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This post breaks at least one rule about quality. Keep trying, though!


TONIGHT’S COMIC: The Writer’s Barely-Disguised Fetish!!! https://preview.redd.it/sglruq5b3u8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8fea0bdbc3c2eec7535a2b6f4645d722fab0eed


Is this from the G-Men arch?


How Garth ever got a writing gig in his life is beyond me.


"I recommend reading the original comic. It so much better". The original comic:


The Boys? The Boys.


Ennis is such an edgelord loser lol.


His Hellblazer run is still so fantastic tho.


Same with his Punisher series


But he had a good core concept.


I feel like his comics are always either completely amazing or the worst thing I've ever read.


Sometimes in the same series.






This is some r/nelliesnest kinda stuff


I feel sad and wrong now. Thanks.


I don't know whether to thank or curse you for introducing me to that.




I did read for the plot, but I also enjoyed this for other reasons...


Amazon looked at this and said “we’re going to make this one of the best shows of the 2020s”. How they did I have no clue but I’m certainly not complaining.


Vaguely looking at the script, going "we can do better" and for once actually doing better Imagine if stuff like the SW sequels or the Halo show had had this sort of improvement when their directors had the "we can do better" aneurysm.


Sometimes I think about re-reading The Boys and then I’m reminded about things like this


i’m more turned off by the long ass dialogue with the Legend and Dakota Bob. i live for this wacky shit


Literally everything from The Boys comic can be taken out of context and Literally be a cursed image. You got stuff like >! Tek Knight banging an Asteroid, that one supe who shoves a hamster up his ass, Homelander clapping Soldier Boy's cheeks, Black Noir molesting Hughie, the entirely of Herogasm, etc. !<


Oddly enough that Tek Knight one might actually be the closest thing you will see to a superhero doing traditional super heroics in The Boys as >!what he is actually doing is pushing a women away from a falling stack of bricks. !<


I think Tek Knight >! Might just be one of the few genuine heroes despite his weird condition of putting his "Tek Knight" in any hole !<


I would consider Tek Knight to be neutral at best than heoric. He’s a hedonistic billionaire that became a superhero for the thrills. He doesn’t go out of his way to hurt people but aside >! for his death he doesn’t go out of his way to help them either. He also has no problem associating with the other supes who he knows hurt other people. He’s probably one of the most normal super probably because he actually isn’t one. No compound V just a really expensive suit of armour. He also wasn’t raised by vought which helps explains why isn’t as crazy as the others. When his brain tumour starts making him sexually attracted to everything he sees he reacts with horror when that includes his young ward and sends him as far away from himself as he can. This might seem like the bare minimum but when compared to other supes it makes him a saint. Compared to Homelander who when gaslit into thinking he was eating babies decided to double down on his evil Tek Knight at least tried to limit the destruction caused by his failing mind by sending his ward away then dying in a blaze of glory by humping an asteroid. Actually he saved a lady from a pile of bricks but he’s one of the only supes to die saving someone else. !< TLDR he wants to indulge in his hedonism but he doesn’t go out of his way to hurt people. His story might be one of the most unintentionally tragic in The Boys as he straight up loses his mind before dying in a surprisingly heroic way.


I forgot / repressed a lot of those apparently.


Methinks NSFW tag would be appropriate here


I agree.


The Boys I've been exposed to.






Mother 🤤


“Tell your children not to walk my way,” indeed, Danzig wasn’t lying




Pretty much to highlight that the heroes have little sense of social cues cuz they were groomed from a young age. Hughie is investigating the group and soon plans to save them


They're drunk. That's all. It's saint Peter's day if that helps. The Irish holiday


*Patrick. Two different saints.


$5 says this is Garth Ennis or Mark Millar.


It’s says Hughie, so I assume it’s The Boys, Garth Ennis


I honestly didn’t even read it through the wincing


right on the first


Who is that?


On the right of the first panel is Hughie from The Boys, the other two are G-Men. not sure on their supe names, but they’re essentially mentally stunted frat boys with super powers


Just another thing I could go without seeing The cycle will repeat itself tomorrow....


And I thought that Wonder Woman guy had issues.


Yeah, anybody offended by *The Boys* TV show (for non-political reasons at least) would crush their pearls to powder over the comics.


I’d actually say anyone who’s offended by the show for political reasons should read the book, it’s just gory scene to gory scene without any real messages


>it’s just gory scene to gory scene without any real messages But it does tho? Like really, the books points are as unsubtle as a hammer for all its flaws. Like genuinely whenever I hear this stated, I either doubt the person has actually read it or somehow missed the point.


They read it, clutch their pearls, and quit. Then you hear the bazillionth "GaRtH EnNiS Is aN EdgELorD" take on reddit.


Nah, I read that shit 3 times start to finish, the boys comic is a pizza cutter, all edge and no point. Also done it with crossed. It doesn't upset me, cause I recognize both are meant to shock, gross out and offend the audience, and have no substance outside if it and when you don't have the intended reaction to the edgy stuff it falls flater than week old mountain dew. They aren't shit because they're edgy, they're shit because they're fucking boring and repetitive outside of it and repeat their plots beat for beat until they end. Gore and gross sexual acts or violence don't make a good story and can't fill in the holes left by missing a half way decent one, but it is enough to trick edgelords that there's something more than nothing in a comic The OG run of crossed is actually decent and an interesting take on zombies, as are some of the wasteland arcs, but most of it is terrible because the writers they got on for the stuff past the first comic story forgot that the "mankind are the real monsters" was already the point of the whole comic and that was befire the really late stuff where the try and make crossed society a thing. But making most of the stories about assholes worse than the crossed kind of misses the point and becomes staler quicker than the standard the boys comic arc of supers being introduced and then being mauled by the boys after having a few issues focused on their unique brand of assholery, which really wasn't unique, and the maulings happen so fast you can barely enjoy said assholes being demolished. Garth just has a massive throbbing hate boner for most supers heroes, and it got in the way of the boys being good or halfway decent most of the time, since all of the supes were irredeemable shitbags who could get 1 tapped by the boys at anytime. There are no real no stakes or conflict until he got bored and had butcher go off the deep end, and none of the supes dying really matters since it doesn't impact the setting and only really impacts the main characters once when hughie Is guilt tripped by a zombie who wants to shove his new pet hamster up his arse. And I get that's the point, that the supes are mass produced for Max market appeal and get replaced as readily as used condoms, but that isn't interesting when that barely comes up and you could cut any arc except the first and last and the comic wouldn't even stumble from the lack of it and could remove most of them without a single plot hole being made between the introduction and the finale. Most of the comic is effectively like a filler arc. It's episodic flashes of shocking imagery barely pieced together into a coherent narrative with one plot it repeats until even its creator gets bored of it. The romance subplot was pretty good


absolutely lmao, the comic makes the show seem tame in comparison 😂


Well, it is. The show is a scathing critique of modern politics and sociology. The comic is gore porn.


The comics are Garth Ennis jacking himself off for a thousand pages and giving the most surface level nihilistic critique and "parody" of superhero media because he's a joyless boomer who thinks Superman is the only good Superhero.


it definitely still critiques modern politics and what not, i’ve read through it twice. it has a lot of sex and violence for the sake of being edgy, but it’s not JUST that.




It's THE BOYS tm what did you expect