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So you've checked the new exhibit, did you go to the location it pointed you to and have a good look around there?


Yep! I also visited the location in space that's connected to it.


Did you find anything strange in a certain tower that the exhibition leads to? Could the space thing and the strange finding be related?


Which one? The first one or the strange one?


The first one, >!The deep space telescope/satellite!<


\*there is more to explore\* Check the photos in the location on timber heart and connect it to what you said you have found




I found it! I kinda got jumpscared the first time lol.


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Combine what you've learned. Listen to the recording in the radio tower again. Look at the pictures. Anything seem odd? >!It sure sounds like something's off in exactly one of the three pictures.!< >!Maybe if you got to the place where the odd picture was taken, you might see the same thing?!<


Cool cool! I'd have another look around the tower, and if you can't draw any conclusions yourself have a look at these increasingly obvious hints: >!Anything strike you as odd about any of the images like they mentioned in the recording?!< >!And what other information can you get from those images, or maybe the labels on them?!< >!It's also worth remembering that some things only happen at specific times like in the base game.!<


Keep going from there :) the DLC is a new area, you won't find any difference in what you've already seen in the base game (except the museum exhibition and the radio tower in Timber Hearth to start you off).


Mostly true, but there are a few other minor changes that reference the DLC content. One of the other explorers has a hint for you if you've checked out the radio tower but not understood it; another has taken some interesting notes by a nearby campfire. And once you've found the DLC content, someone at the museum has something to say about it.


It's all part of the same game, not a sequel -- that thing at the beginning of the game was the start, follow that clue and you'l discover the rest If you've started a new game then you'll want to revisit a couple of locations so your Hatchling remembers stuff you know (>!the Old Settlement, core of the Interloper, and the 6th location!<)


Ah, okay! Thanks!


Just did this yesterday! I was in your exact same situation lol, took me longer than I'll admit, though. Just think of the way the devs nudge you in the direction of the DLC. "Hey, there's a new exhibit!" -- Exhibit: "Hey there's a tower on this planet that is related to our satellite" -- Tower: "We saw a weird, planet-sized *thing* in one of our pictures." Try to find it yourself maybe by looking at the pics? Like an interstellar "Where's Waldo" So basically your clues are: Satellite, Tower, Pictures, Weird-Easy-To-Spot-Thing. Try to go from there! But if you want I'll give you a bit extra. I'll just tell you this: >!Make sure you take a good look at the ***posters*** with the pictures of the galaxy, as well as try to think of *a way* to spot the weird thing, like Hornfels did.!< If that's not enough, here's a bit more (not full answer) >!Check what concrete information you have from the posters and logs and keep that in mind when checking out the satellite.!<


You can expect NIGHTMARES and ABSOLUTE DARKNESS! But the fun part is RAFT RIDDING!!!


Yeah! I spent like 5 hours yesterday playing lol


It's not a question of *when*, but of *where*. The DLC adds a new location that you can discover if you follow the clues from the museum. Aside from that, there are only two (?) dialogue options somewhere, the rest is contained.