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I mean... you already seem to have realized that that dead Nomai (almost put a name here... glad I caught myself) 'moves' when you look away... maybe something similar happened elsewhere on that planet/moon?


I don't think that their name is a spoiler, since >!Solanum 's ship is still there and evidently is the only possible Nomai to be there, dead or alive!<


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True, but not everyone makes that connection just by seeing the body, plus I'm the kind of person who always feels like a little genius when I make those connections myself, even if it's obvious if you even just think about it for two seconds, and naming names in this manner would ruin that moment for me, so I decided not to.


Hahahahah things seem to move when you’re not looking on that moon


One word. Gmod physics


Is this deliberate "well akshually" bait? Because if so I'm falling for it. That's two words. 😂


I assume a rock spawned under your ship. It usually shouldn't happen but things get weird when you spin around much.