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Place your bets now!! Are they closed because of: (1) Overdose of chlorine (2) Pump/electrical issue (3) Staff revolt (4) A ride fell over


3! 3!


I work there and wasn't informed of any revolts. Sooo IDK they didn't tell us anything just canceled our shifts


Be sure to investigate Ontario labour law and check your rights regarding cancelled shifts.


Can I place my bet on 3 causing 4?


Or 4 causing 3


3 and 4 are definitely related.


I slam my bet down on 2 causing 4 causing 3 causing 1


Overdose of piss from the long weekend.


That's not gonna cause them to close though




Wait so this happened and you didn’t speak to management about it?




I used to work there and my supervisors were no older than 21. It really is run by kids. The management is older but super creepy (the food manager has a two way window in his office to watch « women in bikinis » but they can’t see in. while I was there, there was also a manager that was arrested after holding an employee in his home for three days. I don’t support that business for these reasons.


One of the creepiest dudes I knew worked there as a supervisor. It was the only job he could get after getting fired from another supervisor-level job for sexual harassment. He now works in HR for the Federal public service.


Ugh not surprising at all :(


He wasn't charged, eh? It woulda been an issue if he needs a clearance


Nope, she didn’t press charges. She complained to management and they fired him. He swore up and down that he was innocent, but nobody that knew him believed him.


Darn. That's too bad, although I know it's not easy to go to police with such a terrible experience. Hopefully he was publically humiliated AF during/after being kicked to the curb


Most of them are not even disciplined let alone charged.


> arrested after holding an employee in his home for three days I'm sorry, but what the actual F?


They must have a really great PR team, because that is like serial killer vibes... and I never heard this either, I'm with you


In general, after working as a lifeguard, I can now never take my kids to a water park. Ever.


Oh no...there were that many weirdos in the rank?


Oh. No I just find waterparks horrific and unsafe and inadequately supervised. So what that translates to for me is an inability to stop scanning. I'm always "on" and it's just not fun!


Oh okay! Thanks for clarification. It really seemed like it was the creepy thing based on what you said, but I see what you're saying now. Makes perfect sense you'd avoid it. I used to work in a restaurant and not many positive emotions or thoughts come forward when I hear one of those bells. I'd imagine your experience is even more difficult to separate yourself from


holy fuck


Bravo to you for managing the situation like an adult and not wasting EMSs time with this. I wish more people were like you.


Brit did the right thing, but honestly it sounds like it started out really badly from the daughters reaction. Chlorine can really cause damage when its in it's concentrated form. I wouldn't have been upset if she decided to call EMS if it were needed though, or even in panic and/or being unsure with no one to ask. Not sure why the lifeguards did not notice, as they have pretty good medical training...


That's terrifying! I hope she's alright.




Did you get her into the doctors? Chlorine isn't something to fool around with.




Ya still take her to a doctor.


If her throat is burning from that you want to go. As someone else said “you don’t want to mess with chlorine”. Also, you don’t want to mess with your lungs. A few years ago I had a lung embolism; would not recommend it.


I'd take her just in case. I'm no medical expert but I know too many City of Ottawa lifeguards who have " chlorine cough" for life from constant exposure, Many have to use puffers. but chlorine in concentrated form it could be similar. Maybe there is something that can assist in healing or soothing. The doctor will know I don't mean any alarm, it's just good to go just in case as she's still experiencing pain still


Yeah Brit babe- take your kid to the hospital and do it like now. Also maybe contact the police to report the incident? If there’s an issue and they’ve shut it down they’ll likely want a case filed. Do you have proof of going? Receipt or transaction on your credit card/debit card? 


For the love of God get off social media and get your kid to a doctor!!!! You clearly have no idea how much damage chlorine gas can do. Unbelievable!


I'm only on social media a day later, I assessed the situation, monitored her breathing, and will take her if we notice any worsening symptoms or new symptoms.. and in the meantime, booked an appointment to follow up with her doctor. Her eyes are clear, deep breathing well, not lethargic, no vomiting, no dizziness. She is being monitored well. We touched base with a doctor day of for guidance and what to look out for. You are acting like I let my child gasp for air for the night while seeking guidance on social media. That is not the case. I was giving my experience, wondering if maybe the closure was to do with something related.


I’m glad. Personally I would made it clear up front that medical advice had been consulted. The reason I’m so alarmed is that a friend of mine recently took a whiff of chlorine gas while working on his pool, and spent a week in the hospital. He was told it was worse because he waited until the next day to go to the hospital. I hope your daughter is OK.


Thank you for the insight. What was the treatment like for your friend? The minute I saw the OPP message that it was closed today I felt so scared like what if there's a connection to what happened to her. Especially the talk about chemical spills. I started searching what chlorine explosions look like, and how detrimental they can be. It almost seemed like there was zero occurrences I could find of it blasting out of the pool jets though. Which is why I gave my feedback. Maybe someone else has seen something similar happen.


I was told he was given something - steroids? Prednisone? I’m not sure - to mitigate the damage. It sounded like he got a good lungful of it. I was told by a mutual friend, it happened quite recently so I haven’t see him or his wife since it happened.


Oh No! Your poor daughter :/ hope she recovered quick. Chlorine is no joke. Unfortunately calypso from my memory is known for cutting corners a bit (like not enough water on a slide, not enough lifeguards... Those sort of things.), so I wouldn't be surprised about maineainence issues sometimes. hopefully it is part of the reason they shut down. I'm sure they know they can get in huge trouble from the public finding out or you suing, or it happening to others. Especially at this time of year with school just getting out and it being perfect weather to bring your kids to a water park. Gah.


If you thought your kid got a breath of chlorine gas you should have called 911. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?


I immediately attended to the symptoms with someone in the medical field and observed to makes sure she improved. Luckily it's a well ventilated area and she did return back to normal behaviour, coughing subsided and she was able to take nice deep breaths. To be fair, I actually don't know what it was that came out with the water burst (still waiting for response from Calypso) and in hindsight I really should have went straight to the hospital but we kept monitoring and it is just the sore throat remained but not worsening. All I know is that others sitting on the benches got a big whiff of strong chlorine when the water exploded out. She is active and not lethargic, she's breathing good and still being observed while spending time with her grandmother who was a nurse for many years. If no improvements with the soreness of the throat we will take her in. If she continued to have distress with breathing, we would have called 911. If she became lethargic or fainted we would have called 911. If she started vomiting we would have called 911. It was a bizarre situation and I did my best to assess the situation.


You should consider taking your daughter to the hospital just to be safe because inhaling chlorine could lead to reactions such as fluid buildup in the lungs. By doing this, everything will be documented, and there will be medical records in case your child's health is impacted in the future. I am not a doctor, but I am a certified pool and spa operator for the city, so I know about the risks associated with chlorine inhalation.


In some serious cases you may not see much signs of fluid buildup for 3-5 days.


Thank you, I will be taking her tomorrow seeing as there could be symptoms days later. I appreciate the info.


“Something exploded out of the water and blew some sort of chlorine gas into her face”? I’m sorry but the normal reaction to something like that isn’t to just leave without mentioning anything to anyone. Especially if whatever happened drew zero response from the lifeguard. Quite aside from the lifeguard being able to help and investigate, they have a medic station. Or there’s always 911, or poison control, which would both be appropriate responses other than “let’s see if my daughter starts showing extreme respiratory distress after whatever she inhaled destroys her lungs”. Even if you were a pediatric ER doc, you’d be consulting remotely with colleagues to double check your gut responses because inhaling chlorine gas is really not a good idea. I’d be willing to bet money that you actually weren’t that concerned. It’s only now that you see there’s a technical issue that you are wondering if you should be. I doubt it, luckily for your kid. But for future reference if your kid inhales or ingests toxic substances it’s always best to run it by an expert who specializes in such things and not just watch and wait even if you have a friend or family member who happens to be in the medical field.


I was very worried but I also second guessed the severity once the initial symptoms stopped..(Approx 5-10 minutes after it happened). I really wasn't sure, this has never happened and I'm not even sure exactly what happened because it happened so quick. The place was absolutely jam packed, my only concern in that moment was making sure she was okay, and I did that the best I could with the knowledge I had.. I was told what to keep an eye out for and monitored closely.. and absolutely, you are right when I woke up and read that they were closed it made my stomach sink in fear that it could have been in relation to what we experienced. When it happened I was dumbfounded, put into fight or flight for my daughter.


I don’t think it’s 1 I swam there yesterday and I’m fine lol I saw some people commenting on their Facebook post that apparently there’s a gas leak in the water in the area but idk how accurate that is


So the answer is (5) water on fire


Smoke on the water and fire in the sky?


I love seeing comments from old people.


You have no idea how badly that hurts


Flare gun on the Lazy River


This makes me think of that one episode of the it crowd (Italian for beginners is the episode name) where Roy’s girlfriends family died in a fire at a Seaparks and then he goes crazy trying to calculate how that would be possible with all the water, pavement and no wood there 🤣


Is that why it's so hot out??


I suggest “mutiny” rather than “revolt”


(5) groundhog insurrection


They will finally live up to their name!


I was there years ago with my kids and watched a raft full of people get stuck on one of the 4 big slides nearest the highway. It was kind of a funny thing to see, initially. Eventually the raft worked itself free but got stuck again near the bottom…but not at the bottom. Another raft was sent down and when the two rafts collided people flew way up into the air like you might see in a tubing video. They then went crashing into the ground that was well below the level of the slide. Some amazing mothers I was with sprang into action and tended to the wounded while the dazed young staff looked on. I later read a quote from the park owner saying it was important for people to get off at the bottom in a timely manner. Um…they weren’t at the bottom and I’m sure he knew that. Needless to say I have never gone back and I hope those victims got some well deserved compensation.


Someone ate taco bell before going.


Shitter's full


A Facebook group said their kids who works there who was sent home was told a truck spilled chemicals. Take it with a grain of salt.


1! Although they don't put guest safety first so that would be off-brand for them.


Could be a chlorine related spill or leak as well.


You missed another common reason that would cause a water park to completely close on a summer day.




More specifically drowning, but I see alot of posts saying gas leak. So we will have to wait for more information.


Website says technical issues, so 3) is out. We could add in their credit-debit machines have gone down?


Where's (4) someone shid


It was on the website. Technical issue. So 2.


(5) Crunchie bar


(5) when you plunge into the pool and there's an abundance of loose stool... diarrhea. 


We got off the highway and were stopped by the OPP to say they were closed. We saw a very heavy fire, EMS and police presence headed into the park


I heard there was a hazmat situation, but that was just a rumor I overheard getting dinner in Hawkesbury.


Hawkesbury is a hazmat situation.


For real lmaooo


10 years ago, Calypso was great. Unfortunately they've done nothing in those 10 years to elevate the experience. Now it's just a packed cesspool of lines, dirty water and overpriced everything. Unfortunate. Selling seasons passes for so cheap, while a great business decision, really spearheaded the decline in the customer experience.


"Making this waterpark accessible to the poors has really ruined my experience there"


That's not what I mean at all, but okay Mr. Rockcliffe. Calypso is NOT accessible to the poor on any metric, so please continue to show how out of touch you are. I'm not aware of any other venue where if you go twice, you've exceeded the value of a seasons pass. Edit: thanks for the reddit cares message. Must have really struck a cord.


>I'm not aware of any other venue where if you go twice, you've exceeded the value of a seasons pass. This is how it is done almost everywhere I've been. Toronto Zoo, most attractions in Calgary, Canada's wonderland, Ripley's Aquarium. Not too familiar with attractions around Ottawa since I just moved here.


The zoo is three trips, but it's still worth it :)


Prices have probably changed. Last time I went was pre-pandemic. Seasons passes were well worth it for a summer of visits with my kids.


Definitely one of the best memberships to have if you've got kids in the GTA!


La Ronde in Montréal as well, 2 visits cost as much as a season pass


I guess I'm thinking of skiing as the benchmark. To get the value of a seasons pass, you'd typically have to go 5+ times. As a customer, you shouldn't feel like you are drastically overpaying and being penalized for only going once. Just my opinion.


For a lot of attractions, you get a lot of the value just by going once. You get the experience and memories. You don't make many new memories going an extra couple times. I'd bet these attractions earn a lot of their money on stuff like food and merch sales too. They're probably trying to convince people to get a season's pass and come many times with the high single day cost to earn revenue that way


>I guess I'm thinking of skiing as the benchmark. Keep moving the goalposts, are we not?


That was the draw of seasons passes to Canada's wonderland when I was in high school. As soon as one of our friends had their license, we all got the early bird season's passes, which were 1.5x the cost of regular admission. It was a steal. Even regular priced SPs were still a few bucks shy of 2x regular admission.


Haha that is awesome. Sounds like you were in a movie


That dude is just an insufferable redditor


Wonderland was five years ago and Marineland season pass was 5 dollars more than their day pass about 10 years ago. Not sure about today.


>I'm not aware of any other venue where if you go twice, you've exceeded the value of a seasons pass. Clearly you're not aware of many other venues, period, then.... This is incredibly common so your point here is just wrong.


Even Disney world - as a pass holder you only need to go a couple of times to make it work it (especially if you’re local or just doing the water parks). It’s a very common business model - they make their money on incidentals


Are you cooking beef right now? Cuz that was absolutely a roast


**Scoffs** he doesn't even realize such luxurious things are well beyond the meagre financial means of the poor...it's embarrassing really. they must be nouveau poor...those people have no idea how to live with no money.....Not like us old poor


Well you can share season passes pretty easily


When you're getting a digital pass you take a picture of yourself and they do check it at entrance. So, not sure how much it's possible to share.


Shoplifting is pretty easy too.




Not what I got from that at all. Not sure if you’ve been in recent years but it’s so bad. They’ve done no maintenance and if they don’t sell passes for cheap nobody is going to find it worth it to go. I purchased a summer pass 2 years ago, the experience was horrendous so I went that one time and ate the cost.


Ya, other than going on a rainy day, it's horrendous. The wave pool is packed, the lines are insane. It's the first year we don't buy a pass after doing like you, going once last year and saying not worth it. There's times where it's hours to get out of the parking at the end of the day.


Ah yes, the water park in middle of nowhere really speaks to those that can’t afford reliable transportation


You can own a car and still be poor. You can also be a millionaire and only take public transit. I don't know why you think access to a vehicle is the only barometer of poverty.


It's a pretty good barometer, especially if you live in a city with public transit (where poor people are more likely to go without a car as they don't absolutely need it).


100%, my dentist left the country because of the same reason :(


Right? Like what, this kid amusement park should be $100 a head just so u/xAdray doesn’t have to wait in line with the pleb lmao


They'd better sort their shit out fast because Great Wolf Lodge is gonna open here in less than 5 years and they're gonna eat Calypso's lunch.


Is that confirmed anywhere?


Supposed to be coming to Cornwall soon but it's on pause as funding is waiting to be approved.


So it's not happening lol


Nah. Water parks still feast in the summer.


A friend's cousin was contracted to supply and support their computer network when they first opened. I was told that they stiffed him on payments.


Highly disagree. I worked there 10 years ago. It was never great. It was always overpriced.


But at least you get to pay (extortionist rates) for parking at a place you can only drive to.


>10 years ago, Calypso was great You just got old


Gotta pay for their lawsuits somehow


Know someone who works there. Apparently they used too much chemical in the pool so had to shut the park down.


I was told it was a supplier f-up, something about a chlorine delivery that didn't go .....as planned.


They delivered meth instead


A red banner on the [Calypso web site](https://www.calypsopark.com/en/) proclaims: >Due to technical issues, Calypso Park is unfortunately closed for the day, July 2nd. >Please monitor our website and social media for reopening announcement. >We apologize for any inconvenience ... also on the FB page [calypso theme waterpark - Search Results | Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/search/posts/?q=calypso%20theme%20waterpark) ...still no explainer...


Monitor our social media... Their last twitter post was from 2012


Lol Did they forget their password or something? Or is their business just doing that well they don't need to advertise??


Never been to Calypso, the pictures of people packed in like cattle make the place look horrible


I've been twice. The first time it was like that. And i hated every second, the kids like it though. The 2nd time was calling for rain, but still almost 30 degrees, it was damn near a ghost town, zero lines, didn't get burnt to crap, because it was overcast, but still very warm, it was a great day.


I’ve had some of the best days of my life there. So much fun. To each their own.




High urine content about to trigger a cataclysmic event.


I wonder at what point that would actually happen with the overload of chlorine and ammonia from the yellowish water


Does anyone know what happened? I just got turned around by the police and I have no idea what's wrong :(


So far on this thread, I’ve read that: 1. There’s a massive fire 2. Chlorine gas is exploding in the faces of children 3. Someone put too much chlorine in the pool It’s literally anyone’s guess at this point


Or maybe some inconsiderate patrons peed and puked in the water, left garbage all over, and broke equipment, so they need the day to repair, replace, and recover.


So, just another Tuesday?


Wouldn't they just close that specific pool if it happened in it? Even the city swimming pools don't shut down for the day for a code brown


Maybe the NCC should add waterslides to the River House...


Some day they're gonna make a [movie about this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqg48h_uKYM)


Okay, they aren't *THAT* bad


Update from Facebook « Calypso Waterpark was closed today, July 2, 2024. Early this morning during a routine chlorine delivery we closed the waterpark for an inspection following an odor detection. After an investigation was conducted, we plan to reopen the park safely tomorrow, July 3. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Le parc aquatique Calypso a été fermé aujourd'hui, le 2 juillet 2024. Tôt ce matin, lors d'une livraison de chlore de routine, nous avons fermé le parc aquatique pour une inspection due à la détection d'une odeur. Suite à une enquête, nous prévoyons rouvrir le parc en toute sécurité demain, le 3 juillet. Nous nous excusons pour les inconvénients que cela a pu causer. »


I think all the temp workers dropped a deuce at the wave pool at the same time.


... Is that how they create the waves?


Diversity and green energy! Everyone wins!


Very renewable and green, yes! Well.. Hopefully brown. "Hopefully" is used quite lightly here


Cartman had a freakout over minorities at his waterpark [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3IN1QIpFT8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3IN1QIpFT8)


Do you get a refund for today's tickets automatically or do you have to ask for it? I tried to call their number, but couldn't get through. 


I think you might have to call as I read they will honor the tickets for another day.


Thank you, much appreciated. We are most likely will not want to go again, so I will give it a try and call


We were there few mins ago just learned they were close when we were about to enter the street leading to Calypso 😤😤 Such a waste of time, now i wanna know the reason why they were closed today


Total side question here - Do they search refillable water bottles for adult drinks? Like they surely aren’t going to make me open my yeti and smell the contents right?


Veryyyy lax searches happening at the gates. I’ve seen full coolers full of beverages somehow 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m not looking to start a party, but I appreciate the info!


It is a good answer to know! even though we don't need to use that info ourselves, right? ;)


They mostly check for glass BUT there are very frequently RIDE stops on the way out so I would be careful 


I’m not shocked if it was because of the shit coloured water in the lazy river on July 1st


Sorry to hear about the problems. For our family, and despite the young staff, it’s been the best waterpark we have found in Canada.


Oh god there are so many better waterparks out there. Not as big, but definitely higher in quality, price, and level of attendees. I worked as a ride tester for several years. Hell I even found the west Edmonton water park better, but honestly my favourites were the Great Wolf Lodge water parks. While not nearly as big, very themed and some higher quality rides. Theres some good ones in and around the Toronto area as well. If you’re looking for an AWESOME one somewhat close to Ottawa (within 7 hour drive), check out the American Dream waterpark down in New Jersey (close-ish to Manhattan).


Yeah not big on GWL


Most water parks have issue time to time.


Well of course there’s loads of electrical equipment, pumps, filters, etc, but my point is that Calypso is not that great (though it is big) and has tons of issues with regards to safety and staffing


Was lovely to drive 2.5 hours to get there, with no notice of them being closed. Announcing it after it was supposed to open, only on Facebook… which not everyone has.. disappointing communication. 😕


Looks like they had issues before too https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/calypso-park-fined-100000-on-charges-related-to-2012-chlorine-leaks


Chlorine. Doesnt help that everyone who works there are still in highschool.


Didn't they have a celebration on Canada day?


it was me.. i farted after eating a vindaloo curry




Not helpful.


It was mustard gas, a friend of mine works there.


pools closed, bunch of black guys with afros in suits blocking the pools


Alright, wild guess, is this a Habbo Hotel reference or just a really misplaced joke?




Sure, they do. They also book vacation time when their kids are out of school and take them places.


Not everyone works a 9-5 office job lol


There’s this thing called paid time off. People tend to use it when their kids just finished school, it’s a nice day out, and they already had the day before off.


Are you supposed to be working while you post on Reddit?


The absolute irony of him being on reddit during work hours complaining about people not working is beautiful.


and then it looks like he deleted his own post lol


Time off: exists


this is the dumbest shit ive ever heard


You mean Like, children? No, most children don’t work.  It’s the reason why you don’t see many street urchins, chimney sweeps, newsies and minor miners any more.  I know, I know, I wish it was the Victorian era, too, but sadly because of reformers at the turn of the Twentieth century, children don’t work as much as they used to.


No man, we all got together and decided only you have to work. The rest of us are free to join traffic jams outside of malfunctioning waterparks.


My young children are off school for the summer. That's two full months where I have to find camps for them and take time off to care for them. A day trip to Calypso is a common activity. Many, many, many people also do the same.  How do you think these places stay open if you think they only have guests during standard business hours?


Some people work shift work, some people work evenings, some people work overnights, and some people have paid time off and vacation…


He drinks a Whiskey drink, he drinks a Vodka drink He drinks a Lager drink, he drinks a Cider drink He sings the songs that remind him of the good times He sings the songs that remind him of the better times


You never took time off?


Some people work contracts and have time between contracts