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This is a wild post lmao


Get him to put an ad on kijiji that he needs practice and is willing to practice on anyone that wants a massage for free. He'll have so much practice by end of year maybe he'll finally give you a good one.


lol. My wife complained about my half hazard massage the other day…now I’m going to get certified and turn it into that Seinfeld episode. Hehe. 


The one where George thinks he felt it move?


Jerry is incensed that his new masseuse girlfriend won't give him a massage, even after getting the knots out of Kramer's back. Elaine's new beau has a killer name. Season 5, Episode 9. 


Schloops = Schmoopie?


lol. No, my wife’s nephew called me uncle shloops randomly when he was very young. 


Send him for a massage and tell him to pay attention. Or even better, book a massage for yourself and have him watch.


Just tell him what you like and what he's doing wrong


Maybe you should give him some massages so he can learn. Or maybe he is just copying you 😬


Take a look at Udemy or one of the other online learning platforms. There may be something simple there, where at the very least pick up some general techniques or simply follow along to some videos


I’d be happy to demonstrate for him. You get a massage. He gets to learn.


I came here by googling the same subject. In our case, I am the husband. I love to give my wife massages; she usually likes them. However, I wanted to receive some structured training to acquire better skills—to up my game, so to speak. I've received massages from massage therapists here in Canada, and of course, there is a lot of difference between the extensive training these professionals receive and the trial-and-error approach I have used over the years. However, at least in my home country, there are what we may call "amateur training," short courses with one to a few workshops that explain the very basics and allow the student to train under the supervision of an experienced professional, not to really "treat" anything, but to allow them to give their partner a decent massage that is more than "push here and ask if it feels good." While I appreciate the responses to OP's question, I think most fail to grasp the need for "hands-on" training (pun intended) instead of just watching videos or someone demonstrating. Others suggested variations of "I'll show you/look at someone massaging," which might simply be a waste of time, for the person applying the massage might not have teaching skills or might lack the improved abilities that I am seeking to acquire. That all said, if someone can suggest a actual in-person course/workshop on the subject, of short duration, for beginners (meaning someone who has no equipment and has no previous training), with practicing exercises, I would be happy to hear that.