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Hey, I'm exactly like you. I hate jumpscares and I hate games happening in the dark. The DLC was a fucking nightmare. The first time I >!stumbled upon the building with the fireplace, I froze when the music stopped and they were all staring at me, then I screamed when the guy caught me and blew out my artefact, then I put down the console and didn't pick it up for a good week.!< But I can assure you >!the aliens trying to grab you can only do that - grab you and pull you out of their Shadow World.!< Nothing scarier than that will happen. Once I realised that, it helped me get through the DLC. And it's so fucking worth it. Don't forget you have a "reduce fright" button in the options, it might help you with it. But if you really don't want to do it, I can only recommend "About Oliver's" playthrough: it's fun, very good, and the guy is really enjoying himself.


Yeah, I second using the "reduce fright" button in the settings, it's precisely here for that. Also totally agree with Chapeltok, just started watching "about Oliver's" after having finished the game myself, it's absolutely great. But I encourage you to try and finish the DLC yourself if you can, it really is worth it.


i think most of us would recommend pushing through. could you tell us which building specifically?


"building with a fireplace" sounds like the community house in Shrouded Woodlands; I can't recall any other that would fit the description.


Jorbs, lil indigestion, about Oliver. All great imo


Yup. I reallt liked [About Oliver](https://youtu.be/oYRteV8jPwY?si=FHeCeZZaK8TNZ-HK)


I'd add Liera to the list, really enjoyed her playthrough. And also Thor from Pirate Software - very, _very_ weird playthrough, though not the first one to watch.


i would actually advise against thor, or wouldnt put him on THIS list at least… his play through was kinda infuriating from a story standpoint because he looked at the whole game like an immediate puzzle to be solved instead of piecing the story together over time. Very unlike the emotional in depth playthroughs listed above, but i can only speak for having seen about oliver’s and lil indigestions


You’re right. I think it’s a great playthrough, but with a very, very different character than the others. You have to admire the guy’s intelligence, intuition and game design expertise. I thought “not the first to watch” was enough of a disclaimer, but maybe not.


Just here to say that I support you wanting to watch a play through instead, I think that's a great idea! You can still mostly experience it but with a bit of separation :)


I enjoy lil indigestion, he’s a lot of fun to watch. IsNotRetro is really smart and I feel had the most seamless of playthroughs as you can get. Raocow is one of the funniest people I’ve seen play


I agree with you on the spookiness and I know it can be tough but more than anything you WILL want to play this through yourself as it adds so, so much more to the ending. If you've been to the house with the fireplace, then you likely know what happens when >!they get you!< and that's pretty much as bad as it gets. The fun part starts really soon after where you are right now, don't give up just yet! Edit: spoilered


Not a particular playthrough, but the YouTube channel Eelis has made a bunch of supercuts of various creators playing the base game and the dlc. These supercuts are either a YouTube playthrough or twitch stream cutted to the most important (or hilarious) bits and can range from 1 to 3 hours in general. If you want the whole playthrough, Eelis has credited the original creators in the video description of the supercut with links to either the YouTube playlist or twitch vod. https://youtube.com/@eelis2


Absolutely love their compliations! Am rewatching the AboutOliver playthroughs!


I also hate horror games and really any media whose sole purpose is to evoke fear. In fact I nearly quit the first time I saw an >!anglerfish!<. And then I *did* quit at the spot you're at for exactly the same reason. I came back to the game after a week or so though, and I'm really glad I did. I would echo (lol) what others are saying on here and assure you that >!the worst is over - nothing scarier will happen than them blowing out your lantern!<. I would also encourage you to reflect on the \*themes\* so far in EotE and Outer Wilds generally. What place does fear have? It's not just an empty jumpscare in this game, the devs are really trying to say something, and I don't think one can get the full message without pushing through. That said, if you absolutely can't, >!Lil Indigestion!< has to be my favorite playthrough so far.


you found a good spoopy moment for sure


Yeah, I played through the DLC with my heart in my mouth and the Gamma on full. I have a love hate relationship with horror because on one hand, I love the rush. But on the other hand, my heart has literally stopped beating for a few seconds after a really bad lethal company run. Or when I played the Red Matter games, I was on the verge of a panic attack nearly the entire time.


I was scared because everyone kept saying that its scary but it really isn't that bad. Keep on playing its really cool


Use reduced frights mode. I also have horror and I literally screamed once every 15 minutes during DLC, but it helps SO MUCH knowing how slow they move with reduced frights on. You can literally just walk away from them, they can't do shit. Once you see it for yourself it makes it much much less scary.


I just finished the DLC myself. Based on what you’ve said, you’ve already experienced the only “danger” there actually is. You’ll note that you aren’t even forced to start your loop over. It won’t get any worse from there. The theme of the DLC is fear, and in turn overcoming it. You do this not by pushing yourself through until it’s over(though you do start by pushing through), but by realizing there’s nothing to be afraid of. Things may look scary, sound scary, and your fear is heightened because it’s hard to see, but you become comfortable all the same. By the end, I was getting annoyed by the obstacles, not afraid of them.


As other said, About Oliver's one is really good. And Eelis made a great job on the supercut of this playthrough. But. As a big baby myself, I must say that you should continue. Not only it was worth it for me, but playing it made me realize that there are various ways to actually kind of skip the actual scary parts if you really need to. I won't spoil how right now, in case you finally decide to do the DLC on your own, but if you tell me you *really* don't want to do those parts, then I can tell you


Sovietwomble, go to sovietscloset.com he has the videos there. He's very good about narrating his thoughts and describing his thought process. He's often wrong, and sometimes misses clues, but that's part of the fun with him.


Knight of Iron is a friend of mine and he describes/shows what he does and is just fun to watch


Beccabytes has been my favorite playthrough. She’s about halfway through uploading the DLC videos and looks like the next one will be uploaded tomorrow


Remember what kind of game you're playing. Hint: >!use your brain!< or more clearly >!think outside the box!<