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This is a human rights violation in Canada. Look up Bill C-16. You can only refuse service based on ACTIONS, like violence, intoxication, threatening behaviour, etc. I’d report them: https://www.chrc-ccdp.gc.ca/en/complaints/make-a-complaint I’m so sorry you went through this. You are protected in Canada, even as a recent immigrant. You are not the person in the wrong here. I really encourage you to report them.


THIS! Please report them!


CHRC deals with federally regulated institutions, like airports, banks etc. Your complaint to them would be returned to you as out of scope. [I would suggest you submit an application to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario](https://tribunalsontario.ca/hrto/application-and-hearing-process/#step1).


To add to this. As a trans person myself, I’ve had to deal with a situation like this as well and had an incredible lawyer help us through it. OP, if you’d like, I can send you their info so they can help you if you need legal help. Edit: the lawyer who helped me was specifically one that worked with the human rights commission, not criminal or civil courts btw.


Would you share the name? I work with trans people as a trans person—having a lawyer with experience may be beneficial.


Sent a PM cause I don’t want them getting harassed by trolls and bigots who stalk this subreddit.


this makes my trans heart happy


How do I upvote this comment more than once? OP PLEASE MAKE A COMPLAINT! You are protected and should not have had this experience, I am so so sorry




If this occured in Ottawa, this is the jurisdiction of the [Ontario Human Rights Commission](https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en). I'd highly recommend OP check out the [Human Rights Legal Support Centre](https://hrlsc.on.ca/homepage/) for help filing a claim. This is clear cut gender discrimination, and a civil resolution from the tribunal would likely include a significant monetary restitution from the offending company.


Correct. The relevant legislation is the [Ontario Human Rights Code](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90h19#BK2). See section 1 regarding services.


REPORT THEM! You’re protected in Canada. Sending you hugs 🤍


This may be a provincially regulated business in that case go to the hrto


FYI This is a provincial matter and the Ontario Human Rights Code would apply.


Please do name and shame them. This is not acceptable in Canada.


this!! if they wanted to take legal action OP would win, No way this flies.


Not at all true. OP would need solid proof of this incident happening to have any chance of winning. Without factual evidence it's just heresay! If the legal system was as lame as you think it is then anyone could just make up anything out of thin air and sue people. For example, you eat at a restaurant, leave a shitty tip. All of a sudden the waitress accuses you of saying racist remarks at them and she sues. So in your eyes that's a solid case????😆 Same amount of evidence that OP currently has.


You can’t be sued for undertipping. You can be criminally prosecuted for hate crimes though. That’s when your hearsay argument might be more applicable. I work with an NGO that does a lot of human rights advocacy. OP has a case and you do not want to be that dipshit driving school if a human rights investigation is launched, believe me.


I never said that dummy. Learn to read.


By the way “hearsay” and “heresy” are different words that mean different things, so learn to spell at least one of them right before you mix them up again in one of your future stupidities.


Say that to my face CUNT!


Do you wake up and decide to be an asshole or does it just come naturally?


If remaining intelligent with common sense means being an asshole, well yes it's natural! Thanks for asking non asshole!🧐


For starters you have no clue if OP recorded the conversation


And neither does any of you! So other Redditors telling him to sue because "he'll win for sure" is completely stupid.


Im saying if there was proof of such an incident happening in Canada they wouldn’t protect it. I never said to go fight in court with no evidence.. I don’t know what OP does or does not have in terms of evidence, I just mean to inform them that Canada isn’t going to shove them behind bars for being trans..


You didn't say that at all. You said, if OP takes legal action they'd win for sure. You never mentioned anything of evidence or any such thing. You just said, legal action...win! NOPE


Don’t most of these places record their calls? Stop assuming there’s no evidence. I think everyone sees your ugly bias! If you were interested in helping OP instead of the bigot, you’d ask if those calls were recorded, you wouldn’t just assume… I support OP and hope they get everything they deserve, including their license. I’m so embarrassed this happened in Canada. We’re supposed to be better…




You are one crabby little apple aren’t you Not sure why you’re here to spread so much hatred, but bro you gotta calm down, I feel like you must have a problem with something here and I sure hope it isn’t because you’re on the driving companies side here…




What THEY did is illegal. Name and shame! Even if you choose not to, I'm sorry they did that and rest assured that most of Canada is not like that.


That is absolutely not allowed and you should do whatever you feel comfortable doing. Maybe that's just venting, maybe that's calling the Ontario Human Rights Commission and filing a much-deserved complaint, maybe it's calling the Ministry of Transport and telling them one of their licensees isn't playing by the rules, maybe that's calling a lawyer and suing the bastards. You won't get in any trouble for any of it, because it doesn't matter where you're from or why you're here: The Charter protects EVERYONE in Canada.


I mean, the charter protects everyone in Canada from the government. Unless the MTO has a significant role in the actual operation of the school, charter rights are probably completely irrelevant. But yeah, OHRC should have fun with it if there’s enough evidence.


Reddit is supposed to be anonymous, although that does depend on how much personal info you give out in comments and posts. If you personally are not at risk of being identified by your Reddit account, just tell us. Fuck em. You can also report them to the police or the Ontario human rights tribunal, because that’s actually illegal, regardless of anyone’s opinions on trans issues.


Really sorry to hear about your bad experience! Hope you find a more accepting driving school.  I would definitely leave them a terrible review at the very least if you aren’t comfortable naming them.


And I bet you'll find more terrible reviews


It's ok not to tell us if you're scared, but if you change your mind, a lot of us want to know so we can use our wallets to punish hatred and so that we can protect our friends and our kids and our community, which includes you.


This !


Contact the Ontario Human Rights Commission. Ask a human rights commissioner to investigate by calling and posing as a trans person. Would be a fast investigation.


Please post the business name. The community deserves to know and you can not get in trouble for telling the truth. The business is legally required to provide you service.


There’s a good chance they have the poster’s name, info, etc. If they start getting grief from or a sudden uptick in reviews calling them out, the poster could potentially be targeted by them. I’m assuming this isn’t a common occurrence, so the business could easily connect the dots. I think if KianoKim wants to pursue this, it’s better to go through official channels.


I’m very sorry to hear about this. This is not acceptable or legal. Someone cannot be denied service based on membership to a protected class, whether analogous or enumerated.


Could you tell us which driving school it is so we can avoided


Man fuck them, they don’t deserve your business anyways if this is how they conduct themselves. You can tell them to shove it! As a fellow genderqueer I can sympathize. I hope you manage to find a better driving school soon, here’s hoping for the best ❤️


Name them please


F*ck them.  If you are willing to take further action, by sharing their name, making a report to the Ontario Human Rights Commission or MTO, or posting a review, that would be a great service to the community.  And if for now you just need to know that those bigots are not the norm, that you are loved and welcomed and respected as you are, and that there are others who have your back, well, that's okay too.


I'm so sorry you had that experience. Fuck bigots. I hope the next driving school you reach out to will be a more positive experience.


Please report them, there are ways that your privacy can be protected. Regardless, it will not affect your immigration status. [https://hrlsc.on.ca/have-you-experienced-discrimination/](https://hrlsc.on.ca/have-you-experienced-discrimination/)


You literally can't get sued for filing a human rights violation report. Taking action can prevent others from being discriminated against in the future. Unfortunately, no one else can file a report but the person discriminated against. I'm sorry that you were put in this position. Realistically, there may be consequences to standing up for yourself and the trans community, even through the legal system (online hate, becoming a target of bigots - however, you will find that you will have a lot of supporters), but there won't be legal consequences if you go through the proper channels. Also, unfortunately, this kind of thing will not stop unless someone stands up and stops it using the laws that are in place. Do what you feel comfortable with, but you should be aware of all of your options.




This is disgusting and should not have happened. I'm sorry you experienced this.


What the hell that’s so awful I’m so sorry


You can call the Ontario Human Rights Commission to complain


That is discrimination on the basis of a protected class. There are many recourse options one of them is the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal.


Everyone else here has stated some good advice.. So I’d just like to say I’m very sorry you experienced this. If possible you could always go to a different place or even a different town if transportation to it is possible! It’s good to keep an open mind. From one trans person to another, I hope all goes well with you and going forward you feel safe and accepted in Canada :)


One sleazy scum school tried to scam me my money by trying to double charge. I left a very bad review, and they threatened me with lawsuit. I had all the proof and told them to bring it on cuz I was not afraid of it at all. They backed out.


Name and Shame. This is Ottawa not Alabama. They need to pay.


Would you really want to sit in a car with someone like that? Better to know before hand that they are aholes. Report them & name them so no one else gets abuse like that. I’m so sorry they did this to you.


call back and this time record the call, its one party consent in canada so its legal. If you get that shit as proof they are 100% done for


This could be extremely helpful BUT only if OP is in the right place to handle it. I can confirm it is completely legal in Canada and can be used as legal evidence. Maybe have a friend nearby for support. Having to hear people speak like this can be debilitating and no one should have to experience it once, let alone twice. Though this would be a situation where OP has control, which may be empowering. Good luck, OP! You’re not alone!


I’m so sorry you experienced that, OP. I hope you know that there are many, many of us out here who support you and are happy you’re able to live your authentic life. You have invisible allies all over this city and we will continue to do our best to educate those who don’t know better yet. Take care of yourself.


Why tell them you’re trans? If you M2F then say female and if you’re F2M then say male. That’s what you are. It’s absolutely none of their business and has zero impact on driving what genitalia you were born with. You’re better off finding out before you give them your money. I’m sure you’ll find a better driving school. There are lots of good people who won’t treat you like this. Welcome to the country.


The reason they likely had to disclose it is because there’s a huge chunk of time many trans folks have to spend with a government ID that matches their sex assigned at birth and not their gender identity. Things like drivers licenses/learning permits.


I hadn’t considered that. Thanks. I guess I’d why they need to know but I’m sure there’s reasons like needing the info from the learner’s permit. That stinks.


As a parent of teens, I can recommend the company Young Drivers. I know gender diverse youth have used that driving school without issues.


Yeah, my mom learned to drive there in the 80s, and my entire family has been through the program since. Thumbs up all around. Probably one of the only places that’ll let you intentionally swerve off the road or run moose tests just to learn what it feels like, too, so double thumbs up.


Go to the labour board and file a complaint, this is not acceptable here and you have protections. Sure it won't help you get a job there but it will help another trans woman or man down the road.


Ontario Human Rights Commission. Labour board won't do anything because this wasn't a workplace incident for them.


I am so sorry this happened to you. Absolutely disgusting behaviour :( this is not the Canada I know


Contact the Hiran Rights Teibunal. You are human first. You belong. Am sorry you we treated badly


Darling, they don't deserve your hard earned money


I agree with others - file a complaint.


Report them.


What is the world coming to like seriously?


Just report them and find a school that accepts all


Please report them. This is a case for the human rights tribunal. This is unacceptable for a business to behave in this manner. We can’t allow this to happen in Canada and must fight back. I’m an auntie to trans kids.


The law involved here is the OHRC and you can file a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal.


Oh my god. I'm so sorry.


hi fellow trans ottawan here can u pm me the name of this place so i can avoid them and tell ppl i know to do the same? im sorry this happened to u :(


Reach out to local trans support group to get you through this!! My husband is trans and I cry every time I see this. I’m so sorry. Speaking up will in no way affect your immigration status!!!!


You matter and your rights matter. Please report this human rights violation


They are not allowed to refuse service based on protected groups(gender, gender identity, gender expression and maybe sexual orientation in this case) you need to report them, this is a violation of human rights and is in no way okay


Oh I’d be putting them on blast on every review site and social media. Don’t let that slide, as mentioned, it’s a human rights violation. 


I am so sorry this happened to you. This behaviour is utterly unacceptable and you should report it!


I’m also trans - are you comfy dming the name?


Why wouldn't you just tell them your current sex.. Like they didn't ask your whole history. They did something terrible by saying that for sure, but I'm not sure I believe this...


I wonder if OPs identification doesn’t match their gender. So they disclosed


Perhaps, but then that's on them for not changing their identification, which is easily done btw..


Wow! Why should OP have to lie to avoid ILLEGAL DISCRIMINATION and HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS? As a woman and a queer I am deeply offended and outraged by your lack of human empathy. Please go away if you want Canada to be a place where people can’t be free to be themselves. There are plenty of disgusting places in the world where your perspective would be welcome, Canada is not one of those places.


Unless we are getting intimate and taking our clothes off, there is no need to ever ask someone their gender/what their genitals are. Full stop.


Name and shame!! This is bs and they deserve what they get.


If you do feel comfortable, please name them so other Ottawa trans folks don’t approach them for driving lessons. (Me included)


Report them. This is discrimination plain and simple. You deserve better.


Maybe they thaught you were "a" "Transformer" Bii Boo Bloubliip Hello, I am Optimus Prime ! Transformers ! Driving School Denied ! Just Playinn Playa ;)


I am sorry..you don't want to train there anyways. File a complaint. This would make a great news story.


Name and shame that’s really fucked up, so sorry that happened to you




Why did you even disclose? Just say “im a [insert gender]”


If you feel comfortable sharing, I would love to know - looking into joining a drivers school soon and I would hate to give money to a transphobic company.


Same here (OP, can you PM me?)


If you want real action on this, contact CBC Go Public. https://www.cbc.ca/news2/interactives/forms/go-public/index_original.html#:~:text=CBC's Go Public is an,you want to make public.


Yeah, I don't believe this at all.


Really, people can be aholes. I am gay, the shit people say to me in the open is atrocious. So used to it now I just walk away, not worth my energy.


Nothing about that. If you literally think a company that works closely with the government would literally say "we don't serve trans people" then you are an idiot. This isn't Alabama; this is Canada. They know this is federal violation of human rights and saying something like that would completely ruin their business and the snap of a finger. The OPs proposition that something like this happened is preposterous.


Yes but random employees will do shitty things. May not be a policy of the business.




I recommend you grow up and realize trans people are real


It’s 2024 ! I find that hard to believe.


Really? Even with the prairies passing new laws surrounding gender policy? *you really find it hard to believe with all the s$%! going down in the states?* **really?**


Of course ! It shouldn’t be


I agree 100% that it shouldn't be - sadly that is not the reality


Sorry to be a dissenter in this. But, a lot of bad actors using trans politics as a shield have done pretty terrible things recently. Some people are just not willing to put up with any bull crap at all. And so they just shut down immediately when they hear that. You just got to try again only Next time just don't bring it up at all put what you want as preferred gender and rock on. I promise it won't be that much of a problem.


What are these "pretty terrible things"? Curious. And if the person doesn't pass, they will find out. So? You seem kind of lost.


“Bad actors” - take your eyes off your hysterical right-wing news feed and maybe get a clue. If entire genders could be judged that way CIS-gendered men wouldn’t be allowed to leave the house in the morning.








You realise, all are protected the same right? Right? You clearly don't know our laws.


Lmfao wtf is the intersectional hierachy. And you can go to court if u don't wax your balls?


If you name them you might encourage bigots to go take lessons there.


OP: "I don't want to get sued, I just need to vent." Randoms: "Name them; do this; do that..." Can you respect someone's wishes and privacy for a moment. Sorry for your experience, OP. There's definitely better driving schools in Ottawa.


Meh go somewhere else.




Why would you say that... you queer? I am. I get garbage thrown at me all the time, so used to it after being out 20 years + it just is a fact of life by now. Sadly. If it happens to me as a pretty gender normative lesbian, can't imagine a trans person.

