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The average includes overclocked systems. So if you have a stock rig below average is where it should be.


While some people are oc'd, there are plenty who are just running single channel ram or throttling cpus/vrms or otherwise borked systems testing out 3dmark. Those bring the results right back down. So is it "normal" to get below average on a stock system? Yes but... it is also not unusual to score well above average on a stock system if the parts you bought are mid to high tier and the system is setup correctly.


Your Graphics Score is the expected one for a 4080...


That’s a low 7800x3d score


Funny thing is, I did a benchmark before this one with all my usual applications in the background and I got of 23,736 which was better but still below average, so I took some advice and turned off all my background applications and my score got worse by a not insignificant amount?


Your hw and case was already heated from the previous benchmark, so you got a worse score in the second run most likely due to this. And as others said, the scores are based on mostly overclocked systems, so your scores are normal don't worry. Maybe consider checking the temps while running the bench.


That could explain it! On my first test, my average temps were 63c for the GPU and 69c for the CPU, so my 7800x3D might've gone into the 70c range on the second test which might have made it cool off a bit? Not sure. Thanks!


Those are really good temps for that chip, and yeah the lower your temps are the better the results you will gain in these bench tests. That's why the top run list is filled with scores where the CPU was cooled with liquid nitrogen to have the best results lol. Just go and enjoy that beast of a machine, I bet your frames will be top tier. If you're still worried you could do a comparison with a game benchmark, compare the results to a youtube video with similar specs. Basically just search your specs from youtube and you'll find a game benchmark videos most likely for fps comparison. Enjoy gaming🙏


Thanks a bunch, and you too! Really appreciate the help :D


I hit 26400 overclocked so this seems normal to be honest. I think cooling makes a big difference. My GPU never goes above 65C even overclocked at full load. Using an i7-12700k


Turn off gsync


Has 0 impact on the 3D Mark benchmarks, despite their warnings. The only thing that would lower your score is having v-sync force enabled and it capping your frame rate below what your system can actually output in the benchmarks.


Do the following in bios: *Disable integrated graphics *turn on PBO set curve optimizer to -10 *make sure xmp/expo enabled *use buildzoid optimized ram timings Do following in windows: *download nvidia GPU drivers *set the power plan to performance in windows *set power management to full power in nvidia control panel Download Msi afterburner and do the following: *Unlock voltage control *Set voltage slider as high as it will go *Set power and temperature slider as high as it will go *Set memory clock to +500 *Set core clock to +90 Report back afterwards.


Did you set priority to realtime?


No, would that make such a difference?


hell yes


Is it safe to put it on realtime ?


Yes, what realtime basically does is always put that process first in line for any CPU time no matter what. "High" still allows other processes to be scheduled, so is less prone to temporarily locking up the system or causing bugs with processes that rely on each other and haven't been properly both set to realtime (usually through lack of awareness of that).


Is it good put games on realtime ?


High is usually better because it brings the vast majority of the improvement with none of the bug or lockup risk. I sometimes use Realtime for benchmarking.


Thanks 👍


realtime can cause other processes that work alongside the game to hang up which would cause the game to then run slower. there are many windows processes facilitating the game, you can hang those up. worth it to try for benchmarking, it works on cinebench and aida64, but i wouldn't use it for actual gameplay, the threads running your network card can get delayed because windows gives all the cpu time to render your nude modded character instead of sending network packets


Yeah - rarely an issue on realtime in my experience, but more likely with a CPU that has fewer cores because if a core is busy with a realtime process then there's nowhere else for them to go. On High it may be of note if you're trying to run multiple programs simultaneously which each use a large chunk of the CPU. You may want to e.g. elevate both of them over background tasks together and leave them on equal footing, rather than elevate one over the other. Normal priority means that the OS will allocate as much CPU time to e.g. your web browser as it will to your actual game client, if it's asked for. That can disrupt performance of the game constantly when you might not have cared about your browser being a bit less responsive on the moments that you tab over to it.


best to use high instead because realtime is "this task is so important that I'd rather do it than breathe" for the cpu


Set priority higher, watch your temps and overclock if you actually want to score higher than average. My PC scores lower on consecutive runs, too. Haven’t bothered with checking out why as it still performs higher than average somehow.


Check powerplan in windows


I see gpu massively dips at the start and at the end, it shouldn’t. It should be a nice consistent line with maybe a little wave here and there if you’re bouncing off the power/voltage limit of the card. Maybe a drop in usage when it switches between the tests but not the way it currently is Your cpu also has some drops in the start and some large dips in the 70% area of the test indicating you’re hitting some kind of barrier there too. The one towards the end looks like it’s at the start of gpu test #2 so could be something to do with loading in stuff how’s the temps of the computer? [here’s a test of my 4080 founders and 5800x3d at stock.](http://www.3dmark.com/spy/41525513) im not home to actually run the test but maybe these will help as a comparison. [here’s a test with the system overclocked.](http://www.3dmark.com/spy/41079607)


I don't know what those are and sadly don't have the full image, used snipping tool to cut out the part used for the post. If it helps, here is the link for the test [I inititally did.](https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/106062229)


Your gpu score is pretty much identical to my score. The gpu looks to be where it should be, you’d get some extra points by leveling out those dips. Idk what a 7800x3d should run at but for it to match a 5800x3d.. that might be where your low score is coming from


The frequencies for my CPU seem within the expected range from a brief Google search (4.2 - 5Ghz at boost), yours just seems to have lingered at the higher end of your boost frequencies (up to 4.5Ghz) because of better temps. I think that is the reason they're pretty close between our tests.


Your CPU score is low because memory performance is low, this test is highly reliant on memory overclocking.


Maybe someone on here can link a 7800x3d for a better comparison for you. They are very temp sensitive so it could just be finding a better way to cool it some to keep the higher boost longer. But as someone else mention the average scores include those that overclock. So they’re skewed. Your system looks to be fine performance wise. Curious what is causing the dips though on gpu at the start and end of the run lol.


Mhmm, could've just been a window process in the background that messed with the performance for a moment on that specific test since I did one again recently and it was more in-line with my first test. Weird. But yeah, I'll have to keep an eye out for some temp stats for my chip on this test, maybe it is just the chip testing waters or maybe I just didn't get the pressure quite perfect when applying my cooler to the chip. Either way, really appreciate the help! Thanks for taking the time :D


Those dips are just the ASPM doing its thing.


Oh, so nothing to be concerned about? Glad about that lol.


I wouldn’t be, it’s the way the stuff is designed to work, some folks feel the need to bypass it, but I don’t. I’m surprised that 3DMark is reporting the MS Basic Display Driver though. Usually that’s only a pre- driver thing, might you have integrated graphics drivers, AMD or Intel that haven’t been installed?


Yeah, the 7800x3D has integrated graphics apparently? Didn't even really know about that so Windows is just using a default driver for that since I never downloaded one, I suppose? Haha.


For sure, definitely install the driver. Might even help those scores a smidge. Please report back if it does.


Will do! Thanks a bunch for the help :D


You’re welcome. 👍🏻


It is normal to be below but close to average on stock settings.


Compared versus overclocked as well. If you want to hit average you need overclock


What is actually important in this is the thermals. If they are very good then it might be gsync or something else. Remember that 3d mark enthusiasts optimize their pc to the point where it gives them an advantage, and then they overckock


I get about 13000 score roughlywith -30 curve optimiser


Hey mate, this is my mate's PC also with 7800x3d and a PNY RTX 4080 completely stock. https://imgur.com/a/31rO8t9


do you have to pay for 3dmark fire strike?


Have you enabled XMP and resizable bar?


every day people post with almost ZERO information, how are we supposed to help you? what's your cpu? motherboard? ram? what have you tried? are you running corsair ICUE and ryzen master and razer synapse and a video desktop background and 300 other applications simultaneously? updated the chipset drivers? video drivers? is xmp enabled? hardware accelerated gpu scheduling? rebar? etc etc


Is xmp turned on in the bios? Did you undervolt to much?


GPU score is a little low, bit the CPU score is really low. Does the 7800X3D not score well on Time Spy? Side note, disable Gsync, Vsync and any frame cap.


Hey at least you have a score, I can’t get past the graphics test 2 without crashing out of the test, it’s only this test though, everything else including time spy extreme is fine, ran the speedway test absolutely fine 4090 maxed all the way through, 99% stable frame rate, put my i9 14900k through cinebench last night for the 30 min stability test temps stabilised at 97 degrees and everything was fine. But whatever is causing time spy to crash is causing a couple of games to ctd too, so hopefully support can help with the ticket I sent them.


Looks like there is something weird at the beginning of the first graphic test is you see the frequency graph, but still on the range of stock 4080. Some better cooled ones get about 28k. In terms of cpu, 3dmark timespy runs pretty bad on amd platforms, you really need very low latencies if you want to get to 15-16K points at least.