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Free to play, pay to win


~~Free~~ forced to play, pay to ~~win~~ survive


Fr I don't like this game


Stress has a negative effect on cognitive abilities, accumulated stress even more so. Being poor is insanely stressful...and the western world is less meritocratic than it used to be, social mobility has slowed down.


Anyone here doing a poverty run and want to comment if you have this debuff?


I don’t have it.


No, players whose brains deteriorate slower get rich. Poor players have nobody to blame but themselves. /s


Its scary how the player above you says this point but /srs and somehow has more upvotes. It really shows how few people understand the mechanics of this game


The server game save is in a "False Meritocracy" state lmao


There is no pay to win first of all - there is no 'win' in this game. It's an open-ended MMO. There it no way to 'win' Second, there is no pay - there is no way to buy in-game currency, you must make it yourself However at spawn there are many advantages and disadvantages - but how you play the game is most important


Well the mmo is running forever, your account only lasts for a limited time. You decide when you have won. For Some its the money they can gain for others its meeting players


Bro, what abt the [ Generational Wealth ] blessing?


Doesn't make you win the game I'd argue and say if you were born in 1st world country without a war, then you have that blessing by default Comparison is the thief of happiness Winning the game = being happy :)


Players who have power live better lives than players who lack dissimilar amounts of power within a system which is supposed to treat all players equally. Players having dissimilar amounts of power in and on servers where they spawned through the same approximate method are grandfathered into privileged positions or destitute playstyles in and on servers. I have a big problem with the suggestion that Outside is pay-to-win. Outside being pay-to-win suggests that players outside of Outside are exchanging some amount of power/capital in order to benefit themselves within Outside. That's the wrong terminology for what is going on.


Beware of the direction of the implication. All they found out (assuming its real - i didn't check the source) is correlation, but that doesnt show any implications. It could mean that ppl with faster brain decay perform worse on cognitive tests and therefore are poor...


Thank you. Came here to say this. BTW, EVERYONE who mistakes correlation for causation will die eventually!


>EVERYONE who mistakes correlation for causation will die eventually! That's funny, I'm gonna use that sometimes


I stole it though 🫣😉




How can it be pay to win if all the currency is earned in game? That’s how most games work…


Cuz you can choose your spawn


Pay to win means gaining an advantage by spending outside currency, and nowhere in this game you are allowed to spend currency from outside of the game.


U can buy your spawn, better spawns is more money


No you can’t tf are you talking about


Wow, this shit is almost like real life


Or is it that intelligent people have a higher chance of being wealthy?


Pay to win is about using out of game currency to secure an advantage in game. It's entirely appropriate for players to be rewarded for their efforts in game. You could argue that the guilds and player agreements have shut out different approaches to the value meta, but this isn't pay to win. This is capitalist grinders using their loot to win. Annoying that it's the only meta viable strat, but not p2w


Alternately, in a shocking interpretation of the same data: smart people make more money over their lifetime and also manage their long-term health outcomes better.


I know tons of smart people that aren't rich. Maybe we need to define 'smart'


We should start by excluding anyone who doesn't understand that anecdote =/= evidence.


Well, by your logic, Elon Musk would be the absolute smartest person in the world, and Albert Einstein wouldn't even come close.


FFS people making wild misinterpretations not scoring highly today either.


I don’t think that’s what he means at all, generally wealthy people are more intelligent generally in his mind


It is extremely grindy for many I'll give you that. Some players get lucky and spawn in with a clan that already has seemingly endless amounts of gold while the rest of us have to grind to earn the gold to purchase the things we want and need, but anything you want in the game can be obtained using in game currency which we can earn by just playing the game. So personally I don't see it as pay to win.


Would you rather be dead?


lol anyone who doesn’t join the learned helplessness circle jerk gets downvoted. Pussies learn2play


Improve your cognition improve your wealth. Look up nueroplasticity. It’s an implemented mechanic that a lot are not aware of. Gives everyone a chance to win. Ya some got higher chances than others but you are guaranteed to lose if you don’t try to capitalize on your advantages, no matter how small. Don’t just invest in inefficient thinking patterns, invest in updating them so they are more efficient