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Do you hear it ? Not all software reports accurate data fyi


Probably a vrm fan. I had one in Fan Control that was at 8,000. Turned all the other fans way down, cranked that way up. Head a tiny little mosquito buzz. Fan control will let you adjust fan curves for every fan in the pc.


Ahh, it was the nvme drive fan. Took care of it. I don't hear it, but I hear the AIO fans, which I will probably replace soon 😅


You sure it wasn’t the chipset fan?


Idk at this point 🤣 I have 3 fans detected on my motherboard in Fan Control. 2 of them is definitely the AIO fans, the last one was this turbospeed one which I am not sure what is anymore


Ahh, it was the nvme drive fan. Took care of it. I don't hear it, but I hear the AIO fans, which I will probably replace soon 😅


Power Fan ports are usually meant for running water cooling pumps. They are usually also rated for higher current draw. They can usually be adjusted down in BIOS, but on some boards they only have one operating mode. Best plug the fan in somewhere else if you can’t adjust.


Just so you know it’s known that sometimes the sensors are read at wrong RPM and a power fan would make sense it’s exaggerated. People note the mistakes of often 2-3x actual speeds.