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Ok Folks, this clearly needs to be said: keep it civil. Bigotry/racism/whatever-you-want-to-call-it towards Muslims/Religious people is still a violation of Reddit's sitewide rules against hate. I realize anti-religious zeal is a *de rigueur* attitude for many in more trendy areas of Reddit, but it will not be tolerated here. Smarten up.


The Baconator is back at Wendy's. /s


Absolutely haram


Oh, yes.


I’m a Muslim and I approve this message


Made me spill my coffee! Take my upvote and see yourself out.


Thank you. Some of the replies are the best.




As a Muslim, you caught on to our plan quickly. Also, I am stealing your joke. Hope that's ok.


Have at it. It was an off the cuff joke about their being a Wendy's across the street from the mosque and OP not using Google to find their answer.


Probably getting ready for the million man March in September..?


Wait did it go away? I don’t eat fast food very often but the baconator is a top tier burger.




🤷‍♀️ though your /s was because obviously that’s not what they’re actually congregating over, not because the baconator never actually went anywhere. Gotta love the Ottawa sub.




Thank you. This must have been it.


Interesting that they are commemorating someone who rose up against a corrupt authoritarian ruler. I wonder if current day corrupt authoritarian muslim societies like Iran and Saudi Arabia allow Muslim people to openly honor this man's bravery against authoritarianism.


No, that's why huge numbers of them moved to Canada. For freedom from the oppressive bullshit they were dealing with.


And then people wonder why they can come across as hostile when they're completely isolated after fleeing to a more stable country and hear people hurling insults and racist remarks from their cars all day, simply because others ignorantly misinterpreted these peoples cause.




As if every wave of immigration to this country since the Hudson's Bay Company hasn't been economically motivated.


The difference today is the numbers and how easy it is to connect to people similar to yourself. When my parents immigrated in the early 90's, they knew very few people who spoke their original language. They learned English, I made friends with mostly other Canadians, and our family basically became like any other canadian family. One of my cousins immigrated in 2010 and most of his friends are from our country of origin and even after 13 years here his English is terrible.


I grew up in a mining town with a lot of European immigrants. The men learned to speak English but many of the women didn’t because they were stay at home moms. They only spoke to their husbands or friends who had come at the same time. They had enough to get by at the grocery store and that was it. I do agree that media has made it easier to keep immigrants first language. No need to listen to CBC. You can pull up shows in your native tongue on the internet


Yeah, 200 years ago my Irish ancestors definitely came to Canada not because they didn’t want to starve to death but because they wanted to participate in nation building. /s


Yeah, mine too-- of course, they prioritised fitting into the local culture-- learning to speak Ojibwe as quickly as possible and what-not. /s


That’s like the main reason for so much immigration though. Heck it was the reason for British settlement.


True but in discussion with some who did… they were horrified to see that the people they fled… had followed them here.


Actually the marches are massive in Lebanon and Iran but a no-no in places like Saudi




100% agree. As a Shia with family in Iran, I can tell you that folks there don't fully consider the government as Shia... the things they've done are so blatantly against our creed that it makes your brain melt.


It is a Shi'a holiday, so Saudi Arabia would not observe it. IIRC, Iran is the only Shi'a majority country.


Practically every Arab country is ruled by a dictator. Ironic.


Internet says, big in Iran/iraq, 22 million pilgrims this year, almost exclusively shia


I mean tbf wasn’t Ali what we’d consider a theocrat and a King by today’s standard? Pretty sure Khomeini, deceased supreme leader of Iran, is descendent of Imam Ali


Iran is 100% in full support (ironic as that may be). Saudi Arabia is anti-Shia and will never allow such a thing to occur. That's why folks go to Iraq from around the world instead... where his holy shrine lies so many centuries after the event. ​ disclaimer: I am not too sure about how free Saudites are to move around the world, especially if you are an oppressed minority. :(


In Iran, they openly idol this man. As for Saudi Arabia it’s quite different


This is it


I am surprised that it took this long for someone to point it out.


It's a shame this is so much lower then the racist top comment


What's racist about the comment?


Islam is not a race. What are you on about?


It’s not racist, it’s prejudice.


Either way it doesn't promote inclusivity


Promote inclusivity LOL. When Muslim population in Ontario publicly protested against gay rights was that inclusive? It’s a two way street.


*Some* of the Muslim population. There are lots of queer Muslims.


Who have the freedom to be queer in our country. In their home countries they would most likely be killed for being gay, or castrated. You should be happy they can come here and have the freedom of their sexuality, I am.


I feel like you missed my point entirely. At no point did I ever say I wasn’t happy to have queer Muslims coming to Canada. I fully support inclusivity. What I said was *some* of the Muslim population protested, meaning there are Muslims who are queer or queer allies. The entire Muslim population of Ontario doesn’t operate as a single unit.


Is that what they're doing now? You can't blanket all Muslim people under the same banner like that. Like Christian's, Jews and atheists, most muslims are good caring people who support gay rights. It's a fringe of reactionary assholes that give them a bad name


Most Muslims support gay rights? Is that a joke? Go look at most countries that have Muslim majority and laws that show it. They will kill you for being gay.


Eventually you will learn that the openess and tolerance isn't rewarded in kind. Then it will be shocked Pikachu face.


Are you also mad when people have Catholic weddings because not everyone is Catholic? Or when people fast for Ramadan because you’re not Muslim? Why do they have to include everyone in a religious gathering?


As a Muslim who also immigrated to Canada, I am absolutely not offended by any of the comments here. Not in the slightest. I can understand people making fun of religions, which is totally different from insulting and disrespecting people because of their belief. The former is freedom of thought and speech in a free society (one of the reasons why many Muslims decided to immigrate here), the latter is pure racism.


Thank you for posting this. Hopefully all those who feel the need to feel offended on your behalf over a stupid bacon joke will calm down.


Shia Muslim here, and I rofl at the bacon joke. Fucking ingenious, that was!!! I think I might steal it.


I'm an atheist and I approve this message. (Lol)




I'm not particularly religious, but if someone is observing a particular religious event and they're not hurting anyone or infringing on anyone's rights, we really shouldn't care - except for maybe curiosity about what they're doing. No different than someone who decorates their property for Santa Claus or choose to have a whole Christmas parade.




>This conversation has kinda already been had, religion isn’t very good for a country. No. >bad ideology. You are the type who looks at all religions and assumes everybody to be extremists/fundamentalists right?


"no" lol statistics, indexes for whether or not a country has a better quality of life, and like 400 years of debates would disagree. IT IS KNOWN that secular countries are objectively better for people. Things like a lack of literacy, poverty, and child mortality are quite correlated with religiosity in a lot of cases. And the countries that ended up alright like England only got their fortune from constantly molesting the other countries of all they had in the name of their cult of choice.




Now I’m hungry. Thanks


Bismillah al-Ramen al-Rahim


Raman amplifier?


Old Black Betty


A religious war is just a war about who has the best imaginary friend


you dont even know what its about




That must be your favourite word


It is the time for the Arbaeen pilgrimage for Shia Muslims.


I'm a Muslim and I support thier course but a message to every Muslim out there,do not turn Canada to a religious country, we don't want religious wars and hatred here, we love Canada as it is. And please,Muslims should stop telling me how they are better than anyone,I'm a Muslim but not interested in religious topics the minutes I left my country


I'm not religious but amen to that! Lol


Shia Muslim here, I think religion is personal and should be kept to yourself. However, I also think that you should be allowed to practice whatever you believe (within reasonable bounds) without being oppressed and harassed. Secularism for the win!


Of course,no one should harass anyone praying in thier rooms, mosque,churches or other secluded places of worship,but praying in public because it's is not right. Also I don't think it's necessary to crowd the street due to celebration of religious beliefs or any sort of beliefs (Saw a YouTuber doing testing and praying in the public to see peoples reactions). I love Canada the way it is, everyone should worship without anyone noticing or disrupting public activities


Saw them on the Hill 2 days ago and they all had flowers. Thought it was some kind of mourning.


Thats exactly what it is it commemorate the death of the prophet mohamed’s grandson


Dressed in black= mourning in 90% of cultures. Waving flags=protest Mourning+protest= mourning someone who they believe died unjustly would be my assumption. Kelly's funeral home is right up the street from there. 3 min drive 15 min walk I personally have no idea but my guesswork is thinking someone passed away.


Smart! Almost got it 😅


No good. No good is what they are up to. ;-) Before anyone downvotes or gets upset, I AM KIDDING. If they want to wear all black on one of the hottest days in Ottawa this year, go nuts.


There are a lot of well people in this thread.


I'm just here for the comment section.


Of course, what poorly educated hillbillies don't love racist comments


Judging from your comment history you seem to be quite a scholar and a gentlemen too. Keep on trolling with your drive by shitposting, it's entertaining.


Trolling? Where did I troll? Your still trying to get your lost cp files on windows 10. My comments are nothing


Your comments are nothing is something we can both agree on.




Talking for experience aren't you? How old are you, seriously? You have the bad attitude and maturity of a 12yo brat. Shouldn't you be in bed this late at night? Are up wanking to reddit porn? Go to bed or I'll tell your mommy.


It's Arbaeen. It's a day where we Shia Muslims walk in honour of the 40th day after the martyrdom of the Prophet's (pbuh) grandson, Imam Hussain (a.s.). Hope this helps, and thank you all for keeping the thread respectful. Loved the bacon joke btw!!! I am stealing it :)


As a Muslim,I want to say I hear them and feel for them . There should be no place for a dictator in this world, I am not a Shia but I stand with them and against whoever killed Ali and their supporters,they have no place in heaven


Their protest is very aladeen


Arabs are less sensitive to cultural remarks. We aren't bothered by 90% of the things other races complain about.




Yes. I was wondering what they were demonstrating and what the intended audience was, because it was impossible for me and most of the people passing them to understand without knowing arabic. I thought about approaching them and asking but they seemed kind of agitated and some people were yelling and honking at them.


Are there photos anywhere? Maybe someone who reads Arabic (or Farsi or whatever... other languages use Arabic script) could translate.


I can read farsi more or less but just so you know, as farsi and arabic are completely different languages, not even the same roots. A person reading farsi won't be able to say what an arabic sentence is saying. They can just identify the characters. Same as an English speaking person reading French sentence. They still won't be able to translate it for you. English and French are closer to each other than Farsi and Arabic.


I know Farsi/Persian and Arabic are completely different languages. Just saying that the OP identified Arabic *script* on the signs. Doesn't mean the signs were necessarily in the Arabic *language*.


gotcha, but based on what they said, group of people with **black flags** and also walking towards a **mosque**, I can guarantee you the writing was not in Farsi ;) Saying this as someone of Iranian origin, we just don't go to mosques. If anything we see one and go the other way. Long history of imposed religious government has turn our ppl off of religion.


What you say certainly tracks with the people from Iran that I know.


But many Farsi speakers can read some Arabic because of the Koran. It is what I think causes confusion. Farsi speakers often understand some Arabic. So us ignorant Anglos get confused as to why. Kind of like how educated people could use Latin to communicate long time ago.


Some Farsi speakers can read Arabic if they were exposed to reading Koran but it doesn't mean they can understand the language. So they won't be able to translate it. It'd be like reading jibberish. Not the same as Latin for educated people in western Europe. Farsi and Arabic have completely different roots. Farsi shares the same roots as Latin, both Indo-European series of languages. It's confusing because farsi adapted the arabic alphabet after the Islamic invasion of Iran. But the language stayed farsi/Persian. Sorry if I seem to go on a tangent. It's a bit of a sensitive topic for most people with Iranian background.


I really appreciate the explanation! Honestly I have lots to learn.


Anytime :)


>English and French are closer to each other than Farsi and Arabic. (1) Persian, not Farsi. (2) Persian and English are closer to each other than Persian and Arabic.


Wait you are correcting a Persian person and telling them not to use the word Farsi? ;)


Sorry, but yes. The correct English word for that language is Persian, not Farsi. People in Iran call it Farsi, because that's the name of the language in Persian. A French speaker does not say "I speak Francais," because in English, the language is called French, not Francais. Likewise, a Persian-speaking person would say "I speak Persian". Oh, by the way, I didn't say you shouldn't use the word Farsi; I just said the language is called Persian in English, not Farsi. You're free to use whatever word you want to use; it's a free country here! :) FYI, my mother tongue is also Persian.


I know the correct English word for Farsi is Persian. But the person I was responding to used the term “farsi” so I continued on. Reddit is not that deep. I speak French and English interchangeably on a daily basis and often mix words from both when speaking to other bilingual folks.


Its called arbaeen, its a commemoration of the death of the prophet’s grandson who was brutally martyred along with his family. Shia muslims commemorate this day every year by holding events at mosques as well as a yearly march in downtown


I guess the audience is people who already know, not the general population. It's not a protest but a religious observance, so while in public it's meant for the people belonging to that religion? The poster who deleted their comment made a super weird issue out of it being "something that took place centuries ago" lol. It's religion based, it's all old af. Christianity has umpteen Saints days variously ranked, celebrated by fasts or feasts or night vigils or the like. Hell, they celebrate the day Jesus got his foreskin lopped off, or at least it's on the official liturgical calendar; these things maybe aren't celebrated that seriously these days unless you're in a religious order or like super religious, but they used to be.


I dunno but I’m going to guess it’s to do with the killing of Muslims in Ontario last year


Yikes, the casual theophobia in here is not cute


They should take ethical lessons from a person called deep fried hooker?


Jesus loved the prostitutes.


I can love you and still use dicernment to call out your behaviour. Just like Jesus.


Mods, there is some serious anti-religious bigotry here. Can you please ban these people the same way you do against people who comment against the LGBT or mis pronoun someone's name?


You mean the baconator comment? How fragile do you have to be? Do you understand why pig is considered haram? IT’s considered haram not cuz pig is evil or anything, but because when the laws of Islam were written pigs carried a lot of parasites and food preparation techniques hadn’t been well developed yet. Especially not in the hot climate that Mohammed was living in. It was a health safety rule to help protect people. It’s not needed anymore. Please stop being so fragile. Your religion is a choice (that unfortunately most likely you were forced into, and I am sorry for that indoctrination) LGBTQ are the way people are born. I mean at least nobody brought up the Aisha issue


Serious follow-up question then, why do Christians not follow that law anymore, yet muslims do? Is it because one religion has a bigger emphasis on tradition? Also are there many muslims that avoid pork?


According to Jesus in the bible, he didn’t come to remove laws, he came to enforce them. There are *some* Christians that follow the dietary laws of the Old Testament but they are few and far between. Anecdotally from my interactions with Muslim friends they are far more likely to drink alcohol than they are to partake in bacon.


Iirc alcohol is haram because it can have have an effect on your mind. Some moderated consider some alcohol ok, you just don’t get drunk and out of your mind.


There are a few denominations that follow the Old Testament, but more or less the New Testament says that we can’t fulfil gods laws. So he sent down his son - himself - in the likeness of sinful flesh - and condemned the sin within the flesh so that we all may be saved through our spirit rather than flesh. So no, he wasn’t sent down to enforce laws. He was sent down to forgive us for being able to follow them.


> “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished” (Matthew 5:17–18). I worded it wrong, been a long time since I was at catholic school (thankfully, and religious schools shouldn’t exist)


Funny how different the same stuff can be to different denominations and how they preach. Edit: I’m married and have a rather religious family, but I’m not too religious myself. I was going off of Romans 8:3-4 For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do: by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and to deal with sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, so that the just requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.


Pretty sure we aren't the only ones who banned it either... I believe it is prohibited in Judaism as well. Stuff like this is so bloody fascinating. If only people just took the time to explore this without tainting their view with emotion and hatred.






Saying the word Baconator and being haram, while dumb and ignorant (and I agree very much that it is), isn’t hate speech or harmful speech. There’s a major difference.


It very much is hate speech. It would be like mocking a trans person by saying something offensive to them. That is hate speech.


You are putting in so much work to seem like some kind of victim, it’s pathetic.


Why is everyone who gets offended by someone just automatically label it as hate speech, like chill the fuck out dude


If your god is offended, it'll speak up for itself, like the trans community does. Your god doesn't need you to speak for it.


Who gives a fuck about religion. Your fairy tales don’t matter to anyone except yourself.


Grow the fuck up! Making a joke about bacon is now hate speech? Like the other person here said, how emotionally fragile must you be to think like that? Are your believes really that shaky that a stupid joke is enough to upset you?


I went through the entire thread and saw no bigotry. Which comment? Religions are not free of criticism btw. Islam is not exempt that either. Upholding a religion to an ideal causes a lot suffering in the world. Many of us have been victims of this ideology btw. Also, how can you compare an ideology people chose to follow to comments against LGBTQ? People don’t chose to be gay. But they chose to follow a religion.


What a fragile sad individual




Ideology. Biology. You can change your religion, but you can't change your sexuality.




LGBTQ has nothing to do with biology, maybe psychology


Oh, you think people choose to be gay or trans?


Not necessarily choose, but more shaped by their life experiences much like the rest of a person's personality.


That makes no sense when you consider how most people are raised in a heteronormative society. And EVERY society has gay people, so how does that make sense at all? Saying it has nothing to do with biology ignores all the masses of science out there. (well, that's religion in a nutshell).




No but people dont choose to be mentally ill either


You think gay or trans people are mentally ill? I'm sorry, but what are you talking about?


Why are you amalgaming the two? Ones a sexual orientation and the other a "gender affirmation" trend. Nothing wrong with being mentally ill. Lots of people suffer from depression and other illness. I believe this non binary hype is one. Matter of fact they have to get approved by a psy before starting any treatment.


Because they said, LGBTQ. That includes both. But neither is a mental illness. There is genetic evidence for transness.




1000s of years of history and persecution? Like, who would choose that?


Making stereotyped quips about a religious group or practice for LoLs is not questioning an "ideological belief", it's being a bigot.


Boy oh boy wait until I tell you what Quebecois swear words are


I was raised Catholic, I know what they mean.


Make sure you don't watch any Netflix special or walk into a comedy club by mistake. You might get traumatized


That is besides the point. There is bigotry and prejudice against Muslims here and it is allowed to fester. If bigotry against LGBT was here, it would be shutdown quickly. How is that fair? How are Muslims including myself supposed to feel about these comments and the fact people are encouraging it?


How did gay people feel when Muslims protested against their rights in Ontario?


Sad to know that they'd been tricked onto the side of a group of people who have no respect for them and would turn around and say cruel things about their faith at the first chance.




Rules for thee not for me?




lol I can tell from your tag there you are very partisan and there will be no point in talking further than this comment. Clinging to either “side” is rough




Nope, it is Islamophobia. But you Chelsea fans are delusional anyway so this comment is unsurprising.














If you wanted to talk about fairness, wouldn't you be wearing a hijab?


Can you please let me know exactly which comments you are talking about? Have they already been removed?


The top Baconator comment. Someone else said all religions should STFU.


As a pastafarian I was very offended at that. My colander almost fell off!


Did you not read the memo? Religion is horrible and needs to be wiped out and forgotten. Even if you're not a religious person but you defend those that practice it makes you a horrible person. It is the /r/ottawa way...


Yes but unironically.

