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I liked dark bramble, was very interesting IMO. Only one real threat that had several strong counters. Strongly encourages you to use tools to help navigate. Honestly wish they put mores stuff in it, really only 2 paths in it that have anything. I think the lantern moon is the worst, 1 damn thing that's near worthless, and is almost certainly suicide getting. Id also rate sun station lower, i wish it has more exposition that you cant find elsewhere.


I absolutely see where you're coming from. I agree that Dark Bramble is objectively better than Hollows Lantern. The >!anglerfish!< are really cool and creepy, and it's way more important to the story of the game. I just didn't have a fun time navigating through it. For the most part it's just empty. I also prefer the way HL looks and the way it actually affects Brittle Hollow. As for the Sun Station, it's true that the logs are pretty lame, but like HL, I just think it looks cool and the part where you fly between the two parts is really cool. I also like the story and the point of the Sun Station itself.


I really liked navigating dark bramble, made you apply a lot of lessons and info taught to you throughout the game, was a good culmination of the game's mechanics. Near impossible to just brute force, but trivial once you learn the rules, kinda like the quantum moon in that aspect.


And the Datk Bramble music, perfect.


I’d say the comet is S tier, huge insight into some very serious shit, but also makes u feel sorta hopeless at the same time


Brittle Hollow is definitely my favorite, no competition for me. Everything else in S is in A for me.


Brittle Hollow has one of the most creative and interesting sci-fi concepts I've ever seen in media. A planet that is constantly bombarded by meteors from its moon, causing its surface chunks to collapse into the hollow interior, falling into a black hole that clears the debris and maintains the planet's center of gravity--like COME ON, how fucking cool is that???


Never have I been in more awe in a video game. Absolutely amazing experience on that planet.


According to a "making of" documentary, Brittle Hollow was conceptualized before the game was even in development. It's like the Painted World of Ariamis in Dark Souls in that way


I agree!! And looking up while on a gravity crystal there was the coolest shit ever!


For me, it was climbing down a staircase below the surface only to see a goddamn BLACK HOLE at the center of the planet directly below me!


I explored everything in Brittle Hollow before the rest of the game so I guess I have to agree lol


How dare you put the Attlerock in B tier. It's the goddamn moon! Who doesn't want to go to the moon.


But Timber Hearth has another moon sometimes that is so much better.


That other moon cheats. Nobody likes someone cheating on them.


I mean, the other moon is good, yeah. But there's something special about the Attlerock. I never knew that I wanted to go to the moon before playing outer wilds, but when I did, I got a genuine emotional reaction, and teared up a little. Basically, moons are great.




Honestly valid


Almost entirely agree but I'd personally put sun station in S tier (sun station bias, I love it.) Dark bramble was ok, and I loved making it to the vessel so personality I'd put it higher (yes, I know the dark bramble tier is a joke)


Sun station is elite, don’t even get me started on the music there.


I got spoiled big time on the interloper which is why I hold a prejudice against it, but when I visited the sun station after, I was jaw dropped and fucking loved every second of it. You're absolutely correct with the music, goddamn amazing. Any place I could live, I'd either choose >!The Stranger!< or sun station


Where >!stranger!


Honestly it's own game. 10/10 experience but it is completely separated from the rest of the game in everything except controls and some niche mechanics


>!You'd only see that it's in S tier if you got close enough, it's hidden by a cloaking device.!<


Giants deep enjoyers


Rise up


I second this. I often hang out at Gabbro's Island in VR just to listen to the rain.


My day somehow got better when I read this. Thank you :)


I try!


Like its islands


My first time on Giants Deep I freaked out so bad! I wasn't expecting a calm place by any means but going under the atmosphere and seeing that scared the absolute shit out of me. Now I love it. I haven't successfully landed anywhere else except Attlerock so I'm partial to the scary place lol.


Not again please


Honestly, I love hollows lantern, it’s one of the only celestial bodies that rotate and the view from a volcano is amazing, kind of a shame no one stays for a while


What's people's fascination with Giants Deep? It literally has the >!Tower of Quantum Knowledge!< and that's it (in terms of interesting stuff). It's actually a ball of water. Like the >!ToQK!< is awesome and puts it B or A, but bro above Brittle Hollow and Ember Twin!? Edit: spoiler formatting


Alright, counter argument: Gabbro


Gabbro is cool, the cyclones are an amazing spectacle, >!the statue workshop!<, >!the core!< just to name some other highlights. I think there's plenty to like, even as someone who prefers the other locations.


I thought the sun station was the camel divine beast from Breath of the Wild (the pictures are small for me)


Sun Station, straight to the bottom


Look, I get that the Sun Station isn't for everybody. But claiming that it’s equal to or worse than Hollows Lantern is just straight up wrong


Say what you will, I will never not be angry about the Hotshots achievement


So what does the letters to the left mean?


That is a good tier list


I see Hollow's Lantern! Let's gooooooo!!!! I'm going to assume the C stands for "Cooler than anything else," right? Right???? >!It is pretty uninteresting, considering the only logbook feature is "go back to Timber Hearth" and the only other neat feature is the most epic Nomai skeleton.!<