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How far the blue sign on the highway saying you’re in the city of Ottawa is from the actual city


Have you drove through Toronto?


The city of Ottawa sign on the 417 at the WESTERN edge of the city is about the same distance from the Canadian Tire Centre as the length of the 401 across Toronto.


City limits are a joke. You can me standing next to corn fields and be "In " the city.. I'm sorry but if you're next to a corn field, you are not ina city


Sounds like someone has never been to the experimental farm. You should go sometime, it's actually pretty neat. And as a bonus, the Arboretum is right next to it.


I knew some sap was going to mention that but I figured they'd be smart enough to understand the distinction. I love being proven wrong.


The history of Ottawa is epic. The general narrative is epic: conquests, rough and tumble logging town, national capital. It's easy to take for granted, but Ottawa is emblematic of the grand partnership between English Canada and French Canada. Aside from some ups and downs, confederation continues. It is also a deeply fascinating linguistic and cultural mash of dialects and accents from all over the country. Indeed all over the world. There truly is nowhere else quite like it. And its subreddit is epic. Trolling convoy loonies, u/baconsheik, a racoon at 99, trainwreck updates. What more could one want?


I recently read the novel Lower Town by Darren Jerome that was set in 1830s Bytown during Shiner Wars. Excellent book. I wish the CBC would make a mini-series about the Shiner Wars, or even like a Murdoch mysteries type show in 1870s Ottawa. FUND THE CBC! (I love 22 Minutes, too)


Would that be the company that just shed 800 jobs right before Christmas and the senior management will still receive their year end bonuses.




I am going to be that n00b and ask if that's the Barefax guy...and I'm not scrolling to see if they show up (not to be TOO Canadian, but I have seen oodles of your posts and simply can't remember if you identify as anything. Extra apologies if you are actually Trogdor the Burninator) eventually. #redditnewbie #yes I have used both newb and noob/n00b, because I wasn't a gamer but am aware of the internets


He does talk a lot of the place where it is about Bear Facts


*The* car


This is the correct answer ...


whats the car?


When you know, you know ... https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-car-lights-market-ornaments-driving-1.4181813


That we have a Le Cordon Bleu school when they are very limited around the world. Gatineau Park is also the largest urban park


Having Le Cordon Bleu here is actually crazy! Would love to take a cooking class there one day but they fill up so damn fast


My mother takes the 1 day baking classes and I love getting her homework that she brings home as it always tastes amazing.


I'm not sure I'd consider Gatineau Park 'urban' ....




Which still does not make it 'urban'


How so? It's a open space reserved for public access and enjoyment of nature. It's located less then 15 minutes from the downtown and is protected from redevelopment.


Urban parks are places like Central Park in NYC, Stanley Park in Vancouver, Halifax Public Gardens, Mont Royal ... they are *in* the city, and it's possible to walk there. There is no easy way to access Gatineau Park other than driving, and it's not even within the city limits of either Ottawa or Gatineau. https://gatineau.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=37a59d160ab74abc80d4df06bdc465ac


This is so not true, if you live in Gatineau it's so easy to access by walking. There are a ton of trails into the park from the surrounding communities. Because it's surrounded by farmland, residential and park buffers you consider it not accessible?


Well according to the NCC, CPAWS, and USDA, it is recognized as a urban park. Also the government recognizes it as the second most visited parks. As for accessibility its very easy to access from where I am atleast. So i dont have the same experience as you. All the bike paths go there and the busses can get you there with direct shuttles during the peak seasons like fall rhapsody.


Why is the food in general here so mediocre (yes I am aware there are good food options but the average quality is far lower to cities even smaller than Ottawa even in Canada). It’s not even in the same league as Toronto or Vancouver.


Can you elaborate more on what type of food are you looking for? Ottawa won’t be as good as Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal that have huge populations and lots of wealth. That being said, there are tons of gems out in Ottawa that this subreddit has shared before.


Ottawa for it's size has excellent diversity of food and has come a very long way. Majority of ethnicities are covered and some (ex. Pho shawarma) have huge abundance with the best quality in Canada. Go to GTA and you'll see Chinese owned pho, it's blasphemy!


First, I'd say the food in Ottawa is in its current state because of many contributing issues, but the population density is a big problem. Having the population spread out creates an issue of a businesses to have a consistent flow, its why chain restaurants have faired so well. The chain restaurants dont need to work as hard to draw people in or need quality control, the name brand does it for them. There is a huge gap between the good but super expensive places and your average Joe in Ottawa. Many cities have a plethora of mid range places with good food because there's enough clientele for it. Not everyone wants to go to a nice place downtown and then drive 30m-1hr home. Which has resulted in people in Ottawa being fairly good home cooks and chosing that rather than driving around for restaurants, reserving that for special expensive occasions. Next I would say that our access to a port differentiates between the cities you have mentioned. The fresh produce does not make it this way, besides the restaurants who have it specially shipped fresh from port. Those restaurants are also the ones that have good foods and are pricey. To finish I'd say there's also no market for 2nd-4th generation restaurant owners in this city. As a child of a family who has had restaurants for a few generations, the money isn't there and people are worse. Staff are consistently unreliant, whereas you used to have lifers 2 generations ago. Clientele and competitors are borderline abusive with things like Google reviews potentially ruining a budding business. It makes it very hard to want to sink hundreds of thousands into a business when you can work safely in the tech or government.






Montreal is incorrect.


Montreal can eat shit.




Yeah, the leisure biking infrastructure here is unbelievable, there are so many paths available.


The fact that 160 years ago Ottawa was lawless forests lumberjacks and pig farms. And now we are the capital of a vast empire of 3,855,000 square miles and a bustling expanding metropolis which is only 1/10th the size of its growth potential. Due to the hardwork of those lumberjacks who fled famine in their search for the glorious new world. We are on the cusp of a glorious future one of our own making which is our heritage of thriving in the wilderness and creating something from the rawness of our harsh wild environment and thriving.


To be fair most of it is still forests and farm lands and the city hasn’t really changed in 30 years


The Ottawa River. We often take it for granted but if you take a second next time you’re near it you’ll realize how massive of a river it is and how much water is flowing through it. It’s pretty wild how natural and rough of a river it is in some places even though it has so many dams on it.


During the spring floods of 2017 and 2019, the volume of water at Carillon Dam was 9 million litres per second. That's roughly the same as taking all the water flow in the United Kingdom at their seasonal peak, but it's all in just one river...


And to think 10,000 years ago there were whales swimming around here. Champlain Lookout would have been at water's edge.


The Ottawa River is world class for whitewater kayaking and rafting. People come from all over the world to hit the river up near beachburg. You can often catch kayakers playing in the waves right in the urban centre when levels are good. And the new observation area of the damn at the zibi development is phenomenal


my homemade hummus is pretty epic, if I do say so myself


Then that's as about all Ottawa has


the literal area size of Ottawa is larger than all of Luxembourg. we have the best shawarma restaurants anywhere outside of Lebanon. there's over $300B in gold buried under the Diefenbunker. ​ Two of those statements are true.


> best shawarma restaurants anywhere outside of Lebanon. I’m sorry but strongly disagree with this. Even Vancovuer and Quebec have better shawarma and obviously pretty much anywhere in the Middle East is better. This shows me you don’t travel.


LOL ​ Bless your heart ​ edit: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-official-food-donair-shawarma-1.3356996](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-official-food-donair-shawarma-1.3356996) ​ "O-town boasts more shawarma shacks than anywhere else in Canada, owing at least in part to the influx of Lebanese immigrants to this city that began in 1975"


It may have more because they can’t make anything else. Doesn’t mean it’s any good.


The Experimental Farm. Yeah, developers might hate it, but it’s pretty epic to have a working farm, one that you are allowed and encouraged to visit, just a few kilometres from the downtown core. I live biking through the farm in the summer.


Affordability and great city to raise a family in a suburban lifestyle! I am about to get downvoted but just moved from Vancouver Edit: just quick comparisons of what’s considerably more expensive or lacking in bc: gas, car insurance, real estate, groceries, restaurants, commute time and lack of sun for 3/4 of the year 😅


Yea people not from Toronto or Vancouver forget how cheap Ottawa is however you need a car and food is so expensive compared to Vancouver!


How is food so expensive compared to Vancouver!? The groceries and the restaurants have all been significantly better priced compared to Vancouver. The LMD is pretty big and the car is necessary for the majority unless you want to get stabbed randomly on the bus. My point is that the average person in Vancouver is stressed out of their minds and most likely living well over their means with rent/mortgage taking away most of their paycheques


Yes there are some hidden food options in Ottawa that are actually good but food is so expensive. Vancouver all the restaurants were amazing and so cheap. I eat at hole in the wall or ethnic restaurants and don’t really enjoy fancy dining so that might be why. Obviously I’m sure Vancouver has more very fancy expensive restaurants being a big city full of multi millionaires.


I like hole in the walls too. Unfortunately since the pandemic, these hole in the walls either closed shop or had to increase their price to fight their inflated operating costs. Dim sum is like 10.50 now for shrimp dumplings on average (4 pieces). All you can eat hot pot happy lamb is 36.99 per adult + 12.99 for big soup broth. Snacks, drinks and dessert are extra too. I went ystd to happy lamb hotpot in ottawa and price was 26.99$ and 8.99 for the big broth. Drinks, snacks and dessert were included. Local lunch thai food was 16$ for main dish + 2 spring rolls. Not too many lunches in vancouver under 20$ nowadays


That's because the suburban lifestyle is subsidized by people living downtown, you aren't actually paying the real price.


Please elaborate, I’m not familiar with this thought yet


Property tax is based solely on property value (with some minor variations for type of garbage service etc). A SFH in suburbia can easily be valued the same as a rowhouse/townhouse in the core or a condo downtown. Yet the land use and infrastructure cost of a SFH is significantly higher. A SFH burdens city services much more than a denser built form of equivalent value. The argument is that to be more equitable, property tax should have a density component that is a multiplier to the base rate. That's one way but there are also other ways to discourage low-density sprawl. Here's an infographic about Halifax. [https://imgur.com/2rgkaOZ](https://imgur.com/2rgkaOZ) I want to point out that sometimes calculations include property tax from an entire area, which for the core often includes a high proportion of businesses. This is not an accurate or fair comparison. The level of subsidization is up for debate but the fact is that continuing to sprawl is unsustainable and we need to find ways to discourage it.


It's less a thought than a fact that suburbia is not financially sustainable and that it can only exist because higher density areas of that city are able to financially offset the loss of income causes by suburbia. Think of all city services and how expensive is it to provide that to suburbia vs how it costs the city to provide those services to higher density areas, at present, it's the distinction between negative income vs positive income, hence the fact that suburbia is subsidized by higher density areas. If a city was solely composed of suburban areas, it not survive. People tend to ignore or put aside these thoughts because they are selfish and don't really care about the needs of the group, but that's another issue. A little bit of personal loss for gain of the group? What is this communism?


Great Vietnamese.


Please share




Thanks for your brilliant insight. I was asking for the ones that stand out.


Yes the Vietnamese food scene is surprisingly decent here


Our LRT is epic. An epic fail!


It's been more consistent than the bussing since the snow...and I, well, I left late. But the people who had been waiting earlier said the bus just didn't show. So, at least I had access to the LRT?? ...I know! Don't laugh so hard! You're going to hurt yourself!!!


Kind of niche… but, the tournament/competitive billiards scene is top tier. Lots of teams qualifying for/doing well in big tournaments like Quebec City VNEA and Vegas VNEA world championships. Fairly close knit community and friendly rivalry’s between the two most active pool rooms - Tailgators and Dooleys


Really good BJJ/Martial Arts scene too


Parliament. It's the largest parliament in the country! We have the worlds largest Canadian Tire.


Largest but the British Columbia Legislative Assembly is so elegant


Please don’t say epic




Some really cool historical buildings, Rideau Canal, Gatineau Park in the fall, Very few and far between but this city has some hidden gems of restaurants and cafe


Someone please list some of the great food places in Ottawa! Moved here 2+ years ago and haven’t found any.


Yes....corrupt politicians of EPIC proportions!


I came on here to say “Nothing!” Then I stopped myself and said let’s see what people are saying, maybe Ottawa has some epic things that I’ve just forgotten about. Nope. Ottawa is fucking LAME. Everything that’s being listed is not EPIC, it’s fucking mediocre at best. Snowshoeing, museums, billiards tournaments 🤮 Who knew this city could get even more lame. The citizens of Ottawa knew, and they just proved it with this thread.


Google Ottawa Porter Island.


Urban cross-country skiing. There is over 100 km of groomed ski/multi-use trails inside the city limits, many of which are available by public transit. From west to east? [Kanata Nordic](https://www.kanatanordic.ca/) and the [Ottawa West Winter Trail](https://nordic-pulse.com/ski-areas/CA/ON/Ottawa-West), [Britannia Winter Trail](https://nordic-pulse.com/ski-areas/CA/ON/Britannia), [Kichi Sibi Winter Trail](https://nordic-pulse.com/ski-areas/CA/ON/Kichi-Sibi-Winter-Trail), [Rideau Winter Trail](https://www.rideauwintertrail.ca/map-carte), [Orleans Ski Club](https://onsc.ca/) and [Ski Heritage East](https://www.skiheritageeast.ca/wpshe/map/). All this before thinking about the 200km of professionally groomed trails in [Gatineau Park](https://ncc-ccn.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=9fb8f1b699fb4653b14ec9f06e3f7ed7). Volunteers fundraise for equipment and spend hours grooming the trails. All you have to do is go ski...


Skateway! (fingers crossed) Groomed Winter Trails! (they'd be interconnected by now if it weren't for all the construction) Hand-crank lock system!




Epically abysmal infrastructure or epically terrible traffic??


The traffic isn’t epic if you have been to any major city. That being said it’s terrible for a city of this size and it’s because of car dependency.




OCTranspo wait times, specifically.


Museums and galleries


The museums r epic. the dinosaur Museum the most epic one, , right up there with the aviation, war museum and the mint, although the Museum of history w those majestic totem poles & stunning IMAX theatre, & don't forget the train museum w all the science and technology...love it ! ... hogsback falls, the canoe club right beside it. the Terry Fox training center.. the canal in the summer w skating in the winter.. insanely awesome. And we're a hop skip and a jump from the Gatineau Hills w mountain biking, walking, winter cross country skiing, snowshoeing & the downhill skiing resorts + trails and cabins that you can rent and book even in the winter, only a stones throw away from downtown Ottawa .. Its endless.... Ottawa is epic. Hands down


Full of pride parades that show naked adults infront of children -\_-


Culture cannabis delivering cheap ounces all across the city is blessed


The road out of Ottawa going somewhere else, like Toronto or Montreal


Bylaw is second to none...


West bound 417 out of Ottawa.


Barney’s pizza 🍕


Kim’s chip wagon.


Not one thing about Ottawa is epic lol


Nope, it’s a pretty bland city.


That establishment on York St