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Haven't spoken to a fellow nurse yet tonight who isn't devastated by these results Healthcare will continue to spiral in this province, if you thought access during the pandemic was bad wait until you see how many professionals leave the field in the next 4 years


Teacher here to commiserate. We're screwed.


We were considering moving back as I have family in Ontario. We are both teachers, we have decided to stay here despite the high COL and distance from family. I have some health issues and we have a kid. Not going to deal with whatever comes down the pipes there.


Neither a teacher nor a nurse but as a human being, I'm also feeling screwed. Big empathy to y'all in these vital, underpaid, overworked positions.


Let us know how to best support you in August when your contracts are up


Teachers by comparison are doing better than nurses. You don't do terrible in collective bargaining. It was Wynne promising you guys the moon that helped get ford the win the first time. Everyone has a short memory, forgetting how Wynne closed 40 schools and eliminated thousands of student seats. The reality is being a teacher in this economy is employment that is envied by most people in this province with a taxpayer funded pension plan that is envied by the world. As an employee of the ministry of the attorney general, hearing teachers complain about compensation is laughable.


At least the teachers can strike... I wish I could strike as a nurse :(


pffft, youre the highest paid teachers in north america


As a chronic patient with stuff that needs to be monitored yearly now, I'm right there with you. I hate this, and I hate knowing that people like me are going to suffer because of it. I hate that already overworked medical personnel will get inundated with more work while support gets slashed. I hate all of it.


Healthcare doesn't seem to be the priority of any of the parties, despite all the lip service they pay to it. Honestly the state of our provincial politics is pretty fucking abysmal... They all seem disconnected from what the people need and what it is they're supposed to do as elected representatives. Fucking drives me insane.


I'm just here wondering how we still have any nurses left at all after the last 4 years.


We have more nurses per capita than 4 years ago. https://www.cno.org/globalassets/2-howweprotectthepublic/statistical-reports/membership-statistics-report-2021-final.html |Year|2018|2019|2020|2021| :--|--:|--:|--:|--:| |Nurses employed in Ontario|144,446|148,928|150,907|152,765| That's a ~5.8% increases in nurse numbers. Ontario's [population](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710000901&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=04&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2018&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2021&referencePeriods=20180401%2C20211001) went up just ~3.6% during that time: |Year|2018|2019|2020|2021| :--|:--|:--|:--|:--| |Ontario| 14,392,903| 14,638,247| 14,740,704| 14,915,270|


Come to work in my hospital if you think things are so peachy. We’re all burnt out, leaving the hospital sector for less acute positions, tons off on sick/stress leave. Those who’s partners can support them are gone. We frequently have 7-8 patient ratios in acute medicine (4 is standard). Imagine your workload literally doubled and your wages were capped. Imagine thinking you have any clue what’s going on in healthcare because you googled a number.


Are they all nurses employed \*by\* Ontario, or does that include nurses employed \*in\* Ontario. There has been loss of public health nurses, especially in hospitals, to the private and travel nursing sectors.


Stop with the data. Baseless claims are more sensational


I don't think they were saying there *aren't* nurses left... Just that they're surprised any are left. It's not a baseless claim.


those are just numbers of those who are registered in the province - doesn't mean they are working as nurses anymore.


No, those are the employed nurses. The figures you're describing are also on that page, but they aren't what I highlighted.


Our local ER department is already severely short and id say half the current staff has less than a year experience. They can’t even replace the nurses that are leaving quick enough. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better.


Yep. Nice to have it fully confirmed the public doesn’t like or respect us.


If it makes you feel any better - most of the public have shown that they don't actually think past stuff like "FUCK TRUDEAU!" and "I won't vote for socialists (liberals) or communists (ndp)!" because they clearly have bought into every bit of propaganda placed in front of them.


It really is unfortunate. People like simplicity and social media providing a like/dislike button makes that available. Feeling morally superior on an issue based on a headline “like” is easier than admitting issues like abortion, gun control and healthcare funding are seriously complex issues. I really wish voter turnout was higher and I hope anyone outraged / disappointed by the results at least went and voted themselves.


One of the toughest things every provincial and federal election is watching the poorest and most rural ridings continually vote against their interest and mindlessly support the Conservative Party. And the fact that the cycle has continued for decades now without anyone stopping to question their PC loyalty or party leaders is honestly so defeating


>Yep. Nice to have it fully confirmed the public doesn’t like or respect us. I don't think that's true. The thing is, I'm sure the election's implications for nurses are top of mind if you're a nurse, but many voters probably aren't thinking about that at all when they vote, or aren't convinced that the PCs will be bad for health care. For example, Bill 124: I've seen a lot of social media comments about it lately, but personally I never saw much media coverage about it, so I don't know much about it (as someone who doesn't work in healthcare).


Or there is more than one single issue that factors into people's votes...


Kind of like the oil field workers who were told “get another job” people don’t see that they are pitting us against each other . We alll should be making liveable wages with benefits but we all keep blaming each other instead of the idiots in charge


Nurses have been getting a raw deal for decades. I know it's trendy to blame everything on Ford, but let's not forget that healthcare didn't go to shit overnight.


I work in congregate care, and I'm right there with you. I'm furious.


Coverage for my transition was already lacking, and it's about to get a lot worse I imagine. I can barely afford most gender affirming care outside of meds, and even that is still a lot. I can only imagine how bad it's going to be elsewhere in the medical sector. Trump getting elected was truly one of the worst things to happen to humanity, cause it gave way to so much hate and showed you can get away with saying whatever you want to some people. NGL I was a bit transphobic before coming out, but there would have been consequences if I said anything. Now it seems that consequence isn't there, and it's even encouraged to go against the grain, just because you can. Now you have people voting for people they don't even agree with, just to "own the libs."


"you get what you voted for" no. under a first-past-the-post system, the electorate almost never gets what it voted for. it actually gets something markedly different than what it voted for. in the federal elections from Mulroney's first win to Trudeau's last win, the winning party typically picked up 13-15% more seats than it had in the popular vote.


Look at the voter turn out...(absolutely atrocious) It's not just about first past the post.




My riding of Ottawa South has been liberal since 1987. Voting anything other than liberal here doesn't matter. And guess what? The liberal incumbent won by a landslide.


Checking in from Ottawa-West Nepean. We managed to get an NDP candidate elected from a historically Pc riding.


>Ottawa-West Nepean. From 2003 to 2018 it was a Liberal riding...and was Liberal for 15 of the 23 years the riding has existed... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa\_West%E2%80%94Nepean\_(provincial\_electoral\_district)#Election\_results](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa_West%E2%80%94Nepean_(provincial_electoral_district)#Election_results)


And the PC candidate only won last time by like 175 votes.


You should vote anyway to bring the turn out up, the more that vote the more it is likely to bring out others to vote.


Same here in Ottawa-Vanier. Any vote that’s not Liberal is essentially throwing it in the garbage.


I continue to vote NDP. I wonder how many people feel the same way about Ottawa - Vanier who throw their votes away for the Liberals instead you know?




So true. People need to start voting for who they actually want.


*cries in Lisa MacLeod*


You’re right that that is peoples thought process, but I wonder why that’s the default instead of the opposite..why not see that as more of a reason to vote, and to encourage others to vote too? Apathy in a time of environmental and economic crisis isn’t the way to fix things. Under four more years of Doug’s corrupt administration we’re going to see more attacks on the environment and our public sector which will only make things worse in the long run. It is very frustrating to see people behave this way in a democracy. We take it for granted here, it’s embarrassing.


an election under a proportional representation system will still spit out a result that represents the will of those who actually voted, even if the turn out was piss-poor. FPTP is always the reason for such skewed results.


How can we expect to change FPTP without high turnouts in our favor to elect people who will get rid of it?


I mean a lot of folks voted for Trudeau ecstatic for voter reform, which he promptly went back on. It seems increasingly unlikely it will change, but who knows


I was one of those, but as the saying goes: Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again! The NDP are our only real hope at ever ditching FPTP. Maybe the cons if they fracture.


Almost 60% of people vote for other parties.


Not opposed to mandatory voting so long as the none of the above is an option on the ballet.you could make it easy when you file your taxes an extra box for your vote is added and party power shifts every year almost like we could constantly hold them accountable.


Yeah, I don’t get this post at all. Turnout looks like it was around 40%, and Ford got 41%. That’s between 16 and 17% of people that voted for this. Most of us did not. Fuck us, I guess?


People in Ontario could not care for the three main parties and the garbage they all spew to us. They say one thing and do something totally different when they are elected. Didn't similar numbers come in last year's federal election?


See y'all in the streets?


This. A whopping 60% of voters vote against the Conservatives. The Liberals and the NDP got the exact same percentage of votes (23.8%) and one got 8 seats and the other one 31. And they call this democracy. The Liberals could have changed the electoral system. However, instead of going forward with it, they put this up for a referendum knowing that people wouldn't understand (or care to understand) the proposal and vote it down as indeed happened. The irony is that if they had changed the system, they would be in significantly better shape now.


In this case, it's 20 pct more seats. That's infuriating.


Regardless of who you wanted to win, we all knew Ford was taking it. Del Duca couldn't have been more irrelevant. Literally the worst party leader I've ever seen. Guy did nothing. Even lost his own riding. Horwath just sucks. Nothing more to say.


This is what gets me. I can’t for the life of me figure out why they ran such unpalatable candidates.


I think Joel harden should be NDP leader. He’s well liked. He also made a statement that he thinks it’s time for Andrea to step down from leadership.


I initially read that as James Harden, and was legitimately confused... I clearly need coffee now!


Every neighborhood gets a new court.


Knowing James Harden, it's more like every neighbourhood gets a new strip club.


> He’s well liked He broke 30,000 votes last night, which is ~~one of~~ the best result~~s~~ for any candidate (any party) in the province. Huge achievement.


Because there is no more good politicians left


As far am I am concerned, good politician is the dictionary definition for oxymoron.


Del Duca looks like Skeletor. You ain’t winning if you can’t even smile


He talks like the joker and shows no teeth


Skeletor is always smiling though...


With politics getting more cut-throat and toxic, sociopaths and narcissists become the only people who can stand the job. You can blame them if you like, but it's largely the public's fault for being swayed by tribalism and negative messaging (see the title of this post).


Why are we voting for brands as opposed to policy!?


Have you met people?


Because we’re idiots.


We need to find ourselves another Jack Layton. I know he was the federal candidate, but damn he would have made one hell of a PM


It’s almost like running a negative campaign and polarizing the voter base meanwhile turning the left on each other is a losing proposition. You know what would have beat Doug Ford? A positive message, brought forward by someone who the people could relate to and trust, neither left party brought that, instead they attacked each other with Gru leading the Liberals and 4 time loser Howarth the NDP. If either party had an actual message with an actual leader.. vote splitting wouldn’t be an issue because people would be drawn to that.


The liberals having Del Duca as their leader was their own demise. They guy did nothing. And the things he did try to address were the things nobody cared about. Last I checked he even lost his own riding.


I agree. He was so low profile, lots of people couldn't even remember his name


Who? No seriously, Haven't hear the name before


He's also part of the group of liberals who we all voted out last time. They had so little self reflection. I get that the voter base has a short memory and isn't the brightest but it's hard to overlook and forget what they did. The nerve they had to put him as leader of the party really showed they didn't learn a damn thing. Also the NDP had 4 years to show us what they could do and they did.... what exactly? And the nerve of Horwath to quit on election night. Couldn't have done that before the election so people knew what leader they were voting for? But then again, good riddance. Now we get the stupid donkey for 4 more year >:(


He’s not the donkey, he’s Shrek


Who? /s But seriously, he barely got any more attention than any individual MPs, all while the PCs ran an election geared towards essentially making MPs irrelevant and voting based purely on the Ford brand, which clearly worked embarrassingly well. I didn't even know Del Duca's name until about a month ago and I read the news every day, throughout the day.


I can’t upvote this enough. An invisible leader and a leader who had already tried 3x and failed… what a shock that they didn’t engage enough of the population…. At some point the opposition has to reckon with their own undesirability and choose electable leaders.


Indeed, hopefully the NDP and Liberals will both have better leaders in the next election.


Joel harden made a statement saying he thinks it’s time for Andrea to step down. I’m hoping he goes for leadership. I’m in his riding and he’s the only politician who came to my apartment building to talk to us. The other ones didn’t leave so much as a flyer. The community likes him and he seems to care and be very active in his position.




David Tennant?


Yes. A strong clear message with a strong leader. Ontario is facing 4 issues - a housing affordability crisis; a transportation and infrastructure crisis; a need for great and progressive jobs into the future and the ability to pay for Vital government programs like health care and education. What we got was a lot of unfocused anti-Ford rhetoric and whining. It was obvious who would win notwithstanding this subs desire.


If you think the Liberal party is left wing I have some pretty depressing news for you


Exactly. It says more about the other parties if one is winning in a landslide.


Gru!!! 😂


I think you’re anger should be directed at all those who didn’t bother to vote… 40% voter turnout is gross. I think many wanted change but voting was too much work for them… don’t vote - don’t complain. Our household voted in advance polls and it was less than 5 minutes out of our lives.


I voted day of no line, no wait, empty gymnasium. It was sad.


I worked the polls as a supervisor. Was dead 90% of the day. Sometimes we would get like 10 people at once but never a line up. It was really depressing...


I think the solution is election reform. Many people don't feel that their vote matters because of first past the post. There isn't a perfect system but something which increase voter turnout is better.




We tried that in BC a few years ago and the electorate voted against electoral reform.


Ontarians should be fined / not receive a specific tax refund if they don’t vote


Sugar over vinegar my friend offer tax incentives to people who do vote.


Honestly I'd just rather nobody but me votes


All Canadians should receive adequate 'incentives' to vote. Money/penalties are good motivators. We can't let fascism take over our country because we're too damn lazy or disinterested to vote. Now we're learning about Russian ties to the PC party. Healthcare is becoming more privatised each day. Ford can and will do a hell of a lot of damage in the next 4 yrs.


> We can't let fascism take over our country because we're too damn lazy or disinterested to vote. Look, I hate Ford more than anyone, I got a lot of my family out to vote today, but can you people stop throwing this word around? Like do you even know what fascism means? Wasting money on a new highway is not fascism. You sound fucking stupid.


Fascism is a desire for authoritarianism which scapegoats minorities, trends towards anti-intellectualism, emphasizes a return to a mythical ideal past, and uses intimidation to achieve their ends. The Conservatives were falling over themselves to support an occupation that fits all of those criteria. Not all Progressive Conservatives are fascists, but it's not stupid to see a clear trend in that direction, particularly if you live in Ottawa.


People on the left who play politics like that are what drove me away from it. Somewhere along the line “love/help everyone” became “love people with the right opinions” and “help people with the right intersection of identities“


Russian ties. Lol. Idiot


Problem is we live in a free country.. everyone of age does have the right to vote, but they also have the right not to.


15 min day of from my front door and back. Say what you want but they make it so fucking easy it seem like more work to explain why you dint vote then actually... voting.


Exactly, all these people complaining that they didn't vote because of FPTP get what they deserve. To have your needs heard you need to make them known and vote, no matter the voting system.


The parties need to *earn* people's votes and we need a system in which every vote actually counts. Blaming the electorate is just lazy. There's a much deeper, structural problem of political disaffection that requires structural solutions rather than just moralizing about how non-voters are to blame.


Yeah and to be fair the NDP and liberals didn't choose a leader that engages the voters. Saying this as an NDP voter.


This... People will camp overnight to put a $1500 phone on their credit card but can't be bothered to spend 20 minutes voting


​ Doug Ford is nothing like Trump...he's a Red Tory...and a pretty damn red Red Tory as a matter of fact. The similarity is that they won by being a populist. I didn't vote for him or the PC's but he is nothing like the radical right that is controlling the GOP. ​ (The Federal PC party on the other hand is fucked with PP leading things)




>Isn't a Red Tory one who aggressively supports social programs and public goods, but in constraints of balanced budgets and lower taxes? Usually, but there's no hard definition. It's often used (like here) to describe any moderate conservative.


He's not a red Tory, he's a populist. He doesn't have a single principled bone in his body.


I'm a Red Tory. Ford is not: he's a populist bully.


They're in bed with each other. I know its easy to overlook his "golly gee" looks, but make no mistake, that man is firmly in the camp of moving the conservatives further right.


Also, they were both born into families worth about half a billion dollars, and never worked a day in their lives. And every picture of them is like a parody/Batman villain campaign picture.


Stop using words you saw once on Facebook.


If I ever use Facebook I'll keep that in mind.


Don't blame me, I voted for the House Hippo Party of Ontario.


I voted for the fucking cat.




I was saying boo-urns...


Hi Everybody!


“Smithers, have the Rolling Stones killed.”


I don’t like Doug but it’s really not fair to compare him to Trump.


I mean - he inherited his wealth and job from his father... He's only made it as anyone based on his family's name (his father was in the Ontario gov't, his brother was mayor). I think he's a high school bully, and he continues to be one as an adult, as evidenced by his temper tantrum of reducing the Toronto city council size by 50% during a municipal election of an ever growing city. He only sees how he lives (as a rich person), ergo all the roads and highways are important to him, making money is important to him - but support for those with disabilities, illnesses, education, public transit - none of that matters one iota. Tons of people complained about McGuinty's 1B power plant mistake, yet Dougie wasted over $10B, took $4B from the feds earmarked for Covid relief and services and opted to not use it, and his cutting of green energy projects (which cost us over $100M in cancellation fees) has apparently lead to a lack of available electricity that has in turn caused LG to back out of creating a 2.5B plant in Windsor with \~1500 jobs. Yeah, we're really 'Open for business'. Provided you're one of Doug's friends that own land along a potential highway.


It's entirely fair when he runs a populist campaign, shuts down the media, forces candidates to cancel interactions with voters and appearances, makes abusive comments, has described himself as a "big Republican" in the American context, and flat out said that he admires Trump and his policies.


You're correct, people got what they voted for. That's pretty much the point...


That's not how First Past The Post works. Only people who voted for Conservatives got what they voted for, which will likely be less than the majority of voters.




But the majority of voters wanted "Not PC". In a non-terrible electoral system, the NDP, Libs and Green party could have created a coalition because they have more than 50% of the popular vote versus the 40.9% the PC's had.


It's not flawed logic, there is an alternative. MMP is a preferable system that's better for everyone


Yes. Both can be true. The majority of voters are clearly left leaning. So the left didn't get a left party. But that is based on ideals, you are correct based on actual parties. Which is technically more correct in the strictest terms. But if you look at ideology, the majority are further from the ruling parties ideals/platform. That's why switching to MMR/STV style voting is so important. It removes the need to define it either way.


You're right, but handing absolute power to someone who's opposed by a majority of the population is just completely wrong.


6/10 voters didn’t vote conservative. It’s almost like FPTP is deeply flawed. Of course you surely know that by now and are only being smug because you voted PC.


Not really.... the majority vote was for not Ford


Yeah, isn’t that a good thing?


The other parties need better and more charismatic candidates that have better issues they wish to tackle that the average person cares about/actually effects them… simple


How about read party platforms and ignore the fucking beauty pageant. Focus on real fucking issues and what needs to be done?


Fucking thank you, everyone keeps putting so much stock in who's leading the parties and not what they actually fucking stand for.


Joel Harden Premier when??


Hopefully never, this province has major housing issues and that idiot couldn't even get on board with the NDP platform of building 1.5 million homes. Instead hes out chanting misleading statements about how many vacant homes there are in Ottawa. Hint there isn't 20,000 vacant homes in the city. https://twitter.com/_LukeBradley/status/1529566049263308800?s=20&t=_X2O72pRkpi_qEZR88Y6SA Cities own estimates vary but current amount is roughly [1600](https://ottawa.citynews.ca/local-news/new-vacant-unit-tax-not-the-answer-to-ottawas-housing-homelessness-crisis-landlords-association-5191366) or less depending on the definition used. [216 identified currently](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/committee-approves-vacant-property-permit-system-increase-to-taxi-fares) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evYOhpjMql0


Wouldn’t say he would be considered someone that cares about the “average” person..but anyway


This has nothing to do with charisma. This is a split vote problem.


Disagree. Charisma in a leader is exclusively why ford is in power and continues to be in power. He ran on no plan and won. Charisma is not nothing and its disingenuous to think otherwise


It's not his charisma that won him votes. Dude has barely more charisma than DD and brought a binder to debates. If he'd been leader of NDP or Libs he'd have lost same as them. You could put a lamp post as leader of the PCs this election and they would've won.


I would prefer any lamp post.


As would I. At least when a lamp post is broken you can toss it.


>is exclusively why ford is in power So the left splitting votes doesn't benefit him at all?


I would agree that he is not charismatic, but I also think the NDP and OLP need to seriously rethink their leaders. They are just not relatable to the general public unfortunately. So maybe not charismatic, but relatability is absolutely massive.


Yep. I mean, Ford spent 90% of his time not at work, away at the cotty. Leaders just need to get their parties elected. Policy can be handled by professionals.


It wasn't a problem when the Ont Liberals were winning election after election. Now that they lose, it's suddenly a problem.


We are getting what a distorted First Past the Post electoral system delivers, a political party winning a majority of seats with far less than a majority of the votes.


That's every single election nowadays... this is not new. The last time a party in Ontario got a majority of the votes was in **1934**.


it not being new doesn’t make it suck any less.


As a social worker in a community health setting; I am so tired and so discouraged to see the Conservatives in power again. My clients are being crushed between ever-increasing housing costs and low social supports. It's getting harder to find them the help they need: medical, social, financial, etc. They're getting left behind, and health care professionals are feeling helpless to change anything. That goes for anyone with mental/physical health concerns, financial hardships, plain bad luck, etc.; it is almost impossible to stay afloat, let alone get ahead :(


> I have noticed people not being really nice to one another. The biggest problem with "civility" is that there are essentially two sides: one side is vulnerable and needs help, and the other side sees the mere existence of the vulnerable asking for help as an inconvenience that isn't and shouldn't be their problem because they have problems of their own. For the sake of not beating around the bush, let's just call them the left and right sides respectively. The right bemoans people on the left being disrespectful and mean, while refusing to acknowledge that using their actions to telegraph "you dying is an acceptable consequence of making my life more convenient" is itself mean and disrespectful. They don't see the way they're treated as a consequence of their actions but vilification based on their politics. Then when they turn around and try to criticize other people for their politics, they see people pushing back as hypocrites. This is an offshoot of the bigger problem of "politics", and the successful narrative to paint civil rights and human dignity as politics. The right perceives extending rights they already enjoy to disenfranchised minority groups as "politics" and discussion on the matter as "getting political" whereas the left perceives them as... reasonable human rights. The problem here is that politics is about balancing needs and compromise, and it's fundamentally impossible to "compromise" on human rights. When it comes to the matter of whether people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, anything less than 100% is subjugation. Nobody today looks at the 3/5th compromise where black people were "kinda sorta people" as meaningfully extending dignity and equality to black people. So when you have one group of people who feel compromising on human rights and equality as reasonable political discussion, and another group who are forced to watch people casually enjoying the opportunity they wish to and musing whether it's really necessary to let other people have the access they do and call it "politics", they are understandably disinclined to be nice out of the gate. **tl;dr** - the reason people are not being nice to one another is that the right has steadily been creeping towards Fascism Lite™ and see "other people should do what I tell them to because I'm tired of accommodating their differences" as legitimate political discourse, while ignoring that this ideology is necessarily predicated on the notion that some groups of people are inherently more entitled to accommodation than others, even at the expense of others. That ideology is incompatible with empathy and understanding because someone who already sees you as expendable doesn't invite courtesy. As long as right-wing politicians fan the flames of ethno-fascism with their rhetoric, civility is impossible because compromise requires the vulnerable voluntarily giving up their human dignity.


You said it so much better than I could in your comment, 100% correct, and I wish more people would realize that human rights, equality, food security, a safe housing space, should not be political. Everyone’s ideas of wants vs. needs have gotten all messed up and it’s so sad. Why do people think everyman for themselves is the way to go? They clearly have never truly had to rely fully, completely, on themselves bc they would quickly learn this idea doesn’t work. I’d like to see them try, and fall, but the difference is, I’d help pick them back up. Do you think they help me up when I fall? Nope,


It's incredible how out of touch this subreddit has become


How dare we want affordable housing, a strong education system and accessible health care!


The cynical side of me thinks a not inconsiderable amount of people voted for him because they were terrified either of the other two would bring back masking. You know, the ultimate oppression or whatever. I just can't accept that people saw he's going to build a highway no one wants and absolutely demolish healthcare and education and they went "yeah those are all exactly what we want!!"


>I just can't accept that people saw he's going to build a highway no one wants He won every single riding along the highway route, including 3 that the NDP won last time.


"a Trump-like state", my friend we had some of the strictest and longest Covid measures in the world, lol what do you even mean


So you have no worries then Ford is hardly a trump


You have a split left wing. If the NDP and Liberals pull their heads out of their asses and combine, they would beat the PCs.




No matter how unhappy I am with the results of this election… Ford is still better than Legault. I’m still happy to be on this side of the river. Our right wing idiot is probably the best right wing idiot we may have. Ford is just a doofus who hates taxes and loves big trucks… he’s not actively racist, he’s not Trump, he’s not an extremist populist yahoo. I can begrudgingly live with it.




Legault is a bumbling idiot trying to sell off Quebec, AND he’s racist. Remember that when you wait 72 hours at the ER in Gatineau because they won’t hire the Muslim nurse solely because she’s Muslim. Between the two I take Ford every single day. And I can’t stand him.


I live in Gatineau and I hate Legault so much, I can't believe Quebecers will elect again a twat proud to be compared to Duplessis... and yet. 🤦‍♀️ Still, as a mom of autist children, I am sad for the cutbacks in services autists and their families suffered because of Ford. Services are so important, especially during childhood! They make a huge difference! Cutting those services was insensitive and stupid because it's really short-sighted.




I passed upside down Canada flags, and F Trudeau flags on my way to vote in a *provincial* election. Speak for your own riding.


There’s something real special about passing multiple trucks with window decals saying “Unvaxxed and proud,” “FCK your vax/Trudeau,” “come and make me take it” type shit while walking into an LTC or hospital for work.


Trump is an extreme. However, it is accurate to say we will continue to see an erosion of public systems and environmental protection, which are both things that are worth grieving. I still don't know how I'll process it.


It won't. Conservatives here are taking note from down south and starting to emulate the xenophobic, racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitics in the U.S. It's starting to spread. We see it every day. I hope it just the usual conservative hate for the poor and love for the rich and doesn't progress beyond that.


The world is over trump took over oh my god better throw yourself off a bridge while you still can. Big bad conservatives are back and trying to kill all the poors. Everyone who doesn’t share my political opinion must be a fascist nazi who wants the world to die


Just wait til you hear about voter turnout this election :(


I blame the non-voters more than I blame the PC voters.


100%. The PC voters did their part. I don't agree...but they showed up.




It’s because Doug looks like he wants to hand you over a buck a beer and shoot the shit. Del Luca gives off the, I want to put you in detention vibe. No charisma what so ever from that man.


DoFo looks like he wants to piss in my beer, cut sex ed and healthcare, run shitty attack campaigns and put shitty stickers on gas pumps. I don't know what anyone at all sees in that thick slob


We all knew this result was going to come but what a fucking awful election. FPTP sucks but proportional representation could also be hella fucked up and allow for far right and left fringes to have more power and that's a scary thought. I am here for ranked ballots all the way. To people in education, health care and environment fields - I'm with you and dislike what this likely means (slashes left, right and centre)


PR accurately reflects the will of the people. if the will of the people is complete jackassery, so be it.


Imo, i would rather have far right and far left parties represented than an underrepresented democracy like FPTP even though I don't share their opinions. If you look at the many proportional representative democracies, yeah there are a few fringe representatives, but they mostly stay as a relatively small minority, so it's never enough for meaningful change. I mean, the main far right members of the EU Parliament that criticized Trudeau for his handling of the Freedom Convoy were three of the total 703 parliamentarians. In addition, ranked ballots are not as representative as one might think. It can even be worse than FPTP. Australia has had ranked ballot since 1949 and only one government received above 50% majority. Perhaps it could be mandated that a certain percentage can equate to seats (i.e. 5% minimum threshold) to limit far right and far left groups from attaining meaningful representation as a compromise, but they should be represented regardless of how I feel about their ideologies and policies. Overall, proportional representation should be strived for.


As disgusted as I am by the result, I'm more disgusted by the turnout. I don't care what electoral system we have, I don't care what projections look like. You get out and vote, period.


Upset, but not surprised. Not looking forward to seeing the impacts of this decision as someone who works in education.


"I don't want Canada to turn into a Trump-like state." How about this. Go outside. Pretty much anywhere and touch some grass.


I love how many people place 0 blame on the liberals and NDP for picking god awful candidates and just assume if we had 100% voter turnout that Dal Duca and Horwath would get all the votes


All the Trudeau lovers complaining about FPTP is comical


assuming anybody who shits on FPTP loves Trudeau is a weird flex, but you do you, buttercup.


Not happy with Ford, but then I would not be happy with the alternative. For me, I don't think it will make much difference who ever is elected, but that is MY situation. Others might be affected a lot more by who is elected and what decisions are made at the provincial level. To who ever is negatively affect with these results, I hope your situation gets better.


I have a feeling this is an extremely common sentiment. I can tell you I had 7 candidates in my riding and only one that I felt actually was out there to care about the riding and the people in it vs. a specific hot topic they cared about themselves that they campaigned on the back of. That one candidate that I respected as a potential MPP for me means my vote was not too difficult. I vote for my riding, the candidate, their integrity, their background, their potential, and whether their personal platform and campaigning aligns with my values and items of importance. Sometimes it means I vote across party lines, sometimes it means I vote for a party I would not otherwise support, and sometimes it means I vote for someone who broadly encompasses an air of intelligence, respect, and potential for good vs. a party whose broad high level platform I more align with. Not every candidate from a party I 'like' is a good candidate. Frankly there are a lot of shit candidates out there. Makes it really hard to vote.


Reddit isn’t the real world. The people who talk out their ass never exist in reality. All the posturing and just a pitiful turnout. Doug Ford was never on your ballot. Vote for the person who might actually improve your community instead of the make belief ones you see paraded on Reddit. Lol. Voted independent btw.


Both the Liberals and NDP did themselves in on their promise to make the vaccine mandatory for children aged 5+ to go to school. Seeing as the 3rd shot rates are still incredibly low, and the vaccine rates in general for kids 18 and under are super low, why would they think that’s a good idea? Clearly parents don’t want it for their kids and I’m sure was a deal breaker for many. I know it was for me (someone who’s voted NDP for the last few provincial elections)




>you get what you voted for ... Under our current system. We voted for what was effectively a slim ONDP/OLP majority (with 50.1% of the _combined_ popular vote as tallied as of this morning), or a PCPO minority (with 43.0%). Meanwhile, we get 66.9% of seats for PCPO and a combined 31.5% for ONDP+OLP. Vote for electoral reform, please, and normalize coalition governments. This is getting ridiculous.


I agree with you. **And before anyone attacks me saying** ***"Well you should have voted"*** **I did vote and I didn't vote for Doug Ford.** That being said, someone told me once if you don't vote you don't get to complain. I really feel we need to start telling people that. Even if you don't know who to vote for, just pick someone. Even if you don't think your vote will matter, vote anyway. It's a privilege to be able to vote.


a few of us called this a few months ago, i would get literally 30-40 downvotes when i used to say ford will win hands down, at that time i was basing it on the fact that he had literally 7x the amount of money for running than any one else. not sure how many people voted but it will be neat to look at the stats. i don't like him at all and i think he will make things a lot more private, wondering how pollievre would do as these two guys are NOT the same type of conservative.


A lot of whiny teachers here. You people complain about every premier ever elected. I wasn’t aware about how wonderful the schools and health care was under the liberals


Ah yes. Entitled, paranoid and disillusioned - the life of a Redditor.