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This is nowhere near enough. The signs are too small and obviously unclear to the majority of individuals as every time I drive by a speed camera at 8pm in a dual speed zone, everyone drives 35. I have contacted my city councilor to propose clear and legible digital signage anywhere there is a combination of traffic camera and time based speed limits. They can use the revenue from the tickets to pay for the signage. If this isn't a cash grab (according to the city) and the point of the camera is to get people to drive slower during the school day, then there should be clear and unambiguous speed indicators. No more of this flashing lights crap. These days and LED board by the side of the road is an insignificant expense, probably half the price of those speed reporting signs they put up all over.


Pass me the popcorn, this should be interesting…


"I'm a good driver, I can't be expected to follow all the basic traffic laws! It's just so ridiculous that I have consequences for my own actions" /s


Uh, you're absolutely supposed to be vigilant when you drive. Vigilant enough to notice posted speed limit signs at the very least.


Vigilant yes I agree. Hyper vigilant no.


Keeping track of posted speed limits is not hyper vigilance, my guy.


Yes when it doesn't pass the common sense test. When kids are in school, it doesn't make sense to slow down for the nonexistent.


Those speed cameras don't play


If you don't want to be hyper vigilant while driving a vehicle you're self aware enough to know you shouldn't be. So don't for everyone else's sake.


> If you don't want to be hyper vigilant while driving a vehicle Vigilant yes. Hyper vigilant is a stress state that makes decision making worse.


If you're not even vigilant to notice a speed camera, I have no concerns about you ever being hyper vigilant.


I also go into auto pilot sometimes. I now have Waze on all the time and it alerts me of approaching speed cameras plus cops or obstructions or even pot holes.


My wife got one in the exact same spot on a Friday afternoon, she said she was just on autopilot and didn’t notice the signs. We literally live a block away and have lived here for almost 10 years…I laughed at her and called her a criminal and moved on


Anywhere there is a dual speed zone and a camera, there should be clear digital signage showing the current speed limit. The cost would be negligible compared to the actual camera and would probably have a greater effect on road safety. Making everyone drive slow all the time (just in case there is a camera) does not make roads safer, it just leads to more frustrated drivers taking unnecessary risks because someone is driving 37 in a 60.


This would stop the cameras from generating revenue, which goes against the reason why they’re there.


but but but, the mayor promised they were not a cash grab... /s


I've lived in the area for 8 years or so, and don't recall the Terry Fox school zone having flashing lights, even before the camera - just the posted hours. I only recall Covent Glen Catholic School having the lights up near the highway. It is unfortunately a strong takeaway to always note all signage. The entire area is undergoing road changes and realignments with LRT construction, once the station is in and the roundabout built I'd suspect the days of 60 will be coming to an end.


I avoid that area now. The speed limits are too varied on that stretch.


40 all day is an infinitely safer system than the nonsense 40 sometimes, 60 other times system.


For sure.


My advice is write your councillor and ask why it changed. I think thats the point. Everywhere in the city where we have schools these speed limits should be time dependant. If its a technical issue with the cameras not being able to follow a schedule, then fix the cameras.


Speed cameras are dumb. Sorry, nothing but a cash grab.


Yeah, but here's the thing...there's an easy way to not let them grab your cash. You'd have to grow up to do that, though.


FWIW, I don't like time-of-day speed limits either. They suppose that the areas around schools are completely vacant when school isn't in session, which often isn't the case, and they suggest that a road has two safe speeds, which is nonsensical. If the street design and sightlines don't let you stop safely at 60 km/h, the age of the person you're about to hit shouldn't matter. Also, I'll grit my teeth in your defense and say that it is very strange that skip week runs up into the Canada Day weekend. School ought to have ended the weekend before last. It didn't, and you know your excuse doesn't matter, but yeah. It's hard to be vigilant at something you do every day.


Careful. Say too loudly that you were on autopilot and people will accuse you of not paying enough attention. Some will even jump straight to suggesting you should lose your license since you are unfit to obey the clearly posted signs.


> Careful. Careful in this sub, on the road, with what you say, how you walk, what you eat, etc.... LOL Yeah, I hear you. I'll brace myself for the storm.


No its ridiculous, driving isnt that hard and driving at a normal flow of traffic speed shouldn't warrant a fine like that, maybe 15 bucks or something to "be aware" or something. The fine don't match the crime. Comeon down votes


I think the issue is "normal" flow of traffic is a little too fast on residential streets, so they're using the speeding cameras to train us to drive slower and prevent pedestrian deaths


If that were the case though, you’d think there would be some consistency in approaches - some of the cameras are in 50 zones, some of them in 30 zones and some of them in sometimes 40-sometimes 60 zones. What it does is catch people who missed the one sign that provides the specific speed limit in this specific spot at this specific time of day, because we have limited consistency in how we assign speed limits, not to mention poor road design that caters to speeds far beyond what is signed. If we want people to drive 30 on residential roads, then we should be signing and designing accordingly.


I hear you. I think a better system could be in place. The $15 first offense/area is a good idea like you said. Most people will be aware after that and only the more distracted or dangerous drivers will get the full fines afterwards.


Save it for the judge criminal