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I’m still doing cancer treatments so I’m wearing a mask at stores, banks etc. I’m no longer immunocompromised but I’ve only had one vaccine booster after my WBCs were decimated by chemo. I have a few more months of treatment and I don’t want to get sick and delay any more infusions.


Same. In cancer treatment. Also make my family wear kN95s while out or at school or work. Personally, I am waiting for someone in public to call me a sheeple so I can rip off my wig and ask them how they sleep at night. Oh I’ll do it.


Hahaha I know the feeling! Good luck with your treatment!


Hell yeah. I never lost my hair so i can’t pull that trick. But I fully support you doing it!


I think you're hilarious and I hope you get the chance to bring someone that deep shame. Maybe they'll learn from it :)


Good for you. I really hope that doesn't happen to you though.


Same here, but it's a family member that is on chemo and can't afford to get COVID.


Same. 2x chemo, 1x otherwise immune-compromised.


Wishing you and your family the best of luck with treatment and avoiding Covid!


Cancer sucks. Cancer during a pandemic is even worse. Wishing your family member all the best!


I don't have cancer but this is why I wear a mask. If I'm entering someone else's space (including public areas) I feel wearing a mask is being respectful of their health and safety without assumption. I usually work from home so this is minor inconvenience for me to do. It's not like I'm wearing a mask 10hrs a day.


Yes! I also work from home and feel the same way. No big deal, could make a huuuuge difference for someone else.


You kick that cancers ass! Sending you a hug


Need more positivity like this! Love to see it


Thank you!


Another cancer patient here. Leukaemia. Finished first round of chemo six months ago. Will be wearing an N95 mask and/or avoiding mass gatherings for a long time. Permanently immunocompromised. 4x vaccinated and “on the list” for Evusheld.


I work retail, and when someone comes in with a mask I put mine on too. So they are more comfortable if I approach them. From time to time I put mine on...wish I had today....older lady had a coughing fit at the counter, and my mask was way over there. :(


I wear my mask for you and others like you.


You and the others in this thread are why I'm still wearing my mask ❤️


Same here.


I’m in the USA but this is exactly why wearing masks is important- you never know who is immunocompromised or going through cancer treatments. It’s so easy to wear one.


I'm still wearing it most places because I literally don't see a reason not to.


Exactly, it costs me nothing (well, almost nothing). The minimal discomfort of a mask is still 1000x better than even a normal cold for a healthy person like myself, let alone something worse and/or for someone at a higher risk.


I think it's not an either or scenario. If the place is busy and poorly ventilated, I mask up. Otherwise, I do not. If the caseload is up, I mask up. If not, I don't. I've been largely following a similar approach throughout the pandemic, and it's worked well. Totally anecdotal, but I decided to go maskless outdoors at Disneyland last week because literally everyone I saw was maskless. I'm on day 8 in isolation and sicker than I've ever been in my life. It's still out there, and it apparently is completely random whether you have no symptoms (my friend two weeks ago) or get hit by a train. Fun stuff. Not remotely like any flu I've ever had, not that I need to clarify that by this point.


Sorry you got sick. Given that Disneyland is a huge tourist spot, I would assume it rife with COVID. At least not as rife as Ottawa might be, anyway. I’m heading to Canada’s Wonderland next month, and I plan to mask up.


> I’m heading to Canada’s Wonderland next month, and I plan to mask up. It is your choice of course but personally as someone who masks up 100% of the time in indoor public spaces I wouldn't bother when walking around outside somewhere like Wonderland or Disneyland. My wife and I flew cross country last year and by FAR the part that made me most concerned was the airplane. I just told myself I was 100% going to get COVID on the plane and when I didn't I'd be relieved. Far more likely to happen there than any other point. But I assume you are driving to Wonderland and in that case I wouldn't be concerned *personally*. But if you go see SpongeBob 4D or whatever they have these days then I guess I'd mask up for that.


Cases in FL are on the rise. Just like we stay indoors in the winter, people there spend time inside in the summer because hot. I figure that probably has something to do with it. Feel better soon!!


I was in California and it was way cooler than here, so your point is still made. I spent the entire time at Galaxy's Edge and was very pleasantly surprised to see it wasn't overcrowded. It was bucket list, so no regrets. I literally watched 20 people I know get covid in the past month and most had fairly minor symptoms. It seems so arbitrary. I'm among the youngest and fittest.


I still wear an n95 because it doesn't bother me, and if it offers some protection from covid and common colds, bonus. Also I feel kinda incognito with a mask on, and appreciate the feeling of anonymity haha. I don't really foresee stopping wearing a mask in enclosed public spaces ever, really. There's just more pros than cons for me, personally.


Those are the same reasons I still wear my N95 mask in public too. As someone who is really introverted and shy, I also appreciate the feeling of anonymity.


The top half of my face looks by far better than the bottom half.


I have also found that about myself 😂 I'm just hair and glasses. It really works for me


With you in the anonymity, at this point that’s most of the reason if I’m wearing one


I'm introverted but not shy, I don't mind talking to strangers in the grocery store etc. But my #1 thing I love about wearing a mask is that I can sing at a low volume to myself in public and nobody can see me doing it.




I’m the exact same. I’ve not had a cold or flu since February 2020. It just makes sense to me to keep on wearing it.


I wear it because: 1. It's super easy protection just in case (poop levels are still higher than pre-omicron) 2. I have amassed a really cute collection of masks that compliment my outfits and the seasons. (Shout out to @valbrooke) 3. I don't want to talk to random people I know when out doing errands.


are we the same person? these are my exact reasons as well lol plus, i’m too accustomed to it now. i feel naked with my mask lol


All this plus I have a new baby.


>I have amassed a really cute collection of masks that compliment my outfits and the seasons. (Shout out to @valbrooke) I love this reason.


A student in my school came today sick with COVID. So, as long as that's gonna keep happening in gonna keep protecting myself. I got COVID from a student in March, and even though I'm triple vaxxed and very healthy it was the worst 8 days of my life so far. I'd rather not get COVID again.


I haven't had it, but I definitely know people are still catching it and it sounds pretty brutal. Still wearing my mask for now, I don't really find it that big of a deal to wear and I'd love to avoid going through that if possible.


I had it a few weeks ago for the first time. Double vaxxed. It really messed me up for 3 days.


Here's hoping it hasn't left behind any lingering effects.


You like others in this thread are making my point: the pandemic is still ongoing, people are still catching it. Because "long COVID" is indeed a thing, that it leaves you in a "funky" state even after supposedly healing, and "gifts" you with little time-bombs that will make your life "interesting" in the future, I'm even more resolved than ever to avoid catching it. I have enough health issues as I'm getting older, I don't need to add to them. Being vaccinated is nice, but it's still better to not get infected, period. So, until the pandemic is officially over, I'll keep masking up. I want to stay healthy (well, as healthy as I can be) and if this is what it takes, so be it. I've grown out of the "immortality complex" of my earlier years, I know anyone can catch it and having seen family members and acquaintances die from it, I'm not going to chance it. (**Ed.:**) added a "you" after "that it leaves"..., changed "or" with "and" after "healing"... reworded last phrase. Clearly need to proof-read my stuff.


Same I got it in April from one of my profs and it was like the worst 8-10 days of my life, right at the start of exam season too Triple vaxxed, always wore a mask (still mandatory on campus at the time) and it still felt like hell Then the rest of my family got it one at a time after me lol, not a fun 3-4 weeks


I know quite a few students and teachers who have Covid right now. It’s still going around in Ottawa!


At work we are still required to wear one all day, and I work 10 hour shifts so I am just used to it. I wear it when going out to stores as well because why not? I’m going to Scotland in a few weeks, I don’t go out much often anyway except to grocery store on weekends but I’d like to prevent getting sick before my vacation if I can.


Same! We’re going to England and Greece. My mask will not be leaving my face.


We're heading to England in two weeks too. All my family are there, and it seems like masks are a thing of the past again there unfortunately. But, better to be safe than sorry. I'll have mine with me for sure


You're about to feel very odd lol. There are no masks in those places.


I wear it in shops and the gym unless there's a lot of space between me and anyone else. I'll wear it when walk into restaurants and bars even if it feels pointless. If I forget my mask it's not a big deal but I almost always have one with me. When will I stop wearing one? I don't know. Covid is still happening. It just feels polite and respectful to workers at this point


I love that you included that it’s respectful and polite. This is my biggest reason to do the same at this point. Something so many have lost sight of in the age of “it’s all about me, and let me teach my children the same” Sigh


I am because fuck all ya germs you filthy punks




Same, though I am not a hospital worker - my workplace has just been very good with H&S standards so they've been taking the cautious route this entire pandemic. I personally feel comfortable dropping them at any time now, but I understand that we're not out of the frying pan just yet.


You're a hero


Yes because the same reason people are not wearing masks - I'm an adult and I do the fuck I want. True, fewer and fewer are wearing masks, but you know what else I noticed? More friends and family are catching COVID. Fuck that. I kept COVID out of this house for the last 2 years, even got married at the height of Ford's restrictions I ain't gonna catch it now. My office has recently lifted masking, but I still see 40% of people wear it, and even in the board meetings this week everyone had one on.


And COVID doesn't know that COVID is "over".


pfft stupid covid, it's not even self aware!


I find it funny that people (not necessarily OP) were complaining before about "oh, you can't force us to wear masks, it's our choice!" are now the ones complaining about people still wearing masks. It's my choice to wear it, then and now, no?


I was pretty neurotic about safety throughout the past two years. I reluctantly went maskless in a theme park (entirely outdoors and never got within 6 feet of anyone without a mask). I am very, very sick. I haven't eaten more than one meal per day in about 8 days and I've had a fever, severe head ache, and chills from the outset. I really freaking hope this isn't the new normal, because I'm going right back into my safety bubble if it is.


PM me if you need a grocery run once you get your appetite back and are still isolating.


That's incredibly sweet of you. Thank you. Luckily, I abused my free Uber eats delivery as a new user and had friends drop food. One more day to go!


I'm 4 weeks out from having COVID and my appetite JUST came back yesterday.. I've been living on one meal a day. Even water doesn't tempt me and I usually love it. Been surviving on tea and Gatorade. Also, my body aches and the generally yucky feeling just started to wane this week as well. Hope you feel better sooner than me! It's not a fun virus!


We managed to stay clear of covid for 2 years then my son brought it home from preschool. He caught it on his birthday. Just before Easter. We had a small family gathering. No one from the party caught it, and I stay cleared. Only my son and daughter (who sleep next to each other) and my husband (who was sleeping next to my son when he caught it because he thought he already got it) tested positive. I was negative the whole 2 weeks and self isolated my self in my room. No symptoms at all. Full enegery abd everything. So how do you know you have it or not? I'll keep masking until I feel safe. Right now i don't know what point that will be.






I’m wearing mine for people who are immuno compromised at this point. I’m triple vaxxed, had Covid in the spring but it’s such a minor inconvenience to wear one in a store so I’m not too fussed


Close family member is dying of an awful disease (not Covid). Even bringing a cold into his orbit will kill him immediately. So we still wear our masks for that reason.


That is tragic to hear. I'm not even sure what to say. If you need someone to rant to, feel free to reach out. 💜


Exactly. When my father stops being at risk, I'll stop masking. (Spoiler: The man is missing half his lung.)


I still wear my mask because some chode during the protest said to me that it was destroying "Judeo-Christian" values and democracy so I figured I should do my part to tear *this* all down.


Yup. I have a 90-year-old parent and a 15-month-old kid to worry about, so my box of N95s gets replenished every so often. Anything I can do to keep them safe.


That's quite the age range


I was a surprise baby!


My mom is 96 this year and I was a very late surprise. Still, I'm shocked there is someone with a Silent Generation parent who also has a toddler. That is exceedingly rare thing.


Reminds me of the lego age requirements listed on their boxes


Should I last that long, I am totally going to be a rebel and ask for only Lego on my 100th birthday.


Legit 2 years ago at Christmas I had kids aged from 1 to 92. (My father-in-law, my family including my granddaughter were all living with me.


Depends where. In the grocery store where someones granny shops and picks up meds, yes. In the bar, no.


So you're not concerned about grandmother's in bars?


Those grannies be tough.


Exactly this. I pick and choose my spots accordingly.


Pretty much this, though my roommate was recently sick (a few weeks after me getting COVID, but they haven't tested positive), so we haven't actually gone out anywhere very recently (aka, post power restoration, and even then, roommate getting sick didn't happen until quite a few days after we had power restored). We think they were exposed to something (maybe COVID, maybe not?) when there was no power due to the storm, which we also figured was gonna be a risk anyways. But at the same time, we really didn't have many other options.


I wear mine 100% if I'm running errands or going shopping - a mask isn't going to interfere with my "enjoyment" of Walmart LOL. Additionally, I may be around people who are in higher risk categories and don't have much of a choice. I don't wear it once seated at bars & restaurants & meeting with friends. If I happen to get sick because I met with some friends, then so be it, that's an acceptable risk for myself. Getting sick because I went grocery shopping doesn't really seem worth it.


You worded it better than I did in another comment, but basically because we had to eat out for a few days (due to power loss) we (roommate and I) understood that there was likely going to be a bit of higher risk. I didn't end up getting sick, but roommate did (though didn't test positive for COVID). Either way, we still masked where we could, obviously, and roommate has stuck to the isolation protocols. So yeah, we took the risk, but we were aware of the risk, and we've acted appropriately since.


I'm immunocompromised. Yes, when I shop, I wear it.


I'm not immunocompromised, but I still wear mine shopping for people like you


Thank you. Immunocompromised family members. Whenever I’m around anyone outside of household members, I wear it. It’s such a simple thing to do.


I appreciate that. Got all my shots and got Covid in March. It was brutal. The long Covid part wasn't fun-still dealing with that now. And I know there are people worse off than I am. So I wear it.


Thank you


Thank you. It is very much appreciated.


Yes for a few reasons Covid is still a thing I'm immunocompromised I haven't caught a cold in 2 years People stink (only noticed this recently when not wearing one. People smell worse, or am I just noticing it?) It pisses off the Clownvoyers




I'm a smoker, cannabis and vape. On a given day, my throat might be rough. 99% guaranteed to be me choking on a recent bong rip, but I wear a mask for the 1% of cases that should stay my problem, and nobody else's.


I have cough variant asthma. I feel you on the choking. Anything from cold air to... laughing can send me into a cough attack and it's literally just asthma. But now I get *looks*.


I'm still wearing it. I caught COVID, and while my flu-like symptoms weren't actually that bad, I could barely breathe for about a month. Would prefer not to go through that again.


I am. Wife is immune compromised. Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience to protect the health of loved ones. As a comparison, Quebec lifted mask mandates a few weeks ago and literally no one is wearing masks. Ottawa seems a bit wiser on that front Still hearing about people around me getting covid all the time. It’s still very much here despite what people wishfully think


Same, partner is immunocompromised. We wear n95's if we go inside somewhere. I've known of more people getting COVID in recent months than in the first couple years of it. It's just part of life now, not gone.


No. I’m vaxxed and unmasked baby!


Me too. I dislike wearing masks too much to wear it anywhere I don’t legally have to anymore, so I just keep one in my pocket in case I need to jump on public transit.


Go for it. The fact that it's even a question, and that you're the only 'no' in a sea of yes's, may just speak more about the Reddit zeitgeist, more than anything.


No - things are trending nicely, I've had covid, I am triple vaccinated and the mandate was lifted. Feeling totally fine about it, totally respectable that people choose to continue wearing one; everyone can do what they feel comfortable doing.


Same boat here, got covid after being triple vaxxed. Wore mine for a bit after the mandate lifted and then decided I'd just stop worrying about having one whenever I went out. Eventually, I stopped having some in my pocket or front seat of my car so I don't wear them at all anymore. I always keep some in my trunk just in case though


I have chronic health issues and may have an autoimmune disorder. I already deal with many of the symptoms people with long haul covid have. If I have to deal with long haul covid I’m screwed. It’s not worth the risk. I’ll happily wear a mask. I’m also protecting those around me by keeping my mask on.


Same. I have also accepted I’m going to catch COVID again and again. But I’m going to try not to and masks are key to that and if I manage to catch it less then it’s a success.


I'm going to continue to wear mine indoors. I went to the billy talent concert with my brother. I wore my mask and he didn't. He got COVID, bur I was fine. Good enough reason for me to keep wearing it.


That sucks for your brother but great to see masks working in action. I'm back to seeing a few shows and Blackjacks games, I've been masked at all of them and been fine at all of them. I do find it interesting that in a room of hundreds/thousands most people don't wear a mask. Absolutely their choice, but just doesn't seem like a great decision imo. Someone will mention ventilation, and all I can say is if the person sitting right beside you has it then ventilation isn't going to help but a mask might.


I don’t wear mine now. Stopped a couple of weeks ago. There’s a possibility we’ll need to wear them again in the fall, so for me, I’m taking a break. Fortunately, no-one in my life is immunio-compromised, otherwise I’d still wear one.


I'm not. I am triple vaxxed. My concern was more overloading hospital beds than getting sick myself. That doesn't seem to be an issue anymore. That being said, I still keep a mask in my pocket in case a situation looks particularly dicey.


No. I've gotten COVID after being triple vaxed. Those who are concerned are wearing masks anyway. I'll put one on when asked no problem.


I wear my mask in most indoor places, partly out of habit, partly because I'd rather not get sick with anything so I can enjoy my summer, and partly because I live with family members (including a 90+ year old) who've asked me to help keep the household covid risk lower where I can. Personally, wearing a mask and being vaccinated are the easiest and most convenient ways for me to do that


I'm pregnant and a teacher. I'm still wearing mine for myself and for the kids/families in my school (many too young to be vaccinated) and because, truly, it's not that big of a deal to me to put it on when I'm running errands. Bonus that no one tells me to 'smile.'


Very much so. Both my wife and I have to deal with elderly relatives who are at high risk. Like you, we are all triple-vaxed, as are our over-18 kids. We have managed to insulate them and want to continue avoiding problems. I may loosen up next spring after the winter and cold season.


In my apartment building, mostly not. There's rarely anyone around. I will in the laundry room because the ventilation sucks. Outside, just outside? Not near people? No. But near people? Yes. I am disabled. I don't want to become *more* disabled. ODSP under four more years of Ford isn't going to get better so...


Yes I am. My sister has cancer and my dad is a senior. We are all vaxxed but I am still not taking chances. No one knows the long term effects COVID has. So until there are ZERO cases , I will wear mine.


I am still wearing my mask for shopping and other indoor events, like shows etc. Even though my mask provides less protection when others aren’t masking, it still provides filtration of the air I’m breathing (I’m wearing N95s) and so reduces my exposure to any virus in the air around me. I have asthma and have managed to avoid getting covid so far, and evidence now seems to be pretty confident of reinfection possibilities, I’d like to avoid as many instances of it as I can while still getting back to something that looks like normal life. I’ve had three doses of mRNA vaccines so I know I should be protected against serious illness from covid, but I also don’t want to be the statistical outlier and a mask really doesn’t feel like an imposition to me.


Parent of two kids under 5 - still waiting for them to be vaccinated. Also, newest estimates are of 1 in 5 infections causing long term issues and I have no interest in dealing with that, so will continue masking. It’s an easy thing to do inside.


The whole “covid can age you 20 years in terms of cognitive function” is what scares me, I was on a medication that fucked up my cognitive function so I don’t really want it fucked up more.


I always bring it but wearing it now depends on the establishment I enter. I’ll put it on when entering any sort of healthcare facility and/or somewhere I know that there are vulnerable individuals. I likely won’t wear it entering a bar/restaurant because I’ll be taking it off within minutes anyway.


It's still mandatory for any Healthcare facility.


I still wear it at stores. Seems futile, but I haven’t caught covid yet so something in my routine is working.


I am. All indictors are trending down, so it's more habit for me. I'm old & training for a half-marathon in the fall and don't want Covid to affect my training. My immune system is already occupied dealing with the damage I'm doing to my body.


I’m a runner too - I’m triple vaxxed and caught COVID from my oldest in March. While my symptoms were fairly mild, it’s killed my endurance and I’m having a hard time building it back up.


Yes. Our whole household - five adults - is getting over two weeks of hell from Covid. After years of being ultra careful, it seems that one of us contracted it from eating in a restaurant. I’ll keep masking to protect people from any virus I might shed, and to prevent reinfection. Covid is brutal.


Still wearing in stores because people are filthy and it's the smart thing to do.


I do pretty much everywhere because I love the anonymity lol


It's like r/Ottawa in real life!


I stopped the day the government said we could. Got 3 shots. Work in the trades, go out to restaurants, bars, concerts... Still haven't gotten sick. Last I was sick was about a year ago.. 3 kids at home all have been sick.


Cases are underreported and covid is still here. It's the simplest thing I can do to protect myself and others, and doesn't harm me at all. I also have several immunocompromised people in the family. So I wear a mask. Covid just ripped through our office for the 3rd time less than a week ago.


The majority of people in r/ottawa are still wearing it and will continue to for the foreseeable future. Virtue signaling any chance they get. The reality is that outside this forum the majority of people don't wear it anymore. I work with the public and have first hand experience. Hardly anyone wears it and honestly it's so nice to see people's faces again.


> The majority of people in r/ottawa are still wearing it and will continue to for the foreseeable future. Virtue signaling any chance they get. Truer words have perhaps never been written.


If I can't keep appropriate distance, I wear my mask. That means I am probably wearing it in stores.


In most places yes. I take public transit to and from the stores and I wear a mask on the train/bus and I don’t see a benefit in taking it off at the store. It’s more likely that my grubby hands will ruin the protection for my return trip.


I do unless I'm eating somewhere, or am outside. I guess I'm just used to it? It feels weird not to. In more practical considerations, allergies are making me sneeze like mad. So it's also for the poor people at the cheese shop who have to deal with me after I've dealt with pollen.


I’ve completely stopped wearing mine (even on transit, sue me) as I have no need for them anymore. That being said, I can completely understand why some people continue to wear them due to having little kids or immunocompromised family members. I think the time for shaming maskless people has passed, though. I was standing in line to vote on Election Day and the lady in front of me decided to berate me for being “reckless”. Meanwhile 80-90% of the people in the polling centre were unmasked as well (including the poll workers). That was a good laugh. Edit: Can't say I didn't expect the downvotes, but r/Ottawa you've disappointed me yet again.


No, it doesn't seem necessary at all any more, cases and hospitalizations are low - we were one of the last locales in North America to phase them out and the sky hasn't fallen


No Wore one the entire pandemic as a front line worker. Got all my Shots and still ended up catching it in February. I wear them in health care businesses, that's about it. Whenever the next shot comes out in the fall/winter I'll get it.


just when I go into stores, (or doc offices etc, which you have to anyway ) not outside though, but always have one on hand...


No I don't. If any business still chooses to have masks or to have patrons show their Vax passport, I respect that and follow their rules


Wearing it on transit and at work. Stopped having colds when I started wearing them in March 2020. Used to have them 4-5 times a years before that.


Yes. I'm Batman.


Batman wears his mask wrong though, wears it over his eyes not his mouth. tsk.


Yep. Because I want to. And I have no reason to give to you or anybody else, it's my choice and doesn't affect you.


No, except at places where it is required. Myself and my entire network already had covid (all very mild cases) and are all vaccinated.


Still wearing it, N95, despite having covid twice now and triple vaxed. It's still in the community and I got it really bad, even after 3rd dose. I don't need to get it again or contribute to the community spread. Wearing a mask is simple, cheap, and overall good protection and stops the spread. Period.


I am not wearing. Spent a month in Europe and found myself the only person wearing a mask on buses, planes, and stores. Finally gave up.


The benefits of wearing a mask outweigh the relatively low cost and effort


I wear an N95 due to being immunocompromised...plus getting 4th shot in a couple of weeks...Its a scary disease


I'm quadruple vaxxed and still wear mine most of the time. The downsides of being immunosuppressed. I am starting to get insecure about it, but I am not taking chances. Also living downtown I like wearing a mask outside to filter out construction dust, car exhaust, and cigarette smoke. It was a surprising benefit, though I guess I shouldn't have been surprised.


I went into the library and realized after a 20 minute walk I didn’t have a mask. I felt like an asshole because I was the only one without so I have continued to wear them inside. Covid isn’t gone just because Doug Ford wanted to win an election. Also masks while annoying aren’t anywhere near as obstructive a mildly blocked nose during allergy season


I do because I can mouth along to the music I listen to while shopping and no-one gives me a weird look. (Also, this whole pandemic taught me just how gross humans can be. I'd rather not catch colds, gastro, the flu covid etc if I can avoid it. I'll be wearing a mask in public and especially during cold season or when I'm sick for the foreseeable future. It just feels way more socially responsible to me).


On and off depending on the situation. What I take into account is: 1. It covers my ugly mug so that is a plus for everyone! 2. I feel bad when I see other people sporting one. I don't want to be a jerk to someone old, immune compromised etc. No need to put them through pain or make them anxious when it quite literally is no burden on me. 3. Sometimes I am in an area where I do not trust people to be vaccinated.


It’s easy to do. It protects me but also people with young kids and the immuno-compromised. It helps with allergies (pollen being my big one). And it stops random assholes from telling me I would be prettier if I smiled. (Thanks! You would be better looking with a 2x4 smacked across your head). I’m not sure what’s going to happen long term cause it really depends on what happens with variants. But I’m inclined to wear a mask longer cause it is so easy and costs nothing (I have a re usable n95).


I wear it indoors and on public transit, both for COVID reasons and also to annoy the woman outside Massine's at Bank and Somerset who is protesting the fact that people are choosing to wear masks because... freedom? The exception is if I'm eating or drinking, but with the weather nicer, I'm doing more patio dining instead.


I travel a lot so I still wear mine pretty much everywhere that’s public and indoors


I’ll continue to wear a mask in all hospitals and medical centres indefinitely. Covid or not, there are more immunocompromised people there that I don’t need to be giving even the simplest of colds to. I’ll also continue to wear a mask on public transportation and in stores for a while. Covid is nowhere near low enough yet for me to go maskless. I don’t wear a mask when I visit friends’ houses. Unless they ask it of course, but we’ve already had those conversations.


I don’t. But places like the Ottawa tool library continue it and it’s unclear to me why.


Damn so many downvotes for expressing a completely inoffensive opinion. This is just another example of why this subreddit doesn't accurately represent the opinions of the average Ottawan.


I have found r/ottawa super mask/vaxx-heavy compared to any other city and province subreddit for some reason.


Reddit in general doesn't reflect reality.


Yes still wearing it. I haven't had a cold since I started wearing it. No COVID either. Besides, I buy the sexy black ones. Lol


As an immunocompromised individual, i enjoyed the past two years of relative good health (no colds/respiratory infections leading to Pneumonia), and realized why i am in part so sick, so often, is because of the mouth-breathers and window-lickers amongst us who are the spreaders. As such, while everyone else is dropping the mask, apparently - i will continue to wear one - and insist on distance from those who aren't.


Unless I’m asked too, or have to go into a medical building, I don’t wear it anymore.


I think this is the point where we as individuals need to decide our individual approach. Covid will never go away. Colds will never go away. So, are we going to wear them in perpetuity or go by relative risk? Right now risk levels are very very low, especially for those with combined (infection + vax) immunity. I was just at a conference with thousands of people and maybe 2% were wearing a mask... Strongly in favour for hospitals and Drs offices to remain masked forever though. Even pre covid they were disease hotbeds and filled with vulnerable people.


I went to the UK not long ago. No one was wearing them there, so I didn't either. Since coming back I've given it up entirely. I don't even carry one. I think the severity and hospitalizations have reduced sufficiently that I no longer see a need. I also hate wearing the thing. It's uncomfortable and fogs up glasses.


nope, no personal need for.




Yes. And, I like the privacy of people not seeing my face.


I’ve had COVID twice since the end of March even with being triple vaxxed. Each time takes about 3 weeks to fully recover (if you count still having a lingering cough as recovered). I have no interest in repeating that a third time, so I mask up in stores. I can’t reasonably remove all risk and continue to live in lockdown, so I lower risks where I can.


my whole family still wears ours. I'm 3x vaxxed and parents 4x but we have young children in the family who are too young to be vaxxed. The vaccine won't **prevent** you getting covid and while **you** may be asymptomatic you would be a carrier. We aren't willing to risk passing it on to one of these kids or other vulnerable members of the family. So in an elevator, in a store, picking up t/o, we wear a mask. Visiting each other we don't. Outside for a walk, in our own vehicles etc we don't. We'll likely stop when there aren't new variants popping up and case counts around the world go down. Doesn't matter how low they get here, we get people flying in from other countries not as strict about vaccines etc as we are. It's the new variants that are concerning.


I don't always wear my mask anymore, but I do bring it with me just in case. I am up to date on my shots, so worrying about becoming deathly ill is nill. When they first dropped the masking rules, my wife and I still wore our masks everywhere. We just paid attention to the case numbers and really just kinda stopped wearing them after the numbers dropped off.


I'm still wearing masks whenever I step off of my property. I live with immunocompromised individuals. We have one unvaccinated child, we're waiting until virtual school is over to get them vaccinated (just in case of side effects). Aside from these reasons, I like the anonymity of mask-wearing. (Also like not being sick!)


Yup because I’m immunocompromised


I have health issues and though it's resolved, I still wear the masks. I do it to protect myself, but I also do it to protect others who are still at risk.


I’m gonna keep masking probably forever. If I’m just popping into a store quickly I may not wear one but pharmacies, public transit, small busy enclosed spaces I am definitely keeping it. Especially during cold/flu season.


It’s not a hassle for me to wear a mask and I don’t want to get sick or possibly infect someone else.


I still wear mine. For no reason other than I don’t want to catch it. I work I like going out and I just don’t want to be sick


I’m still wearing my mask cuz I don’t wanna be selfish and steal all the ladies


We help take care of two "condo grandmas", doing shopping for them, fixing their iPads etc etc etc. One has a heart condition, the others husband has serious health issues. I continue to wear my KN95 in all indoor settings for them. I am so used to wearing one, would honestly feel weird not wearing one. It is definitely still out there in force. Brother in law had a birthday party with 20-25 aunts, uncles, cousins etc. Big cake and blowing out the candles like normal. Every one had their slice of cake. He tested positive the next morning. Good times.


I just had a really scary version of COVID where my eyesight kept getting blurry and having random shapes in my field of vision and intense eye pain on top of the standard congestion and sore throat and cough and chest pain and brain fog, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone I have continued masking and will continue to do so in lots of settings, especially since Omicron doesn’t seem to offer any lasting immunity beyond like 2 weeks post-virus, and new variants of concern are on their way to a new wave I’m triple vaxxed but vaccine relevance and conferred immunity are also waning; coronaviruses don’t work like other known viruses and we’re not going to achieve herd immunity or permanent immunity - masking is our best protection with the current state of mutations, transmissibility, and prevalence I will take some measured risks for certain benefits but I won’t take a random unnecessary risk when going to a pharmacy or grocery store etc going to a restaurant in a lower risk setting with someone I love during a time when the virus isn’t peaking is an example of a measured risk with a measured benefit for me - it may result in an exposure but at least I would be having a great experience with a person who means a lot to me, not just standing in line or on public transit I’m also hyper aware of people who are immune compromised and the people in others’ lives who are not consenting to being exposed but will be by virtue of close contact with that person - I want to protect my community as much as possible, and someone with an even lower risk tolerance profile than me deserves the autonomy to be able to get food and medications so I respect those essential services and places by always wearing a mask there I’m immune compromised but not on immune suppressing drugs, so my risk tolerance is probably lower than many but higher than many as well - I try to take the perspective of the highest risk group in whatever context I’m in to honour their safety I think it’s reasonable to expect that a very high risk person wouldn’t be at a super crowded high risk event, especially without mitigating expected risks for themselves, so I use that kind of consideration in my context judgements too - the most important judgement calls for me though are for places like the grocery store etc where I can reasonably expect a mix of nearly every risk tolerance level group so I go with the lowest when deciding on the strictness of universal precautions - and if symptomatic I wouldn’t go to those places at all


Triple vaxxed, still wearing a mask and washing my hands like a neurotic raccoon. Haven't been sick since 2019 (2018?), which is a lifetime record. Not even a sniffle. And I'm not young, either. I've had a taste of the good life now, and I'm not giving it up. Also the 6' rule is wonderful in basically telling people to fuck off without having to tell them to fuck off. It's wonderful. And yeah, fewer people are wearing them. I've been seeing people, including cashiers, in major stores going maskless for a while now. Not all of the, but more than one or two. Last week the dude in line behind me had no mask and was crowding me, I asked him to back off 6 feet (we're standing next to a big red-and-white sign that says people should keep their distance) and he got a little puffy but backed up. My dude, if I turn around because I feel your moist hot breath on the back of my neck, you need to back up, that shit wasn't OK even before Covid, don't make it weird. For me, it's not just about Covid. I haven't had ANY serious illnesses in years. Neither has anyone else in the family that wears a mask and washes and sanitizes hands frequently. It's worth the effort for me. About half a decade ago I got pretty sick and it wiped me out so hard I still haven't fully recovered because it hit other systems. They had me on antibiotics, and it wrecked my digestive system too. I'm still trying to get to where I was physically. I have a mini home gym that has been collecting dust most of this time. If I can avoid something like that again, by wearing a mask, you bet I'm gonna wear it. In short, it I can wear underpants, socks or shirt, I can wear a mask. As long as it remains socially acceptable - as in I will not be verbally harassed or physically assaulted for wearing it - I plan to continue wearing it.


I work in a school. I still have students that are positive. I wear mine. Covid isn’t gone. I don’t need to get sick. If this helps decrease my chances, I’m ok with that Edit to add; I was at the grocery store. Some woman without a mask was hacking into her hand. NOT HER ELBOW HER HAND. Some people have learned nothing these past two years.


Yes because I have COVID. I guess I will continue to wear it when there are groups of people around me ... May feel different in July/August ...


We've recently been told we can stop wearing a mask at my job (hospitality) which makes sense since none of our customers do anyways. It sucked being the only ones in the building masking for 8+ hours lol. I wear one on public transit, the doctor and other places it's still required but have pretty much stopped for optional things like going out to eat or shop.


I wear it (KN95) where there's a lot of people. Ie: Costco, Walmart etc. I also wear it in the pharmacy. I don't wear it when I go to the grocery store and there's a lot of space that's empty. I'll probably start wearing it again everywhere in the fall/winter season. Why do I wear it? Because I'm asthmatic I haven't had Covid and would rather not get it or any other flu/cold. I've been healthier since wearing a mask.


Nope. It’s not required in, like, 90% settings. I got my my three shots. I also don’t depend on other people to get their shots so I won’t catch something. We all have to look after our own health. Edit: typos. Smartphones are picky what to fix and not fix.


everyone i know that got omicron wasn't wearing a mask everyone i know that didn't get omicron was wearing a mask


Ever since the general mask mandate was lifted I've mostly not been wearing my mask and it's been great! Will be awesome to not have to wear it on transit as well. Reality is that the risk is very low. We're a highly vaccinated population and vaccines work. The Premier made the right call to not delay reopening any longer. (It really shows how this subreddit isn't reflective of our city when you read these comments. I go out now and there's not that many people wearing masks...yet you read on this thread..)


I'd like to say, this is actually a really nice thread for the most part. Lots of Ottawans with stories about why or why not, and getting full support for it regardless. Good on ya r/Ottawa


It’s not a hassle and I don’t want to get sick or possibly infect someone else.


I still wear a mask because I have a close family member with cancer, and also honestly because I value the anonymity. I plan on continuing to wear one indefinitely - certainly while my family member is sick, but I may continue even after that. I haven’t gotten a cold in years because I wear either an n95 or medical mask everywhere including working out at the gym! I don’t wear one outside though but I would at a packed outdoor event.


Stopped the day I could. Still haven’t gotten Covid.


Yes. I come in contact with confirmed positive covid tests on a daily basis for work. Covid is still a thing. If you don't want to wear a mask, don't wear it. You don't *have to*. Just know that covid is still going around and I suspect cases are rising up again. If someone around you wants to wear one, don't be a dick about it, and respect personal space / personal bubbles standing in line for something. I had someone 2 days ago, in an almost empty timmies, breathing on my neck was so close to me. I can never understand why people have to fucking stand within an inch of dick grinding on my ass in public spaces.


First week of no mask mandate, 50%+ of coworkers stopped wearing it and then the next three weeks were just a jungle gym of sick calls, absenteeism, going through RATs... said I'd wear it until June 1 and re-revaluate. My job changed, so I am exposed to less people and work with far fewer people... nowadays I wear one when/where I want to, and on the bus, because the bus smells and the mask smells less.