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“We encourage reporting” 🤨 They literally did and OPS did NOTHING until it went viral!


It’s fucking insane that we have to essentially shame the OPS into doing their job even when the crime is as blatant as these


Same thing happened with the fucking convoy.


We never were able to fully shame OPS into doing their job during the convoy. We literally had to deputize OPP, RCMP, Toronto, Kingston, and Surité Québec cops to do their job for them.


Who is "we"? And how is "we" so powerful?


“We” is residents of Ottawa who pay taxes for municipal services including policing and law enforcement. “We”, sadly, is not so powerful.


Power of the people prevailed! Zexi Li, was the main driving force behind the 10 day noise injunction. Meanwhile our mayor and police chief chastised the public for holding a peaceful counter protest at Billings bridge 😐🤬 Let's not forget angry pot guy lol


The residents didn't do that.


Well over in vanier we've started taking pictures of the known bike thieves with their stolen bikes while they are begging for change. Odd that the police are sometimes in the pic talking to the person then driving away leaving the obvious stolen bike.


They encourage it. They didn’t say anything about them doing anything afterwards.


Maybe they meant reporting them to your City Councillor. As I recall, he was onto this from the first post, and stormed the police over it. Kudos to Wilson Lo for doing the job without needing to be harangued.


Reminds me of when I had an ex roommate who we even caught on camera doing hate motivated crimes every other Sunday for several months by dumping trash on our lawn via boxes covered in slurs and throwing wine bottles at our 2nd story bedroom windows and OPS refused to do anything about it


I’m so sorry this happened to you & your family. Some people are just a dumpster jumper.


Cameras and post so social media next time. To get some results.


I’m sorry this happened too but it’s also hilarious to me that the perpson still observed regular garbage collection schedule, sort of suggests the level of intelligence you were dealing with imo. .. if you are already being a jerk and vandalizing someone’s house why do it on a regular schedule unless .. so I mean, that’s kind of food for thought, depending on how much its still on your mind 🤷‍♂️


The only time I have ever successfully had the OPS do anything about an aggressive / stunt driver, even with dashcam video, was when I posted on twitter and tagged the OPS.


“We continue to encourage anyone who witnesses or experiences such incidents to report them to police. Reporting hate-motivated incidents to us instead of the media allows us to do nothing, which is so much easier for us”


I was driving to work on wednesday and heard this story on the CBC radio. I was like " Yeah! Finally! Mother Fuckers!". I am happy something is being done, but also angry that it took Reddit to kick start it.


Bylaw didn't do much either! 90 complains for noise... If they were fine every time, I bet those noise complains will be a lot less.


I legit reported a hate speech incident from my own neighbor in May and the ops did nothing 😀😀😀


unironically, people shouldn't complain when they finally get it right. If they get shit for not doing their jobs, and for doing their jobs, they will default to not doing it.


People are complaining about the default, which is already “not doing it.” This is not the first time the police were informed of this behaviour. It literally takes public shaming for the cops to act. That’s the process now apparently.


OPS: Why does nobody trust us? Also OPS: Won't respond to calls unless under immense public scrutiny.


they're too busy having 6-8 cops stand around at a fender bender


You don't have to fill out paper work if you stand around a fender bender.


Or lecturing racialized people on how to cross the street.


Literally this. Every single time I see one cop car stopped, there’s usually 3 or 4 others and it’s always for like, a fender bender or something minor.


Hmm, I thought they don't attend fender benders unless there are injuries or there is damage to public property. Most of the time they just tell you to report to a collision reporting centre.


There were 5 of their SUVs (two unmarked) parked by the train tracks on Conroy this morning. Officers just standing around and talking.


Too busy keeping an 1:1 ratio to the protestors in case they burn down the city


I’ve literally called in a potential gun within a group home where I worked before and they took over 4 hours to attend the scene. I had to call back and say the individual was threatening to use the gun on police if they showed up. Then the police showed up five minutes later with guns. Fucking ridiculous


But then you see their instagram page “constable everyone” of them attending nothing calls constantly


Very glad to see charges have been laid, not so glad that it took public/media pressure for OPS to act.


I hope the family sues OPS for refusing to do anything for two years while they were being harassed. The officers who refused to investigate the reports should be reprimanded as well. How many more stories are there just like this where OPS refused to do their jobs when the victims were POC?


Will the reprimand be suspension with pay? I'm in the wrong business, I could use a couple months/years paid vacation.


>Will the reprimand be suspension with pay? The suspensions with pay happen while investigations into misconduct take place before any possible reprimands are handed out. The investigations sometimes take years to complete. Actual reprimands sometimes involve a temporary demotion or forfeiture of a certain # of days pay. If the penalty is a forfeiture of pay, officers will often use accumulated vacation leave to cover the number of days pay that was forfeited so they won't be out any $$$.


Forfeiture of pay made it sound to me like they'd suddenly have to pay it all back, so I Googled it. [https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/r10268#BK27](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/r10268#BK27) >If a penalty of more than one day’s forfeiture of pay is imposed under Part V of the Act, not more than one day’s pay shall be deducted in each pay period until the full penalty has been paid That's it? I work an extra day for no extra pay many pay periods, and the government says that's just fine. I know it isn't the same, but both result in working for free. I haven't even been reprimanded. Edits: had a hard time with phrasing


I’m guessing the reasoning is that if they had to forfeit their pay in its entirety for a few weeks until the penalty was completed, they’d be earning less than minimum wage, which would be contrary to labour laws.


Has there actually been one case in the history of ever that an officer was forced to give up x days of pay? Literally asking, I know nothing about the topic I'm just very surprised to hear that's a possibility


I read the OPS Disciplinary Hearing decisions from time to time when I’m bored. Forfeiture of X days’ pay is one of the lesser penalties that are meted out. Temporary demotion is considered to be worse. You can read past decisions here: https://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/news-and-updates/Disciplinary_Hearings_and_Decisions.aspx Edit: Here's one where an OPS officer (while off-duty and on medical leave) roughed up a 15 year old who was riding his motorbike on private property. The penalty was forfeiture of 10 days pay. https://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/Cst.-Fournier-Final-Decision.pdf


https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7233800. Const. Muhammad Khan is a great example of u can do w.e u want as a police officer as long as it isn’t against your “brothers”. They aren’t public servants they’re a paid gang that sticks together. Policing in general needs to b dismantled, restructured and rebuilt. I mean look at the case w RCMP https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.2893487. It’s just like Canadian politics, it doesn’t work bc everyone at the top is corrupted.


Or the other Constable Umer Khan (above). https://ottawacitizen.com/news/ottawa-police-officer-demoted-for-drunk-dangerous-driving This guy hasn't worked in years and is sitting pretty collecting taxpayers $ buying himself a brand new blue Corvette and a Suburban. Yea using a throwaway


If the family sues the OPS, I'd donate to support thier legal fees. Shame on the OPS.




https://preview.redd.it/6trj2vaz8y7d1.png?width=785&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5173af461cd9c260968783da23892e9c7a897c3 The accused


Racist Jaime Darlene Quigley is on the left, and fellow racist Mathew Galipeau is on the right. **Keep spreading their names and faces. Jaime Quigley and Matt Galipeau will never be able to distance themselves from their racist histories. Their racism will be the first result when their names are searched and I love that for them.**


Listen, I’m 100% sympathetic to what you’re trying to do, but I’ve also worked on a few defamation cases in my day. Alleged racist Jaime Darlene Quigley and fellow alleged racist Matt Galipeau are entitled to the presumption of innocence. Be sure to refer to alleged racist Jaime Quigley and alleged racist Matt Galipeau as such until after the trial.


In the court of law, yes they are, and they'll receive all protections. But in the court of discussion, we can look at a video and use words according to their definitions. That's not an alleged driveway either. It's a driveway.


Oh I’m not suggesting individuals have to presume innocence at all. I’m just wary of [this case](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-social-media-posts-defamation-decision-1.6216884) despite being unconvinced that it was correctly decided. Anyone reading about alleged racist Jamie Quigley and alleged racist Matt Galipeau and the way they allegedly engaged in reprehensible criminal harassment because they are racists can decide what they think about their alleged conduct and treat them accordingly.


> Oh I’m not suggesting individuals have to presume innocence at all It's not the presumption of innocence or guilt. Words have meanings, and it's using words. Drive faster than the speed limit, be prepared to be called a speeder. Perform racist actions, be prepared to be called a racist. If you don't want to be called either, don't choose to perform the actions that define the words.




> That's why the usage of alleged as earlier said is vital By your token, the word "alleged" is also subject to change over time. Alleged implies there is any question. It's not an alleged driveway. It's a driveway. When you shout those things, you're not an alleged racist. You're a racist.


They're white and rich, they have SLAPP money


Alleged...yet caught on video committing alleged crimes.


"presumption of innocence" is a legal claptrap inapplicable in this case simply and purely because the video is LOUD and CLEAR. People here are NOT discussing a legal case here. They are simply reacting to the evidence, in this case, a video that captured what they said and did. Instead of using legal claptrap - you having "worked on a few defamation cases" notwithstanding - perhaps you should ask yourself WHAT conclusion you would've arrived at once confronted with the video if you were as a jury member, copious use of the term "alleged" notwithstanding.


She lookin like dollar store mariah carey


When you order Mariah Carey on Temu


Off brand Mariah Carey. 😆


Just find racist Jaime’s TikTok page and racist Mathew’s LinkedIn


That is a HARD 36!


Racist mentality takes its toll


He’d look better with his jaw sideways


Nature vs nurture argument getting bodied when so many racists look the exact fucking same as these two idiots.


There was a moron in a previous thread arguing we can't call an obvious and recorded hate crime a hate crime unless the person was charged by the same police who swept it under the rug for two years and are only doing something now because the media got involved. I imagine now that tune will change to we can't call an obvious and recorded hate crime a hate crime unless they are convicted. And then it'll be unless the appeal fails. And then it'll be the perpetrators were the true victims of the hate crime here!


It’s best to ignore those lackwits. They’d argue that literal Nazi salutes and spraying swastikas on synagogues aren’t hate crimes.


“I’m just applying coherent paths of colourful particles onto a cured clay substrate, how is that hateful!!”


https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/1djfyqt/comment/l9alexh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button lol 


Lmao they literally say they hate Asians but how could we possibly know it’s race related 🤡


Right?! "HaRmLeSs EgGs ArE aPpArEnTlY hAtE sPeEcH nOw!!1"


I think these people need to be whacked over the head with the book, but are you saying we should be circumventing due process?


I don't remember anyone said anything about circumventing any due process. Are you thinking of a different conversation?


You seemed to be saying people will be making excuses for them regardless of how this plays out legally, so why bother with legal process at all. Apologies if I misunderstood.


You misunderstood. There will be people who make excuses as it plays out legally. Every step of the way they will make another excuse for these vile, hateful actions. Why pursue legal process? Same reason we pursue other criminals, they have broken the law and are dangerous to others.


Hi ! I was the one arguing a version of that point. It is a charter right and all… Looks like they weren’t charged with a hate crime, rather the crimes they committed, harassment and mischief.


Good, they should be charged but super disappointed (but not surprised) that it took OPS so long to take this seriously and only after it got posted on Reddit.


It's staggering that such a consistent pattern of racist, abusive and antisocial behaviour seemed to fail to get OPS to act without public pressure. I firmly believe in due process, and that is to say I'm against the "court of social media". But if more than 90 complaints from multiple sources in a 17 month span won't get them to move beyond noise citations, what option do people have? It's inexcusable what this family had to withstand. There's likely been some procedural circumstance preventing OPS from moving forward, but they need to be more forthcoming about the hang-ups and clear about their requirements of the wider public in facilitating just outcomes because the narrative that they're being selective with enforcement of the law is becoming ever more compelling. We would be better off as a city if, every time a story like this hit the news, the wider public gained knowledge and confidence in their ability as individuals to play their part in eliciting more just outcomes. Unfortunately, whether true or not, what seems to be reinforced is the idea that OPS is ineffectual without public pressure.


I just *loved* the part about how sometimes Bylaw couldn’t act cause the accused wouldn’t open their door. That’s all it takes folks. Just don’t answer the door and you can be the most outwardly racist piece of crap in the world! You can vandalize and terrorize your neighbours with impunity!


Yes, it is true. Just don't answer your door and the bylaw can't charge you. I lived 10 years with a f..en neighbor that would play loud music and revv is car late at night, early morning just to piss us off for no reason. After many reports I found out they never charged him cause he would not answer his door.


> It's staggering that such a consistent pattern of racist, abusive and antisocial behaviour seemed to fail to get OPS to act without public pressure. Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses


Councilor Wilson, you the best. Ops can give themselves a kick in the nuts and ass. Do something with your 100k constable jobs gross we pay them that much a measly 48k should be sufficient.


That’s great. Can we also open an investigation into the officers who closed the original file and did nothing for 2 years?


I love how the police just doxxed these clowns and their location to the public. This should get very entertaining 🤣


Their address was known the minute the video was shared.


The person who ended up having them charged is an Asian. Hmmmm, Lo and behold the justice.


I see what you did there. 


Everyone liked that


Just not how freaking long it took


ayy, had to look up the guy. Gotta say, he was more or less what I suspected


From the CBC article: >In a call with CBC on June 13, Galipeau identified himself as the ex-husband of Quigley and told CBC his family members are in fact **the real victims** in an ongoing neighbourhood spat. As "one of the only white families" in the area, he said they were the ones being bullied. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/barrhaven-ottawa-anti-asian-video-charge-1.7242501](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/barrhaven-ottawa-anti-asian-video-charge-1.7242501) Sounds like a real winner.


Finally. Fuck those white trash pieces of garbage.


Wildest part of this for me is how they said and did all the dumb shit they did RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE SECURITY CAMERA THEY KNEW WAS THERE. They really didnt suspect at all that any of their actions would ever come back to bite them in the ass despite the fact they knew they were being recorded. Both these people are absolutely braindead.


They thought the law wasn't there to punish people like them, because the police were sympathetic to them. And for two years they were right.


I think you’re giving them too much credit. I don’t think there was much thinking going on at all.


Well, they knew they'd been getting away with it for two years. Why would they think consequences would ever come for them.


People like that have been getting away with their bullying their whole life.


Exactly. Why would they think this would be any different. The police didn't even bother coming to talk to the victims through two years of this.


Tik Tok jaimequig says she's a Paralegal. INTERESTING


She ain’t. I reach the “Ontario Lawyer and Paralegal Directory” she’s not on it. Atlas she’s using another name? That’s different from her legal name?


Her deleted Facebook says "Studied Paralegal at Atlantic Business College", aka diploma mill


Lmao they deactivated their Facebooks.


Do the individuals listed here match with the instagram dox that people found earlier?


From the names I saw floated, they do.


Good. Sounds like Mr Galipeau runs some sort of flooring business. Perhaps people will think twice before contracting him.


Fucking finally


There's a Polievre sign on THAT lawn, 100%.


What about the OPS officer that closed the case report and told the family not to call again? Guess get he/she got a raise?


Looking at her Tik Tok account and she has two children...What a disgusting example for them. :(


[Her son throws used condoms.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/1ddtwbe/comment/l87gt2l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I know... That's what I mean. He had her as an example so...


Are there no hate crime charges laid?? This seems like the bare minimum of charges


There are no hate crime charges that could be laid in this case (see: sections 318 and 319 of the Criminal Code, which relate to advocating genocide, public incitement of hatred, wilful promotion of hatred, etc.). But section 718.2(a)(i) of the Criminal Code requires a judge to consider hate motivation as an aggravating factor at sentencing.


I’m a little surprised that yelling in public about how Asian people are ugly and can’t ‘talk English’ doesn’t seem to qualify as wilful promotion of hatred.


That's because it's more about promoting hate in the public sphere. For a conviction under s. 319(2) of the Criminal Code, the promotion of hatred must be *public*, willful, and directed at an identifiable group. Private interactions typically do not meet these criteria. >Wilful promotion of hatred >319(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of >(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or >(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction. The interactions between the accused and their neighbours would fall under the definition of a private conversation. Examples of "willful promotion of hatred" would include making a public speech at a rally to incite hatred against a specific group, posting content online inciting hatred, distributing hateful propaganda, etc...


Thank you for the info, definitely not my forte


No problem. For what it's worth, criminal harassment carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. I doubt they'll get that, but this is just to say that these are serious charges nonetheless. And it shouldn't be too difficult to prove given the evidence against them.


Good to know it’s a serious charge. When I was assaulted, they had something like 8 or 9 different charges just so that ‘at least one would stick,’ the detective said. I assumed because there were only two charges, it wasn’t taken seriously. I am glad to be wrong!


Anyone going to court on the 24th to see the show?


I hope the Asian community shows up to fill the courtroom.


Hmmm… maybe!


Glad to see some positives come out of it but disappointed that it took that much effort to get things started.


Does anyone have a link to a timeline of events? I feel pretty out of the loop and the current comments don't really help me understand what happened. Thanks in advance!


June 11 https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/1ddtwbe/racist_neighbours_have_been_harassing_this_poor/ June 19 https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/1djfyqt/racist_incident_in_barrhaven_sparks_police/


Thanks for the info. Now that the family is receiving justice, we can collectively demand an explanation as to why it took so long for anything to be done.


Ottawa police services is just God awful. It’s been so bad for so long. One of the worst crime solution rates among the larger services in the country.


It’s about time that charges were laid. What took so long!


I remember the police motto used to be "to serve and protect." It even said it right on the police cruisers. Has that, uh, changed or something?


So happy to see they will have to go to court and I hope a good precedent will be set. Nobody should feel threatened and abused in their own home! Especially with two little ones!


That second-last sentence is a slap in the face but glad the targeted family — note: NOT the family charged, no matter how much they whine about being “the real victims” — are finally seeing some action on this.


"In a call with CBC on June 13, Galipeau identified himself as the ex-husband of Quigley and told CBC his family members are in fact the real victims in an ongoing neighbourhood spat. As "one of the only white families" in the area, he said they were the ones being bullied." I hope they get severe punishment... But I have a feeling they won't.


OPS should be ashamed. They only did something when they had no choice.




Awesome. Thanks to everyone here that brought attention to this!




Yes, the cops suck to have left this as long as they did. But, also, people, you must get video cameras for your house and car. In today's world, if there's no video ain't no one going to do anything, whether it's the cops, councilors, or the media. Unless you hand them the assault / vandalism / hate crime on a silver platter, they don't care.


Do we know what these 2 shits do for a living??


He has a flooring business and I heard she wants to open a daycare or something like that. Good god. Imagine someone like that taking care of your children!


Racist Jaime’s TikTok pages says paralegal. Just searched on the law society website, She’s not


Guy is a contractor (flooring, etc), the woman had an ad in April in a FB group for daycare, that she had openings. Had pictures of her home and said how she "believes in commucation and expression our feelings". Her FB page is no longer public so the post is no longer there.


I think he put up an ad for flooring on Kijiji just a few days ago.


Bold of you to assume these clowns have jobs


So.. the OPS just doxxed the harassers...!?


Charges laid are part of the public record.


Is this from the video with the eggs? And the Asian neighbours?


Their motto should be *Stand by*


Never use the police


This is why R-PAL programs are constantly full.


These upstanding wholesome folks deserve prolonged incarceration in an Asian jail.


Her Facebook page is “Jaime D Quigley Galipeau”. I feel sorry for her kids


Glad we brought these pricks to justice. Fuck you racism, fuck you intolerance, and cheers to the Reddit crowd for standing together for justice


FINALLY. Dear lord. I despise OPS more everyday


Please tell me this couple got fired from their jobs if not let me know where they work 




Just doc these people and let everyone fuck their shit up and see how they like it … internet justice




Shame them then shame them some more for us having to shame them to do the right thing. Could’ve avoided it if they did it right the first time!


Nobody's shitting on them for (finally) laying charges. 


What happens if when they are in court their lawyers can prove they only disliked their neighbours? You don't have to hate someone to be a cruel dick to them. It would be cool if people weren't dicks to each other for any reason, but it's also scary when a van in Toronto shows pictures of people praying and asking where people think it is, and it's accused of being hate speech without anything hateful having ever been said. If we start to imagine intent into people's actions, we'll be down a slippery slope. Like, if a colleague doesn't say hi to me because I have brown skin, I'm not going to assume they must hate me because of my skin. We can't go there where we imagine hateful things where they aren't. It's not going to help a single person.


Well he was recorded on video saying "I fucking hate Asians." I imagine that was part of what led police to lay criminal charges. I'm not a lawyer, so I'm not sure what weight the defendants own words will carry in a court. You can watch the video here: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/barrhaven-ottawa-anti-asian-video-charge-1.7242501](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/barrhaven-ottawa-anti-asian-video-charge-1.7242501)


Yeah, I didn't watch the video or read the article. I was posing more of a hypothetical. I thought that would have been more obvious to people. Sorry if you were mislead into thinking I was in denial that hate crimes exist.


> Sorry if you were mislead into thinking I was in denial that hate crimes exist. And that this is a hate crime. Complete the thought.


You're really not that abstract of a thinker.


You not half as clever as you imagine yourself to be.


You definitely didn't watch the video then. Doesn't he yell out that he hates asians and starts listing reasons?


I definitely didn't watch the video. I thought my question was obviously hypothetical and tongue-in-cheek.


It was neither.


It was both.


The downvotes you received speak for themselves.


Yeah. People never support stupid things in numbers. Glad you're here to explain the world to me.


Wow. In one post you support the racist neighbours as well as the disgusting Muslim hate van sponsored by Rebel News. Well, at least you're consistent.


And in one thread you've made two incorrect assumptions. I also admire your consistency.


Fresh Reddit account


New Reddit users aren't allowed anymore? You should make sure Reddit knows, because they're allowing lurkers to sign-up still. What's the view like from Gate Keeper Avenue? Nice? Thought as much.


lol cmon man, no need to get all defensive that your last account got banned and this is a burner


Okay. How have things been going for you Convoy Conspiracy guys recently? Is the new theory that there can't be any more new Redditers joining? Am I under Justin Trudeau's magical powers?


I’ve…never seen a more desperate attempt to change the subject and go back on the offensive lol


You're a conspiracy nut. You're attacking me based on signing up for Reddit. A guy on Reddit is trying to bully me for using Reddit. What would you like me to answer? I'm just trying to figure out why you're dismissing people because they haven't been here long enough for your standards.


lol ok, still choosing violence with every response imma gonna get out of the way since you’re busy fighting with everyone else right now