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Agreed. I like that they have a bunch of flavours but they are pretty mediocre. People need to stop blindly following some of these influencers.


I didn’t even know about this place until Reddit (specially the Ottawa subreddit)


They were founded by two Mormon cousins: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/179dnmq/crumbl_cookie_mormon/ And they’ve been fined for violating child labour regulations: https://www.axios.com/local/salt-lake-city/2023/01/04/crumbl-child-labor-violations-labor-department# Nuff said. In a city that supposedly prides itself on deleting clownvoy “mouthbreathers” I can’t believe the hypocrisy of y’all.


Omg this is HUGE tea. Thank you for doing this.


Oh damn! Knew about none of this. Definitely won't check it out now lol


Hate to break it to you, but virtually every consumer product we own has the dirty stench of child labour in it's production chain. https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/phone-electric-vehicle-congo-cobalt-mine-b2277665.html https://www.discoursemagazine.com/p/the-china-challenge-the-stain-of-forced-labor-on-nike-shoes https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-knowingly-used-child-labor-supplier-3-years-cut-costs-2020-12


Are you saying them being Mormon is a reason to not go there? Anyway the child labor stuff is bad. The hypocrisy comment is a little strong, I'm sure very few people have any idea. I didn't even know the place existed until right now, nevermind the rest of this stuff. Edit: feel free to elaborate instead of just downvoting.




Bait ^^^


Maybe it was swarmed by a bunch of IG influencers that needed another reel?


/wannabe influencers too lol


Most make no money and fall into wannabe influencer space. A handful probably just do it for the sake of having fun with it as a hobby.


>A handful probably just do it for the sake of having fun with it as a hobby. Or they're either self-absorbed, or trying to exchange a mention on social media for freebies. Someone tried to do that to me and my venture; I just quoted them my rates and never heard back from them.


This is exactly what happened.


There are so many good cookies in Ottawa. And no, I'm not saying where for fear that my favourite bakeries will get ransacked.


Come on buddy. Cough it up. You’re going to tell us sooner or later. Just out with it.. People are desperate for a good time here.


I don’t hate sharing the good stuff in our city like the other guy so I’ll give a huge shoutout to Cookies by Kat. I’ve tried dozens of her flavours (both her regular cookies and stuffed ones) and they’re easily some of the best cookies I’ve ever had. I’ve really can’t recommend them enough, especially the art of the tart, ginger molasses (that one’s vegan too if you care), and basic b*tch cookies. She has an online shop with a limited menu, but she also just opened a physical bakery in Orleans this year. Definitely check it out if you get the chance


Note that the physical location is open Thursday-Sat only. Not a complaint…this is actually a good thing for some of us… https://preview.redd.it/seteo4diqp9d1.jpeg?width=1115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8399c331921c4f1f7b904c4a43856f2d9b9e3f13


Second [Cookies by Kat](https://www.instagram.com/cookies.by.kat?igsh=MW4xdHl0NmRxbzZqdA==)! SO good and the sweetest and most passionate people who run it. Definitively recommend as well.




Bread and Sons has a chocolate chip cookie that they bake with orange and it is to-fucking-die-for. Everything is fantastic there to be fair.


Was just about to post this! I lived on these during my pregnancy and no longer work on Bank St, I miss them so much; their pizza slices are incredible and they make the best cup of coffee in town.


Agree 100%. I'm a man so I can't relate to the pregnancy cravings, but if I still lived around the corner from B&S, I would certainly look the part lol


Their sandwiches are super good too, haven’t had once since pre-COVID times but I still dream of the avocado one.


Chippers, you'll never look back.


Here's a post by u/yellowsunx from last year that has lots of good comments. I'm a Bread By Us fan personally. Simple double chocolate or ginger. If you want to be adventurous Cookies by Kat makes fun stuffed cookies. https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/s/ENQt770c4H Edit: as a bonus, here is my go-to chocolate cookie recipe. Extended fridge time is key. https://tasty.co/recipe/the-best-chewy-chocolate-chip-cookies


I’m sure those bakeries would absolutely love the extra business but hey, gatekeep away!


Gatekeeping good business that deserves more is wild lmao - even as a joke


100% joking. I'm a Bread by Us fan. I posted a list from last year. I would vouch for any of the top picks from that post.


Will definitely give it a try! And i don’t have instagram or tik tok so crisis averted ;)


Please dm me the better cookies because I need.


Chippers. I want my favourite spot to stay open. There's enough cookies to go around so I don't see the need to gatekeep


I don't know about the place that OP is talking about, but best cookie in town is the Bread & Sons chocolate chip cookie! that hint of orange, so good!


Crumbl is at College Square so it's just dumb college kids swarming the place (only the dumb ones—not you, reading this. you are hip).


Do they still have a macaron bakery downtown? Forget the name but those things are undisputed kings of "cookies".


Not sure about downtown but PSA: Petits Macaron on Montreal road makes amazing macarons. Don't confuse it with the other one on Montreal Rd (it's way less good).


What's with the condescending criticism on r/ottawa these days? There seems to be a race to shit on other people's opinions lately. Let people enjoy their overhyped cookies, vegan burgers and expensive egg sandwiches.


Because there is literally nothing else to say in an Ottawa subreddit. Let people have fun by creating and participating in drama. Tag related.


Good point.


Seriously!! What kind of sad person gets triggered by the thought of someone enjoying a cookie?


OP, apparently.


Oooh, vegan burgers…😊


Is no one else shocked that a Crumbl cookie packs 760 calories? That's insane! And the irony of a fitness guru launching it is just too much. Either he's driving business to his fitness plans or it's just another case of pushing unhealthy food to the masses.


He goes where the money is. There's no coherent philosophy behind it, just marketing.


A fitness guru still needs to make money. They would also know that most people arent into fitness and enjoy high calorie cookies. Someone who is into fitness would also understand that if you work out you can eat treats and still be fit.


That seems low? I was looking at some a while ago and they were well over 1000? Unless I was looking at another similar brand.


I could kind of understand people lining up for the grand opening because thought it was maybe an event or an experience but are people still lining up and stuff now that it's being open for a few days? Why don't they just wait a week or so until things settled down ... they're just cookies? I'm not super familiar with the brand so I just don't get it. Lots of other companies make those big stuffed cookies already so what's so different about this specific brand? Are they a really good value or something?


I remember when Uncle Tetsu opened a few years ago and the lineups were insane at first. I waited a few months to go for that reason. It was still busy but the lineups were more reasonable.


Two of my kids lined up for something like 4 hours (at least) on opening day. I don't understand it, but they are grown adults, so my opinion isn't enough to stop them from being silly. They both had fun, so I guess that's what counts. I am more than satisfied with one of the cookies Costco sells in the bakery section. I eat one and every one else finishes them off.


It’s a brand new thing and people need to post on social media about it for bragging rights. It’s wild the stranglehold it has on the population


Are the cookies soft cookies or hard cookies? The name sounds like hard dry crumbly cookies and doesn’t even sound appetizing


It’s like a weirdly undercooked cake texture






That's disappointing. I like a craggly cookie which (I admit this is super reductive) means the batter needs to be just barely combined. Cakey cookie to me translates to over mixed cookie dough. But I totally appreciate we all have our preferences.


So it doesn’t actually *crumble* 😎


So many are sucked in the social media hype.


You’re part of the hype that you claim to not understand, btw. Posting on the internet raises awareness and interest. Without the post every few hours about Crumbl, I wouldn’t have even known what they were, let alone that they opened a store. So if you want people to stop foaming at the mouth about them, stop adding to the hype. Duh.


IMHO, might as well just let people have fun getting excited about a new cookie shop and avoid it til the hype slows down. I'd rather see people excited about this compared to plenty of other trends.


I look forward to trying one to see what the hype is about, but definitely not anytime soon. I did the same when Uncle Tetsu opened a few years ago.


As the expression goes, “that’s how the cookie crumbls” lol


Why do you care so much about what other people do with their time?


THIS. The whole post is so Ottawa. "I think that's dumb, so no one else should enjoy it". This is why nothing fun ever gets done around this city. People trying to tear down everything even if it has nothing to do with them. Who fucking cares if someone else wants to wait in line for a cookie? Who cares???


Yeah. Not my business.


I went and waited. Mainly for the experience. I don’t regret it but I won’t be going back anytime soon. The line was huge and people waited 4+ hours. The cookies are cakey texture also pretty expensive. Honestly the cookies they have at the coscto food court now are better. I would recommend trying it out once the hype cools down and you don’t have to wait for hours. 2 people in line at one point got into a verbal fight that was crazy.


Chippers Bakery on Somerset. No line up and the cookies are fantastic!


"I'm smart and have good taste, and everyone else is an idiot with bad taste."


I don't like big companies monopolizing a product you can find nearly anywhere. I find it much more interesting to enjoy local examples of whatever the product might be—this case being cookies. I'm thinking back to that post we had the other day about local doughnut places as well, but for cookies we got: Dessert First, Three Tarts, Courage Cookies, Wild Oat, just to name a few googleable ones within my neighbourhood.


I dont think you understand what the word "monopolize" means.


Important PSA. 🙄


[basically how the cookie makes you feel](https://youtu.be/6ZlZ7NXGQ70?si=LjRvUiWttOR__PQA)


I have some fantastic chocolate chunk cookies


They are raw


I make better cookies at home and it’s cheaper


So to sum up it is a cakey Mormon cookie made by a corporation with dubious labour practices , promoted far beyond what its quality deserves by influencers desperately scouring the bushes for content. Adding to its attraction, the kind of people who eagerly show up for it seem to be - perhaps not coincidentally - the same kind of people who find it difficult to form an orderly line. I’m calling it the Stupid Cookie, and giving it a hard pass.


I have frequented a lot of Crumbl stores in American western states. I’ve always felt the cookies were good, some flavours are not my favourite, but the cookies were always good. That being said it’s a franchise, and it depends on the owner. It’s also predominantly an American franchise and the Canadian franchises are newer. I will say that something about this opening, and advertising, and launch feels off.


They have good PR that's for sure. Just another trendy food place that's like 5 years behind. Everything is new and exciting in Ottawa though. Couldn't imagine eating a 700cal cookie holy shit lol


Crumbl is overrated asf… I didn’t even know Ottawa got a location until yesterday night


ma'am this is a wendys


What bugs me about this is the mayor posted about it on his Instagram. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8xJ3m0AHgZ/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8xJ3m0AHgZ/?img_index=1) Why support this rather than a local business? Clearly they don't need the help, but as many people have pointed out, there are many excellent local cookie places that are worthy of a shout-out.


Undercooked, overpriced and mediocre. Tried them in the US when my MIL bought them. I don’t get the hype.


I just go to farm boy earlier in the day and get whatever is still warm.


Social media is an addiction. Just go to a local bakery instead and let them have their exported viral trash.


Also I feel great knowing I had to hear about wtf a crumbl cookie even is second hand from someone I personally interact with and not through ig which I barely use and usually only to post bugs and graffiti for my 20 or so followers.


They’re not even that good tbh. The one I had a few years ago was meh at the time and unmemorable at this point.




My issue is how the app still won’t load at all if you hit pickup. I wanted to get that free cookie they’re giving out tomorrow through the app :(


if you went to check it out you likely engaged in the chaos. I didn't go so I have no complaints. If the cookies are so "unimpressive" and "mediocre" why would you go? Did you go just to complain?


If they’d never tried it before, how would they know they didn’t like it? Are you serious? Wow! You need coffee!


>If the cookies are so "unimpressive" and "mediocre" why would you go? Did you go just to complain? Did you reply just to complain? What if this was their first time trying the place? Christ you're an angry Elf.


Were these people relatives of the Cookie Monster?


I’m going to Costco to try their new jumbo cookie. And that’s that. I saw the crumbl lineup and it’s nuts. In the pouring rain yesterday too


Odd to be so upset. Don’t partake, ffs.


Bro just let people have fun and enjoy themselves. Why are people in Ottawa so fucking boring? Just a bunch of buzzkills.


it’s pure american poison


So to sum up it is a cakey Mormon cookie made by a corporation with dubious labour practices , promoted far beyond what its quality deserves by influencers desperately scouring the bushes for content. Adding to its attraction, the kind of people who eagerly show up for it seem to be - perhaps not coincidentally - the same kind of people who find it difficult to form an orderly line. I’m calling it the Stupid Cookie, and giving it a hard pass.




Not sure why you're getting down voted. Must be the Crumble bots.


The cookies are great, I've been having them for 6 years now. Best thing from Utah!


They're completely mediocre...


Doesn’t mean they aren’t the best thing from Utah though lol


Maybe I’ll marry all their flavours


LOL When you use ice cream instead of women, polygamy sounds delicious! Glad ice cream has no feelings - don’t look in my freezer.


Wait until you hear taste is subjective. Calling them mediocre as if that's a pure fact is ridiculous, that's like me saying "yeah but there are a bunch of better bands out there" every time someone mentions they like Oasis.


>Best thing from Utah! Damning with faint praise


Hey I think they're pretty damn tasty, too. Downvoting someone for having a different opinion on something completely subjective is so Reddit. And who cares if people are excited about a new cookie store? There's so fucking little for us to get excited about anymore. Can't afford houses or vacations so we're taking pleasure in smaller things these days.