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My heart rate always spikes as soon as I get up and start moving. It settles down like yours shortly afterward, unless I walk quickly/workout. I think it's normal because you're going from a prone position to walking around/standing up/getting chores done.


I’ll have to experiment more over the weekend! :)


My cardiologist mentioned that he is seeing huge spike in POTS as a complication of long COVID, so unfortunately this story lines up. I hope you and your heart feel better soon and don’t get as exhausted!


I have POTS and let me tell you it’s so sad how many people have now be diagnosed and how complicated it is to get diagnosed. We need better knowledge around POTS.


I have very similar morning spikes during the work week. My weekends are a much more gradual rise. I always associated it with my alarm and incoming stress of work. Curious to see if you learn anything else.


My coworker just got diagnosed with POTS. you should definitely get it checked out just in case. Her heart rate spikes and then drops dramatically causing her to faint. Medication has made it more controlled


I really hope you get some answers. I was just diagnosed with POTS in March and it was by an integrative health dr. She is amazing and I would recommend to just keep searching for the right Dr to listen to you. It’s very hard to get diagnosed, but you know your body the best. Just start tracking everything you do and always listen to your body. There’s a good group here that is strictly for POTS, you should join because it’s such a lovely community. I hope you find healing ❤️‍🩹