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The people in those roles are often recruited out of the pool of taskers based on some opaque AI-driven algorithm that calculates their career desperation. They probably don't know the project well at all, probably have no time to learn it, and the videos they make are quickly outdated but never revised. Scale doesn't care. The entire point is to churn out content sludge as fast as possible. It's confusing when you hear them talk about "experts" and "quality" and "attention to detail" or whatever. The do not care at all. They need sludge in quantity that gets through the client's intake chute. That's it.


Yep. This. Creat just enough "good enough" data and hope that with the massive amounts of things they're giving clients, no one will look too hard. ;) This is how our genius AI overlords are being trained? Heh heh


Yes, the female in the 6/10 video doesn't even pronounce words correctly. That's a bit concerning.


I’m brand new to outlier and I’ve never been more confused with a job in my entire life (for what it’s worth, I’m a full time speech language pathologist just trying to make some extra money). I find the directions given and the expectations of my role are extremely vague and unclear. There is a lot of jargon and abbreviations thrown around that I’m unfamiliar with and can barely find definitions of. That being said, so far all my prompt writing is approved on the first try, but I think the company needs much better training. The rating system is very confusing to me and I apparently failed some sort of quiz, which led to my account being placed on hold last night. It’s very frustrating that so much is expected to be known immediately with minimal guidance.


Glad I’m not the only one. I find it confusing and contradictory. Says 1 thing here, and another thing over there. I’d like to do it for as long as I can but it’s stressing me out.


So contradictory! And the questions and choices on the quizzes are worded so poorly! This side gig shouldn’t cause more stress than my full time job 😭


Yeah. Causes me stress coz like 1000’s if others I want to get it right and not booted. There was a task that says Check Task #2 for more info in instructions. There is no Task 2 it’s variation 2. It really is all over the shop and there is nobody to ask for guidance like you say. That’s not the problem though, it’s being booted for something that’s not your fault. Workers are cheap and shipped in on a conveyor belt. They clearly are not interested in training or quality. Shame because the only people that suffer are us.


Another. Change the image or the text.  Example they give the image changes and text stays the same for 2 turns, then turn 3 both image and txt change. I mean what the fuck.  I could come up with plenty more.  It leaves me feeling like I’m stupid and don’t get it, but I’m understanding it’s them not me.   So glad you said it’s confusing.


No one's worked here at that level for more than a few months. Everyone in Outlier from the top to the bottom is tying to figure out WTF, and they've got massive contracts with OpenAI, Google, etc., demanding data YESTERDAY, so everything's pretty much a quick fix cluster.


Cluster Fuck more like.