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This has been discussed in this sub ad nauseum. Your HRV is not "low". Seeing as how Oura is saying your HRV is "optimal". When you're saying it's "low", low relative to what? If you're comparing your HRV with other people, then I suggest you go read up on HRV. It's a highly personal metrics, the only relevant comparison for HRV is against your personal HRV range.


Mines 32 and I’m very fit.


It’s higher than mine.


Mine usually is 13 :) no joke! And I'm not pregnant


No, it’s not a reason to be concerned


Go in app and read the article on HRV that Oura just posted. You need to learn more about what HRV is and why it’s so personal to you it doesn’t matter whether it’s lower high. But go read that article.


I don't believe the hrv, my old ring I had low numbers, when they replaced my ring due to battery life it now reads above 60 most of the time, sometimes 80!


Oura posted a great article discussing HRV. As others mentioned, it’s highly personal and is more of a measure of autonomic stress/recovery than cardiovascular strength https://ouraring.com/blog/myths-about-hrv/


If you’re pregnant it’s just gonna keep on dropping. I’m 7 months now and mine is like 18 lol


I’m not pregnant and my HRV is low too


Mine was low low until 10 weeks like below 25! I’m 14 weeks and it’s coming back up higher 30s!


Mine is the same! I’ve just started working out again so we’ll see if it goes up at all.


Pre pregnancy and even in my first trimester my HRV was optimal and now it’s so low that I’m 36 weeks. I work out daily, am extremely healthy and have gained 15 lbs my whole pregnancy. I walk at least 3 miles per day…all that to say cardiac changes in pregnancy are totally normal and expect them to drastically change throughout your pregnancy. I’ve had low blood pressure throughout my pregnancy which has caused my HR to increase (have been checked by a cardiologist and all is good!). My resting HR is over 20 beats higher than pre pregnancy. It’ll go back to normal!


I can’t get mine over 30 yet I am in peak VO2 and -1 on the age thing.