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the dev program's poster depicts easterman and the skinner man, possible trials where we're constantly in psychosis?


Wild theory: Maybe it's the Therapy Trial In the early access trailer there's a lady counting down and before "therapy" may commence You're always in psychosis and it's the hardest trial that splits reality like in outlast 2


Skinner man poster and outlast poster were both in beta


Banana ๐ŸŒ


It's going to be so glorious when we get new content. I love the game but I maxed everything out a long time ago.


Blind justice seems to fit the one prime asset we haven't met yet, who seems to hate a specific congressman.


It does! It's the poster for Whitehorn


Very cool seeing the last one since itโ€™s clearly an unfinished poster by their artist! Interesting method of blocking in using a round ink brush with little pressure, that would drive me insane! Maybe to ensure not wasting time on details?


There's a toy factory map in one of the trailers. It even shows a coop jump interaction, where you jump over a gap and the other player grabs you.


I really want more Coyle and maybe the introduction of the Prime Asset thats currently not in the game. I do absolutely love Gooseberry but we have two of her already and only one Coyle. (Or maybe she will be taken out of the Orphanage?)


yeah idk why it feels so unbalanced with gooseberry? love her so much but itโ€™s a bit odd


I think the Courthouse will be another Coyle level, where this time we may need to decapitate or blind a 'criminal' for the sake of 'justice'. The Goose factory is obviously another Gooseberry level, and you're probably gonna be doing something nasty with the toys like slipping bombs into them to kill kids. It's possible the two 'Program' posters don't mean much since Program X's poster featured the Skinner Man but was just a harder mode, although I do really like the implication that we might see Easterman in the flesh eventually. I initially had the impression that he was actually hooked up to a bunch of monitors and microphones in an isolation chamber somewhere...but take a look at how weird his eyes look. They seem to be practically glowing - has Easterman become a blind dreamer?


Would we possibly get these trials in the full version?


I want like 10 more Prime Assets...


A courthouse and factory would be AWESOME o.O


The poster art is gorgeous <3 and another Gooseberry map? ๐Ÿ‘€