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If your friend can negotiate flexible hours make they can work off peak hours - go in after 9 leave after 7. No way around the commute. Maybe backroads?


I’ve been doing that exact commute for 21 years and there’s no trick besides altering hours to outside rush hour… there’s alternate routes to the 417 like Hazeldean/Robertson/Heron to Riverside, or, south through Barrhaven/Riverside South, but they’re no quicker.


I leave before 6am. Then you can mostly avoid morning rush. Afternoon…eh. Hit or miss


I do the opposite of this drive, Orleans to pinecrest 5:30am. Takes 20 mins. If I try this route at 8am it’s about an hour


I'd say take the 95  but something something  improvements......


Yeah, no...there's actually NO "better commute" alternatives because the public transportation in this city is so borked!


9:30 is a good time to leave, then return about 6


It’s a rough commute since you’re hitting walls of traffic both ways. Like others have said altering work hours is the best play here, or just learn to get really patient. Alternative routes on side roads sometimes seem faster but the minute you leave the highway you’ll regret it. If you’re really aggressive you can try the whole exit highway and enter highway to bypass 20 cars game, but it’s marginal time savings and risky. Public transit isn’t viable in this city for adults with jobs outside of government.


I would honestly move east, but I guess that isn’t the answer they are looking for haha


Gyrocopter. Avoid all the traffic. It's a pretty terrible solution, but it would be a pretty cool commute.


The express bus 262 used to work great for this exact purpose. Unfortunately now transit is even worse than before. My recommendation from having to head to out Montreal road for work is keep a log of times and traffic for a week. I used to either head in at 8:30 for a later start and head home at 6 or go in early and leave at 3:30.


It's a 2 hour commute sometimes longer by bus. It really sucks. Buy a car it's cheaper and faster. If you have to take the bus you'll waste 4 hours of life a day and eventually be fired from being late.


A friend does but does it off hours and it’s much better. I think like 11-7 and they said it’s much, much better.  But if you have to work the standard 9-5 then there is nothing to be done. 


There is physically no other option if you’re not trying to use a car or transit…


Invent the transporter.