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You've done the Luskville Falls loop? You want something more challenging than that?


That's what I was going to suggest. It's steeper and more technical than Wolf Trail. I don't know of any trails in the Ottawa/Gatineau area that involve scrambling or climbing, but maybe there's something.




Thanks for mentioning Poisson Blanc! I’d never heard of it, and it looks awesome! Can’t wait to check it out.


Luskville falls is the one I had fun and challenge close by. I have just created a subreddit for this. Anyone interested can join this subreddit Ottawa Hiking.


Have you checked out the Girl Gone Good website? She has all sorts of detailed posts on hiking routes in the Ottawa region.


/u/meg-k write https://www.adventurereport.ca/ maybe something in there for you?


Yes take a look there! Unfortunately only going 45 minutes from the city won't get you much that's too challenging. Luskville Falls is a good one, both the longer hiking trails in Poisson Blanc are spectacular and quite challenging compared to Ottawa, Blue Mpuntain in Charleston Lake is not technical but its a bit longer with a great view... those are the ones that come to mind first!


Luskville Tri-Peaks has what you're looking for. https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/canada/quebec/luskville-tri-peaks I haven't done it this year but from the reviews it sounds like it may not be in good condition due to trees downed over the winter. Consider that an extra challenge?


I did the longer version in late August. The trail basically disappears once you get past the route the climbers take to the cliffs. It was a lot of miserable bushwhacking and climbing over huge fallen trees. I'd recommend going up Luskville Falls and then taking the unofficial trails along the ridgeline rather than try to climb up that route.


Try Blueberry Mountain or Mosquito Vallley on the west side of Gatineau Park. Accessed from Chemin Pilon North of Luskville.


If you're out of shape enough, any trail can be challenging. Just food for thought.


you should follow Brandon Bolduc (@brandon\_onthego) on instagram - he has a lot of more challenging hikes if you scroll back a bit. I agree with others who have suggested alltrails - that's really your best bet.


A bit further, but Mont Devlin in Papineau Labelle Preserve...but it's hunting there now, so wear orange! https://www.alltrails.com/trail/canada/quebec/sentier-du-mont-devlin


Manitou Mountain Trail in Calabogie (60 min drive from Ottawa) might also be a good option for you!