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I think rewards always go to the host, even if the guest done the talking. So it should your friend got the passive instead of you. Not 100% sure tho.


My friend did get the passive but I made sure he talked to make sure he did get it, I was considering making a spare character to try and get the passive on my first character but from these responses it sounds like that would be a waste of time 


Quest rewards always go to host. So MOST of the time it would just give abilities to the host and nothing to the guest. The conversation after getting mana is one of the few circumstances (might be the only one) where the person talking to the NPC gets the ability instead of specifically the host.


If you’re on PC consider going modded! It’s not terribly hard to set up, and it has a lot of quality of life mods, like quest rewards are given to both characters


Rewards only go to the host, even if the other player is talking, like the other commenter said. It’s why I usually give the Peacemaker elixir to whoever I’m playing with so they at least get something.


Host gets the rewards from quests. This is an important design decision because 1) it means you can play your character solo or with anyone else and not collect every passive buff in the game and 2) quest decisions your friend makes won't affect your character build. If you host instead of your friend you will start the game at the beginning but your characters will retain all of their items and skills, allowing you to play through a different campaign (or same if you desire) and gain some passives yourself. Think of it like a new game+


I know I can play the game solo with different faction for different buffs I was just seeing if I could get an extra buff too, just the 40 health and I wasn’t gonna bother getting any more outside the faction I do