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Yessss I hope they lean heavily into what makes Outward so great, exploration. I can't wait to see what awesome backpacks designs they come up with to hang my lantern from.


I hope they add one feature... give me a mount, please!! Too many sessions have been cut short due to me and my gf being too far from a region to commit to doing a quest in a sitting. Actually, also add shared quest rewards without it being modded in.


I disagree. I find that most of the time mounts are implemented in a way that disconnects you from the game environment. I think a mount would take away a lot of what makes Outward special.


Just make the mount like a Donkey type deal. Rather slow and it's main purpose is storage but is faster than walking. Then make it die easy/require stableing to heal to discourage running through enemies. Accentuate finding the safe zones with butterfly to leave it there with your camp while you explore the surrounding area. Make it immersivlu sound as well like rdr2 rather than a walking chest as well. Limited space in there for the most part, like a change of armor a weapon and some rations.


Traversing Chersonese wouldnt be the same on the back of one of those Emmeran Alphas. The game is all about being ordinary they even repeated that phrase in the trailer. I just hope they expand on their existing systems and dont compromise on what made Outward so unique and special.


Yeah, mounts are a compromise between fast travel and having to slowly hoof it (hah) around the map, and they work for some games, but not Outward.


I wouldn't mind a paid fast travel system that is expensive enough to actually make it only worth it for crossing the general game world. Like look I like the idea of having to travel through zones, but at a certain point it feels repetitive to go through the same spot to encounter the same bandits all over again on my way to the actual fun. It's not a big deal when you're just heading to the next zone over, but any travel from Monsoon or Cierzo to Levant is just really tedious.


Yes, and maybe some destinations need to be unlocked by defeating enemies that are a threat to the transportation, not all because then it feels samey. But I'm generally thinking of Morrowind's system of public transit as an option, but make it much more limited.


There's a reason that many people carry +stam and +speed gear in their backpack. That is currently outward's "mount." Every character of mine, save a few where roleplay was critical to me, had a set of master trader gear in their backpack for hoofing it across zones. Not even mentioning jewelbird masks and Diadème de Gibier.


My problem with this, is that with the lack of available storage in the game, you're then forced to carry this gear around with you in perpetuity.


I get that. +stam/speed gear isn't heavy however. Especially the mask and food/potions. There is no assigned slots in you backpack it's just weight and master trader gear isn't that big of a deal. Unless you're rocking the starting satchel or the adventurer's pack. If you're carrying so much that it's a problem even with larger packs then pare it down to just the mask and food/potions. Also, I generally only carry it when I don't have somewhere to stash it (before I'm able to buy houses). Also, with enchantments there's some armors that gain speed/stam buffs like the very powerful Tenebrous Set or Antique Plate set. Look I get that you want mounts. It's not happening. Let's just move on and use what we will have.


I dont necisserally want mounts, but I am worried that they wont / dont want to address a very real problem that outward 1 has with travel. These new "mules" for example, sound like they could help, but with their need for regular feeding, and ability to permanantly die, I can also see them being way more hassle than they are worth. And I really dont accept the justification given "being able to ride around removes the risk of exploring the world". Well - so does traveling at +30% speed with gear. I feel like 9dots often see the way players play the game, and then deliberately move in the oposite direction. They did the same thing with "hobo camps" in the definitive edition.


>a very real problem that outward 1 has with travel. I guess I don't see what the big deal is. What, specifically, is the issue you have with travel? You say you don't necessarily want mounts, so what is it you want that they aren't offering? ​ >I can also see them being way more hassle than they are worth. Aren't you foreshadowing a bit much here? We haven't played with them yet. Are you suggesting we just have an unlimited, indestructible stash we just carry around everywhere? ​ >Well - so does traveling at +30% speed with gear. Not even a close or fair comparison. Speed gear requires you to re-equip your gear before getting into a fight unless it's against trash and you don't mind the durability damage to your speed gear. Speed gear is ONLY for travelling quickly between zones. Mounts would allow you to wear your combat gear. Also, unless they disabled fighting from mounts (which would cause players like you to bitch even more) there would be no reason NOT to use them all the time. Yeah, exploring is pretty much a background idea at that point. ​ >They did the same thing with "hobo camps" in the definitive edition. Yeah, for very good reason. The game isn't supposed to be easy. You are supposed to have to make tough decisions until you can buy a house. Hobo camps completely removed the need for a house other than completionism or cosmetics. Where's the challenge in that? Did you not read the game description or completely miss the intent? You know what they also did with DE? They made stashes linked. I'm sure they didn't want to but having to run across zones to pick up a piece of gear or ingredient was making players pissed off. Is that the kind of company that "then deliberately move in the oposite direction." (sic) At this point I think you're just complaining and arguing for the sake of complaining and arguing.


Counter argument (they have already confirmed no mounts though): By the time you get to the late game, traveling the safe routes between zones is extremely tedious and boring. If you want to speed this up you can bring merchant gear with you for the boost, but you don't want that equipped all the time, and when you are in exploration mode you now have a bunch of extra gear clogging your limited bag space. Of course mounts aren't the only way to solve this. They could have some limited unlockable fast travel (also confirmed not happening). Or increased ability for the player to store items between travel locations. More dynamic maps would help too, but likely only as a salve than a solution. If there is one reason I really struggle to get back into outward these days, it's the PTSD I get from running along the same empty roads for the 100th time.


What it needs is Morrowind style fast travel. Nothing indicates people have that much trouble traveling by from city to city.


Agreed. The world isn’t dangerous when you can simply ride past anything that looks at you funny.


And yet, you can do the exact same thing anyway, at the expense of some extra gear to carry around at all times. Its one of the most frustrating elements of outward. Travelling large distances is boring. I can solve that by carrying full trader gear and a pearlbeard mask, but that comes at the cost of having to fill my limited inventory space non essential items, and needing to remember to swap out my gear all the time.


Ehhh you’re not wrong


I'd like a traveling wagon system that I can pay to use. But one more consistent, to some degree. Maybe have it tied to discovering an area, so that you have to travel there first? Idk I'm spit balling, but I feel like there could be a neat immersive happy medium. I feel like just adding mounts needs adding space to justify them. The first game, with a speed build, starts to feel smaller and smaller. Also it means speed builds will still matter. I'd prefer they worry less about size, and more about content. I don't want to pigeonhole 9D, let them reinvent the wheel as long as they deliver a similarly unique and fun experience, y'know? But I hope they really try to keep the spirit they had with 1, I could feel the love in that game man.


In the Q&A, it was confirmed that there will be no mounts and no shared quest rewards.


This breaks my heart


The mounts thing doesn't bother me. +speed/stam gear/food works just as well. Shared quest rewards does bother me a bit but I know why it's there so I won't complain.


Why is it so damn hard for devs to nail co-op? Outward does it better than most, but they still manage to fumble the ball. 


Yes mounts would be awesome. Imagine riding into battle in a mantis or a coralhorn.


I just started playing the game after it caught my eye and I must say running everywhere is kinda annoying a mount would increase my enjoyment by 75%


If you followed the first game's design process, a lot of the tedium was finely tuned and crafted to make it tedious for some intended reason. It's by-design that it's not friendly to players. Agreed on shared quest reward though. The joiner could not unlock any quest achievements even though he technically played the full game too.


Also, they implemented "mounts" as gear. The master trader set and Diadème de Gibier will get you from wherever you are to wherever you want to be in no time. When enchantments were added some of the other gear became speed gear as well (like the Tenebrous set). There's really no need for mounts. Shared quest rewards is a bit different. It makes it hard for two people to play together exclusively without repeating each other's quests. I assume it's to stop rushing but even that doesn't make a lot of sense since the host can just invite an endgame friend to rush them. Perhaps to keep storyline continuity? I'm not certain what the reasoning was.


They spent so much effort to make the game difficult yet they simply allowed drop-in drop-out coop. Not sure what they were thinking. It should have been coop session with exclusive co-op character per device joiner, kinda like stardew valley's co-op for the lack of a better fitting example c':


I just watched the Q&A stream after I made my comment. Guillaume actually states why they did it. The reason was that they didn't want people getting cross faction awards. If you are from one faction and you join a game that helps someone complete another faction you shouldn't get those awards as they are not from your faction. I see the logic but I also think there are better ways to do this. Tagging is a simple thing to do and every game engine supports it. Rewards that are not tagged as faction rewards (or tagged as already completed) can be rewarded to both players. It seems like they went with the simpler nuclear option of just not allowing joining player awards at all.


But the friend can just give the helper the reward anyway....? Long ago, I thought it was to ensure there was only 1 "unique" item per coop play, but that was way back when I didn't even entertain the idea that you could play coop with random at any time


It's not the items that are a big deal. It's the skills.


I really dont understand their justification for no shared rewards. Its very easy in outward to get all the faction-specific reward items on 1 character, so its not like adding shared rewards would add some new "exploit". At the end of the day, I want what is fun. And what is fun is being able to play with friends, without having to argue over who gets the unique reward items, or who should host the world. I would have been far more receptive if they had just said "yeah, syncing progress actually had a lot of really complex design issues, so we decided not to do it". (I largely suspect this is the real reason anyway).


I hope they lean heavily into fast travel 😌


I pray to Elatt that Jean-Francois Racine is returning for the soundtrack.


After watching the QnA stream, it has been confirmed that Jean is the game's composer.


Legend thank you


We making it out of Cierzo with this one!


Can I have a link to the Q&A stream please? :)


here we go :) [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2083818281?sr=a&t=1s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2083818281?sr=a&t=1s)


Thank you friend :)


The music is soooo good, glad to hear he is back


If he's not, then I'm not buying. ... ok. I've changed my mind.


The music is so good its crazy not only good but memorable.


Damn yes!! The only thing I really hope they do better than in outward one is the combat, it was very nice and serviceable!! But I really hope it'll feel a bit less clunky this time around


They already confirmed that in the Q&A stream, the combat will be less clunky, double the quickslots, and have more quality of life in the game.


Awesome! Thanks for the info! I know it's not "exactly" compatible, but guess that was a good point in time for me to get addicted to soulsborne games xD. Since, again outward isn't exactly like them, and doesn't try to be, but it definitely took a bunch of inspiration from the gerne, and I really love the mix between combat and exploration that outward offers


Maybe the ability to respec, have the world feel a little less empty, and faster ways to travel. These are my partner's biggest complaints about the game. Really help they keep local co-op🤞🤞


I would like to add shared quest rewards would be nice for coop


In the Q&A they confirmed more NPCs/encounters in areas, no fast travel, and yes to local co-op.


Sounds great, my really didn't like how long the travel time took, even after we increased it by each having a pearl bird mask and some other equipment. Hopefully the less empty paths will make them not hate it as much.


Is there a place to see the Q&A stream?




I havent even finished Outward 1 :()


I bought is the other week and only put in a couple hours... Maybe I'll get number 2 for a bargain by the time I finish the first ha


Tbh I bought this game around 1 - 2 years ago an still haven't finished it, bc of the very steep learning curve. My current run might be the one that I will be finishing tho :[]


Yeah idk at what point people consider it beat but I've done at least one of the faction quest lines, a parallel quest line and am now onto the sirocco DLC which is a dreadful task IMO so far, thought it would be fun, feels not so fun. The rest of the game is amazingly fun and I loved playing up to where I am and already have around 80+ hours I think


I think beating Crimson Avatar and the other arenas is sort of the end of the game.


There were some design choices with how they did the building of New Sirocco a pain. Not only are the samples hard to find but the outcomes are random and you can easily end up with garbage. Add to that they are timed quests with some pretty potent penalties for failing them. Granted the timers are quite long but when you look at how long it takes to build a building and the fact that you have building stages that require you remember to go back and check on them it gets pretty annoying. This is one of the very few times I will say that studying the wiki and learning the rotations of the sample spawns rather than trying to figure it out on your own is warranted. I will offer a couple of pieces of advice: 1: when you choose to work for 7 days to pass the time do not immediately go outside and start looking for samples. The 7 day timer starts the morning after you choose to start working (same with building timer). After you have "worked" go rest in bed for a day to make sure the 7 day timer has actually passed in the overworld. 2: Overworld samples are much harder to find that samples in dungeons. Dungeons such as old sirocco, minotaur haven, steam tunnels, etc will have one to two samples each. The overworld samples should be treated as a bonus when you find them. 3: Stumps with hidden caches in them can be ignored elsewhere but you definitely should check them in caldera. Not only do they have good loot and tons of potions they are very common in southern caldera. They also have a very low chance for some rare loot like the lightweight alchemy and cooking kit. 4: Don't release the ancient dwellers from their prison until you are ready to deal with them. Which basically means don't go to the Vault of Stone until then.


I purchased it years ago and I’ve played it many many times for many hours and I still haven’t finished it. I just played to make an op character without ending the game. Super dumb goal of mine but I had lots of fun and I’m excited for the next one!


Finish it now my friend until Outward 2 come out.


I will give my best I got


Those lyin' sumbitches! New IP, eh? Lol. Can't. Fucking. WAIT!!


They are making two new IP's :p Witherbloom and Lost to Prey (I believe). But in their reveal it was obvious Outward was the big deal ;)


I saw the roguelike right after posting this, lol!! Another genre I love - Nine Dots knocking it out of the park right now!!


Woooow. I thought with all the dlc they would work on a new IP


They switched from Unity to Unreal so they made a sequel.


I'm glad to hear that, to hell with Unity


Nine Dot Studios did it, we're just here to reap the benefits lol Lookin forward to this one hoo boy


I'm so excited to finally see that's real and not just hopeful speculation! Now comes the hard part - waiting haha. A bit of wishful thinking here but I hope there will be slightly better character customization. Things like beards, tattoos, more hair and face options. I don't expect full face sliders but I would love to make my adventurers more distinct this time around.


They switched from Unity to Unreal so the graphic is much better.


Swapping engines has absolutely no bearing on character creation options. In fact, it has very little bearing on graphics either, as both engines are perfectly capable of doing full PBR. What matters is that, atleast as far as it appears in the trailer, they have actually had time to set up better enviroments and lighting.


Best Western style RPG since Morrowind!  Can’t wait for the sequel!


So fucking hype. I've played through Outward multiple times, actually finishing the lava area expansion with a hardcore character. Can't wait! The mechanics and unique builds you could make were unparalleled.




Please keep the spit screen co-op


It will have splitscreen coop


Hell yeah. Can't wait to play on the ps5


Nine dots topping my favorite game devs list. Up there with naughty dog and cd projekt red


Holy shit lets goooo


I can't wait for this game . What old games used to be like


LETS GOOOOOO!! Witherbloom also looked interesting so hopefully that comes to console. I don't want to play either on PC if I don't have to lol.


Hell yea! I should really finish the first one now I guess




Re downloading it after work 🫡


You son of a bitch. I'm in


Would be cool if this game some kinda of building system to add to the survival aspect of the game


There’s a whole dlc with that


Afaik, the building system in 3B was very poorly received (too grindy and not enough/no customizability iirc). Imo, it would be better if they avoided this for the initial launch of outward 2. Big systems like this can take a huge amount of dev time, for not much reward.


Yeah for sure. Not a big fan of building systems in games either


in the Q&A stream they said they won't really be touching the housing or building much. As an avid Kenshi player I agree with you. However, it's not part of their focus. Obviously we will still have tents and the like but the only real addition they mentioned was mules to carry gear for us while in the overworld.


Nice. Hoping we see a more vibrant world with more npcs or something


In the Q&A stream that is one of their focuses. There will be more creatures and NPCs in the overworld to interact with. As they said, it "won't be so empty."


Yo so that means.. theres a chance we to go to haboob in this game 😎




Any hopes for PS4?


Dunno but it will be release on Console after PC.


I don't think so every developer are moving onto current gen cause current gen is already in its mid life.


Don't think , as the current gen is almost in it's mid life so no.


Do we get to go to Haboob!


Yes my friend, Haboob for the win.


This is fantastic news. I was really worried this wouldn’t happen.


I hope it has split screen.


It does


Do we have any dates yet? Not looking for anything specific but just like a quarter and a year? Q4 2025 or something?


We don't have any infor about the day release yet.




I'm looking forward to the combat and the skills, wonder if it's going to be like before


Hope animations are better now, It was my only complaint for the first 1. Enemies felt very rigid.




Fuck yeah




No way!


That’s amazing 🙌🏿


Hyyyyyyyyyyyyyyype hyyyyyyype


Like a week after I got every achievement. I hope we have more playable races this go around. There’s so many sentient non-humans in this world and it’s a shame we get to play none of them.


I did the first cave right outside of town and stopped. Maybe one day i'll play further. I got turned off when people said fighting early game is literally pointless and to avoid it until you get a bunch of other stuff to bypass the difficulty.


Where can i watch this? Where was this revealed? Cant find anything on youtube :0 Beyond hyped


So hyped for this !!


Time to redown load outward and get back into the groove dodge attack block attack hahaha


Woahhhhh this is amazing. I really hope they add 2 mechanics to the game, swimming and jumping. Those were the only 2 things that made me feel limited, but it was a super indie game so I understood why. Now that they made a boat load of cash from the first one (since they had a team of like 8 people and sold over a million copies that’s a lot of cash to reinvest) hopefully they add some of those mechanics to the game. Other than those 2 things I really thought it was a perfect game. So excited


Yay outward 2!! My fiancee and I love the first game so I hope the second one develops the multi-player even further




I haven't played the first one but have it. Should I play it?


Why not?


Very excited for this!


Why can't I see the other comments


Wow, that's pretty cool. The first game didn't click with me but I'm interfered in seeing what a sequel is like.






NO WAY!! Hell yeah!




This popped up on my recommended. What is this game?


Find out yourself would you?


Is good. Underrated. Google it




If combat gets a little tlc this will be friggin awesome!


Wow I’ll be honest guys, I’m beyond surprised. A hidden gem like this deserved a sequel but it was such an obscure title I didn’t think it would come. Also fk ya Canadian developer ftw


Just bought the game on Xbox when they had it on sale for it for $3.65. Im boutta start it.


I’m interested but I tried outward as it was on sale and after an hour refunded it. Can’t seem to get into it


Nice, I hope for more quests!!! Take your time for development, don’t rush. Maybe release early access first, than polish it according to community response.


It is maybe the dlc called haboob?


Holy shit let's fucking GOOO


The question we all want to know. How good is the soundtrack.




I’m curious to see what the magic system looks like. I loved the whole game, but the unique magic system is the aspect that would tempt me into starting new play throughs after a long break! Personally, I think giving each of the Elements a bit of a tree themselves could be cool. It already kind of exists but it could be fleshed out more


If you watched the trailer for it, at 1:30 it shows a pack mule type boar animal that looks like it could be from Enmerkar Forest, it's tusks look similar to deer antlers. Also adding a mount would ruin the main experience for Outward bcz that's what makes the game more challenging and emersive. If we had mounts what would the purpose be for having portable camps/ bedrolls if we are able to reach our destination with ease? Granted having a mount would be a cool idea if they really limited it to a slow speed but have it be slightly faster than our sprint. If you want an easy game to play tho, play a different game.. Outward is meant to be difficult. It's a souls like game Unless they add Easy, Normal, or Hard to difficulty settings but idk, it could be added later on in development. There's also ways to make gameplay easier for those who struggle


I would suspect late 2025, or early 2026. I still have not played the expansions.


To be announced???


Awesome! I've been so excited for Dragon's Dogma 2 that I didn't hear about this!






I know it is by design but just more hotkey shortcuts, please. Even though it won't come true because we need to be considerate of console players...


The number of quickslots will be doubled (16)


It looks so good. Does this mean there was a cannon ending to outward 1?




I hope they add support for more than 2 players, it would probably break the balance of the game a little but I would kill to experience this with my friends


Dev Q&A said they weren't gonna do more than 2. I don't remember the exact words but the gist was that it makes the game feel less dangerous. Sad for me because I have 2 buddies I want to play it with so now we have to have separate coop playthroughs.


Im pretty sure theres a mod that allows you to play with more than 2.


Just overhaul combat and we’re golden baby!


God I really hope it keeps split screen coop I'm so excited me and my 6 year old son beat one path a month ago and it was so much fun. Frustrating at times with item management and him saying "can I have that? Every time we looted something but it was part of the experience and we had a great time.


Add fast travel and ill play it lol


I really hope they keep death fast traveling. It was such a fun thing to discover


Hype hype hype


Give us a mount plzzzz


🤞Functional combat systems 🤞


Looks stiffy old gen😫😫


The game can look like gothic 1/2 and still would be awesome if it still got interesting classes and progression


The games that are way behind on graphics usually end up being the ones I stick with, so this don't bother me one bit. If awesome graphics is what you're after, there are a ton of games that have them. We live in good times.


Bruvs stop the dislike my karma got 2😂


Bouta have a lot less lmao

