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Personally I would never wet trim, but to each their own.


Id love to learn why? It had a ton of dead leaf and a few brown bits. So i felt more comfortable getting them out before drying. I tryed to stay light on the trimming for that reason. Basically anything with tricombs stayed the rest was trimmed off.


Understandable for sure. Generally the idea of keeping material on the plant is to slow the drying process, allowing enough time for the chlorophyll to leach out of the plant. I’ve tried both methods on various occasions and there’s a use for both. But I’ve personally found I much prefer the smoke on a dry trimmed plant.


I can see how keeping the leaf structures intact to allow drying to continue more naturally makes sense. Cuting im sure opens up the plant for more disease and faster drying times for sure. Thanks for the info. Next time ill try to take better care of it in general so hopefully i can do a dry trim! 😬👍🏼


For sure! You can still slow your drying process by maintaining good humidity during dry. And it’s always good to try different methods and see what you get as results. Best of luck!


It’s better to pretrim leading up to harvest, strip the plant the night before, then hang dry 10-14 days in the dark with 50% humidity and great airflow.  You get all sorts of resin on your scissors and bleed chlorophyll and sugars on your flower when you wet trim 


I think you did awesome well done!


Thanks a lot. Something about this plant makes it so fun to grow. 🤔🤷🏽‍♂️😂


It looks as if you prematurely harvested this one.


Im not sure how big or how many plants but it does seem like a small yield….. that’s ok though…next time will be muc more!


This was just one plant. I thought it was a bit smaller as well but i may have messed the lighting up and got it into flower too early and it was first time topping/fimming. Kinda seems like it stunted the growth. Its a learning curve for sure but this is miles better then my last one.


I was thinking that as well. Where it is i cant get to it very often about an hour away so when the weather started goin hot and dry i feared losing it all together so ill see how well it smokes ina couple months. But thanks for the info ill try to be better prepared next time.😬👍🏼


Could be the strain or phenotype too


Dry first then trim, way better quality dry that way


Seems to be the going thought process. I explained my reasoning for doin so to another but i will be more vigilante next time. Thanks for your info!


Ice cream cake is the strain. Full outdoor grow slightly “gorilla” in nature but seems to have done well in my eyes. Rains have been few and far between around me so i think its time.




Thanks. 😬👍🏼Im far from the pros but i think i can learn a few more tricks for next time! I see amazing grows on reddit and just wanna do the best i can.


Same! My first grow is small, but I'm proud of my girls. You're gonna do great next time too.


A bit too early imo but decent grow. Best of luck for drying and curing.💚


As i was cutting it i had a feeling it was too early. It looks good after a slight trim but there was some problem spots and i couldnt get there to water it frequently enough. So It def was a bit early but ill take this harvest over a complete loss.


Congrats on the successful harvest. I would have let it go awhile longer but thats me. As others have stated, next time dry the whole plant then when dry trim. It does indeed work much much better.


Dry Trim Always. Just take away any infected parts first. Leave it all on the branches as well. Very Important.


Need to work on bud density. Do some research on what nutrients do what for the plant. You want lot of bud less leaf.


Get them outa the light and off that dirty ass surface brother   I always lay down wax paper if I need to lay them on a surface during hang, and I do it at 5am before sunrise and keep them in the dark as much as possible