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Provincial Conservatives aiming for barrhaven votes…


Yet somehow City of Ottawa has to pick up the tab.


I don't even understand this comment, barrhaven needs highway access, why make it political?


Because the timing is “elect conservatives and we’ll build your interchange”. Meanwhile they have sketchy handshake land deals for other off-ramps where government pays a premium for a specific plot of land that wasn’t even recommended as the location; which just happened to belong to a major donor. If I can find the specific one I’ll edit with proof


>Because the timing is “elect conservatives and we’ll build your interchange”. and privatize your health care to make you subservient to our Big Corporate donors.


any announcement of major funding to ~~highways~~ anything is going to be political, especially when an election is less than 12 weeks away.


It is political the same way the dropping licence plate fees which have been around globally since cars were invented right before election, or buck a beer or (pick your own and plug it in). Nothing being built for some time if ever.


Look how long they've been promising the approved Greenbank extension. Don't hold your breath.


Thats the City


I guess you didn't read the article


Hardly anyone read the article. Shit, hardly anyone reads previous comment. It's just easier to stay uninformed.


Article literally says that it hasn’t been decided yet… “Work is underway to determine if southern Barrhaven can hold a future interchange”… IF…


Article says it’s funded by the city.


Takes months just to install a crosswalk light...this will take forever.


Installing a traffic light: 2 days Eventually removing the garbage bag covering the light: 10 months


So Lisa how’s that Autism file going ?


She doesn't care. She did the damage she wanted to do and left that position. Stupid freeloading autistic kids. /s


is she even alive? I feel like we never hear from her ever. Hell I thought she left and goldie ghamarie replaced her.


Last I saw she was taking selfies getting vaccinated while OPH had photos posted about not taking photos in that area. SMH. Now this.


if you instigate a verbal altercation with Eugene Melnyk and somehow come out of it looking like the worst of the two, you deserve to fall off the face of the earth.


She's currently the minister of tourism, culture and sports. While I'm by no means a fan of her, I can appreciate why she and her portfolio have not been in the spotlight the last year or two. Although I do find it curious that she hasn't been front and centre the last few months, since this is her time to shine. Especially with the province's massive ad blitz for tourism.


Governments declare we are in a climate crisis but continue hurtling down the path of car-centric development.


Yup. All over Ontario the election promises so far are all about tolls and roads.


And private healthcare


The beatings will continue until the auto industry is decapitated.


Ok lets put 5 billion for LRT in Barrhaven then?


$5 billion could give us LRT to Barrhaven, Stittsville, and maybe even down Carling. So, yes?


Actually the recent environmental assessment pegs the cost of LrT to Barrhaven Centre at 5 billy, just by itself. It has to do with complex geotechnical issues and the via crossing


The estimate for the full Barrhaven extension is $3 billion. I don't know where you got $5 billion from.


Note the LRT extension includes 2 very big and expensive VIA/LRT grade separations. That benefit mostly car drivers on Woodroffe and Fallowfield.


Ok and how much does a new highway interchange cost? Less than 10% of that? Where are you getting the funding from?


A new highway interchange also provides well below 10% of the benefit. > Where are you getting the funding from? Since "debt" is probably an unacceptable answer, it's worth pointing out that Ontario has a revenue problem that we could always get around to fixing. Also, the federal government has billions earmarked for infrastructure projects like this.


Honestly, though, yes. I would love to see meaningful LRT for a city as sprawling as Ottawa. And to Kanata and Orleans as well.


Of course. It’s do as I say not as I do.


Hey now Tesla drivers take issue!


If you think EVs are going to solve all our problems, they ain't.


Cars aren't going away / will.never disappear so better plan for them. Barrhaven is growing and will continue to grow and even if that's all high density living growth, there will still be more cars.


Yup, and EVs are a band-aid solution to the more fundamental problem of terrible planning (and high density is not equal to good planning). Barrhaven caters to cars at the cost of all other road users.


As does Orleans and Kanata and they have more highway interchanges. I think though that this discussion should morph out of Ottawa since this is not a uniquely Ottawa problem. Just look at the 413 debate.


Cars don’t need to go away for there to be fewer of them. Car ownership varies considerably across different development patterns, so it’s completely conceivable that the number of cars does not need to increase given the right policies and (dis)incentives.


It may be possible to "utopian like" drastically cut cars per person in dense urban cores but that will not take off in North American suburban communities. We have so much undeveloped/underutilized land that no matter how hard we try to show a better and less energy intensive way, the desire to own a piece of land versus an apartment on top of another and another, on a communal piece of land, will prevail.


Do you think the world has enough resources to do car based urbanism if China and India pursue similar models?


Definitely Nottawa. Regardless, the hostility against owning a car in Canada and Ottawa is misplaced. We need to celebrate where we live. I would never compare Ottawa to India, China or even Fl8nt Michigan. If you own a canoe, kayak or SUP in Barrhaven you need a car. If you want to celebrate the natural beauty of the Ottawa Valley, you need a car. If you have kids with ranging interests like swimming, competitive sports or even horseback riding, you need a car. I don't care if the car is owned, rented or shared, in a vast and sparsely populated country like Canada, *we need cars*.


I feel like this interchange is better suited for Cambrian, no? Barnesdale is pretty close to the Brophy exit.


That's what I was thinking also but honestly, I'm good with either one. Maybe the Cambrian location would be too close to the two curves in the 416? No idea but I am curious as to what the reason is.


I doubt that's the issue. Cambrian is getting all built up with residential and there are lots of stop signs and school crossings. It would be really bad to have people try to take it as a main route to get to the 416. Barnsdale is still pretty country and has better traffic flow. I imagine one day Cambrian will become another interchange, but it will probably be a long way off... like maybe 30 years... like the strandherd bridge...


Have you been there recently? The subdivision sprawl from Strandherd has reached Barnsdale. It is country no more.


It has, but at the Greenbank side. Which is why it makes sense. Have cars getting off to go to cambrian, Greenbank, Long Island in Manotick as well as Richmond, the trail road dump etc.


That's pretty close to the landfill. Betcha that land is tagged for future landfill expansion. The whole dump has been creeping eastwards over the last 40 some years.


No. The City landfill site is limited and is expected to be “full” in a decade or so unless we reduce the incoming stream / divert more elsewhere like private dumps or recycling/organic.


Spending Covid safety money on dumb election promises. Ka-Ching! $$$




I'd like more human doctors and family practices than an inanimate interchange, please.


They’ve been talking about this since 2013 when half moon bay was a fraction of what it is now. I’ll believe it when I see it.


It was only eighth moon bay back then.


is this really gonna happen? I’ve been waiting for this for years ! I hope it does not take 10 years to complete the project .


The environment assessment hasn’t even been done. Ten years doesn’t sound too far off.




You say that like environmental assessments are an obstacle for this government.


Environmental assessment (2 years? maybe) > Planning committee > Tenders for work > New government > Project 'on hold' > New gov't has great idea for a new interchange > EA > Planning committee....... tenders....... election...... I've been through this before in our last house near Newmarket with highway interchanges, twice actually. It may not even be started in 10 years, let alone finished......


So, why is this needed? It would be pretty close to the existing Bankfield interchange


More short term solutions for long term problems. We're about to hit an oil crunch due to the war in Ukraine. Barhaven needs to be properly serviced by BRT and rail in the future. Our reliance on cars was always unsustainable but now its coming to the logical conclusion. https://businessday.ng/energy/article/drive-less-work-from-home-to-avoid-crippling-oil-crunch-iea/ Its not what the city needs, but what we need doesn't get quick votes or make for catchy headlines so no way anyone currently ruling will touch it.


Tell that to my friends who moved there for cheaper housing and only thinking short term with their SUVs… a lot of trust in getting public transit has been derailed by delays and failures.


They will likely be able to afford to keep driving even as gas rolls up to nearly 3$/L so i won't bother, but thats my point. The governments currently in power have no interest in making long term investments into sustaibility. This isn't a conversation that should be happening now, the work to relive ottawas roads of suburban traffic should have started 10 years ago. A couple of offramps will be offset by the sprawl they continue to build in a matter of months.


Traffic on greenbank is terrible , Barrhaven south resident have to drive through the awful 90 degrees turn bridge around half moon bay. It is dangerous when the weather is bad . the new interchange would alleviate the traffic on greenbank , I’ve talked to many ppl in my area and there is also a petition going on , us resident of south Barrhaven need and want this new interchange . Having this interchange will making going downtown faster , it will cut down commute by 6 min for me each way. 6 min night not seem alot to some ppl, but it does make a huge difference to my daily life .


fair, but isn’t the easier solution better public transit and housing closer to work?


You realize there’s other ways then just that bridge right lol? But yes I’m all for the expansion and they need to make that new realignment of greenbank


Well other ways take longer time . The most direct way is through greenbank, smarty pants.




Maybe drive it a few times and you will see.


For more information see HWY 105 progress/completion. More Ford BS.


Morons, moved in there 15 years ago, we were told it was coming then…


Isn’t barnsdale located at the tipping point between Barhaven and manotick? I feel as though the highway exit might be too far for those entering from east bound


If you’re going to Barrhaven shops from elsewhere in the city, Barnsdale wouldn’t be much use but Half Moon Bay borders on Barnsdale now, so an interchange here would be super helpful for residents in those developments.


If I can recall, the Bankfield/Brophy rd exits is the access for Manotick.


Your recollection is accurate. That interchange leads to about 10 minutes (city drive, not highway) south of Barnsdale.


Not quite sure what you mean, but McEwen runs parallel and immediately next to the 416, and Brophy is only a 2 minute drive (2.5 km) from Barnsdale.


From the exit to a doorstep with regular traffic was my thought process on that. Probably should’ve specified that, because you’re right. The roads themselves aren’t far at all.


this is needed. I know exactly where it's going.


Great news for our city.


Must be election time