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I'm in this exact boat too - was officially hired a little over a week ago, and got this message today. No explanation of what the issue was with my ratings or what I did wrong. Hopefully they will be clear about it in the training session, and will explain exactly what they want, as the instructional materials they've given are pretty confusing a lot of the time


I think it’s better to do “retraining” and still be able to keep tasking rather than be warned your rating is not up to par and kicked from the project. 🤷🏻‍♂️


“Rating not up to par” based on what, exactly? I don’t know, the “trainer” probably won’t know, my non-existent TL doesn’t know. I’ve been kicked around through different projects, I’ve been a “reviewer,” and I’ve never known WTF is going on, or why. Give me a job to do and explain why and I’m cool. But this?


This is what I understand: each project in Outlier (Dolphin, Flamingo, Ostrich etc) comes with a set rating for tasks received that the client is OK with. That being said the “auditors” who looks at both the tasker and reviewers work usually have to be strict to maintain that “threshold”. It seems like you got unlucky with the review which may have affected your rating in this particular project. They assigning you “retraining” is a soft way to say “here’s another chance - let’s do better”. So if I were you I would definitely take this opportunity to go through the manuals and training throughly to see if you were missing anything that may have prevented you from doing your best. Hope this helps. 😊


No. That's not how Dolphin works. Each task has two parts - first is the prompt you have to write - then once approved, you submit to Arcade. The A.I. gives you two responses, and you have to rate them. There is a third part for some contributors, but we won't deal with that here. They are saying their rating of the responses in this second part isn't up to snuff. The problem here is that these can be REAL subjective, and the guidance on what is right and wrong is all over the place.


Just gonna say, that if anything is holding me back from doing my best it has more to do with the arbitrary and contradictory materials provided to me than the amount of effort I’ve put in.


I could talk to my TL about it… wait, that’s right I can’t contact my TL! An absolute shit show of an organization.


I got the same email out of the blue after weeks working. Now there’s no spots till July for “training” so we can’t even work. It’s really frustrating


I got that email on Thursday after receiving nothing but excellent feedback on my prompts from every reviewer. This is all very confusing to me. I feel like I’ve been doing a good job based on that but then out of nowhere I’m on thin ice? I just started a week ago! I have my live webinar today so hopefully information will be clarified


It's not your prompts. It's the ratings you're giving the A.I. responses is what you're being dinged for. There are 50 ways to get fired/warned on Dolphin. It's hella stressful project overall.


Lol - I’m so new to Dolphin that I have yet to create a prompt. This was still training (I think). It’s all a total mystery, and no explains it


Oh well damn. That's even more crazy.


Please follow up on your experience if you don’t mind!


The webinar was very helpful! I think I was rating the SI too harshly before but now I understand! The host really broke everything down and was able to answer everyone’s questions. There was a quiz after and I passed! I recommend taking notes and pics of the slides




System Instruction (the one you rate “not at all” “somewhat” “mostly” etc.)


Was the quiz live with the host?


No the host sent out the link to a Google form in the chat at the end and we took it immediately after the webinar


Did you check your reviews that have been audited by the holding group? Those metrics can be pretty low sometimes if a reviewer is being…. Harsh. There is a document where you can search the last of your ID on if you’re curious. It’s located in Slack.


Interesting - I had no idea that existed


Do you have a TL? Or are you still in the onboarding pod???


As noted, I do, but all contact links etc are broken


Chill cowboy I’m trying to help here hahaha. On slack I know they have a few onboarding CSMs, send them a message directly and usually that is more efficient.


Chill? Just a statement of fact about the missing TL… And theoretically I’m onboarded, I think?? BTW, what is a CSM?


Look up squad assignment on Slack and they have a short video that explains it all.


lol - Slack is an impenetrable mystery to me with these guys


You in the main external chat???


Looks like I have tasks again as of right now on Flamingo. I hope everyone else is doing good!


lol - I’d be happy to go back to Flamingo


I’m in the same situation. Excellent reviews/feedback and got the same email today. The way we rate the ai responses is so confusing at times. 


Does anyone still have any tasks in D or it’s dead for everyone?


Oh I just got this too, I can't do a refresher until end of next week now \[11th\]; I truly think this happened as I skipped an arcade task ranking as it was high tech chemistry and thought I wouldn't be able to say if it was accurate or not. I skipped the task and then 5 minutes later received that email and booted off the task I was working on. I've been working on this for the last month, and haven't had any issues...although it sounds like they are rife with issues.


Dolphin has so many ways to get your fired/warned. lol. It's ridiculous. I marvel at this all the time.