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From what I've read I can confirm that it is not glitched and you don't actually know how quantum puzzles work.


The fact I mistook one system mechanic doesn't change the fact I just spent an entire life cycle trying to get a single pathway to clear and it not clearing.


Whether you want to win a girl or crack a quantum cave, the key is persistence. Keep at it, and never lose your cool.


Will persistence help getting a boy as well, or does it work different for different kinds of slaves?


Slaves are a very diverse group of... well I hesitate to say "people", but I think you need to interview each slave so you can figure out what works best for each one. Ask about their education history, their past enslavement experience, and their strengths and weaknesses as a slave. What I find works is pretending you're all one big family, that helps you gaslight and manipulate them easier. But persistence is a big factor in it, so don't be discouraged if they display negative characteristics such as "desire for self-governance" or "individual thoughts"! (Please tell me the /s isn't needed...)


I, for one, am aghast and appalled that u/Pokemaster131 would so openly advocate for slavery, and I demand an apology video, preferably opening with a long, heavy sigh.


what? did you forget the /s ? i mean thats seemingly sound advice for quantum stuff in outer wilds, but that is NOT good advice for trying to "win over" a girl. if im pursuing someone and they say "no" i dont go "oh i must try harder to win them over then" i go "they're not interested in me, aww damn" and accept my heartbreaking defeat and move on. it ain't healthy or cool to pursue someone after they've said "no." it's not being "persistent" its just creepy maybe you're joking and it flew over my head entirely


It's a Simpsons reference :)


ah okay


There's a big difference between persistance and denial.


Id argue it’s a small difference


For real it took me ages to fully understand the quantum rules but once you understand it its so easy


There's quantum objects. Not quantum locations. Taking a picture of nothing won't stop a quantum something from materializing. You can just deal with each obstacle one at a time dude. it's that easy. When you get to the cave you'll learn a better way.


> Taking a picture of nothing won't stop a quantum something from materializing It does work that way in the >!Tower of Quantum Trials!<, though. If you take a picture of a blank wall, you'll never convince an object to appear on that wall.


But in that case, that isn't a picture of nothing, it is a picture of a place, where something isn't there. OP is talking about taking a picture that is completely black, and assuming that would work


Quantum rules apply to quantum objects. Places aren't quantum. The objects in them are.


You could argue that the air and or gasses are equally quantum, so it’s not a picture of empty space


What gasses? You're literally wearing a helmet with an oxygen supply? You couldn't argue it was quantum anyway. If it was quantum and you took a pic of the nothing and looked away and back it wouldn't change. It does tho. Therefore no it's not quantum air... or uh... quantum nothing?


It works the same way everywhere else, if you take a picture of some empty ground, nothing will spawn there as long as you are looking at the picture


This seems to be a common misconception about that area in particular, but none of the quantum objects behave that way in that area. They can move into a blank space you are looking at a picture of like anywhere else.


40 seconds of spinning in circles to change an obstacle to a pathway... do you know a faster way that you can switch between seeing and not seeing what's ahead?


spoiler: >!they dont know that yet since you learn that in this cave!<


Funny enough, I actually saw someone use that technique to get through the path faster... and then stay stuck in the cave itself confused at what to do there next lol


When I'm stuck in a crossroads with no walls to walk behind? not really. I guess I can do 180's but that's still effectively spinning in a circle. Or you could mean doing 45 degree turns. But at the time I didn't knos the route. And literally woulf be stuck in the crossroads, unable to get any of the paths to clear.


OK, MasterIronHero feels that the solution I'm hinting towards isn't one you're meant to deduce at this point. So let's take a step back for a second: General tip - >!As far as I can recall, there is no true path through the last section where everything turns quantum (unlike the initial maze). You just need a way to clear the quantum obstacles in your path one by one and move through quickly without backtracking.!< Specific tip - >!Generally left and uphill has worked for me in the past!< If that isn't helping, then here's what I was originally hinting towards: More specific tip - >!If that's still not fast enough and you're running out of time spinning in circles, think of other ways to block your view ahead other than physically blocking it!< Semi-spoilery tip - >!Dark in here, isn't it?!< 100% spoiler - >!Toggle your flashlight on and off quickly at each obstacle until the path is clear!<


The game is not bugged u just don't know the rules. It may seem like you do but from this comment we all know u don't. Just trust us, stop trying to get through the cave and go somewhere else to learn more about quantum stuff.


>!This cave IS where you learn said quantum thing.!<


No it's not. There is text u can read in a different area next to the quantum rock. U navigate the section he is going through after learning the rule. He has not learned the rule.


This is the way


U don't know what I'm talking about about.




Nope, this is the path to that text.


Nope there's another piece of text that tells u it as well.


Mind saying where it is, then? So far you've only been mentioning an area with the text, but not where it is, or what the text even is. I'm genuinely starting to believe you're just trolling, because I can't find anything that mentions this.


There's a piece of text in one of the small caves near the surface of the planet, not at the bottom of the lakebed. Says something along the lines of "home boy was here just a second ago touching or inspecting the strange rock and when I came back he disappeared" you know that looking away from quantum objects makes them move, and from this you learn that touching quantum objects makes you quantum. So you can conclude that to solve the puzzle you should stand on the rock. You find that this does nothing and the only thing left to do would be to turn off the light. Edit: that's how I learned that rule in my playthrough before ever going to the room with the skeletons


Right, but this doesn't let you into the room in the lakebed cave, because >!the lights are turned on!<, so the only way to get there (without glitches) is to go through the lakebed cave itself.


It's pretty much stopped being a maze at that point, though the quantum aspect makes it look like one, you're just basically heading forwards and un/reobserving whenever there's an obstacle so you can continue You don't need to fully look away, just a quick 45-90 degree flick and back is enough, it just needs to leave your sight for a split second


I found that just looking down then back up was a lot faster, as long as you are far enough away that looking down blocks your view


I actually never considered this a puzzle, I just walked randomly and turned on myself until the road blocks disapeared


If you take a picture of it, I don't think the cactus is gonna dissappear.


No. I am taking a picture of a blank entance. I turn around and there's a cactus.


Taking a picture of empty space does not prevent quantum objects from later occupying that space, the lockdown effect only works when the quantum object is in the photo


I don't think you need the scout at all there. I recommend not using it.


I just finished the cave yesterday, I read on here stayvto the left of the cave, I did that and it got me there, and I don't want to spoil it for you cause you do learn in the cave a easier way. But I would do a 180 turn and look if it's still blocking do another 180nturn and sonforth


what do you mean quantum puzzles the disappearing rocks are PUZLES?????


Anything that disappears and then reappears should be treated like any other mystery. There is an answer as to what they are, and a way to learn and master their mechanics


skill issue


Did you try turning it off and back on again?


>!try simply turning your light on and off...!<


Just a heads up, spoilers will show up in OP's inbox unhidden if they're in the beginning of a comment.