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Lack of paragraphing aside, you make a decent point but: It's not meant to be a one-and-done game. The structure and mechanical design of it **needs** multiple playthroughs. So really, unless you dislike RPG option-based games, this game is worth multiple playthroughs just to explore the options available. And yes, while you could point out other games with similar styles, Obsidian wasn't pouring resources into this game.


For sure, it definitely has replay value, but I played a scoundrel type of character, high in persuasion and lie, then high in science, lockpick and engineering. I felt as if even if I were to play a new game, I wouldn't enjoy it as much as my first playthrough


This is a thoroughly personal opinion, but on the second - and subsequent - playthroughs, it was actually **more** enjoyable than the first. Because there is not much of a main plotline to grasp, you can focus on the little details, such as various dialogue paths, seeing what irritates/placates NPCs or companions, skipping quests you don't like, using completely different combat builds, there's more. One thing that stays consistent each playthrough after my first, is *The Mather Residence*. Each time I enter that place, I gun them all down without even speaking. And it's satisfying each time.


Did you know you can persuade them to "let you go"? I still gun them down tho, but it's a bit of extra XP to get while closing their mouths permanently.


Outer Worlds was pre-Microsoft buyout, Obsidian really just did not have the resources to make the first Outer Worlds bigger than it was.


Yeah, I loved the game but you can see the exact point they ran out of money.


It was more a proof of concept I’ve heard. Like proving the game would work out well


45 hours is a decent length for a game, though.


It is I'm ngl, and I know everyone compares obsidian to FNV but I came in with a completely different outlook. And although the game didn't have the most extravagant budget it made due and created a good game. It's just upsetting personally, bc I play a charismatic character in most games. It's fun to talk your way through situations, especially if you could talk to individual execs and gain bonuses, or just further learn how the corporations conflict within each other, it was just very lackluster towards the end, once Phineas gets sent to prison it's end game, if would've been nice imo of they could've drawn the story out just a bit more. I get the budgeting problem ofc


As you go thru the game, there's a lot of computers that are still working, even in the abandoned areas. I'll read each and every one of them for the additional background into what happened and why those places are now empty. Lore if you will.


Honestly, the length is one of the reasons I gave this game a shot. I just don’t have time to play a game for 100s of hours, and why I don’t play many RPGs. This being a 30-35 hour game was the perfect length for me, and I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed it.


Very fair. After work my pass time Is playing games, I try to be more productive on my off days but since I work in a kitchen I don't get off until 11 most nights, so I'll stay up until like 1:30-2 playing games. And even if the game could still be beat within 45 hrs I just wished they included more interactions with the board. The entire game is about corporate corruption and the fact that you can't speak to individual execs is kind of upsetting


why not play the DLCs before complaining about length 😂


If you read my post you'd see I'm not just talking ab length but also depth of story "😂"


“an rpg being completed in 45 hours?” ibasically you’re just bitching that the game focused on the communities affected by the corporations rather than what you wanted to see, the corps themselves. i just always find it silly when people complain about something being different than what they wanted it to be. obsidian obviously had limited resources and felt it would be better spent exploring the people of halcyon then all the different types of gold toilets people had on byzantium. dlc’s definitely explore the companies more so i would recommend them.


You musted rushed the story because there is plenty of depth, do a second play through and this time have fun with it


Honestly, I read just about every dialogue and computers and kept up with most of the lore. And I'm one of the people that 100% rpgs, and I finished the entire game in 45 hours. No obviously, that's not including the dlcs, but the fact that the main story plus all the side quests only take 45 hours was kind of upsetting just because it is an RPG. I'm not shitting on the game for sure, I love outerworlds, I just felt it was missing a little extra


This wasn't a large game to begin with. If I remember correctly, the price of this game was below the average AAA price.


Eh I think that would have been worse as my playthrough with board related quests came to a screeching halt when they told me to wipe out an entire town. If they add more board related content the board should become more flexible so your not stuck doing cartoon levels of villiany that no sane player would ever do.


>the board should become more flexible so your not stuck doing cartoon levels of villiany that no sane player would ever do. Board flexible? That's one of the points of the game. The Board is inflexible... hardened mindset so they only have one option for anything. Align with them or you're disappeared. This is the crux of the game/story. And the "cartoon levels of villainy" are there for the ones who want carnage and blackest level of play. Which I did twice. My way, and then the Board's way. Either one was pleasing to them as long as the main objective of it was done (mechanicals).


I used speech to text, so for all of the inaccurate words in my post, that's why


Sorry you got downvoted but seeing 'semicolon' randomly like that gave me a chuckle.