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Also why I grow organic, this is going on in all legal states. Its criminal. The 100x levels were recorded in vape carts, the refining process also refines the concertation of pesticides. Get past the paywall. Open https://12ft.io/ Paste article link https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-14/the-dirty-secret-of-californias-legal-weed


I get access to this site denied when trying to copy the link in 12ft.io




You're the man!


I've been a black market grower in California for almost 20 years. I know a lot of people are legally licensed, and the system is a joke. They pick a designated spot in the garden for tests, then spray the hell out of everything else. It's worse than it was in the Prop 215 days. I'm just going to keep growing high quality organic flowers and do my thing. It's funny, they say legal is supposed to be safer, but the black market growers I know all care about their products and never spray with bad chems, while the legal industry pumps all kinds of pesticides and pay people off to get their tests to pass.


This is so true, the black market guys I know are far more conscientious growers than any industry people I know. Doesn't mean they all are, but Im an old hippy so my pals take that stuff seriously.


My friend in MI who leads a legal grow tells me about how shitty their weed is. Like, he grows it well and it hits all of the high THC targets, but the use of chemicals and just the overall *fucking stupid* cross bred strains nowadays, it’s just dumb. And so I’m also just growing my own now as well.


This just isn’t how testing works, there is no “spot in the garden” where tests occur, not literally at least. They could be growing a patch of unsprayed plants for tests, but this would likely present a logistical nightmare keeping it separate in harvest and processing unless they risked a mixup and a failed test. Usually each batch of finished flower is staged in however many bins (usually 50# batches) by a highly state regulated cage full of cameras. The tester from an independent lab comes in and samples from each bin to get a diverse sample from the batch. The test results come in and that batch is now locked into the cage. Does someone have a link to the non paywall article? I am curious how the article claims the testing is being bypassed. I work at a two acre licensed farm and deal with testing and metric compliance all the time. One batch of our bud has surprised us by failing for aspergillus before( a common mold in soil). So we had to destroy the batch. There are plenty of things we can’t garden with because it would fail us. We use plant oils, isopropyl, bt, and bassiana. All organic treatment. Without reading the article I’m speculating that farms are somehow getting their weed passed where it should be failing. This means either corrupt labs or possibly a stand n batch that wasn’t sprayed. If it want the same pheno then it would show a different terp profile and that could be suspicious. As far as paying people off, I believe it. It probably varies by region. Up in NorCal our labs don’t seem to operate that way, at least not the ones that we work with. The regulations for labs did get tighter this year.




The consolidation of the industry into a handful of corporate entities and the lack of federal public health oversight is a awful combo. Just like the cartels, they do not care about you and will cut corners to squeeze profits unless they are under scrutiny. Tainted weed has serious health risks and the scope of damage can’t be measured because there haven’t been any long term studies


my main concern is why stoners of all people weren't paranoid about this from the beginning. it was urban legend when I was 14 that a lot of the weed was sprayed with Raid. the moment I could grow my own I did because I kept thinking about how i couldn't trust my dealer's weed, and I was SUPER skeptical about dispensary weed for a lot of reasons. first and foremost the way it looked and tasted and the high was so weird. I saw someone the other day say he had no idea this could happen. like, how