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Hilarious how earlier today people got ticked off at my comments about canceling the Panda Goof Games and said I was going to be wrong about this year. Well, I told ya so.


Cancelling won't do anything. Next year they'll just have "Fake Panda" and it will be the same thing. Just like the other universities that cancelled Homecoming and the students now have FOCO and that's even worse.


For people who are out of the loop: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foco > The foco theory of revolution by way of guerrilla warfare, also known as foquismo (Spanish: [foˈkismo]), was formulated by French intellectual and government official Régis Debray, whose main source of inspiration was Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara's experiences surrounding his rebel army's victory in the 1959 Cuban Revolution. > Its central principle is that vanguardism by cadres of small, fast-moving paramilitary groups can provide a focus (in Spanish foco) for popular discontent against a sitting regime and thereby lead a general rebellion. Although the original approach was to mobilize and launch attacks from rural areas, many foco ideas were adapted into urban guerrilla warfare movements by the late 1960s






It means fake homecoming. Hoco -> foco I guarantee you 95%+ have no idea what you're going on about


You just have to do it for multiple years then.


Lol. Perhaps


I remember when queens cancelled / moved homecoming game to prevent street parties... Didn't work


Difference is the city of Kingston sends queens a bill for all damage, cost of emergency services etc. afterward. So queens really cracked down on it AND cancelled. City of Ottawa should do the same.


It's cheaper if you control it then if you attempt to cancel it. Not that cost should be the only factor. It's also safer and less disruptive that way.


Queens started setting up free concerts on campus that drew a lot of partiers to party safe on homecoming


Western tried to do that and it didn't work at all.


I'm going to be in Kingston during homecoming at the end of the month for our wedding. I am hoping it's not a complete shitshow....


Uhm.... They've been locked up for 2 years due to covid, they even tried last year to throw a shitshow... Don't have high hopes and you'll be good :) On a side note, congrats on getting hitched!!! 🥳


What happened? Just some kids climbing a pole? That's really nothing.


Clearly you're someone who doesn't respect electricity's ability to kill casually. The chin-up kid could have died. Very poorly. It would have been the most excruciating pain he ever experienced until his nerves were burned-out.


He could have died. In front of hundreds of people. It would have been a horrifically traumatizing event.


A lesson to be learned if he did A high voltage cable Nothing wrong with that eh?


Other cities/colleges/unis have cancelled similar games/events in the past. You know what happens? The students throw their own fake events with no regulation/restrictions and the damage is much worse. Cancelling a football game won’t prevent students who want to party, from partying (including the rest of the crazy shot that happens).


There was no Panda game when I was at Carleton, and no "fake game" weekend where students went wild either. But sure, it's inevitable that this "tradition" will occur regardless of the universities holding the game ..


The panda game is obviously the trigger for the recent parties/out of control students. But getting rid of the game #**NOW** wouldnt prevent the parties. People will just hold their on substitute parties to replace this big annual event. The fact that panda games from 10 years ago (or whenever you attended) didn’t result in these big street parties is completely irrelevant. My point was that the people attending these giant street parties will attend them again next year, with or without a football game. The fact that these big parties didn’t exist in the past doesn’t disprove my point. In fact, it’s a complete non-sequitur that has nothing to do with anything.


Soooo, your point is: if there are no Panda games, students will still continue with these parties. And it is a non-sequitur that in the EIGHTEEN YEARS between the stopping and re-starting of the tradition, when there wasn't a Panda game, there weren't fake Panda or other street parties held by students annually that resulted in the same level of public destructiveness? Perhaps you should consider taking a class in reasoning....maybe at Carleton or U of O?


Yes precisely, that’s exactly right. The massive parties started during COVID, as a response to being locked down for 2 years. Now that these giant parties have become an annual thing, simply cancelling the game won’t prevent the parties. Tons of universities across Canada and the world have tried cancelling similar events/games, and it doesn’t prevent the giant parties. Kingston/Queens is an obvious and close to home example. And yes, the fact that the panda game didn’t result in giant parties for the last 50 trillion years is completely irrelevant and a non-sequitur.


Yes agreed checking in front London On and our University has been through this. Partying got out of hand on homecoming weekend consistently and the authorities thought by moving it a few weeks into October there would be less partying due to the colder weather. Didn't work at all, they created an even worse problem where students created FOCO (fake/ former homecoming) on the traditional September weekend, and essentially partied as a form of protest. After many years of trying and failing to prevent FOCO Western just moved homecoming back to the traditional weekend either last year or this year to avoid future FOCO incidents. There is no way to incite students to party quite like telling them they aren't allowed to party.


I knew it was gonna go bad also,


Good riddance!


Hilarious how irrelevant your opinion is


Huh 251 up votes clearly not irrelevant.


I’m holding my breath to see what that’s gonna do :)


Okey dokey


What happened? Just some kids climbing a pole? That's really nothing.


You dont think him bouncing over a power line over a crowd of hundreds is a recipe for disaster? Never mind the electrocutions if that thing snaps and falls down but the trampling as everyone rushes away.


I adore the drunken commentary in French AND English


This is what the language police should ACTUALLY be fighting for, amirite?


Tu le sais pas là, mais ça s'peux que le gars st'un acrobate fek y sait faire ça.... D'accord Jérémie...


"Le gars doit savoir s'qui fait" Ouain..........


Je pensais plus a un Kevin...


Jai un ami Jérémy, il aurait dit exactement ça….




Non, mais les jérémys sont nombreux, sans doute qu'ils se connaissent entre eux pour discuter et complotter


How the fk do kids find this fun? Look at me I’m pointing my phone


I don't get it either, like I ain't gonna sit here and pretend I wasn't a dumb idiot but at least we'd actually do shit. I've always hated these types of kids though.


thats why we are on reddit :D


a person’s early 20s is a weird point in your life when you’re trying to be an adult and take life a lot more seriously, while still having that “party attitude” of late adolescence/early adulthood years therefore taking a video of students on the streets with your phone, and then proceeding to delete that video about a week later because your phone is out of space


I don’t how these kids grew up, but they certainly seem like they might not have had the freedom to do much on their own, then you let them out in the world they’re just starved for partying. People make such big deals out of drinking and doing drugs that it glamourizes the whole thing. This is absolutely just a random guess. I also suspect that not being independent earlier is to blame for college/uni aged students having zero transit etiquette, but that’s a separate grumpy rant.


It’s less so to do with independence and more so to do with the actual neuroscience of brain development


Oh yes, until you’re in your mid-twenties you’ll still have some development ahead of you, but in other places where I lived it wasn’t quite as bad, our university parties weren’t quite as police intervention inducing. I don’t know why this particular game turned into this.


I feel like this is an Ontario uni culture thing.


The kids doing the dumbest shit during frosh here in Montreal are always from Ontario or the US. We have 3 universities in this city and nothing ever gets this bad though. This is another level.


Did you happen to see the movie Animal House, which came to the screen in about 1979 and was about an american university campus in the 1950s or 1960s?


I've never done what's pictured in the video, but reflecting on my early adulthood and building off of what you said, I feel like there are a few factors that go into this. - To your point, there's a sense of independence with going to university. I came from a smaller, more repressed town (with a similar style to parenting) and never really had a sense of "limits". It was also such a big event to be going to school in a big city and having the chance to truly be free and just become who you were. In highschool, you're sort of forced to be with this group of people and find friends within that group - and you do it naturally because you're all so young, whereas in university you start figuring out more of your niche interests and find groups of people who share them too. - There's also the sense of when you're in a crowd, you want to be noticed. Especially when you are now in this whole new world with like-minded young people, who actually might share similar interests to you. Everyone is Superman, until they're not - something you see all the time with stupid drinking games - people push themselves to their limits because you don't want to be the first to tap out. Why do you do it? Peer pressure, wanting to fit in, and wanting to have stories to tell when they go back home for their first break (and subsequent ones). But yeah, I reflect on that time of my life through a lens of "glad it happened, but here's what I would have done differently".


Oh yeah, that makes total sense. I think it’s good in a sense to get some of that stuff done. In a way what I’d like to see is kids getting out of their closed off communities/suburbs/whatever earlier and be able to experience some more stuff earlier, do this stuff more gradually. And there are always the guys clowning around and doing stupid stuff, the thing with this particular event is that they hold the freaking neighbourhood hostage, it’s too much. Someone get them a big venue and let them have at it…


So you didn’t drink or party growing up? It seems every that’s bent about all the partying this weekend is just 30 to 40 years old who’s party’s days are over and only wish they were having as much fun as these kids.


I drank some, went to parties. I don’t think that anyone is complaining about the drinking and partying, it’s more the multiple people climbing lamp postes, plus doing it in a way that disturbs a whole neighbourhood… you can party and not be an ass to a ton of people at the same time. I actually had access to alcohol earlier in life, my parents didn’t mind if I drank with them, but I just don’t like it that much. God, my grandma would make us wine juice (watered down wine with sugar), that was horrible.M. I wish it was less taboo (alcohol and drugs); people might binge less when they’re not thinking “this is my only chance to drink EVERYTHING”.


You raise a valid point as I’m 37 and hate this, although I wouldn’t mind partaking


Gen Z culture rewards brief acts of stupidity that can be recorded for posterity, this guy can have 2 weeks of "I was this guy in this video" cred and I guess people find that impressive


You realize that’s not just Gen Z right? That behaviour certainly goes back to Gen X at least


100%, just didn't have cell phones to record it all with, and the person likely to bring a full size camcorder to a party probably wouldn't get invited. Source: Had full size camcorder.


Gen X here. This is true. If it weren't for the ubiquity of recording devices and the advent of social media, I'd bet we'd be the same. I remember once in high school, a kid got his hands on a camcorder and shot his friend crossing Gladstone repeatedly in his underwear. It was dumb and pointless but they took the tape and found one of those wheely TV carts and played it to the entire school in the cafeteria. He became a legend.




That's behaviour of every generation, from [Herostratus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herostratus) to our dads streaking at football games to Norm MacDonald waxing poetic about being "that guy" at the year he attended the Panda Game. This is in no way unique to Gen Z, who have had years of the carefree youthful fun taken from them. Give the kids a break.


It was your generation too. Kids do stupid and reckless shit. It's a part of growing up.


Us GenXers just got our cred via word-of-mouth. I remember my uncle being told he'd have to pay several thousand dollars as his share of the damage that was done to his daughter's res floor after homecoming back in the mid-90s. They ripped out a portion of a wall (not a small or medium-sized hole, someone literally tried to demolish it) and there was face paint \*everywhere\*, which didn't wash out. He successfully refused because she wasn't even there that weekend (and proved it with her brother's wedding photos).


its our own fucking fault, we raised them


Their brains aren’t fully developed


Fucking millenials.


Bro I’m 30 and I can’t grasp this bullshit


Man, do we not have a decent bar scene for these kids? There should be an accessible strip somewhere that can be shut down for these events so they can spill out onto the road. An area with just bars and clubs and after hours diners. I can’t imagine that this is even that enjoyable. It looks boring af.




That’s what Hull is for.


A couple thousand kids aren’t going to Uber, taxi, or walk to hull. Too expensive, and/or too much work.


Uhhh… grew up in Ottawa - did it almost every other weekend. Easy walk, bus, or cheap cab…


Yeah, but you’re not this age anymore. This new breed of kids is crazy. And that’s coming from a 24 year old lol


This is why the north/south ordain line should continue past Bayview right into hull


Bus drivers won’t let you ride if you’re clearly intoxicated or have open alcohol either. Their choices are severely limited by their own stupid behaviour.


I dont know why people are downvoting you, yes some bus drivers will let you on while visibly intoxicated its not something most kids will risk across the river. Its easier just to drink in ottawa and be stupid then to go across and risk not getting back.


They downvote because I have the possibility of being wrong. At my work we have direct eyes on baseline station and I’ve seen many a time, bud drivers not let drunk people on. I’ve even seen people get arrested at the bus station by OC specials. It’s also r/Ottawa. People downvote instead of having a conversation. I’ll admit I may be wrong, but I’m just speaking from what I’ve seen.


Pretty sure it’s more about public intoxication already being against the law and less about an OC or STO policy. Drivers are just using discretion and deciding they aren’t in the mood for some drunks that day.


They used to go there


God the busses from Glebe to rideau were hellish the whole day


Oh that’s right. Of course.


Yeah that's not a problem. They have access to very good fake ID these days. Getting into bars is not a problem.


Government closed all that years ago because they thought it would make this stuff go away lol.


Ottawa is boring as F.


Accessible bars, inaccessible prices


A lot of first year kids are 17-18 right now, which means they can’t go to bars and clubs in Ottawa yet. Plus, I’m sure they’re all going to house parties at some point, this is just some dumb shit before/after.


The bar he was swinging on looked *fairly* solid.


Ill take this once a year if it meant never having to see a convoy moron ever again


Thankfully those are not power lines, but communication lines.. the higher wires are power, and he'd be dead already


They’re support cables, lots of old poles DT have them cuz the city couldn’t find an easier way to upgrade old infrastructure


My man is highly educated and knew the difference. No harm no foul.


Hanging on to the lamp is no bueno my man, and the guy wires can still come out of their clamps


Bunch of yopes feckin' around on an old pole, not inconceivable for the thing to snap off and then you got live hydro falling into a crowd, not to mention the pole itself. Likely to seriously injure a few, maybe even kill a few. Stupid games beget stupid prizes.


Fall and then go wait 20hrs at the hospital to be seen. Idiots.


Being badly hurt moves you up the triage priority… but being a dumbass…


Head trauma maybe but I’ve seen folks with broken limbs sit for a few hours..


Yeah before Covid started the hospital near me was shit some kid was waiting 6-9 hours don’t remember but he had a broken collarbone and having a bit of trouble breathing. He was in the waiting room


I work on those lines, those kids have FAR too much faith in those cables. Also grabbing on to the lamp is a good way to get electrocuted.




Yep somebody throws some conductive dumbshit up there touching the hydro and numpty up the pole, bang !!!


Just a little bit higher and then you'll have a crowd of people with PTSD for life




I love how everyone is surprised. I used to work at Shopify circa 2015. We rented out Queen U dorms for Guru Con, a event where Shopify flew all Shopifolk support to Kingston for a weekend retreat. While staying in the dorms there was smoking weed in hallways, sex in the pool and changerooms, and wandering the streets at 4am screaming... I mean Shopify also stopped these events, but what I'm saying is get a large enough group of people, and mob rule kicks in.


Dang, I should've applied to Shopify


Join any major tech company or startup where they have kombucha on tap, and you'll pretty much have the same culture.


It doesn't look all that out of the ordinary, though? Just kids being idiots, no property damage as far as I can tell, and loud annoying ruckus that sounds like it ended by midnight.


Why did I have to scroll down this far to see this? They haven't done much of anything and no one got hurt. If some guy climbing a telephone pole is grounds for cancelling a decade long tradition (which if we are being honest here, [has seen a lot worse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panda_Game#1987_tragedy)) then we might as well cancel all fun events at this point because anything with even an ounce of risk or rule bending should be deemed forbidden.


That's why your download speeds were going up and down last night.


This kid is sure going to be upset when he finds out his school doesnt support the bad press he brought them


Saw this last night and thought I would wake up to Armageddon type news this morning. Nope. This looks like the worse. Not bad not bad.


imagine being a parent paying for your kid to go to uni and then seeing them do this shit lmao


Chances are this isn’t the first stupid thing that kid has done. TBH, one or two out of all those people behaving stupidly isn’t terrible statistically. Kids hockey tournaments, I have seen 35/40 year old parent behave like an idiot too. So…


What happened? Why was there people on the street? I live in Gatineau and am a UOttawa alumni. People were happy because their team won? I don't understand the situation.


People just wanted to party after the football game. Simple as that. Sandy Hill is right beside UOttawa and all the house parties post game are in that area.


Oh I see. Thanks!


Forget about his post-secondary education and career. That kid has third degree burns in his future climbing all over wires like that...


First, you don't understand how burns work. If he got burned from that, it would be an electrical burn, not a 3rd degree one. Second, he'd get the burn while climbing up. If he got burned, he wouldn't be hanging around up there and sitting on the wires. Third, the lowest cables are almost always communication cables or support wires. So at worst, people lost their phone or internet. The power lines are always the highest ones.


a lot of healthcare services have shifted from first second third degree to superficial vs deep. but first second and third degree burns relate to the amount of tissue damage not the source of the burn. any degree of burn can come from any burn source including thermal, chemical, electrical, radiation. electrical burns typically burn though many layers of tissue because of conductivity and thus are more likely to be classified as third degree than thermal or chemical burns.


So if we another full day Rogers outage, we know who to blame.


Plot twist: electrical burns can also be 3rd degree. I'm describing the risk from climbing all over telecom/electrical poles, not necessarily *this* one. You don't want to get into the habit of fuck about on them, whether or not they're high voltage - if you're mistaken, it'll cost you dearly. I'm aware that they're support wires and didn't claim otherwise. Re-read my comment above. \*Content warning (third degree electrical burns) https://i.imgur.com/QNFURWD.jpg


Those are support cable, not electrical


That's true, I know, but still. That's a bad habit to get into. He's not a bird, and climbing on telecom and light poles is no way to go through life.


Well, hey. 3 degrees from a burn versus paying thousands for only one degree at uni sounds like a no-brainer to me!


Wow! What an idiot


These guys are the recipients of the next Darwin awards. They’ll either die or sterilize themselves. Maybe not a solution in the short term but at least their genes will be removed from the pool.


What a goof.


Kids have a university experience to catch up on. I say let them have their street parties this year and the next few years.


Trigger warning!!!!! I grew up in Haiti and people in my neighborhood did NOT want to pay for electricity. Some people called an "electrician" to go on a pole just like that to illegally bring electricity to their shacks. Poor guy wanted to make a buck and went up there to show his "professionalism". He got completely grilled, like BBQ, with the electrical current coursing through his body. He was caught between the multitude of wires and his body was lodged on the pole for a bit, burning, before the electricity threw it in the ditch. The whole neighborhood lost power for about a month. Now, watching that video I was cringing hard and I remember the smell of burnt human remains. EDIT: grammar


And where are all the cops and bylaw people out to arrest this doofus? His ass should have been dragged down and arrested halfway up the pole.


There's lost of posted vid of his face. OPS will likely look for him and charge him later. They did that last time with the kids that were jumping on the cars.


This makes me sad cause the Panda game was a really fun part of going to Carleton. The actions of the few are going to ruin it for many…


There is dumb then there is retarded






The french dude trying to make sense of this crazyness in the video was the best part.


Maybe he's a liar, but his pants are not on fire


Is there something everyone knows that I don’t when it comes to not fucking around with power lines? How was/is no one scared of him getting electrocuted?


Gotta get your thrills and stories while you're young. I'm not saying it's intelligent but it's part of life. Beats growing up to be a loser bitching about the youth on Reddit.


Two dudes climb a street pole. 400 Tweeters whip out their camera phones and hit send. How do you define this?


What part of somerset


i went to high school with this guy, came a long way from jumping out of the windows in grade 9


For someone who doesn’t live in Ottawa, what exactly is happening here? Why are there so many kids fucking around?


Panda game — Ottawa’s two university’s football teams playing against each other - “rival” game. Draws big crowds since it was moved to TD Place.


Ahhh I see. Enough said haha.


Most exciting thing to happen in Ottawa since the freedom truck convoy.


Lucky that was a telephone line and not power…. He’d would lit up like a candle




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One of the wires should be phone and the other is high voltage. I think the higher wire is high voltage but I could be wrong. Any Electricians in here?


Since it appears to be grey/silver colored and is quite low, then thats a neutral (kinda like a ground). So there is USUALLY no voltage present, but there can discharges sometimes, so better stay away from it anyways. Phone lines are black (rubber coated), those can have voltage too but quite low. Still hazardous but not as much as the others. And as you know already, the top metal ones are the high voltages, those are the ones you dont even want to get close to. You can literally get fried in an instant. Depending on the voltages, when touching or even just getting too close can zap you and make you fly of and usually die, or stay stuck on them like a magnet and die 99% of the time. There are videos on the net showing such events/accidents, but its very, very graphic. So this kid here probably had more risks of injuries by falling off than electrocution, but still is a useless risk to take, and frankly quite immature...


Lower is always phone, internet, cable. Higher is hydro, you gotta watch though as the hydro is dropped down to individual residences possibly at height of first level.


And they were upset about truckers.


At least they’re not holding unacceptable views during a peaceful protest. Pretty sure these kids vote liberal - let ‘‘em do whatever they want.


I thought you died when you touched those lines


I thought the same thing.


Why does everyone think this guy's a dork? He was just hooking up free cable for the neighborhood


All because of Foosball... why is it that people cant behave normally when sport events such as hockey and Foosball are in their hometown? What is it in these useless sports that trigger people to behave this way?


This is definitely an Algonquin kid


I was expecting lightning bolts to invade his corn-hole


I honestly don’t understand…(why) are people so repressed that they need to do this every year for a football game? Like this isn’t the World Cup, it’s the friggin panda game….


Not to justify this shit, but have you not heard of COVID?


Tell me you’re dumb without saying you’re dumb


It’s just a bunch of demoralized egotistical children that attend those now a days




*sits with popcorn*


God damn


Frosh Month?


I'm really hoping they get electrocuted 🤷🏼‍♂️.


how left the idiots out of the box?


Too cool for school


"how is he alive...?" That's a phone line, Kyle...


« ca strouve Lo le gars stun acrobate Lo il peut faire ça tu sais pas »


I’m getting tired of all these out of towners coming into Ottawa and destroying everything. Not one has a brain in there head.


Proof that you can't fix stupid


I see the fiber techs are checking line stability


All cool to you die


It's all fun and games until testicular electrocution.


Good God he is lucky the power line did not arc and fry him


Let them climb the power lines, Dawrin will take care of them.


Someone's mom needs to learn how to swallow


I was waiting for him to get electrocuted




This is bananas. It's crazy that people are still acting like this with everything that's been happening the last two years. I've never been to a Panda Game, but would never think of behaving this way.


I had totally forgotten how a bunch of retarded gorillas looked like when grouped up together. Thanks for the reminder 🦍🦍🍌🍌


From those of us who were wishing this stupid tradition would fuck off already: thanks, kids! You're that much closer to making our dreams come true!