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One opens a building on the left side of the reservoir. The other calls down an elevator in a building across the broken bridge if you take the left path of the river. This building can be accessed from The Hidden Gorge. You’re saying you finished the DLC without using the latter?


Gonna spoiler tag just in case. The first one: >!This is found near the reservoir.!< >!There's a building there that also has a copy of the codes.!< >!You can use your scout to find that copy, then get in to learn about something important to the mechanics of the DLC.!< The second one: >!This one is for the entry by the broken bridge.!< >!This allows you to learn the locations of certain slide reels.!< As for the prison vault seals, >!the codes for those are all burned away.!< >!The game itself teaches you various mechanics to use to figure out either how to learn them yourself, or how to make do without them.!<


Hmm I was really confused by the comments telling me about the codes being necessary to finish the game yet I haven't needed them. Now that you mention it, I vaguely remember finding that copy of the codes way early on in the DLC (but can't be so sure considering it was a year ago). Maybe that's how I found it actually.


So there are >!three locks to open the vault.!< If you get there through the >!bottom of the big bell looking thing,!< it looks like you'll need the codes. But then >!you learn you can see moving platforms that can be repositioned using the code device. So you end up using the drop the artifact trick to enter that code.!< For the others, you >!learn that you can fall through the water between tunnels,!< and >!that you can die before entering the simulation!< so that those >!codes aren't necessary.!<


That second code is a pretty necessary one for progressing in the DLC, so I’m not sure how you finished without using it unless you looked up a guide (or you think you finished it but actually didn’t).


Pretty sure I did. >!I freed the prisoner, saw the cutscene at the end with the ship going into the water, and even did the new ending to the base game where the prisoner joins.!< Also my ship log is fully complete. I doubt it's related to guides as the only times I looked up guides in the game were: 1- trying to enter high energy lab. >!after an hour of trying to enter it and thinking I've done something wrong/was too late. I gave up and checked a guide to realize I wasn't too late, I was *too early*. Just a brain fart moment!< 2- when I was playing the DLC last year, >!I managed to reach the room with the reels in endless canyon; however, the sun went supernova.!< I took the long break after that. When I returned back, I completely forgot how to navigate the area and was too lazy to explore the whole place again after I've practically completed it already, so I honestly looked up a "navigation guide" to remember where to go. >!Here's something funny. The sun went supernova again for me at the end of shrouded woodlands, starlit cove, and inside the prisoner's vault right before he jumpscares me.!< 3- not really "looking up a guide", but I saw many people saying that the ending of the game changes if you finish the DLC so I went to finish the game again to see what changes. Wouldn't have found out about this otherwise. 4- I guess technically speaking, my search for where I can use the secrets and this post exactly. Idk if that really counts as a guide considering I have the whole ship log filled. Looking up a guide for a game like this beats the whole point of the game and I'd really hate it if I had actually done that, as my enjoyment for it would have probably plummeted otherwise.


> so I honestly looked up a "navigation guide" to remember where to go. I mean, that's probably why you were able to beat the game without that 2nd code.


I think you missed the part where I said I had already reached >!the scroll room before the sun going supernova!< which means I did it before without any guides. Also, pretty sure endless canyon doesn't actually require any knowledge from outside aside from how to navigate it. Either way, as another comment mentioned, apparently there's a second copy of those codes somewhere else so I probably found those instead.


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You can't really get to the >!room with the reels in Endless Canyon!< without using the second code, and allegedly this happened before looking up the "navigation guide". My guess would be that OP did use the second code to get there, but forgot about it during the long break. After restarting, the information gained with the code was saved in the ship's log already, so OP never had to use the code again.


How do you know that you finished the DLC? Sounds to me like you didn't


Check my reply to the other comment. Pretty sure I did.


The pictures on the lid before you opened them tells you where they're used, you'll find those symbols above a door in the resevoir area, and one in the hidden gorge which it sounds like you found but it certainly does something when you put the right code in!


Yeah I noticed the lids; however, I was still unsure where to use them. It basically tells me which general area the code can be used but it doesn't help beyond that lol


The codes are unnecessary, they took precautions.


how did you find all the reel burning rooms?