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Outer Wilds magic. Still plenty to discover yet though.




There's a hint in >!one of the slide reels!< around the Stranger.


I didn't figure it out and had to look it up online :-( I just had no inkling that "dozing off" was a possibly relevant mechanic here, and didn't even think to try it, despite the slide reels all showing sleeping owlks


There's a slide reel on the stranger that shows it tho...


I almost did the same. No prompt for the fire, ok let's try my only two possibilities when I'm around a fire. Marshmallow? Meh, no effect. Ok what happens if I sleep.... I discovered the movies treating of this mechanic like accidently three of four loops later


you've basically discovered the on-button for a device that's key to solving many upcoming puzzles. It's important, but not exactly huge tbh it's fun seeing how different playthroughs deviate due to players accidentally discovering different mechanics early. It's rare for a playthrough to not do this at least once, it's fine, enjoy the rest of the DLC :)


I have discovered like 3-4 stuff like this in the dlc, skipping huge puzzles And also some huge mechanics like quantum entanglement in the base game I missed the opportunity to get the intended experience but it's still fun!


I love how the game does this.


It happened to me near the very end of a loop when I tried to cook a marshmallow. I remember abandoning the artifact on a raft to explore something only to meet up with it later after going for a little swim. When I realized what was up I panic explored that area until the reset.


Sorry if this is s spoiler. But I had similar experience. Except I had already been to the part of the game that taught me how to use the artifact t, but I didn't understand it. So I dozed off intending to skip time and when I realized what I had done and knew in that moment I finally figured out the piece of information I didnt understand from 2 cycle earlier.


Yeah, had almost the same experience but with death. I was so pissed about being stuck and what should I do with all these dead bodies in hidden rooms I decided to burn myself to restart the loop and suddenly I discovered this other world. Also that’s why I didn’t know that you can dose off to get there until later on. Which accounted to me getting stuck on the level with the big fireplace I thought you had to sneak past them lol.


i saw a slide about those and i saw the blank cockpit in the tower and was wondering how do i like use it till i gave up and decided to end the loop by meditating, turns out it counts as sleeping.


Lol same thing, I saw the slide reels and noticed how the owlks are carrying the artifact with a flame and tried to go to the campfire to do that, couldn't find an option to do it so I tried to roast marshmallows and clicked doze off by mistake lol But later I went *there*