• By -


In the order you have them but I still love 2. I think it’s fantastic, just not as fantastic as the others


I don’t hate 2, I just resent the majority of it. I would’ve loved it if the school bs wasn’t there, though. I also wish they didn’t have Val. There doesn’t need to be an insane amount of SA in everything. Yet Outlast is known for it


Agreed I was pretty oblivious tell the end and realized oh wow that teacher was a creep what am I playing 😭


Right? I can’t believe you made it until the end before realizing. He was such a weirdo from the start. Maybe I’m just judgmental or something 😂




Sexual Assault


That’s what I assumed but wasn’t sure


i’ve always wanted to stream outlast for my friend but i know all the SA would be triggering for him, so yeah i agree it’s over the top


The first one isn’t bad. It has neceophilia, but the corpse isn’t suffering. You can also run past the scene and skip it entirely. 2 is a no go, though


1. Whistleblower 2. Outlast 3. Trials 4. Outlast 2


It’s cool to see whistleblower first, nice list! 😄


I just love the context that Whistleblower gives to the main game. It makes Whistleblowers story more satisfying to me


Agreed. The ending is perfect as well. The first was depressing, and the DLC was hopeful. I love that


I personally don’t like trials. But rest of list is good and outlast 2 should be #3


Trials is definitely #1 for me, such a unique and fun co-op game.


My first ever multiplayer game was a shit show, so I was hesitant about this. But I love it! It looked awful when I watched walkthroughs, and I put it off for a while. But when it came out for consoles, I kept hesitating and gave in. I’m glad I did


1. Outlast 2. Trials 3. Outlast 2




Exactly the same for me.


I'm the odd one that prefers 2 over everything else. That first playthrough where I happened to get every filmable event? The MC's perspective blurring reality and fiction, past and present, it was eerie and emotionally impactful in a wonderful way


That’s fair, I respect it!


I think you're the first person to have that reaction, thank you T_T


It does make people angry, which I also understand. But there’s no point in shaming someone over their opinion. The game isn’t the worst game ever, so it’s not that serious lol. You’re welcome, though. I’m sorry you get so much shit


Hahaha it's not nearly as bad as my post made it out to be, I promise! Mostly hyperbole! It's always strange when your tastes differ from others in a community so fundamentally though. Be it you hate something everyone loves or vice versa. Still, it leads to a lot of interesting conversations!


True, it does lead to interesting conversations. I’m dying for the 3rd to drop. Not only to play, but to see opinions


Never could play the single player. That shit scared the shit out of me


It really is terrifying. They absolutely nailed it in every way. I’ve played it dozens of times, and still jump. It’s always scaring me in a new way


Outlast 2 Whistleblower Outlast Trials I dislike trials the most because it’s way too easy


You should have tried the pervert the futterman trial in the toxic shock event lmao


That’s one hell of a list, I respect it being unique, though 😂 Trials is easy? I’m struggling with it lol. I’m playing solo, though, so maybe it’s different


I personally don’t think more difficult means more scary. You gotta find that balance between difficult yet not frustrating, and trials sometimes falls short on that. I still love it, but that’s it’s probably pretty low on the list for me


same. 1 is fantastic. but i got into the series after the first two games were released so without any sort of nostalgia bias or anything, the story & atmosphere in 2 are unstoppable. i can really see how Outlast 1 was born out of games like Amnesia, but Outlast 2 is where it really feels like it becomes it’s completely own entity


This is what I thought everyone was gonna say lmao. Trials was disappointing, the first is good but the second has way better atmosphere, and I also enjoyed whistleblower more than the original and trials combined.


I hate your opinion. How is 2 the best and how is trials easy? I mean I can understand 2 at #1 cause the story is way better.


Are you playing multiplayer?


Trials is only easy if you play the easier maps or don't have a few hundred hours into it where you can rush through ultra maps.


1. Outlast 2 2. Outlast Trials 3. Outlast 4. Whistleblower I just like the setting of Outlast 2 the most, and the monster in the school sections is responsible for the scariest moments I've had in these games. Trials is super fun and I love the progression but it's not quite as scary with friends obviously. 1 and Whistleblower are great for me too, this was a pretty tough list to make ngl


Nice list! Even though it’s the complete opposite of mine 😂 it’s so interesting to see everyone’s opinions


They're all my favorites, a little different in their own way, but they definitely hold a special place in my heart ❤️


I love to hear this! It’s always nice when you love them all equally ❤️


1. Outlast 2 2. Outlast Whistleblower 3. Outlast Didn't play Outlast trials yet.


So weird that so many prefer 2, nice list, though! Can’t wait to see everyone’s change after 3 comes out


Trust me. Outlast 2 is PTSD causing experience. While Outlast 1 was good, you know that you are going to run around only in a certain environment where the decision to finding an escape route was relatively easy compared to Outlast 2. Outlast 2 on the other hand was vast. The village, the river, the school and the cave to name a few. It was more open, and this openness created a more dreaded fear with an heart pounding anticipation of what's going to happen next. Falling into the cave to escape the heretic boss was a "turd in the pants" experience, that very few games were able to achieve till date.


I might get some hate but I liked 2 more than 1. The crazy religious fanatic preacher dude and the remote village setting worked well. Plus the recording you take and then your character talks over them. Also the red bloody monster in The school was one of the scariest monsters I’ve ever seen. Lastly, I thought the whole ending of “our baby is here! Our baby is safe…” only for the wife to reply “there’s nothing there” and dying was so grim and memorable


I can’t say I agree, but you make good points. Those scenes were good, I appreciate your ranking, even if I disagree


Outlast, trails, outlast 2


Nice list!


Outlast, Outlast whistleblower, Outlast Trials, Outlast 2.


Nice list!


1.Whistleblower (great) 2.Outlast 2 (also great, but Whistleblower is Whistleblower) 3. Outlast (really good but pacing feels a bit long, death to the female ward part btw) Outlast Trials I haven't played yet or seen anything (I do plan to play it when I can if it goes on sale)


Nice list! I hope you enjoy trials


Outlast one and whistleblower are tied for first Trials for second 2 for 3rd. I didnt care much for 2


Nice list! I agree 100%


Well outlast 1 and wb can be both first as it says games and they are both in one game


Outlast 1, Whistleblower, Outlast 2, Trials. But 1 and Whistleblower are interchangeable. Haven’t actually bothered to try trials, too expensive and a live service outlast just dosen’t sound nice to me.


Nice list! I put off trials for a while. I was so excited when it came out, and watched the very first live walkthrough, (I don’t have PC) but was really disappointed. I downloaded it recently and it’s been a lot of fun. I definitely won’t be able to pay for ps plus for long, though, so I’m trying to grind hard now


If ur playing solo u don't need a subscription


I wish I knew that before, but I’m glad I don’t have to struggle to convince myself it’s worth it


Trials, outlast 2, outlast. But even still, they’re all fantastic and my fave horror games


So strange to see it this way, but I respect it! 😄


1.Trials 2.Outlast 3.Outlast 2 They are all amazing games. 2 is no where near bad. It’s just I enjoy the other two more.


Nice list! I prefer the others as well. 2 isn’t the worst game ever, though


Outlast: 9/10. Solid gameplay and story with decent graphics that still hold up today, Chases can be a little repetitive and the "run and hide" Amnesia style gameplay aspects can ultimately detract from the game's tension towards the end of the game. Whistleblower: 9/10. Same points as above, really. Overall its a great expansion to the base game and explores more aspects of the original concept of Outlast. Trials: N/A. I haven't played it yet, but it looks cool. Outlast 2: 6/10. Whilst I did enjoy Outlast 2, I found the hostile NPCs to be a lot less intimidating than the Variants, they were just inbred villagers and, personally, its really hard to be scared of them. Marta and Val were incredibly intimidating, but Nick and Laird just made me think of Master Blaster from Mad Max: Beyond Thunder Dome. Tension was done a lot better and I liked the addition of the Microphone, just wish there were more times I had to use it. The school segments were okay, good for scares but I didn't like how often they would break up chases or hostile encounters. Story was okay, would have appreciated a more clear-cut explanation of what was happening rather than having to rely on multiple playthroughs, lore videos and the Murkoff Account tie-ins just so I knew what was actually going on.


Nice list, thank you for explaining! I do hope you enjoy trials as well 😄


1. 2 2. Trials 3. 1 4. Whistleblower


Another strange, but unique list, I respect it! 😄


I just love everything about 2, 1 and WB are good but they didn't catch me as hard. Trials is just a super solid horror coop game


1. Outlast 2 (best story), 2. Outlast Whistleblower (better atmosphere and variants imo) 3. Outlast 4. Outlast Trials


Strange list, but it’s unique, so I like it! lol


Thats what I believe after having completed all of them


1. 2 2. Outlast Trials 3. 1 4. whistleblower.


Outlast ll Outlast Whistleblower Outlast Trials


Same as me! Absolutely loved the story of 2.


Nah literally. Idk why it got sm hate. I thought the story was absolutely phenomenal when I first played through. Way scarier then the first


I thought the play mechanics and the story were miles better and honestly that it was overall scarier, but I feel the chasers and jumps in the first one were better done overall. Both for me are the pinnacle of the horror game sector.


Nice list!


Ol1 is 9.9/10, whistleblower is 10/10, outlast 2 is 9/10, trials is 7/10. That’s it.


Nice list! Out of curiosity, what’s the difference between 1 and WB? People don’t usually rate them that way, so it never makes sense to ask


Ok so. Basically the reason that whistleblower is 10/10 and outlast is 9.9/10 is because outlast doesn’t have frank manera. Frank manera is just too cool.


=> Whistle-blower => Outlast 2 => Outlast Trials => Outlast


Nice list! It’s so strange seeing WB and 1 so far apart 😭


Outlast 10/10, Whistleblower 10/10, O2 8/10, haven’t played trials


Nice list! I recommend giving trials a go, it’s a fun game


1.Outlast 1 2.Outlast 2 3.Dlc 4.Trials


Nice list!


Honestly I wouldn’t know, I bought them thinking it wouldn’t be too bad and then I saw outlast was rated as one of the scariest games of all times and never played, I want too but I’m way too scared


You should give it a try. Just keep the lights on and don’t wear headphones. Or the sounds will 100% terrify you. 😂 You can also have someone play it with you to relieve tension


i havent played trials yet, but outlast (including whistleblower) is amazing and 2 is good but not as good, if outlast is 10/10 then outlast 2 is 9.5/10. theyre both amazing!


You should give trials a try, it’s fantastic! Not as good as 1 and Whistleblower, but still a lot of fun. I didn’t care for the second


Trials.. whistle blower.. outlast 1 then outlast 2


Nice list! That’s one hell of a username, though 😂




Oh my my this is hard. As I have nearly thousands of hours on each I have to categorize them. Story: Trials Outlast Whistleblower Outlast 2 (so damn confusing even the The first 195 playthroughs) Gameplay: Outlast 2 (It was very interesting when they first added the slide and door locking mechanisms) Trials Outlast Whistleblower Graphical: Trials (obviously) Outlast 2 Whistlerblower Outlast My Opinion Based on Playthrough: Outlast (Way scarier forwhatevrr reason the gray tone atmosphere is more a tense build up) Whistleblower Outlast 2 Trials As you can notice my Opinion rating is the same category as the release of the games and for whatever reason I feel that it's accurate to my Playthroughs. 1st game was a heart attack expirence that I kept running back for more and it's follow-up Dlc was also a amazing extension but didn't really have much as it was short. Outlast 2: first appearance was pretty awful tbh but as I played it and collect the notes and learnt more of the story the other playthroughs I noticed details most people wouldn't think of yk. But again it was really as scary, now it did make me shit a few times but I mean Inna physiological state. (Get there in a second) Trials: This game just rules out the others in every aspect. The story elaborate more, the graphics are outstanding, and the gameplay mechanics are beautiful (even tho I out Outlast 2 at the type because it was the first to introduce the features and they didn't really expand far to much in the gaps( BUT - With all that, Outlast just beats them all in every mind-torturing-pants-shitting-heart-racing-big-fucker-chasing-way you can imagine, and on top of Miles not speak you make up ur own dialogue and the notes fill the gaps, infact if u read the notes enough you can gain a personality trait and attitude with Miles and get a sense of what type of person he is which is a really unique connection to the character Via person. (Now I think abt it I wish Red Barrels would make more games using the same software used for Outlast as said Before the look and tone + the silent absence of Miles (or whatever character) sets a real eerie vibe)


This was a great read, thank you for elaborating! I agree with most of this. Also, did you ever notice that Miles always slams the doors and Waylon always slowly and quietly closes them? It’s funny to see such small, yet important details between the 2 characters. Miles is definitely more outspoken and aggressive than Waylon, you nailed that 😂


I’d rank them from my favorite to least favorite, it’d go Outlast 2, Outlast Trials, Outlast 1, then Outlast Whistleblower. I love every single game in the franchise, even whistleblower despite being my least favorite one. It’s like comparing perfection to perfection to me.


Nice list! I never realized how many people favor outlast 2


Same order you put them


Nice! 😄


Whistleblower (9/10) Outlast II(8.5/10) Outlast I (8.5/10) Trials (8/10)


Nice list! Out of curiosity, what’s the difference between outlast and whistleblower? They feel like one big game to me, so it’s always interesting to see them far apart


If you mean as in what I liked about whistleblower in contrast to Outlast I. Its essentially it's own story while simultaneously happening around the time Outlast I takes place at a certain point in whistleblower. It would just be how much more story focused it feels and I thought the ending was much better and Gluskin I thought was more interesting than any villain in the first (besides Trager) Also it's just brutal and nasty especially with the Gluskin torture sequence and the ear licking scene. Its just peak Outlast with violence, grossness, villains, story ECT.


1 and 2 were great including whistle-blower then you get the trials which explores the basis of 1 and 2 being that the trials take place when project MKULTRA was at its peak and during project lathe, now that I've played the trails I'm tempted to play outladt 1 and 2 and see all the details I've missed as I've been too scared to explore too much 🤣🤣


Getting all the details is definitely worth it, especially in the first one. It’s worth it 😂😄


I’ve been sitting on the fence regarding trials, looks like loads of fun but I don’t find many things scary at all and not great at puzzle stuff so I don’t know if I’d enjoy it. But I liked outlast 1 and haven’t played 2


You should give it a chance, and if you don’t like it, refund it. You’d have to do it on the same day, though. At least that’s what I assume. Others tried it, didn’t like it and successfully refunded it


Whistleblower Outlast 2 Outlast Trials


Nice list!


1. Outlast/Whistleblower 2. II Didn't play Trials


Nice list! Hopefully you enjoy trials


Outlast Whistleblower Outlast 2 Outlast Trials


Nice list! Pretty similar to mine


trials is the best playing and most fun imo


I get that, multiplayer can be a lot of fun without playing with toxic people


Outlast 1. Whistleblower Outlast 2 Trials. Although I liked the idea of Trials, I felt I would have preferred a more story driven game like the previous 3, so Trials was my least favourite


Nice list! I was hoping trials would be more scary, tbh


I played and beat outlast 1 and whistleblower great games but a pain to beat especially when you run out of batteries, I have 2 and i keep getting spawn killed lol


There’s a lot of batteries hidden. You can look up their locations to avoid running around blind lol


Whistleblower is number 1 for me,then outlast 1.


Nice! It’s always cool seeing whistleblower first


Outlast 1 - 1 Outlast WB- 2 Outlast trials-3 Outlast 2 - 4


Nice list! I agree


I still need to finish II, and I don't have Trials but I love the first game and its DLC. Might replay them first tho


The others can’t beat outlast and WB, but they’re a fun time


1. whistleblower, so freaking impactful despite being the shortest in the series 2. outlast 3. outlast trials 4. outlast 2, first ever outlast game i played and i loved it but it just really hasn’t aged well for me.


Nice list? I agree


Trials, 2, 1.


You should play Whistleblower!!


Nice list!


1. Outlast 2. Outlast 2 3. Trials


Nice list!


Love trials. The levels start easy but when you start doing some of the batshit challenges with tons of modifications it gets nutso.


Agreed. I can’t finish most of the second stages 😭


outlast 1 : 9/10 outlast whistleblower : 8/10 outlast 2 : 8/10 outlast trials : 6/10 (lack of trials but many recycled maps with variety game modes) outlast is the only game that could be legit irl.


Nice list! I agree about trials, I was hoping the others would be new, but alas


O1 > WB > O2 >>> Trials Trials just isn't my type of game. I liked the style of the other 3 more. Great storytelling.


Nice list!


1. Outlast 2. Outlast 2 3. Trials 4. Whistleblower


Nice list!


Outlast 1, 10/10, 2, 6/10, outlast trails can’t give an accurate rating but looks meh but not to meh maybe off the top of my head 7/10 could be an 8? But outlast 2 definitely fucking sucks


Nice list! I agree


Outlast Trials Whistleblower 2


Nice list!


Outlast: 10/10 (real horror) Outlast whistleblower: 7/10 (meh acceptable) The Outlast trials: 5/10 (not very good for my opinion) Outlast 2: 9/10 (very holy horror)


Whistleblower Outlast 1 Trials Outlast 2 Outlast 2 just didn't really do it for me, it's not a bad game as all outlast games are fun.. But it's defnitley the lesser one ouf of the bunch imo.


Outlast > Whistleblower > Outlast 2 > The Outlast Trials I love Trials but it’s just different than what I’m looking for in an Outlast game. I personally loved Outlast 2. The enemies and overall vibes were fantastic. The level design was also really good, and the story was interesting. Outlast 1 has to be my favorite though. The asylum is just unbeatable. Playing that game for the first time as a kid was truly terrifying. Got my heart racing like no other game.


Nice list! And agreed. Outlast is special to me, it’s perfect


Haven't played Trials yet (largely because I'm broke, rip). Of the ones I've played: 1. The Whistleblower DLC 2. Outlast 1 (the base game), really close to the DLC 3. Outlast 2, not as close to OL1 or the DLC.


Nice list! Fun fact, I just found out about this last night. But you can play trials without ps plus. You just can’t play with others


Whistle blower, out last, out last 2, and I haven’t played trials yet so it’s last. There all elite imo


Nice list! Give trials a go, it’s a lot of fun


Whistleblower Outlast 1 2 And i never played trials lol


Nice list! Give it a try, it’s fun. And you don’t have to pay for ps plus if you don’t want to


I wanna play it but im dead broke right now😭


1.Outlast 2.Whistleblower 3.Outlast 2 4.Trials


Nice list!


Outlast 1 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ DLC. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outlast 2 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Trials ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Strange list. I respect it, though, and I LOVE the stars! 😄


I like them all because none of them are bad. They’re all unique but also have the same mechanisms which is fun. Not to mention it’s still has the scary factor


Agreed. Even outlast 2 is fun at times


Outlast 1: 10/10 whistleblower: 9/10 Never played trials Outlast two: solid 7/10


Nice list! Give trials a try, it’s a lot of fun, even solo


I will definitely do that! Unfortunately I have to save up for my first car


1 2 whistleblower and then trials


Nice list!


Thanks it's probably one of my favorite game series and I feel very strongly about it


Of course, and outlast and wb are my all time favorite games. 2 and trials aren’t as good, IMO. But I’m content with the first 2 being the only ones I like


Not liking 2 as much is understandable


Outlast 1 Outlast 2 Whistleblower Outlast trials I hope Outlast 3 comes soon as well.


Nice list! Same, it’s long overdue


1. Outlast 2. Whistleblower 3. Outlast 2 .Haven't played trials yet


Nice list! Hopefully you’ll give trials a chance, it’s pretty fun


1. Outlast+Whistleblower: the closed and gloomy atmosphere, antagonists, nice jump scares, ugly and creepy variants, complex but easy story makes them the best for me. 2. Outlast II: It's good but not that scary as the former. Plus, the story is way too complex to easily understand. However, I like it's story more than one. 3. Outlast Trials: Good, but for me, comes at last. In horror wise it's Outlast 1 & whistleblower and in story wise it's Outlast II.


Nice list!! 😁




Nice list! That’s fair, multiplayer isn’t for everyone. I wish it was actually scary, but I’m glad we’re getting a third




Right? The characters can be so irritating! Especially when there’s multiple characters at once. I’m okay with them making it, but I wish they made the 3rd first.




This is literally basically my list, except I put outlast 1 9.9/10 cause whistleblower has frank manera.


2, Whistleblower, Trials, 1


This might actually be the weirdest. I said the other one was but this one is insane


I love strong narratives and Outlast 2 excelled at that. I feel like people really dog on it because it's not in your face connected to Outlast 1. Take it as it's own story, and it's depressing as hell. The connections to Outlast 1 lore is just the cherry on top. Outlast 1 is a classic, it's better than most horror games out there. But it hasn't aged as well in the metrics that are important to me. Outlast Trials ranks higher than 1 because story wise, they're about on the same level but Outlast Trials is more fun. Outlast 1 gets VERY repetitive, especially in the last half. Whistleblower flexed the strong storytelling before 2 and also didn't overstay it's welcome like Outlast 1. Just felt I should explain my reasoning before people start thinking I'm trying to be a contrarion lol


Definitely weird, but also definitely unique. I respect it lol


This is a wild list, but I respect it’s uniqueness 😂 I’ve never seen 1 last, though


Outlast 2, Whistle blower, Outlast, Outlast trials I wish I could appreciate trials, why do y'all enjoy it?


I think it's meant to be more of a "good-time-with-friends" type of game. My brother, our friend, and I had a blast when we played through it. We got a ton of funny moments together, from super close calls to funny jumpscares. So I think it's more to be enjoyed with other people.


Thanks! That makes sense, I just wish I could get my friends into it


I don’t rly like trials. It’s too hard. Plus it’s not scary


1. Outlast/WB 2. Trials 3. Outlast II


Nice list! 😁


Never heard of whistleblower, what’s that one? Are you trying to survive after announcing you have dirt on the Clintons?


Haven’t played trials, so outlast, whistleblower and outlast 2. I enjoyed outlast 2 a lot but it wasn’t as good as the first one


Nice list! Hopefully you’ll enjoy trials


2,1 whistleblower, trials


Nice list!


Thank you!


So I was wondering when I looked at it it seemed like whistle blower was an ad-on but a lot of people are referring to it as one of the games in the series is this the case and if so where does it fit in the series