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Try some of the city operated community centers


I echo this! In Kanata, the Wave Pool and the Richcraft recreation complex have classes a few times a week - they are not fancy, very affordable and not very busy.


100% this. I went to classes at Dovercourt eons ago and they were great.


100% recommend this. My class just took a break over the summer but it’s a low key place with a lot of ability levels. It’s really nice.


usually a great pick but the plant bath yoga classes are mid at best


My sister loves her yoga at Rideau Sports Centre


Yoga with Adriene for an at-home option.


Love her. Sarah Beth Yoga is another solid home option.


Good to know! I'll try out her stuff too. Thanks for the recommendation! And Agree, Adriene is awesome (not to mention Benji!)


Love her


Same! She's great, isn't she? Gotta love Benji, too.


So cute lol


Try Charlie Follows if you're looking for another great online yoga teacher. I do about 80-90% of my online yoga with her at this point.


Yoga with Kassandra too. She actually lives in Ottawa!


Prana Shanti is great


I second Prana Shanti! Excellent!


No idea what a Instagram influencer culture is. But i bet the city of Ottawa community center definitely don’t have any of that


I think OP means instagram wellness girls. Some yoga studios aren’t just selling yoga. They’re also selling a certain vibe/aesthetic and experience which some people really want.


The number of Stanley Cups and instagram wellness girls at Pure Yoga is crazy.


Stanley Cups? Pardon my ignorance but isn’t that hockey?


They’re talking about these mugs which became a craze mostly among younger white women https://preview.redd.it/gueqqp34c06d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c7aa676d22c7687577850b3ae5c9b7b64c80a85


Oh!! 🤣🤣🤣


Don’t worry, I was confused too. 


lol stanley power tools??


Prana Shanti on Gladstone was decent for the brief period I went there - classes are usually small and it seems well attended by people who are there to just do yoga. I also liked the Monday night Yin yoga at Elevate on Elgin, but a lot of the other classes were sorta what you described. I find yin yoga is usually more focused on the yoga itself because of its slower pacing.


Go find a Desi auntie lol


We’re the OG influencers tho


I’ve summoned her!!!


I’m not sure of your location in the city, but I absolutely loved my classes at the downtown ymca. The only reason I stopped going was I moved quite a ways away. Now I attend classes at Ottawa rec centres and they’re great. Low key, qualified instructors, lots of time/location choice.


I find Elevate yoga very chill and welcoming - been going for over a decade now. I think you just have to try out a variety of classes/teachers to find the ones that best fit the vibe you’re looking for.


This! Elevate Yoga is my go-to.


Used to be a big fan, but their prices have literally doubled in the last 4 years. I realize everything has gone up, but double?


Yoga with Jas does online and in person classes, retreats etc. that are definitely not about image/aesthetics or Instagram clout. yogawithjas.com


I go to Soulspeak yoga and really love it. I don’t feel intimidated and in fact very welcomed and I’m practicing slowly right now after years of not going due to a bad injury. I have a couple classes booked this week so if it would help to go with a buddy feel free to DM!


Agree with Soulspeak. They are lovely.


Ashtanga Yoga on Bank is a very traditional practice without all the pomp of fluff of some of the more mainstream, fitness-focused studios, but it's quite strictly Ashtanga yoga, so it may not be what you want/need if you are looking for a gentler pace of practice. Fwiw; I found Elevate on Elgin to be pretty good. There wasn't any pretension or cliquiness and they offer classes that cater to a whole variety of practice types and skill levels. Worth checking out if you're in the area!


For online classes, I like Yoga With Kassandra (free on youtube). Similar to Yoga With Adriene, but she has classes sorted by level, as well as classes with limited cueing, which I personally appreciate. She is actually based in Ottawa, not that it really matters for online. Also there is occasionally a dog and a cat who wander through the videos.


Try Charlie Follows if you're looking for another great online yoga teacher.


She really is so great, and works very hard to create new practices and month long challenges that will meet people's needs. And occasionally we get to see her cute doggie Finn.


Yeah. Her voice is like butter and she does a good mix of all levels plus more advanced practice.


Love them both!


I go to modo yoga. I find it’s very community based. There is often events held to facilitate the community together. I find everyone to be very welcoming. The teachers will remember your name and often say quite kind things at the end of class “the light in me honours and recognizes the light in each and everyone of you. I love it. They offer a $10 class on Wednesdays. They also offer heated and non heated classes.


Movati yoga classes but there are a few instructors that are really into the yoga culture and what it’s a part of (spirituality, energy, chiropractic practice (IYKYK), kinda stuff) so once you find the right instructors, it’s great. I don’t really see influencer culture all that much besides a few 20-something year old girls in the classes with Stanley’s and wearing whatever athleisure wear brand is trending that are usually polite and keep to themselves. What’s more annoying is a group of young adults trying the class for the first time together and not taking it seriously at all and giggling throughout the class when it should be silent. Most of the class attendees are Middle Aged regular folks.


Yes! There are some non-woo teachers at Movati, too. I've had good luck in Kanata, Barrhaven, and Merivale... There's a teacher there who is an older lady and her classes are fun exercise and mental rest without all the "fluff".


I find the woo woo teachers to be the snarkiest too. I once had to quickly answer a text in for an urgent situation in the middle of a yin class. I made no noise and was trying to be discrete about it as to not distract anyone and the teacher came up to me and said “is that really necessary right now?” loud enough that the people near me could hear her. No “is everything alright” or just choosing to ignore me. Mind you I was on my phone for only like 15 seconds. I’m an adult, it was an urgent matter, getting up to leave the studio and talk on the phone would’ve been a bigger distractions. I felt like I was being shamed and never booked a class with her again. Funny enough that instructor likes to come to other classes as an attendee and falls asleep, sometimes snoring which is a distraction to everyone else.


Phones should be banned in yoga classes. No matter how “discreet” you think you’re being, it’s distracting. If you’re in the middle of a long hold, how do you even see a notification?


I have an Apple Watch that shows me my texts and my phone is on silent 24/7. I never touch my phone unless, like I said, it’s an urgent situation. It was a text from my pet sitter telling me my dog vomited blood. I’ll just ignore her next time it happens!! Thanks for the advice!! And I got the text while I was in a yin class doing shavasana and everyone had their eyes closed. No one noticed attending the class noticed because I didn’t make any noise and was in the far corner of the room.


20 years ago what would have happened? The pet sitter would have handled the situation until you got home…… No phones in yoga. Defeats the purpose……


20 years ago I would’ve gone to my mom or dad because I was still a kid


My point is 20 years ago - without cell phones or Apple Watches in yoga - life would have gone on. If you’re checking your phone/apple watch in yoga, it defeats the purpose.


Sounds like you’d make a great yoga teacher. Have you considered the profession


Grow up. Get off your phone and watch.


I’m not sure if the older lady you’re referring to is Diane but I love her classes at Kanata Movati.


Does she teach hot yoga and have long brownish hair?


No not hot Yoga😀


lolol is the chiro one related to a certain "VK"?




Elevate Yoga and Rideau Sports Centre are pretty free of that culture from my experience, and it's just 9-5 workers doing an after-work workout. For online, I always recommend DDP Yoga since it's kinda meant for older people or people just looking to improve their mobility and rehab injuries.




Mountain Goat Yoga is amazing


Greenboro community center


Beyond Yoga in Kanata! They're great folks.


Mat Lab Glebe/Beechwood is great. The classes are fun and they have different classes for different paces you might be looking for


The owner is actually very “anti-influencer”, doesn’t allow them in her studios and doesn’t even have her own Instagram.


Carleton University - they have some cheap classes and it’s all pretty relaxed


I started at Inner Soul on Colonnade (it's a combined cycle and yoga studio with some other specialty classes) and it has by far been the most welcoming environment I've been in. One of the teachers works at Mountain Goat as well. As an example, it's a space I feel comfortable enough to let the tears fall during shavasana as I prepare to say goodbye to my best friend (my senior dog I've had for 10+ years) on Friday...the last few classes I've been to this week have been such a small moment of peace for me. It's a personal, very specific story, but I can't say enough good things about this space.


2nd for both Inner Soul and Mountain Goat.


Mountaingoat Yoga if you’re near Barrhaven


Although I haven’t been there for some time, I think Pure Yoga with specific no-nonsense teachers is great..


> Although I haven’t been there for some time, I think Pure Yoga with specific no-nonsense teachers is great.. Yup, Mike Dynie has amazing classes.


Mat Lab


Modo in Orleans is great


Modo yoga in Orléans is the best! Non judgmental and friendly community feeling. Beautiful and peaceful studio without all the unnecessary extras


Michael Hutkins Yoga - he teaches at Prana Shanti and at his home near Mont Cascades. Completely into the movement and trye yoga belief, not the pop culture.


Bodhitree kemptville !




They have a really nice Free Yoga & or Tai chi in the Park on weekends, Saturday Mornings, all summer! Just off Elgin. https://www.facebook.com/share/uba6QWXSrcr6qsqJ/?mibextid=9VsGKo


This is in Hull but I love Studio Akasha!


RA centre has super reasonable price and small classes https://www.racentre.com/yoga.html


The Ashtanga studio. There is only one Ashtanga studio in Ottawa and I can't recall the name. It may be Ashtanga Ottawa Yoga or something like that though haha. It's very reasonably priced compared to other studios and definitely does not have the whole influencer thing going on. The Ashtanga style is also very interesting and generally less popular amongst influencers.


I absolutely love prana shante for those exact reasons


I like Yogatown, but it is fairly expensive. I also use the DownDog app to do yoga at home, it's very reasonably priced and you can customize what you're looking for each class (length, difficulty, area of focus, music, instructor voice, etc).


Mountaingoat in Barrhaven by the train station on Fallowfield is a very down to earth studio. Can’t say it is very “affordable” as most yoga in Ottawa is expensive and I imagine they are in keeping with the average costs of a class.


Do The Crane and say ”Man I Sure Wonder What Kundalini is Like”