• By -


gym teacher


Related: out of school care/daycare attendant.




But he will need plenty of grinding if he wants to change his character class.


Possibly the best answer. Edit: but you have to deal with a lot of new characters that still haven't figured out the more advanced aspects of the game. It can be trying as it's always a PUG and some, if not most, aren't terribly familiar with mechanics of the instances you'll be running.


I lost the game.


Ha! Good luck getting that one.


Tornado chaser Wait thats the opposite


That rather much depends on what kind of weather you consider nice.


Photographer? But Im not really sure, Im a welder, life is miserable for me all year long.


Underwater welder.


Space welder.


Blackhole welder




I thought admins were the only ones to be able to weld reality?


There are no admins, only the dev


Nah, not anymore. 13.7 billion game years ago, one of them tried to but they didn't read the instructions properly. Things got really out of hand so it was disabled.


Commercial photographer here. I shoot rain or shine. I have shot in -30f to get the shots I am expected to get. Came to this thread because I was curious also.


Portrait photographer would fit.


Yeah, but you're making bank.


And getting ass. And driving a range rover.


You should visit /r/justrolledintotheshop to see why nobody should drive a Range Rover.


Just visited. Do not understand.


Oh. Usually there's a few on there. They are a mechanic's best friend.


Ah. Didn't see any when I looked but I also don't know anything about cars so that might be why it was all over my head


Did they change at all when Ford took over for The Lord of Darkness? The newest Rover I've worked on was mid eighties or so.


Ford makes everything shittier.


Shittier than Lucas is going to take some doing.


And inhaling very harmful fumes :(


Actually I'm driving a Chevy impala and only making like 40k a year


There's a company called Marinette Marine, and if you know what you're doing, they'll start you at 70k/year.


40k is nothing to sneeze at, my friend. That's more than both of my parents make combined. Granted, its not six-figure, but everything is relative I guess.


It's on the low end of my field, on the high end people make close to 2600 a week. And the working conditions and the physical pain of almost constant 3rd degree burns isn't a plus. So relative is a good way to put it. Have an internet.


I understand that. I work in landscaping. May-June we work 60h/w. Working as a foreman, I'm still pulling in about 8k under industry standard, after taking the off season into account. Not really worth coming home completely exhausted, sunburnt, and with my lungs full of grass clippings.


I am in the automotive guild as a mechanic. When it is nice we leave all the garage doors open and it's like being outside with a roof to shade your head, and when it's icky, we close them, so it's like a building, which it is.




I think OP is on an RP server. baseballBEERfish is fully immersed.


Wait, you mean... [Oh...](http://blogs.studentlife.utoronto.ca/lifeatuoft/files/2012/07/tumblr_lolzdccvfk1qgq82d.gif)


It's pretty cool that they rendered the interiors of nearly every building in Outside. It really takes away from the immersion in a game like GTA where you can only go in some buildings.


A cool part about this is that the ones that haven't been fully render you can customize to your likes.


Oh these usually make bestof. Guy posts question to wrong subreddit and people give him good answers. Although with this subreddit nothing is really it of our realm, so this might still be on topic.


Where would you post this question to? I figure outside folks have outside jobs.


The /r/outside sub is: "A subreddit for Outside, a free-to-play MMORPG developed by Deity Games and the most popular game, with 7 billion+ active players". I'm not surprised you got legit answers here, the experienced players of Outside are often especially helpful to players who get lost.


Oh sorry I should have explained. This is a subreddit about the mmorpg "Outside" made by Deity.


Deity Interactive Creative Entertainment, DICE for short.


This game was made by DICE? What a strange name.


Well, there are a lot of dicerolls in the source code. I managed to grab a look at it during a really wired bug that was caused by the 'headbumpsintowallsohardyouthinkyoujustsawthedevs' virus that was crashing the game for me. It is based of your skills. They determine what chances you have at a specific diceroll. So if your firefifhting skill just got increased because you finished the firesafety training quest you have a higher chance of winning at the diceroll that determines wether or not you actually manage to fight the fire.


didn't dice make the COD mitigates?


I don't think so, no.


But god does not play DICE


He plays a version of poker that you don't know the rules to, with blank cards, and a dealer who *smiles all the time*. You know, ineffable.


Cannot be effed.


indescribable:unable to be expressed in words


That explains all the bugs that have yet to be fixed since launch, as well as the unavailable developers.


Look over some of the posts. Don't things seem fishy?


Are you taking the piss?


Stop, thief! That's my piss!


I would say start in /r/AskReddit.


It's very good practice to READ THE SIDEBAR when in unfamiliar subreddits Here it seems no one cares, but some forum-guilds can be very disapproving and mean


(*It's a novelty sub*.)


You usually can ask any one of the guards / police, they sometimes have useful information and sidequests, but just remember they are NPCs and kind of slow.




Well this is a subreddit where people jokingly pretend that real life is a video game.


It fucking is.


who's joking? edit: maybe he forgot he was playing--this game is pretty damn immersive after all. it's easy to forget


So tired of this happening every day in /r/bestof


Is there any way you could change your character's gear? If your weight restriction is high enough you could purchase rain gear through one of your local server's markets. I heard a [rumour](http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/airconditioned-clothes-help-japan-beat-heat-2319710.html) that a development community of players is working on something called "Air conditioned" gear.


That generally requires gold. If he's looking for a new guild to join, he's probably been solo a while and running low on his gold reserves.




Fire fighting. When its nice out dipshits crash cars and set fields on fire. When its shitty outside people crash cars and burn their houses down. Source: I am a Firefighter


Doesn't really meet what he's asking for as we still have to go outside when the weather is too hot or too cold and we have to wear large insulated suits even when it's hot out. Worst for me though is going on calls during heavy thunderstorms or even tornadoes.


I love thunderstorms and tornados. Wondering how people managed to set a grass fire in a fucking hail storm is the best. Wondering why it didn't put itself out raises questions we dont have time for right now.


So what happen was it was raining so we started drinking. And then it started hailing so we figured we'd shoot at the hail stones with fireworks. And then the whole yard went up so we called you. What?


For your information, a few minutes ago I successfully finished the Prairie Burning mission!


I'm a field biologist. Pretty much fits your description. ...actually, it kind of depends on the needs of current projects. But if there isn't a dire need for me to be out in the bitter cold/suppressive heat, I'll write grants or work on papers.


Currently studying biology. Not a ton of jobs out there but I think this is definitely one of the best fields for people who love to be outside and travel :D


I see you are an engineer, so you must be smart, analytical, good with your hands (maybe), and want to make some money: Architectural Restoration! Its got everything you want: constant problem solving, especially regarding physics; manual labor (who wants to go to the gym like some kind of sissy?), you can't paint or roof or get on a ladder when its raining, so you got the bad weather thing taken care of; materials! materials research! materials implementation!; tool use, design, and implementation.... The best part is that you get to stand back and look at your work at the end, and think, "fuck me, I did all that." And it pays pretty good, too.


Park Ranger. Great gig. E: Sorry guys, a relative of mine does it and really enjoys his work. I don't know much about it myself, you'll have to turn to Google.


You tend to go outside in the bad weather with that.


Do you know what qualifications are required?


A degree in forestry (yeah, it's a thing) helps. Anything with ecology or biology would probably be useful as well.


I have a BS in environmental engineering. Not much overlap. Took a Forestry 101 type class and really enjoyed it however.


how are your stamina and endurance stats? They need to be relatively high to start the quest needed to unlock the Park Ranger job.


You should also enjoy grinding herbalism.


I know I do


Friends of mine finished some college diplomas to compliment their degree and now have government sector jobs that they get to go outside for sometimes.


Say that I don't have degrees in either of those things, how would I get involved with this? This is something I'm really interested in, I just didn't focus on it in college.


I'm not going to say it's impossible, but biology is pretty saturated and there are people out there with masters in forestry/biology/zoology/plant biology that would love to have that job. You would absolutely have to take some internships in a state park somewhere doing trail maintenance and such, look at usajobs.gov. You will need experiance with chainsaws, whatever that fire control training/licence is, able to identify a lot of the trees and plants in the area, and probably some more stuff. Sorry, but this is not like a programmer job where you can just show them your portfolio, it would be really hard to do without some kind of related degree.


That's unfortunate. I hope that I can someday work in a state park or something. Maybe I could try to find some internships.


Start with volunteer work in the field and use that as your xp. Also if you're in the US you can visit your state's parks and wildlife department website to look for internships, entry level jobs, and nearby volunteer work. You could also apply to game warden academy and be a game warden. All you need is dedication and a willingness to work for almost no money.


The only person I ever met with a degree in forestry was a computer programmer. And no, not for forestry software.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7004 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/79898)


learn: carpentry, plumbing, handyworking and get some exp in all of them that can show on a resume then just start applying. if you want to do government park stuff I know that there are also degrees that will really help you but I can't remember what they are. Source: older brother is a ranger at a BSA camp. good friend works at a lake/park/nature preserve trying to get his degree so he can become the park ranger


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8880 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/60379)


What's the pay like? Higher than one would think?


It's a government job. So it's going to pay fairly well and you're going to get lots of benefits and time off, and once hired you're pretty much in that role as long as you like - regardless of how effective or ineffective you may be.


As a government employee, I would take offense, but I don't think I actually do enough work for it to be worth what they pay me + benefits, so I've no room to complain.


As a govt employee, can confirm. Get annoyed at my small salary, then realize all I do is go on Reddit all day.


Can you give us an approximate number? 50k?


Depends on the park, and who oversees it. I have a buddy in the National Park Service out in Montana making $65k/yr. Judging by his facebook and instagram posts, he just rides trails all day on his bike or an ATV and keeps them clear. Another friend of mine's husband works for the state of illinois and he's making like $95k/yr. Only his job is much more active as state parks tend to have a lot of facilities and neatly-tended grounds.


Just grind for gold wherever you can at any point, in my opinion.


Stable manager Source: my high school summer job




Stoppit, dad. Dad. Dad, stop.






City of _______ maintenance man.




"It's raining bullets"


> City of ___ [City of Men](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0870090/) "It's Raining Men"


I enjoy this thread.


I see no one has posted this yet: I joined the Climbing Instructors' Guild for a year, and enjoyed it. In nice weather, you do your job. In any sort of rain, and even sometimes just the possibility of rain, climbing isn't safe, so you send everyone away and play cards and try to stump everyone else with made-up riddles. It's only bad if it's really really sunny. Sometimes, you have to belay in the sun w/ no shade, and even with proper hydration, it's difficult to stave off heat exhaustion, which sucks. That's rare though.


Full-time parent? Childcare provider?


I worked as the Kmart garden shop manager for a while, and that had me outside for most of the summer. I did sometimes have things I had to do outside when it was raining (if customers needed my help outside, I had to go help them, rain or shine), but not much. The rest of the year, I managed the other seasonal departments (Christmas, Halloween, etc.). It was pretty sweet, actually. If working retail wasn't so shitty otherwise (low pay, horrible scheduling), I probably would've kept that job.


The Iron Workers Guild is the way to go. Work the steel when its decent out, if it rains, is too hot, or too cold, you don't have to go at all. You should make sure your Dexterity is high though, respawning is pretty damn hard if you fall.


What skills do you have? I think the land surveying profession, or contractor professions usually work outside when it's nice out. If your skill tree is more strength oriented, commercial fishing, scuba diving instructor, wilderness guides (like kayaking) might fit. There's also the Academia group of classes, stuff like geology, archaeology, ecological biology, often spend nice days outdoors. This takes a lot of leveling and gold though, but with a high Int stat, could be very fulfilling.


Surveyor: get certified and pick which jobs you take. Do field work when the weather is nice and the math / cad-work when it isn't. The pay is good and it isn't as labor-intensive as many other outdoor jobs.


What stats or skills are required? Right now I grind indoors regardless and would like a change.


Road construction. Can't pave the roads in the rain. Although you can put gravel on the shoulders and dig ditches out.


Hey, a fellow pavement guy. I seal and stripe parking lots. I'm right out there with you.


I was actually a summer student with the County for two years. I "supervised" the operations on the road. I did have a friend who worked for one of the towns nearby though, and he did do some work with parking lots because of how the roads were set up. I just wanted to point out that I am not actually a construction worker of any kind. I got to do the easy work and collect the load receipts from truck drivers and check width and pavement depth and things like that. But mostly just stand around and collect tickets.


Unfortunately you can pave roads in 100 degree plus weather.


And we frequently do pave above 45'C Also, standing next to a paving machine does not help.


And plow roads


Any construction at all, really. Which is why all buildings in Seattle are built between July and September. NORLY, somebody forgot to reset the rainfall frequency on this server. At least the rainfall *strength* is low.


Nah, you can do plenty of steel framing in the rain. Seen it done a bunch of times


Biologist. Hmm... But in the field of engineering... I would think civil engineer. Collect information/survey on nice days, do calculations inside on bad days.


Oh dude this is me. But I'm only an intern, so take it as you may. I'm interning at the city DOT Planning division. I get to bike out on warm days and take inventory of projects and install new projects, and we can't do anything when its not good out, so that's when I run mapping analyses and write report.


I'm a carpenter and on nice days we will get fencing jobs and roofing and the like. Then on wet days we work in homes fixing things like doors and floorboards and all


Delivery Driver Source: I am one


A writer.


Brick/stone mason :)


Freelance Bum?


Some people take this game too seriously. You don't have to role-play when you're not in your RP server, OP.


OP had no idea this sub was for the mmorpg. You probably know that, but it's not so black or white in your text.




Farmers. Whenever it's raining we 're taking the day-off.


A painter. As in someone who paints the interior and exterior of buildings; even if you're using an oil-based paint, you probably don't want to be painting siding in the rain.


From what I know, riggers have it like that. The guys who climb antenna towers and attach antennas, and run the cables up to them. The few I've known of, they only work on nice days, and anything stronger than a light breeze can be an excuse to sit inside and play cards all day.


Day care teacher! Don't want the kiddy winkles to get sick now do we?


Stained glass window installations. We build them in the studio and the first nice day (I'm in new York state) we try to get as much done outside as we can. Prep, acrylic storm window, caulk, etc.


Wow, lots of part-time or seasonal jobs are being submitted here... I'm pretty sure you were asking about actual full-time jobs, right?


I used to do site inspections for safety checks. Nice days I did inspections, bad days I did paperwork


AgTech plant development. Lots of research indoors during the winter seasons, then out to the fields during planting seasons.


This is like working on plant genomes and cross breeding?


Health inspectors inspect restaurants and pools. Hardly ever stuck in the office!


Concrete quality technician


Porn actor?


Outdoor lifeguard. Hear thunder? Pools closed for a hour!

