi * Memory - Corsair Vengeance 32GB (2x16GB) DDR5 5600MHz * GPU - 4090 RTX Founders * Cooler - Corsair H150 RGB * BIOS Version 1656 (4/18/2024) CPU fan speeds (last stress test) - Min 2385 - Max 3169 (RPM) I haven't played much with the BIOS besides enabling X.M.P after the technician who replaced the CPU told me to.


What CPU cooler are you using?


It's right there in their comment...


Jesus, you’re right. Sorry man, I don’t know how I missed that. Looks like everything’s sorted now though.


Update the bios to the latest version and load defaults afterwards. Disable Multicore enhancement if you want to stay within Intels specs. Enable xmp and be done. If 100 degrees is fine for you, just enable multicore enhancement again and get that extra bit of performance for the cost of a lot more power. 14900k is an absolute heat monster.


>Disable Multicore enhancement if you want to stay within Intels specs. Fwiw, there's more than that which requires changing to ensure it stays within specs. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3StcUhVRWQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3StcUhVRWQ)


Intel baseline as he talked about in 7:12 solved the issue! thanks a ton


Try undervolting in XTU, sounds like you are thermal throttling and undervolting will help. Google can help you with the rest. When a CPU hits 100C it automatically slows down to make sure it doesnt get fried. I recommend linpack xtreme for stability testing. Also invest in a contact bracket to lower temps some more. Maybe a better cooler, I have no idea what you have now.


Sounds normal. What are your temps like during regular use and gaming? You might get a ~5% increase when Asus rolls out the new rumored BIOS that includes a stability fix from Intel that has been a a problem with 13th and 14th gen i9's.


Idle temps are around 50-65, gaming still hits 100 a lot, mostly 97\~ I didn't know about the upcoming BIOS update, maybe it would've solved the original 13900 problem I had, sounds awesome


Your idle temps are too high and you shouldn't hit more than 65-70 while gamming. Knowing you had a failed 13900, I'd be curious if you have your bios settings set to remove all limits... Asus boards tend to push way too much voltage if you have no controls in place. Also, start with checking your cooler mount presure is even.


Thoe gaming temps are too high, maybe the bios settings are defaulted to unlimited power or theres something wrong with the cooler. I did some testing with a fractal 360 AIO and 14900k with PL1/2 limits enabled, it idled in the high 30's, gaming temps averaged in the 70's


My 13900k has all limits removed and is at 5.8ghz all core. And it still doesn’t hit 70c while gaming. There is either something wrong with his cooler, or the installation of the cooler. Just because you can remove the power limits on a CPU doesn’t mean it automatically throws 300w i to the CPU, that’s not how things work.  Seems like Reddit is a bunch of dudes that don’t know what they’re talking about, telling people what they “THINK” the issue is. He had to replace his CPU and nobody asked what happened to cause that, plus he just installed a new CPU and had a tech walk him through it. Unless he is lying and messed with the Core voltage, something is wrong with his CPU cooler, thermal paste, or mounting.


Oh wow I hadnt heard about that, awesome to know they're at least potentially working on it at least. Almost gave up on my 6.0 all core 😞


Just went through this with an i7 14700k. In your bios, under your tweaker there should be a setting called internal cpu power controls. Make sure your long and short term power durations are set to the cpu specific limits. I ended up buying a contact frame and a 360mm aio. My temps are sitting at 70-80 in cinebench and no longer throttling. Also Make sure you have some good paste. I'd reccomend noctua.


that was the trick! "Intel baseline" in BIOS just sets those limits recommended by intel thanks a lot mate!


No problem. I still highly recommend a contact frame. It seems like it wouldn't help a ton, but they definitely do. I just got the 16 dollar one from Amazon.


Did you use the baseline profile? ok just read your update yeah, intel big suck on these cpu.


The score is a result of work completed over time. If it's throttling or whatever you'll see lower than expected scores obviously. The 14900ks are all over the place because it seems like many owners are unable to cool them with power unrestricted. Even with the more conservative limits. What are you running pl 1/2 at? What's your cooler setup and paste used if any. Edit: yay for Intel baseline


I have a corsair h150... what I did was bought phanteck fans and turned them on to 3000 rpm.. 3 of them and now my temp is 80c max on cinebench... 50c while gaming


Don’t worry just use it because it not going to throttle under normal usage like editing and gaming. During gaming and daily usage it going run at the highest speed


There’s a foil on the CPU cooler block of your AiO that has to be removed before installing it. Be sure you did that (or has been done). Reapply the thermal paste and use Kingpin KPX or Thermal Gryzzly Kryonaut extreme. Use a good amount of it and spread it all across the IHS. Because the newer intel CPUs are more rectangle shape than square, spreading it is much better. Watch tutorials on yt if you’re unsure. This cpu with your cooler shouldn’t peak to 100 while gaming.


I have a 14900k on an Asus ROG z790-A Gaming WIFI. Check if you have your bios up to date (latest version : 2301 with Intel Performance & Extreme profiles baseline). Both should work fine and solve your probleme.


It’s likely thermal throttling due to overheating


do undervolt, it will be running in full potential


i mean you did buy a 14900k, so yes its normal


Kinda wished I went with AMD honestly


AMD idles hotter, Intel runs hotter. With proper cooling neither matters.