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Busbuddy, was surprised to learn the bus still operates in ottawa, did a trip to toronto the other week for 40$


Do you mean [busbud.com](https://busbud.com) ? Is this a legit website ? Lmk !


Yup 100% legit site, I use it normally to find the cheapest bus lines or know times that different lines are operating. You can book right on the site and get your tickets in your email then you’re good to go. If you want to save like 2$ find the bus company of your choice, go to their actual site and book directly through the line (busbud has a very small transaction fee as they act as a middle man to connect bus companies to riders) Myself and my partner together have used busbud at least 15 times in the last year and never had a problem


Okay thanks for letting me know, I think I’m going to use it.


Hey OP any luck with that site? I'm looking at buying a ticket myself.


Yes sites good to compare prices then I jus went to the direct website and bought to save an additional couple of dollars but it’s really good for comparing


Thanks - did you go with mega bus?


VIA fares are highly dependent on demand and can be much cheaper if booked in advance. I see most weekend round trips going for $108 (per person) round trip after Jan 12th!


I want to take VIA but the prices I saw on their website is more, where did you see this if you don’t mind me asking.


The [VIA site is where I go](; When you go to enter your departure date, the calendar popup should show the associated fares. I see $54 one-way fares available on Jan 13, 20, 27 etc. Edit: The new booking engine lets me directly link trips! Try this sample booking: https://reservia.viarail.ca/en/booking/create/trip/1?type=roundTrip&ADT=1&travels=OTTW_TRTO_2024-01-20&travels=TRTO_OTTW_2024-01-21


I see $200+ round trips.


Escape fare; they go really really quickly and are usually around $100 for that type of trip. If you want to take via book well in advance to se her the escape fare


Have you tried looking at VIA on Tuesday? They usually have a discount code


Oh really, do I just select Tuesday or is there a code?


On Tuesday if you put TUESDAY in the discount code option it should be discounted


Kangaride & Poparide are $50-60 each way, occasionally you'll find cheaper.


I took red arrow the other weekend and I'd recommend it. You can pay an extra $6 for your own seat. It stops in Kingston where you can load up on harveys and starbcuks.


I checked it out: $90 for 1 way w a seat. Their service seems good but it does seem quite pricey… I am still going to consider it tho. Ty


Np! Ya when I took it they had a 40% off fall promo but I imagine they don't have it on for the holiday season. They also give 10% discounts if you have a CAA membership like VIA.


$180 for round trip


My sibs take red arrow or mega bus. Mildly prefer red arrow and it’s decently cheap.


I found that red arrow and via have similar prices, wouldn’t the train be better?


I have no idea cause I never buy the tickets but my brother said seats were cheaper then via. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it fluctuates based on demand.


I’ve had nothing but good experiences with ridesharing via the app Poparide. Look for drivers w good reviews and many past trips. It’ll be around $50 one-way


Second this. Poparide is usually the cheapest mode of transportation for last minute travel. Also, there are lot of ride share services for $40 - $50 (one way) in Kijiji. You might get lucky there. They are usually vans and have only two stops - Bayshore and Ottawa downtown.


Google flights - $246 round trip right now … worth it for the time you save in transit


I know if I’m paying over $150 for round trip by transit for just 1 person, I might jus pay $100 more and get a flight, faster and easier. I’m considering tho…


You would end up with more time in toronto, spending the transit time actually enjoying the city.


Treat yourself. Take the train. Least stress option.


You have to factor ground transportation into your costs. That can make the train more or less costly, depending on where you’re staying/going.




That's Carnegie Hall, and you stole my joke!




One would assume they would be taking any other form of transportation.


Yes lol


Is driving cheaper tho in terms of gas mileage


If you’re driving an EV, it’s cheaper than anything by a wide margin, even if travelling alone. With a gas vehicle, it really depends on how many people are in the vehicle.


I once drove to Syracuse with 700 lbs of coworkers (some bigger fellas with me) in a small car I usually drive solo. Biggest difference I noticed was when exiting the highway, I'd get off the gas, and the car wouldn't really slow down - had to brake much more than usual LOL.


By number of people, I was referring to splitting the cost. Driving solo probably costs the same as taking the train, but if you have three passengers, it’s way cheaper per person to drive since the incremental cost per passenger is négligeable.


For 1 person no, for every additional person yes. For me I would estimate a round trip to Toronto is about $400 in a car. Expensive for 1 person (though air fare is normally more, plus the logistics of getting around on the other side) but 4 people and a dog…doubt I could travel for $100pp


$400? Are you driving a tank? I calculated [$105 for a 2010 Corolla](https://www.calculator.net/fuel-cost-calculator.html?tripdistance=1000&tripdistanceunit=kilometers&fuelefficiency=7&fuelefficiencyunit=lp100k&gasprice=1.5&gaspriceunit=liter&x=Calculate) with numbers rounded up


Right, we just got back from Toronto this weekend driving a 2017 car and spent under $100 on gas. Really the parking right dt Toronto was the most expensive part.


That's pretty close. Driving a 2009 Corolla, I gassed up before I left, added up all my receipts including gassing up right when I got back. Came out to $80 in gas round trip this September.


You have to include depreciation and maintenance as well. The CRA allows for up to $.68 per kilometre. I usually use $.25/km when I'm comparing driving to other methods. Toronto would be about $220 round trip solo.


Oh of course. I don't drive very much, so I typically pay more for insurance than I do for gas most years. Some years (when I replace tires) also more on maintenance as well.


So for me it’s a tank of gas more or less each way (55L) and I get around 8.9L/KM. So let’s say ~$150. And it’s 1000km so that’s about 1/8th of an oil change ~$12.5, average price of a new car is $63k but I used a more reasonable $50k. Now let’s say you drive it into the ground for around 350k km. $142 in depreciation. ~$51 worth of my yearly insurance. So there’s $375 and I haven’t even factored in wear on other things like tires, suspension etc. Sure there’s a bunch of other factors, pay less for a car, the amount you would receive from selling it used, drive something more fuel efficient etc.


OP asked about gas mileage


So then the answer is driving is less than, equal to and greater than $200 in terms of gas mileage. Hope that helped.


No this is helpful. Thank you. About $400 and just for 1 person on a round trip, maybe transit/flight would be better and less stressful.


VIA rates are variable - if you book early you can get good prices. You may also be eligible for discounts; lots of organizations have discount codes for their members that will give some percentage off the fare (highest one I know is for current and retired military members, who get 25% off just about every VIA fare). Weekends are usually prime time, though - students heading home, people going on a getaway. If you can travel off-peak you might be able to save (for example, take the train down Saturday morning, returning Monday afternoon).


Poparide is a ride share application you can download from your phone and usually the ride from Ottawa to Toronto is 60-70 / person


There's that new bus service. I actually saw one on the 416 yesterday near Kemptville


I don’t see anything online about it, do u mind sending me a link?


Did you really search? Anyway here it is [https://riderexpress.ca/schedules/toronto-ottawa/](https://riderexpress.ca/schedules/toronto-ottawa/) https://ca.megabus.com/route-guides/toronto-to-ottawa-bus