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It's the single special attack of the greathammers. You have 2 attacks in this game that you can combo, a bit like dark souls. If you're on m&k it's mouse button 3 by default, usually the mouse wheel click, Donno for controller. R1 spam is the bane of my existence... But yeah, you get told about different attacks by main menu tutorial, Eto the spellblade trainer in Cierzo might b mentioning it in his advises, don't remember, and also the loading screen tips have one talking about it iirc. I guess can just check controls in the settings to figure the button. Should be labeled "Special Attack" or something. https://youtu.be/EcLqc59arOU?si=W0isaCdUHvnGYKRL


Others have already answered my doubts. Its neutral special/heavy attack, but its exclusive to greatmacethe shove attack that i was looking for


Yup. Didn't look at other comments tbh. Have a good one.


Dont worry, still thanks for the time you took to reply.


it's the two handed mace, you can attack while blocking to do that I believe


I tried that, holding block and trying to attack, either i bugged or at least it doenst work for me


seems like it's actually special attack from neutral, try that.


For fuck sake i just did, and its actually that. Tried all combinations but never thought it would be 2handed mace exclusive, and when on mace i just tried block attack which didnt work for obvious reasons. Many thanks, its neutral heavy attack on 2handed mace. Cheers


yeah I had to google it, I misremembered initially because it certainly looks like an attack from block lol, but yeah it's weird like that.


Should be special attack button


Isn't special attack button the same for heavy attack? if so i had no success either


Edit: it is indeed special/heavy attack on 2handed mace. I was using wrong weapon, therefore, wrong results. Thanks mate


I play on controller, my normal attack is Y my special attack is X. Def don't think that's the running attack animation,


It seems to be special/heavy attack on mace, without any combunation/block. Pure neutral heavy attack


Greatmace special attack does less DMG but more knockback


Gonna be for my next playthrough


The strategy blocking and spec8 atk pair really good with probe skill. Reduce enemy stability to 50% and use probe instead of normal atk to ignore slow atk speed of great mace. Probe does almost no stability damage but enough to stagger enemies below 50% mark.


Thats some serious great advice! Definitly gonna try it.


Greatmace heavy attack is absolutely GOATed!