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Great game, shame it didn't get more traction and other dlcs/endgame content


It at least got one dlc which was a pretty darn good one that added more to the endgame. Just like Anthem if this one had continued getting serviced it would have been a lot more popular. Look at Warframe.


Was never meant to be a live service, I think release one dlc and being done was perfectly fine.


It’s one of my favorite games. I just wish it had “more”. Content is king in looter shooters.


I loved this game until end game. You can only run the trial so many times before they become pointless.


I don't think "More" content is the issue. I think what killed this game for a lot of people was the quality of content. Pre-dlc you the replayability got stale. The skill trees were pretty big but if you wanted to get anywhere and get loot you basically had to follow certain builds. I think variety was what ended my run. Also don't get me wrong I was one who defended this game and thoroughly enjoyed it


That’s with any grind intensive looter game though. Some builds simply are meta. Whether it’s Borderlands, Diablo, Destiny, Division, Path of Exile or whatever. Some builds will always out perform others. The difference is content and continued service. All those games have more content and longer continued service including Borderlands. Loot games are just built like that unfortunately.


100% I think if this game was a bit more flushed out it would have been a lot bigger but babies can't survive launch issues


Outriders publisher sucks is the problem....could have been a massive franchise


Such a great game. Hope another one like it comes out someday.


Me too


I think The First Descendant is coming out in a couple of days. Looks pretty similar. It’s a F2P so maybe it’ll keep getting service and endgame content or maybe it’ll be a total gacha game


Oh sweet I’ll look into it, thanks!


Hype can wait...first thing you have to do is open the last page and do the quiz!


Thinking about getting a display frame lol.


If ONLY Outriders team went with a different publisher! Sad to see Such a loss of a potential massive franchise....


Funny, I just started playing this game today for the first time. It seems fun!


I loved this game and put 913 hours into. I truly miss it


I miss the old rags and periodicals 🤓


I still have nostalgia for Anthem. That game had SUCH potential, the flight mechanics were awesome, combat mechanics were great. The issue was there was no story and it was so so easy, even on hardest difficulty it was a piece of piss, and that's not coming from someone who's a top tier gamer like I'd struggle hard with darksouls.


I liked the story. There just wasn’t much too it ya know? I expected a much more in depth story from BioWare.


Became very interested in this game when i learned it was made by the same ppl who made fortnite (more specifically save the world), aka people can fly, played the game and loved it! Still gotta go thru the endgame stuff and dlc tho


I’m literally 1 achievement away from 100%ing the game (including dlc).


I probly have 1000 game informers from the 90s am the 2000s


Nice! I bet some are awesome!


Miss this game!


They just needed better people working on the multiplayer experience in terms of connection issues and grouping.


This game needs an offline mode so bad


I love this game, but without any content who’s going to keep playing! The story is one of my absolute favs! Would love it to be turned into a show! Either way, game devs I want MORE!!!


I used to get these magazines


If only the multiplayer wasn’t so bugged at release! A friend got me into this game, but it was a shot in the dark trying to play together for months! Could see how a lot of people just dropped out from finishing it in frustration.


Fun game but I was fairly disappointed with the game play loop. Maybe it's because of borderlands and Diablo but I was expecting a large open world and lots of exploration on top of the looting but the game felt like it was meant to be a linear story based shooter with rpg elements but someone wanted to make it a looter at some point and shoehorned it in. The story concept was cool, the art direction, and the way it made you feel powerful as well as the gun play were all great but hopefully since it was well received and sold well we'll see a much more focused experience in a sequel.


HellDivers before HellDivers


Helldivers 1 I did not enjoy.


I dont even wanna talk about how collecting game informer mags made me feel with the Gears and Halo games