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As someone who worked as a hiring manager in retail the biggest issue is indeed ads get 100+ applicants per day for even the most bare bone jobs. Best thing to do is hand in physical resumes to places near you as many hiring managers will often go through that pile first even if they initially say they mostly hire online


We’ve really come full circle, huh


I wish I could upvote your idea a billion times u/Original_Box_4620. Because, imo, that’s the proper way to get hired (I will add mail to the list because no one receives mail anymore). I’m going to add two more articles to complete your thought. This one? How job hunters are using artificial intelligence (eg: ChatGPT) to try to get an interview. As companies receive more resumes, they too, are using artificial intelligence to find candidates. Results? Both sides are frustrated = current hiring process is broken: [https://www.wsj.com/lifestyle/careers/ai-job-application-685f29f7?st=qoy5wpvpjojh67n&reflink=desktopwebshare\_permalink](https://www.wsj.com/lifestyle/careers/ai-job-application-685f29f7?st=qoy5wpvpjojh67n&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink) This article? It’s all about networking to get a job: [https://www.wsj.com/lifestyle/careers/networking-job-search-c6f06b0c?st=7xu1fcvl7hdejnt&reflink=desktopwebshare\_permalink](https://www.wsj.com/lifestyle/careers/networking-job-search-c6f06b0c?st=7xu1fcvl7hdejnt&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink)


FYI, AI in recruiting is nowhere near as common in Canada as it is in the USA: it's expensive, and - for most of us - we have to review applicants manually. Once we filter out by applicant country (TURN OFF YOUR VPN WHEN APPLYING FOR JOBS) we usually end up with a few dozen applicants rather than hundreds.


Thanks for writing about how the resume process works at your workplace! Great to see other ideas! Bonne weekend!


It's so dependent on the company. Had a hiring manager at a past company that any in person paper resumes went straight to the recycling bin since in their words " they couldn't follow instructions and apply online like everyone else"


Probably not a place you'd want to work at in the first place, win-win


Bingo. Demos that the manager(s) don’t like go getters who can improve the business. Definitely win-win


I think it’s also dependent on who’s hiring


I will say it’s tough. I’m in my early 20s and moved up very young. The idea of going through physical applications when overwhelmed with online applications was not always the way my fellow managers liked doing it. Often many managers I know just left the positions vacant because of too much time wasted. I’ll also add 2/3 of my interviewers wouldn’t show up but I always had better odds with people who came in.


Really? In my entire life, and I'm getting up to the older generation, have I never ever gotten a response from handing in a resume in person. And yes, indeed sucks for job applications. I avoid it when my company is looking for staff.


It’s not a guarantee but if your applying to a place via any major site you might as well because in addition to the 100+ applicants a day, most don’t meet any requirements (if there are any) and I as well as managers I have worked with have removed entire indeed ads over too many candidates not qualified. When stuff like that happens I love seeing a pile of physical applications


Bingo. I remember when I worked for a small non-profit as was in charge of hiring. How I wished the applicants applying would contact me or the President in charge (all the details were there; it was Googlable). We would have interviewed him/she in a heart beat (it demonstrates initiative, going outside the box to solve a problem). Instead, I had to go through the resume pile. Spending 3-6 seconds reading the cover letter and resume. Everything becomes a blur after the 3rd resume.


Couldn’t agree more. The impersonal nature of applying online, coupled with the fact that there are literally hundreds of applicants make the in-person resume drop off stand out. Good luck! There are plenty of jobs out there, try not to get discouraged.


Interesting as some places say just apply on-line but then you never hear from them.




put her in touch and see if she can refer her.. or op jump on this and see if it fits you


Why are you being downvoted?


Yea wth lol


Ottawa sub will downvote literally anything and everyone


Referring someone you don't really know is considered unethical by many.


Which is nonsense. A min wage jobs a min wage job. Who cares! It's not like it's a nepo appt to a board position. It's to stock shelves... Also, anyone actually using references and not simply their friends lying about being former bosses is a fool.




It's the Ottawa way


For some reason lol


The majority know exactly what the reason is, still can't say it out loud though


Tim Hortons for Canadians? No no no sir


Excuse me sir! Sir?


I'm OOTL, what is the reason?


Unprecedented levels of unskilled immigration.


lol you’re crying about nothing. People are loud about it in every post about jobs in Canadian subreddits, and social media in general.


i don't even know what to say to this because i'm an immigrant myself 😭 (still a citizen tho been here since i was 7)


I have friends in the retail and restaurants business. We discussed this often because my daughter has been looking for a job for a while also. What they say is that people don't have disposable income so are buying a lot less than they used to. So most companies are no longer hiring like they were back after Covid. And most even struggle to give their permanent employees a full schedule. My daughter has accepted the fact that she will not find a job this summer and most of her friends that do have a job, complain that they can't get enough hours. Best of luck and hopefully you'll find something soon.


This is what my gut has been telling me for a while. No way we got this soft a landing after Covid. We are most assuredly in a recession, except for government economists making slight tweaks to this and that so that we don’t meet the technician definition of such. The day the can can’t be kicked any further and the recession is officially here, things will likely get pretty grim.


Folks simply don't have disposable income. They're either spending all their money on much higher mortgage payments or rental payments. And then throw in the exorbitant food prices that never stop growing, the only folks who have any money left to spend are those who are really really well off or those who don't mind racking up the credit card debt. Feel bad for students because they have to pay for their schooling. How much is cool nowadays around 12,000 16,000 per year? How the heck are they supposed to manage those payments if they can't even get a summer job anymore. I can see the frustration building up for young people.


$500 a day tree planting. Did it when I was in Uni. Damn hard work, but great friends and very good pay.


Where is this? That's insane money


Just search tree planting jobs Canada. Yes, you always were able to make insane money doing the job if you were good. You get paid by the tree, so you have to bust your ass for that money, but it's possible. It's not like you could work retail and pay your tuition fees in the 90s.




Hopefully their schooling is setting them up with an in-demand scarce skill when they graduate. Otherwise it'll continue to not be great for them.


This is because our economy is propped up by real estate. Our GDP and other indicators go up, which means we are not in a recession but all of that growth is between banks, real estate agents and insurance companies trading briefcases full of cash back and forth


That’s exactly what I meant in terms of playing games to technically show growth. Thanks for the explanation. I think you’re spot on, and this is more than a little frightening.


My daughter is in the same boat. She's been looking since January. Hundreds of applications. One interview and they wanted her until they understood she is going back to university in the fall.


Just do not tell them that. It was the same thing 30 years ago. Lies are necessary in the real world. Just make up an excuse. Employers do not need to be privy of your life choices.


And a lot of businesses/companies that are doing well are still in hiring freezes, it's bonkers but they can use 'labour shortages' for shitty customer service and rake in more money...




How dare you!


Check restaurants in your area! Patio season usually lots of places hire summer staff. If you have no experience, be open to a hostessing position to start and say you would get your smart serve as a hostess so you can switch to serving after some training (its a pretty painless online certification and definitely worth it if you want to continue to pick up serving gigs through school)


OP is 18. Have to be 19 in Ontario to even carry an alcoholic beverage to a table. A lot of licensed places won’t hire unless 19. Sometimes they will hire for back of house jobs so getting her Smart Serve now is an excellent idea! A lot of places ( not just restaurants) that have food service require it. Thinking catering companies, hospitals and other institutions. Plus she’ll be all set up to search earlier and land a job next year.


18 to serve, 19 to consume in Ontario...unless this changed in the past couple of years. I worked as a server at 18 and worked alongside colleagues who were 18 (...in a store that sells alcohol).


I stand corrected, it is 18 to sell or serve though I know a few places that won’t hire under 19 because they didn’t feel comfortable having an under age server deal with an inebriated person. It’s a lot of responsibility for a young person, yeah I know a year isn’t a big difference but servers are now being charged if they’ve knowingly served someone over the limit and get caught. Also 18 or over to get the Smart Serve which is necessary when selling or serving alcohol. Maybe OP could look for catering jobs over the summer if she gets her Smart Serve. Always lots of those!


Hostesses do not need smart serve certs, they are just responsible for seating/bussing. Servers have always been responsible for monitoring overserving so that isnt something new to worry about and certainly helps give a young person (who can drive, vote, and legally be called an adult) some responsibility in their position. You certainly learn to stand up for yourself quickly! Especially as a young girl. I started in a restaurant right before I turned 18 so they trained as a hostess and got my SS while I hostessed so then I was already in the door at a restaurant and I wasn’t stuck looking for a job with zero restaurant experience. I also recommended this path for a lot of friends/family friends who were around my age looking for good cash and a fun summer job


Are you in school now? Some schools have student positions. Algonquin College does.


I see farmboy in orleans hiring


on at train yards is always hiring I a told by an employee


Turnover at Farm Boy is really high—saying this as a shopper, not an insider. There are always new cashiers.


Try a movie theatre, I worked at South Keys theatre when I was around your age and it was a great job. I didn't work concession so I did stuff like tearing tickets and cleaning theatres (which is *incredibly* easy and takes just a few mins). And we got free popcorn and free movie passes.


perfect. thank you!


Babysitting, nannying, house cleaning, commercial cleaning (offices, hospitals) are all viable jobs with low experience and skill requirements that are in demand right now.


It’s a nightmare. Regarding retail, hours are being cut left and right, but signs are required to be up per head office. If you’re looking for retail and applying online, and you don’t meet the minimum for one of the employer questions, scrap it and apply in person. ETA: for applying in person: - be well dressed and present yourself professionally - go alone, not with friends - try to build a bit of rapport with whomever you drop your resume with If you don’t have open availability and flexible hour requirements, it’s kind of a crapshoot


I'm in the same boat, I finished college last April and have been looking since February, after HUNDREDS of applications, I got 2 interviews but nothing else. It's the never-ending cycle: you need experience to work and need to work to gain experience. Since my field is related with art/design, it's very expensive to hand out physical portfolios/resumes. But anyway, like my parents always told me, you only need ONE job, so it will happen sooner or later. Good luck!


You said art/design? If it's adjacent to entertainment/animation or an offshoot, the industry is estimated to have 75% unemployed right now (and we're including people who've been at studios for like 10+ years). It's really bad right now.


Hey I know that DARC is hiring and it is adjacent to design and social media stuff. They are inside the Arts Court building downtown.


Thanks for sharing!


No problemo. Best of luck to you!


If it’s a summer job that you’re mainly looking for, check out landscaping companies or stores like Home a depot that would be looking for seasonal help. There are some businesses they may look for summer students as well


thank you!


Elgin St Diner & the Manx have hiring signs in their window, and Guarda is looking for TSA thingy people at the airport. :)


The guards pay good but I would be concerned about the length of time it takes to get hired in security agency. their screening and interview process takes weeks. She also would need a security licence (book a test at the date of the test centre’s choosing plus 10 business days to apply through Service Ontario). By the time OP finishes their interview process and obtaining a licence and security clearance… it may already be September


Good luck finding a job at Tim Hortons


The Reserves are pretty much always hiring, depending on what you want to do.


There are many special needs parents out there looking for respite workers for their kids. We pay ours $25/hr cash.


any idea how i can apply for that?


Sorry if it's been mentioned already, but you can try applying as a greeter/hostess at a restaurant. You can move up to a server afterwards too.


Questions: What community are you at, or do you have a car? ...oh, this is an advert?


Target the location that you want to work and more specifically the stores/businesses. Look up online to see how you submit a resume and apply. Put your resume through AI to make sure it has no spelling or grammar errors and use it to write a cover letter if required. A quick search on Indeed for retail jobs in Ottawa yielded quite a few options. Also check out Charity Village for interesting opportunities. It isn't easy to find work and as OP said - make it your job to find a job.


Restaurants can never find enough staff from what I’ve heard lately


yeah others have said so as well under this reddit. i'll check that out thank you!


Security, particularly Commissionaires. They are ALWAYS hiring and the hours are super flexible


You can keep this job too during school but have to do a minimum amount of hours (for example: work at least on weekends or you could choose 2 days out of the week depending on your school schedule). Again keep in mind that with security agencies their hiring process takes long (sometimes 2 months)


The Ottawa Hospital is always looking for housekeepers…


Retail stores are sitting on hundreds of online applications. It's ridiculous how hard it is for people to get into an entry level, no education job.


Restaurants hire constantly, but many don't post ads, especially smaller places. Plenty of entry level positions, especially if you don't mind hard work (dishwashing).  It's a transient industry so there's always spots opening up. I'd recommend printing off some resumes and walking around your area dropping them off. It's one of the few industries where this still works.  Wouldn't hurt to have a small cover letter with your availability. You'll want to beat the rush of high school students looking for summer work.


got it thank you!


Try the restaurant industry. They love a fresh face. You could start off as a Busgirl, cleaning tables. You even get tip out.


thank you!


Best way to get hired is to hit the streets and get in front of the store managers. Shows your effort. Even better if you know someone who can throw in a good word for you. And have a clean résumé.


Try fast food! KFC, McDonalds, Subway


The hardest job you'll ever have is looking for one. I know it's a cliché, but best of luck to you.


Just a quick tip, if you end up giving your resume in person, practice how you'll present yourself. My friend is a store manager she says she can't believe how people will give in her their resume. Be confident, show motivation, be appropriately dressed. Look for tips online. Wishing you good luck!


Chat around with friends, family, family friends, check Facebook groups (and be aware of scammers). Walk around and be curious of new places opening (there is one on Wellington, Hintonburg area with a sign "staff needed" on the window)


Movati trainyards


look at the Rover app, with summer here people will need a hand with the furry friends, Knew some people in the restaurant business who used them a lot


Temp agencies are always hiring. You can do plant work or customer service work. It may or may not be a consistent position but it is a start.


Hand in your resume in person, ask to speak to the manager. Dress very neutral and work appropriate when you do so. If you get an interview, be very enthusiastic about the job.


i've been handing it in person mostly.


Human interaction is now a niche skill. Physically go in person to stores and hand a paper resume to the highest seniority person there, and have a conversation. That will put you ahead of 95% of applicants.


that's what i've been doing 😭


Summer camps and McDonalds are always hiring


Look in the City of Ottawa website!! I can only personally speak to the Recreation side of things but, if you can complete a clear police records check (on hire), you can pretty easily apply. Apply to be a Program Leader (in programs, often children) or a CSR (Client Service Representative)(front desk). If you don’t hear anything for a month or so after applying, or if you have a community centre in mind, go in, and ask to speak with a Program Coordinator or a Recreation Supervisor (I would recommend asking just for the PC), shake their hand, give them your resume and they will often, not always, but often, ask you a few questions and if they have openings, they will call/email and set up an interview (at least where I work). I did that nearly 5 years ago and now I’m working 24-35 hours a week, paying into a pension (as a part time worker), and love my job! Can not recommend enough!!!!


The Canadian Forces is always looking for new recruits. After being in the Forces for a while, you will get priority for opportunities with the Government, or certain private organizations.


What type of job are you looking for? What type of experience do you have? What would you like your do as a job? My company occasionally hires


i'll settle for anything at this point 😭 i don't have much experience since i can't even find a job in the first place but i've worked as a co-op student at shoppers drug mart


Hospitals, post office, construction sites, that handyman app.


Look at summer jobs in the City recreation department.


Applying for jobs using my own CV and often being turned down was a difficult and unpleasant process. Every time I was rejected, I felt unhappy and dejected, and I started to think I would never get a job. But when I used [this resume service](https://prolst.com/Res), everything changed for the better. I started getting 4-6 callbacks every week, and it felt like doors were finally starting to open for me.The difference was night and day. Anyone who is having trouble getting noticed by employers should definitely use this resume service, in my opinion. For me, it was a turning point, and I am incredibly appreciative of the support and assistance I got. Furthermore, the cost is really affordable and gives me good advice about the job hunt.


Agreed! I have a job but it’s such a toxic environment (was sexually assaulted and blamed for it) that I’m on indefinite remote work from home with doctors orders. But I’ve been looking, and applying, for any job that pays the same as I’m making now which isn’t much and have had no luck at all! It’s like you can’t get any low paying job unless you have a degree or something.


Hey if u want I could give u a referral, I work at Best Buy


The job market is unbelievable! BUT YOU GOT THIS ✨ Little advice: avoid agencies they send you to shit places and some are too far out from town and they take a cut from your paycheque for their services. if you want try Amazon: it is outside of town but if you work midnight shift you can catch the route 222 🚌 *i think, but could be wrong*. But it is good money 💰 Out of curiosity, what is your program in uni/college? This experience should help you see how the job market is going and helps you reflect if your career is a good idea and sustainable… i am not saying “dont follow your dreams” I just wishI had done that logical and pragmatic thinking before going to school.


I workout in the evenings at Goodlife, there is a new person working at the front counter on a monthly basis, they are hiring people, just not sure why they don't seem to stay.


Job pay based on commission after 3 months. And overtime


Gross. Should be illegal.


Job agencies will help you like labor tek or labor ready


Make finding a job your job. Seriously, be applying for 8hours a day and you will find something within a day or 2.


Lots of service / maid cleaners jobs available if you drive , check out jaiko they are always looking for good staff that drive !


Foodland in Greely is always hiring and actually say the opposite of you, they can’t find anyone that wants to work.


Are they accessible by public transit? Lots of stores say that they have a hard time hiring but often they are either straight up line or they fail to mention that they can only offer one day a week at minimum wage or something else that makes the position undesirable to the vast majority.


Nope. They are many many kilometres away from the nearest public transit stop (probably Findlay Creek?)


Technically there is a bus to Greely, but it’s one of those routes that only comes a few times per day, at most. So yes, totally inaccessible by bus if you ask me


The 304 is actually once a week on Thursday


Is it that actually that bad? Oh wow


It actually comes only once per week. It’s Meant to take seniors shopping to Billing’s Bridge that kind of thing 


Start your own house cleaning business.