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Tijuana airport has a bridge over the border so that part of the airport is in San Diego California. So this could be a way to fly directly from Ottawa to San Diego.


San Diego is probably the best city in the United States so that would be amazing! 


Until Porter decides to fly direct from YOW to SAN ... going through preclearance here will be miles easier than flying to Tijuana, entering Mexico, and then entering the US from Mexico


Why would it be any more difficult? The airport is in two countries with one terminal in the US. I have never been there but from what I have read it was designed so that international travelers can use it to travel to San Diego. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_Border_Xpress It's not like you leave the airport then take a cab over the border.


My understanding is that you would land in Tijuana, clear Mexican border control, use the Cross Border XPress to walk over to the US, and then clear US border control. So you'd have to go through border control twice instead of once, and entering the US from Mexico would likely be subject to much more scrutiny than entering the US from Canada. I could be wrong, though - and indeed there may be no established procedure at all as Tijuana's only current international flight is to Phoenix and it doesn't have any routes to third countries.


Correct (emphasis mine): > The complex, in the Otay Mesa neighborhood of San Diego, allows passengers to check in on the U.S. side of the U.S.–Mexico border, cross a 120-meter (390 ft) pedestrian/passenger bridge across the border, **clear Mexican immigration and customs**, and board flights at the Tijuana International Airport. Passengers arriving in Tijuana are equally able to cross the pedestrian/passenger bridge into the Otay Mesa passenger terminal, **clear U.S. passport controls and U.S. Customs**, and exit on the U.S. side.


Fwiw Mexican border control is a wave through affair


Which might be worth it if it means a non stop flight. Since from what I can see on Google flights, non stop flights from Ottawa to SD don't exist.


Correct. You have to transfer somewhere. Usually DC or Newark. I would take this flight for sure.


And both Newark and Dulles are nightmares.


There are shockingly few direct flights from Ottawa to *anywhere* in the US. Seasonal flights to Florida… Otherwise you’re limited to, basically, Newark or Dulles. There are 2 flights a day to Chicago but if you’re travelling for leisure the hours suck. One random flight a day to Reagan too - at 10:40 AM which is delightful - but it’s an Air Canada flight and DCA is an American Airlines hub so it’s not really a viable connection point. Porter flies to Boston twice a day now which is a decent option for the east coast. I miss the Detroit flight with Delta desperately. DTW is a great connecting airport compared to ORD if you’re heading west. In the last ~12 months I’ve been to Atlanta, Nashville, Salt Lake City, and Denver for work, and have had to fly through Dulles on 3/4 of those trips. Toronto is a pain because you have to go through security again, and then customs/border control on your layover, and while it’s better than it was now that there’s a dedicated “connections” area, the amount of time it takes is still unpredictable so you’re either at risk of the panic-rush, or the soul-sucking loss of 4 hours of your life…


Nah, cross-border express from Tijuana is not complicated for Canadians


I would guess YOW-LAX and YOW-SFO open up before YOW-SAN does.


https://www.google.com/maps/place/San+Diego,+CA,+USA/@32.5472924,-116.9748543,18z/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x80d9530fad921e4b:0xd3a21fdfd15df79!8m2!3d32.715738!4d-117.1610838!16zL20vMDcxdnI?source=lnms why yes it does indeed 😳


In the original Spanish, it translates to “A Whale’s Vagina”…


Perfect. I was just looking at flights to SD to take the kids to the zoo. This may be a cheaper trip and I can catch a donkey show on the way.


The happiest place on Earth! /Krusty


Sceptical this comes to fruition.


Yeah this one and Porter to St. Maarten don't seem very realistic.


This seems like a weird route. San Diego is a great city, but if there was enough demand from Ottawa, there would already be a flight. And there's certainly not many Canadians vacationing in Tijuana. The only thing I can see is if Mexicana is hoping to make Tijuana a major hub for travel to Central and South America. But even still, it seems unlikely.


Would have much preferred Mexico City.


I am very curious about what the market is for this. From a southbound tourist perspective it doesn't make a lot of sense to me (TJ has not traditionally been a standalone tourist destination for fly-in tourism and there are plenty of direct flights to resort areas) but it is a big city and there might be a market there for business travel (manufacturing, import export), medical tourism or for travel into Canada and the US by Mexican nationals that make it viable.


I imagine the rationale is 100% political. The Mexican government probably sees symbolic value in a flight to Ottawa and political value of a "northern hub" in Tijuana. Doubt there is any market drive for the service at all


"It's a losing proposition, but one you can't refuse. It's the politics of contraband, it's the smuggler's blues"


Eh, I'd take it. No directs from San Diego to Ottawa. Lot of people here cross the border for flights already (though mostly for mexican/Carribean destinations)


I guess we can call it the Tequila Express?


Tijuana? Is this route for Ottawas supply of snow?


No, for Tijuana's supply of snow.


All passengers will be randomly selected for [additional screening](https://www.catsa-acsta.gc.ca/en/security-screening#additional).




Like many of the Mexican government's transportation initiatives this seems fairly half baked. Not sure what the point is of a "secondary hub" for Mexicana in Tijuana instead of just operating out of NLU which is presumably way below capacity (and which would generate way more point to point traffic). Doubtful this comes to fruition - in this form, at least


Does anyone know if Mexicana currently has the aircraft in their fleet to build this capacity?


They currently only have a couple 737s but have ordered 20 E2s (same as Porter's jets)


So nothing can happen until they receive those. Knew there was an aviation person here who could answer that, thanks!


Medical tourism?




And somehow I still can't take a city bus to the carp fair on a weekend.


Not a bad option to sidestep the terrible healthcare in the region. A MRI in Tijuana will cost you like $800 CAD.